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Re: Vaccinations and Apraxia

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I have posted my sons story before so I shan't bore everyone with it

again !! My sons story is very similar to that of your child . The

most stricking thing was not simply that he ceased to talk but that

he lost his babbling and the mouth dexterity.

The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with two

other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but actually

takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.

Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can cause


These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

type symptoms.

there is increasing evidence that certain supplments ( EFA'S !!) can

help. Some children ( like mine ) also benefit from avioding certain


Gluten and casein if a child is displaying traits of autism.

Additives /aspartme/msg for hyperactivity , poor concentration .

I can FEEL all of you that I have bored with this before are nodding

off - if you need anything more please e-mail me .!!!

Regards Deborah D

In @y..., " audensmom " <cined@d...> wrote:

> I am new to this sight and I was blown away to read that there

is a

> correlation between the MMR vaccine and Apraxia. It would explain


> lot about my son, who at 10-12 months could say about 10 words and

> manipulate his tongue side to side and make all kinds of deliberate

> noises, but then within a few months it was all gone. He got his


> shot at 13 months.

> What kind of experiences have you all had regarding vaccinations

> and your kids? Where can I find more information?

> Thanks~ ~

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Dear Listmates:

Ok - here we go....

>The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with two

>other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but actually

>takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

>compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

>bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.

Unfortunately, that is not how the measles virus works, in nature or

otherwise. If a virus caused a " leaky gut " , you would see an awful

lot of other symptoms - like bleeding into the feces, diarrhea, and a

very ill kid.

But that simply doesn't happen - and it hasn't happened in years and

years of giving the MMR vaccine. It is only the antivaccine lobby,

beginning in England, and now in the US, funded by powerful fringe

religious interests such as the Scientologists, that has led to " big

lies " like the one seen in this email.

The antivaccine lobby successfully had the pertussis (whooping cough)

vaccine taken off the British mandatory vaccine list in the 1980's,

and it led to EPIDEMICS of whooping cough, and revaccination of

hundreds of thousands of children. We were lucky on this side of the

Atlantic that their influence was not as powerful as it is now, as

there was no Internet then. So they failed once, and now they are

trying it again.

>Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

>nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can cause


>These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

>type symptoms.

Ladies and gentlemen - DO NOT GIVE IN to this propaganda. There have

now been multiple prospective and retrospective vaccination studies

that show NO LINK between giving the MMR vaccine and any " leaky gut "

phenomenon, to say nothing of autism.

>there is increasing evidence that certain supplments ( EFA'S !!) can

>help. Some children ( like mine ) also benefit from avioding certain


>Gluten and casein if a child is displaying traits of autism.

This is now another story...as I have said before, and I say again,

the use of dietary supplements, in moderate quantities, and at low

cost to the consumer, certainly does no harm, and may cause benefit.

Any restriction diet, including casein and gluten, should always be

done under the supervision of a gastroenterologist and a licenced

nutritionist, as essential nutrients can be missed in the process of

food restriction, which must be replaced through other sources (eg:

multivitamins with iron and fluoride).

>Additives /aspartme/msg for hyperactivity , poor concentration .

This has been disproven by a detailed prospective study done in

Nashville TN by Dr. Wolraich, who gave several hundred children

packaged meals for two years, putting in and taking out additives,

colorants, sugar, and artifical sweeteners, and had the parents and

teachers observe their behaviors. If the kids didn't know what was

in their food, there was NO EFFECT on their behavior, even if the

food had Red Dye #2 in it.

Dr. Wolraich's conclusion, and mine as well, is that it is the IDEA

of the highly colored, sweetened, heavily advertised food causes a

conditioned response in the kid, making them excited and

overstimulated (if you don't believe me, check out the Saturday

morning commercials on Nick or Cartoon Network... " oh wow, cooooool " ,

etc.). So it ain't the meat, it's the sizzle that gets the kids all

revved up. If the Broccoli, Spinach, and Brussel Sprouts Growers

Association started booking time during Rugrats with similar

commercials, our kids would be downing that too and bouncing off the


Anyway, enough for one email.

Larry Laveman, MD

Consultant, CHERAB


--- In @y..., " beaniesmum2001 " <MONXYMOO@a...>


> ---

> I have posted my sons story before so I shan't bore everyone with


> again !! My sons story is very similar to that of your child . The

> most stricking thing was not simply that he ceased to talk but that

> he lost his babbling and the mouth dexterity.

> The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with two

> other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but actually

> takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

> compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

> bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.

> Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

> nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can cause

> problems.

> These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

> type symptoms.

> there is increasing evidence that certain supplments ( EFA'S !!)


> help. Some children ( like mine ) also benefit from avioding


> foods.

> Gluten and casein if a child is displaying traits of autism.

> Additives /aspartme/msg for hyperactivity , poor concentration .

> I can FEEL all of you that I have bored with this before are


> off - if you need anything more please e-mail me .!!!

> Regards Deborah D

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-Hi ,

Before I say anything else I am offended that you have characterised

any of my comments as emanating from an anti-vaccine position .

I have never in my life , and never would , advise any one to avoid

vaccinating their child. I am not issuing propoganda to anyone , I am

on an open forum describing the experiences of my child and the

things that I have found out in trying to discover what happened to

my son.

I am not some nutter sitting at home having weekly meetings with my

anti-vaccine pals trying to work with other nutters ( and

scientoloists ..blimey , never met one !) with the sole intent of

undermining the vaccine programme. When would I have the time ? I

have an 8 year old son , a five years old who has severe autism and I

am pregnant. Where on earth do you get your extraordinnary ideas

from ? I happen to take a different view on this particular vaccine

from you so you resort to childish stereotypical comments based on

some kind of twilight world populated by whom ? And funded by

WHOM??!!! The characterisations in your e-mail are unpleasant and a

little absurd.

Vaccinations are one of the wonderful discoveries of the modern

world, both of my children have had all their shots except for the

second MMR and they have been tested to confirm they have full

immunity for this. I see no reason today why I will refuse to have my

unborn child immunised although I may specify what form thoise

injections take .I just believe that this particular one damaged my

son and can damage a small percentage of children who cannot process

this vaccine in the way that the majority of children have.

My son declined at a straggeringly quick rate after his MMR and it

was only after watching this in horror that I tried to find out what

had happened to him. I was given the removal of gluten and casein as

a suggestion and it was again only when I tried it and found that

Charlies autistic symptoms reduced that I tried to find out what on

earth was the link between Charlies behaviour and what he ate .

Most of the people who have followed the route that I have made the

link between what their children ate and their autistic symptoms

because their children had developed either chronic diarehoa or

constipation ..Charlie did not have a solid pooh until I took milk

out of his dietat age three . Your descriptions of bloody stools etc

have actually been true of some of my friends kids. This will not

apply to the population at large because NO ONE has ever suggested

that this vaccine acts in this peculiar way on all children.

The work done by Dr Wakefield was carried out because he followed the

concerns of parents ( God ..what heresey - to follow the concerns of

parents when of course all mother push out their brains along with

the placenta and of course if you have a disabled child then your

views opinions etc are worth nothing at all as your grief and

distress prevent you from ever making a rational or unemotional

statement again) .. that their childrens autistic symptoms and their

bowel problems had started at the same time and may be linked. He

hads found the measles virus in the guts of these children. Biopsies

of 25 children displaying linked bowel problems and autistic symptoms

found the measles virus in 24 of them compared to one in 25 in a

control group.

All the studies saying they can find no link , such as the Finnish

one were epidemiological studies which weren't even looking for

autism. No one has tried to look at whether there may be a vulnerable

sub-group of kids who are peculiarly susceptible .

The American Institute of Medicine reviewed 60 scientific papers

regularly used ( as you have ) to dipute a link and they concluded

" The studies commonly cited in response to Wakefield typically

address either other vaccines or other outcomes or both, so ewven if

well done would not really refute the Wakefield hypothosis .

Thus...the evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causual

relationship "

Dr Buie at Harvard recently replicated Dr Wakefields research

and found the same problems in the gut of autistic children and the

paediatrics dept at the University of Minesota has found that some

autistic children ( those with reported regressive autisim linked by

parents to vaccination) had abnormal immune response compared to a

control group to normally beneign things. Hmmmn ...these

scientologists are everywhere now arn't they!!

Anyway ..I can hear everyone on the list yawning and I am afriad I

have moved off my point.


CHILDREN...I do not have a product, an agenda or an ego .

What happened to my child happened and I am forced to stand and watch

the " experts " argue about it as if it has all the importance of any

one of a number of " yah-boo " issues that take the form of " yes it

is , no it isn't " " .

My son is severly damaged and will live with me for the rset of my

life ..and then what. I have seen him improve upon a diet that has

worked for many people I know personally and I feel I should pass

that on to parents in the same position - they can do as they choose

with that info.

I have read extensively the science surrounding the MMR link and I am

persuaded that there may be a link by the fact that it sits with what

I opersonally observed with my son and with the good results we had

when we manipulated his diet.

I am one mum putting my views on one website and I am nothing in the

face of all the information coming through the newspapers , TV etc.

I expect , and credit all the parents here with sufficient love for

their children to read and review and make their own minds up.If they

do not want to try the diet ..fine ! I feel that I am adding to that

pool of knowlege and I find the abusive characterisation of me and my

motives pretty harsh. I have no power over anyone and my views are

just that , my views. I am just not clear what else you think my

motives could possibly be !

You warn parents away from my " propoganda " because of what ? That

they may try a gluten and casein free diet for a month or so (

AARRRGGGHHH !!!!!!!!!) . I do my sons diet with the full support ,

help and acceptance of my sons GP who feels that there is nothing

wrong with trying a non-invasive treatment. Between us we make sure

Charlie eats well and he is as big as a horse and very very healthy.

Gosh , dangerous stuff !!!. Also, that parents may question whether

the MMR is right for their child? Is that dangerous too? Isn't the

parent the person that is supposed to make these decisions ? And

there are seperate injections available - not such a bad option

surely when the MMR only works on 90% of children at first shot

anyway. And now the NHS here in the UK is saying that all children

should have a third injection to make such girls hitting puberty are

covered for Rubella. So would three seperate injections be SUCH a bad

alternative to three triple injections ? I'm not sure why that is a

bad option ? But most parenyts will rightly feel that the MMR is

absoloutely for them.

I am happy always to discuss this with anyone interested and I have

to say that I will always prefer the option of seperate injections

for the Measles mumps and rubella virus' but in my place - even on

the basis of superstiotion -wouldn't you !!

If you disagree that's fine and you have all the support of the

medical establishment to support your views but , if you wish to

engage about this plese do me the courtesey of respecting that I

am speaking from very sad personal experience , that I have nothing

to gain by what I say and that I am not a liar ( putting in in

quotation marks does not make it less offensive ).

Finally who are " THESE PEOPLE " because I feel like I should get a

memebership card or a team hat or something ?

If the rest of you " listmates " would prefer that I go away then I

will be happy to do so ...perhaps I will see if there is a

group " thesepeople " or perhaps " bigliars " ? ( Ok , a bit cheap , but

what happened to my son was heartbreaking enough without being talked

about like this....not even addressed diractly ! Yes I'm offended )

Yes I will go if you like - I guess it is a difficult issue .


Deborah Dore JAM ( Just A Mum)

In @y..., " Lawrence Laveman MD " wrote:

> Dear Listmates:


> Ok - here we go....



> >The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with two

> >other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but actually

> >takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

> >compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

> >bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.


> Unfortunately, that is not how the measles virus works, in nature


> otherwise. If a virus caused a " leaky gut " , you would see an awful

> lot of other symptoms - like bleeding into the feces, diarrhea, and


> very ill kid.


> But that simply doesn't happen - and it hasn't happened in years


> years of giving the MMR vaccine. It is only the antivaccine lobby,

> beginning in England, and now in the US, funded by powerful fringe

> religious interests such as the Scientologists, that has led

to " big

> lies " like the one seen in this email.


> The antivaccine lobby successfully had the pertussis (whooping


> vaccine taken off the British mandatory vaccine list in the 1980's,

> and it led to EPIDEMICS of whooping cough, and revaccination of

> hundreds of thousands of children. We were lucky on this side of


> Atlantic that their influence was not as powerful as it is now, as

> there was no Internet then. So they failed once, and now they are

> trying it again.


> >Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

> >nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can cause

> >problems.

> >These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

> >type symptoms.


> Ladies and gentlemen - DO NOT GIVE IN to this propaganda. There


> now been multiple prospective and retrospective vaccination studies

> that show NO LINK between giving the MMR vaccine and any " leaky

gut "

> phenomenon, to say nothing of autism.


> >there is increasing evidence that certain supplments ( EFA'S !!)


> >help. Some children ( like mine ) also benefit from avioding


> >foods.

> >Gluten and casein if a child is displaying traits of autism.


> This is now another story...as I have said before, and I say again,

> the use of dietary supplements, in moderate quantities, and at low

> cost to the consumer, certainly does no harm, and may cause


> Any restriction diet, including casein and gluten, should always be

> done under the supervision of a gastroenterologist and a licenced

> nutritionist, as essential nutrients can be missed in the process


> food restriction, which must be replaced through other sources (eg:

> multivitamins with iron and fluoride).


> >Additives /aspartme/msg for hyperactivity , poor concentration .


> This has been disproven by a detailed prospective study done in

> Nashville TN by Dr. Wolraich, who gave several hundred children

> packaged meals for two years, putting in and taking out additives,

> colorants, sugar, and artifical sweeteners, and had the parents and

> teachers observe their behaviors. If the kids didn't know what was

> in their food, there was NO EFFECT on their behavior, even if the

> food had Red Dye #2 in it.


> Dr. Wolraich's conclusion, and mine as well, is that it is the IDEA

> of the highly colored, sweetened, heavily advertised food causes a

> conditioned response in the kid, making them excited and

> overstimulated (if you don't believe me, check out the Saturday

> morning commercials on Nick or Cartoon Network... " oh wow,

cooooool " ,

> etc.). So it ain't the meat, it's the sizzle that gets the kids


> revved up. If the Broccoli, Spinach, and Brussel Sprouts Growers

> Association started booking time during Rugrats with similar

> commercials, our kids would be downing that too and bouncing off


> walls...


> Anyway, enough for one email.


> Larry Laveman, MD

> Consultant, CHERAB

> http://www.apraxia.cc



> > ---

> > I have posted my sons story before so I shan't bore everyone with

> it

> > again !! My sons story is very similar to that of your child .


> > most stricking thing was not simply that he ceased to talk but


> > he lost his babbling and the mouth dexterity.

> > The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with


> > other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but


> > takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

> > compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

> > bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.

> > Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

> > nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can


> > problems.

> > These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

> > type symptoms.

> > there is increasing evidence that certain supplments ( EFA'S !!)

> can

> > help. Some children ( like mine ) also benefit from avioding

> certain

> > foods.

> > Gluten and casein if a child is displaying traits of autism.

> > Additives /aspartme/msg for hyperactivity , poor concentration .

> > I can FEEL all of you that I have bored with this before are

> nodding

> > off - if you need anything more please e-mail me .!!!

> > Regards Deborah D

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Dr. Lavemen,

I have interspaced a few comments in response to what I believe to be

inaccurate information below.

> >The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with two

> >other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but actually

> >takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

> >compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

> >bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.


> Unfortunately, that is not how the measles virus works, in nature or

> otherwise. If a virus caused a " leaky gut " , you would see an awful

> lot of other symptoms - like bleeding into the feces, diarrhea, and


> very ill kid.

Dr. Wakefield has characterized a new form of inflammatory bowel

disease which is termed autistic enterocolitis. This new variant of

bowel disease has been accepted in the the field of gastroenterolgy.

Dr. Wakefield has found the measles virus in the gut of autistic

children in a peer reviewed study in the Lancet. Researchers in Japan

have identified the measles virus in the gut of autistic kids as being

consistent with the vaccine strain of measles. I haven't heard of

evidence of leaky gut but the fact that vaccine strain measles is the

gut of autistic kids is certainly worth looking into in my humble

opinion. Large number of parents report that their children acquire

diarrhea shortly after their MMR vaccine and a sickly drawn look to

their faces. Our son's before and after MMR pictures are striking in

their difference. The before pictures are of a healthly looking

slightly chubby face. The after picture show a gaunt/haunting look

with dark circles under his eyes. There was a huge picture display at

a Washington DC autism rally a few years ago with before and after

pictures of autistic kids and nearly all the kids exhibited the same

type of before and after look.


> But that simply doesn't happen - and it hasn't happened in years and

> years of giving the MMR vaccine. It is only the antivaccine lobby,

> beginning in England, and now in the US, funded by powerful fringe

> religious interests such as the Scientologists, that has led to " big

> lies " like the one seen in this email.

I have attended several conferences where Dr. Wakefield presented his

information on measles virus in the gut of autistic children and did

not notice a large group of scientologists or other fringe groups in

attendence. The crowd was made up of parents like myself who were

looking for answers to their children's autism.

It sounds like you are advocating that we as parents sit back and let

the professionals in medicine take care of vaccine safety. I think

parents would love to do that but feel like the CDC/FDA has dropped

the ball on vaccine safety. It was a parent group that brought to the

attention of the CDC that the amount of mercury preservative

(thimerosal) in vaccines greatly exceeded the daily limit for infants.

The CDC urged vaccine makers to eliminate thimerosal based on this


With glaring mistakes/oversights such as this, I think parents have

feel the need to put pressure on the CDC/FDA to insure vaccines can be

made/administered as safely as possible. The recent Government Reform

committee meetings have highlighted the questionable financial

assocations betweeen vaccine manufacturers and key decision makers at

the CDC and FDA. These conflicts of interest don't help in giving

parents confidence that the safety of their children is always the

main focus in vaccine policies.


> The antivaccine lobby successfully had the pertussis (whooping


> vaccine taken off the British mandatory vaccine list in the 1980's,

> and it led to EPIDEMICS of whooping cough, and revaccination of

> hundreds of thousands of children. We were lucky on this side of the

> Atlantic that their influence was not as powerful as it is now, as

> there was no Internet then. So they failed once, and now they are

> trying it again.

I think there is a middle common sense course to make vaccines as safe

as possible between the two poles of people who think vaccines are

good for nothing and others who seem to think that vaccines are good

for nearly everything.


> >Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

> >nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can cause

> >problems.

> >These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

> >type symptoms.


> Ladies and gentlemen - DO NOT GIVE IN to this propaganda. There


> now been multiple prospective and retrospective vaccination studies

> that show NO LINK between giving the MMR vaccine and any " leaky gut "

> phenomenon, to say nothing of autism.


There haven't been any studies done that have the precision to prove

or disprove the MMR-autism link. The epidemiological studies that

have been done to date have been too small or used methods that were

too blunt to pick up MMR causing autism in small numbers of children.

The Institute of Medicine looked at the issue of autism/MMR and

concluded that the weight of the evidence would indicate that there is

not a connection between MMR and autism but they also stated that they

could not rule out the possiblity that the MMR is causing autism in a

small percentage of children. What constitutes a small number of

children? Unfortunately, the report did put a number on it.

The press releases of the IOM's report only stated the MMR did not

cause autism based on lack of evidence. Absence of evidence is not

the same as evidence of absence. It sounds from your comments above

that you have not read the full report and have only picked up on the

press releases.

Dave (father of , 6 yo and autistic)


> Larry Laveman, MD

> Consultant, CHERAB

> http://www.apraxia.cc

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Dear Dr. Laveman,

Thank you for your response to this email. I, unfortunately, believe everything

I read

because I assume the person writing it has done more research than I have.

After reading many of these emails, I asked my Pediatrician for a lab order to

test my

son for mercury poisoning. My Pediatrician didn't bat an eye, just filled out

the form

and called the lab to see how they test for it. They said that they will take 5

mls of

blood. The lab is a walk-in type lab with no appointments. So, I have been

holding on

to the form, cause I don't really want to put my son thru something unpleasant


absolutely necessary.

I think the reason my Pediatrician handed over the order so easily was because

he doesn't

know much about dyspraxia and assumed I knew more than he does. All I said was

" I heard

that kids with 's problem could have mercury poisoning from vaccinations " .

But after reading your response, I'm wondering if I should bother.

Liz Dunn - Mom to 7, oro motor dyspraxia and Wesley 5

" Lawrence Laveman MD " wrote:

> Dear Listmates:


> Ok - here we go....


> >The theory is that the measles virus , being administered with two

> >other live viruses does not act as it would in nature but actually

> >takes root in the gut and starts to damage it. Once the gut is

> >compromised it allows certain foods in the gut leak and enter the

> >bloodstream - once they reach the brain they can cause damage.


> Unfortunately, that is not how the measles virus works, in nature or

> otherwise. If a virus caused a " leaky gut " , you would see an awful

> lot of other symptoms - like bleeding into the feces, diarrhea, and a

> very ill kid.


> But that simply doesn't happen - and it hasn't happened in years and

> years of giving the MMR vaccine. It is only the antivaccine lobby,

> beginning in England, and now in the US, funded by powerful fringe

> religious interests such as the Scientologists, that has led to " big

> lies " like the one seen in this email.


> The antivaccine lobby successfully had the pertussis (whooping cough)

> vaccine taken off the British mandatory vaccine list in the 1980's,

> and it led to EPIDEMICS of whooping cough, and revaccination of

> hundreds of thousands of children. We were lucky on this side of the

> Atlantic that their influence was not as powerful as it is now, as

> there was no Internet then. So they failed once, and now they are

> trying it again.


> >Children struggling in this way are unable to absorb certain

> >nutrients, vitamins etc ( INCLUDING EFA'S !!!!!)and this can cause

> >problems.

> >These children often ( but not always !!!!) also develop autistic

> >type symptoms.


> Ladies and gentlemen - DO NOT GIVE IN to this propaganda. There have

> now been multiple prospective and retrospective vaccination studies

> that show NO LINK between giving the MMR vaccine and any " leaky gut "

> phenomenon, to say nothing of autism.


> >there is increasing evidence that certain supplments ( EFA'S !!) can

> >help. Some children ( like mine ) also benefit from avioding certain

> >foods.

> >Gluten and casein if a child is displaying traits of autism.


> This is now another story...as I have said before, and I say again,

> the use of dietary supplements, in moderate quantities, and at low

> cost to the consumer, certainly does no harm, and may cause benefit.

> Any restriction diet, including casein and gluten, should always be

> done under the supervision of a gastroenterologist and a licenced

> nutritionist, as essential nutrients can be missed in the process of

> food restriction, which must be replaced through other sources (eg:

> multivitamins with iron and fluoride).


> >Additives /aspartme/msg for hyperactivity , poor concentration .


> This has been disproven by a detailed prospective study done in

> Nashville TN by Dr. Wolraich, who gave several hundred children

> packaged meals for two years, putting in and taking out additives,

> colorants, sugar, and artifical sweeteners, and had the parents and

> teachers observe their behaviors. If the kids didn't know what was

> in their food, there was NO EFFECT on their behavior, even if the

> food had Red Dye #2 in it.


> Dr. Wolraich's conclusion, and mine as well, is that it is the IDEA

> of the highly colored, sweetened, heavily advertised food causes a

> conditioned response in the kid, making them excited and

> overstimulated (if you don't believe me, check out the Saturday

> morning commercials on Nick or Cartoon Network... " oh wow, cooooool " ,

> etc.). So it ain't the meat, it's the sizzle that gets the kids all

> revved up. If the Broccoli, Spinach, and Brussel Sprouts Growers

> Association started booking time during Rugrats with similar

> commercials, our kids would be downing that too and bouncing off the

> walls...


> Anyway, enough for one email.


> Larry Laveman, MD

> Consultant, CHERAB

> http://www.apraxia.cc

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