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scoby healing rash testimony

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Just a testimony

Our whole family was out cleaning the garage and the next day my

daughter said her toe iched and thought she had a bug bite. I spread

in patches on the same leg but the rash was on the knee. Also spread

to other foot and knee as well plus started on the back of the arms.

It was itching so I had her put my extra scobies ( got alot) on the

areas and for 3 days that was the only thing that helped the itching.

Putting the scoby on the arms so quickly it went away in about 4-6

hrs. I to her to the dermotologist and he did not know what it was,

exept something did not agree with her and that it was not poisin ivy

or a bite. She had no contact with chemical just alot of dust from

the garage. The doc gave a scrip/steriod ointmet (did not fill it)

and said to do compresses of vinegar/water. Well we knew that the Kt

and scoby was doing the best so we kept it up. So I spent 15 dollar

for the doc to tell me what I knew and what I did... ugh! The scoby

dried it up and it is on the track of getting better. Now my daughter

has a special love for the scobies. She will not drink but has used

it in a solution for her hair an mosquito bites( they works great on

mosquito bite !) but this rash gave her a new outlook because she

would NEVER touch a scoby but she has now touched and ripped (to fit

the wound) but will not stick her hand in my hotel full of them. So

this happened on Sun today is Thurs it is dried up and she is using

antibotic ointment that I had on hand. I is a bit dry so the ointment

helps sooth. Thank God for the over abundance of scoby !


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thanks for sharing your story. i have been wanting to try a scoby on an

excema/psoriasis patch but havent gotten around to trying it. its on the back of

my leg, and i havent figured out how to keep it on without it leaking through my

clothes. i think i will try it tonight after reading your post. and by the way,

the dust from the garage probably did have a  lot of chemicals in it, and her

rash could have been from inhaling it as well as contact. wear a particle filter

mask next time you clean and that might help prevent it.

i'd like to add my experiences to yours. i had a red wasp sting (and if you have

never had one-those suckers HURT!) and immediately applied a poultice soaked

with KT and sprinkled with baking soda, and the sting went away immediately, the

red swelling in under 30 minutes, and it never developed that tight burning

sensation that wasp stings cause. my hubby got stung a few days later, decided

it was too much trouble to put a poultice on, and his whole arm got swollen and

hot for about 3 days.

i also use KT as a hair rinse. i shampoo with diluted dr. bronner's (about 7

ounce water to 1 ounce soap), then follow with a KT rinse. i leave that on as

long as possible, then rinse. my hair is soft, shiny and less frizzy, and that

is with NO conditioner or other products. it took me about 30 days to adjust

to using the dr. bronners. at first your hair feels funny because you are not

coating it with waxes and various unknown compounds and chemicals each time

you shampoo. also it takes a few weeks for your scalp to adjust to the lack of

chemical assault so that the oil glands work properly again. so if you try this,

commit to 30 days and you will be glad. the KT helps give it a smoother, shinier

feel. ocasionally i deep condition with egg with olive oil drizzled in as you

beat it (basically homemade mayo). add mashed avacado if you have one thats too

ripe to eat too for an extra treat. otherwise i use no hair products at all,

unless i

am wanting a gelled look, then i use a mixture of aloe vera gel and unflavored

gelatin (use vegetable derived if you are an animal advocate). this can save you

an amazing amount of money and you will have much less clutter in your bathroom,

if like me, you were always in search of the perfect hair product.

i also like KT as a mouth rinse. use a fairly sour batch and swish a teaspoon or

so around in your mouth for a few minutes before you brush. afterwards, your

mouth will feel much fresher than brushing alone. and just one more plug for a

more natural way of life, i use toothpowder rather than chemical-laden


i would love to hear more KT stories from this group 


scoby healing rash testimony

Just a testimony

Our whole family was out cleaning the garage and the next day my

daughter said her toe iched and thought she had a bug bite. I spread

in patches on the same leg but the rash was on the knee. Also spread

to other foot and knee as well plus started on the back of the arms.

It was itching so I had her put my extra scobies ( got alot) on the

areas and for 3 days that was the only thing that helped the itching.

Putting the scoby on the arms so quickly it went away in about 4-6

hrs. I to her to the dermotologist and he did not know what it was,

exept something did not agree with her and that it was not poisin ivy

or a bite. She had no contact with chemical just alot of dust from

the garage. The doc gave a scrip/steriod ointmet (did not fill it)

and said to do compresses of vinegar/water. Well we knew that the Kt

and scoby was doing the best so we kept it up. So I spent 15 dollar

for the doc to tell me what I knew and what I did... ugh! The scoby

dried it up and it is on the track of getting better. Now my daughter

has a special love for the scobies. She will not drink but has used

it in a solution for her hair an mosquito bites( they works great on

mosquito bite !) but this rash gave her a new outlook because she

would NEVER touch a scoby but she has now touched and ripped (to fit

the wound) but will not stick her hand in my hotel full of them. So

this happened on Sun today is Thurs it is dried up and she is using

antibotic ointment that I had on hand. I is a bit dry so the ointment

helps sooth. Thank God for the over abundance of scoby !


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