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New here...with questions!

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Hello all - glad to have found you!

I am mom to 2 sons - Zachariah will be 4 in July and has been

diagnosed with apraxia of speech, Riley is 2.5 and only has about 15

words (but lots of phonemes!?!). Zach was diagnosed officially about

1 year ago, but I knew before we took him in for the evaluation what

it was from lots of research. He's very classically verbally

apraxic - no babbling, " Da " for everything, etc.. He now has made

FABULOUS progress (thanks to his new SLP) and speaks in sentences.

He still flips consonants around, but if he could get a handle on

S,L,F & Z he'd be 90% intelligible. I'm really proud of him.

My younger son has not been evaluated yet. He wouldn't cooperate

and, after discussing it with my ped (who's great), we decided to

hold off. He's been adding lots of words the past 2 weeks and been

generally more responsive.

So - here are my questions. I'm sure you've heard them a million


I want to order the ProEFA from Nordic Naturals but am unclear which

one I should be getting - is it liquid form or a chewable? What's

the dosage info (Z is over 40# and Riley's over 33#)?

How many of you have been to see Developmental Pediatricians? After

a long talk with my ped, he referred me to a developmental ped (at

our local Children's Hospital - where our SLP is) for an evaluation.

I was wondering if any of you wanted to share your experiences so I

could better understand what to expect...My husband (and both our

families) think I'm going a bit overboard since he IS talking

now...You understand, I'm sure...If I hear - " He'll talk when he's

ready " I'm going to scream!

Thanks for any and all input!


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