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re-EI awareness

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I know how frustrating it can be. I met a Mom a year ago whose 2 ds was

not speaking but she was resistive to therapy (it later came out that dh

was against it). Through the year I would non-confrontationally)

mention available services and point out my ds improovement. She has

gradually gotten him evaluated and just before he was enrolled in

pre-school I overheard teacher explaining what was available if he

qualified. I don't know if he is getting ST yet but I assume he will

eventually. I kind of jumped in two feet but every parent has to do it

their own way. All you can do is provide the information and make sure

people are aware of offered services. Every parent has to do what they

feel is right. The fact is just because my ds did really well doesn't

mean another non-verbal 2 year old will (even if they mimick our every

step). Each child is differerent and no one knows a child better than

parents. Although I follow fairly conventional methods with apraxic ds I

rely completely on instinct with older 10 ds (ADHD/NVLD). Dawn

I'd like

to see some of the more conventional doctors promote it also to parents

who just

don't " get it " (one of whom is an acquaintance). It kills me to see her

child so

obviously struggling with gross motor skills.

Have a lovely holiday,



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