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Article- A Good Beginning

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A Good Beginning

by June Butlin

is a lively, sensitive, impulsive, verbally adept

thirteen-year-old of high intelligence with a wide general knowledge

that would put many adults to shame. However, he is severely

underachieving at school and at times his behaviour is inappropriate.

He is uncoordinated, disorganised, untidy and clumsy. He has

problems settling down to tasks at school and organising his books

and equipment. His difficulties in fine motor skills show in his slow

and laborious handwriting and his inability to copy writing at an

average speed. He has a poor auditory and visual memory resulting in

a lack of concentration, along with difficulties remembering,

following instructions and planning ahead. He avoids sport at all

cost as his lack of balance, co-ordination and insensitivity to

spatial awareness makes him feel inadequate in front of his peer


The teachers were totally exasperated with as he was

disruptive in class. Eventually, a destructive cycle resulted whereby

the teachers repeatedly sent out of the classroom,

exacerbating 's problems, and further lowering his fragile

self esteem.

Eventually, was diagnosed, by a psychiatrist, as having

elements of Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Disorder, as well as

clinical depression. At the same time the headmaster gave him a

warning of expulsion.

's mother rang me in complete despair as the only help

offered was a handout on Dyspraxia and the drug therapy of Ritalin.

She wanted more information on both conditions and wondered whether

nutritional therapy would help.

I explained that both Dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Disorder

were related and caused by minimal brain dysfunction. Little is known

about Dyspraxia other than it is an immaturity of the brain resulting

in messages not being properly transmitted to the body. Motor co-

ordination and sensory integration are affected which results in the

child feeling a failure. Dyspraxia affects 1 - 10 % of the population

to varying degrees and like Attention Deficit Disorder the majority

affected are males. The single most important diagnosis criterion is

a significantly lower IQ performance than verbal IQ score. There is

very little documented evidence with nutritional approaches.

Attention Deficit Disorder, on the other hand, is marked by

hyperactive, impulsive behaviour and inattention. Dr Alan Zametkin

has traced Attention Deficit Disorder to a lack of dopamine in the

brain, which affects mood, emotion and motivation. Studies carried

out by L Colquhoun and L. J. s found low and altered fatty acid

metabolism in children with Attention Deficit Disorder. There is also

evidence to prove that food sensitivities contribute to the behaviour

manifestations of this disorder. Ben Feingold brought this to the

public's attention in 1975. More recently the work of Sally Bunday

with the " Hyperactive Children's Support Group " shows that

considerable improvement can be made with a diet eliminating

additives, chemicals, and some foods such as cow's milk, oranges,

wheat and chocolate.

's mother arranged a consultation and various tests

showed that was indeed allergic to dairy produce and

sensitive to wheat and tomatoes. He was also low in the essential

fatty adds, B6, magnesium and zinc. Using kinesiology testing I found

that the dopamine pathway was also underfunctioning.

With 's help I designed a diet which avoided the food

allergens and sensitivities, all additives, preservatives, colours

and sugar foods. Having been allergic to cow's milk products from

birth, understood the relevance of a quality diet, and we

didn't have the usual problems of eliminating chocolate and milk. We

agreed on lots of recipes which included oily fish, white fish, white

meat, baked potatoes, brown rice, soya milk, nuts, seeds, oats, rice

flakes, sugar flee jams, fruit and vegetables, Ryvitas and Marmite.

Lots of filtered water was to be drunk throughout the day. Healthy

snack bars, carob bars, organic crisps and cakes made without sugar

were allowed occasionally. He agreed to take a packed lunch to school

each day as long as he could have a fizzy drink made with carbonated

water and fresh fruit juice. had 4 small meals each day with

fruit as snacks between meals to ensure a constant supply of blood

glucose to the brain.

The conventional treatment of Ritalin, an amphetamine that

stimulates the central nervous system, with potential side-effects,

was avoided and replaced with a supplement programme. This included a

children's multi-vitamin and mineral capsule and the omega 3 and

omega 6 fatty adds in the ratio of 2:1. Pyridoxal 5' phosphate was

given to support both the essential fatty acid and dopamine pathways

along with tyrosine, the starter nutrient for the dopamine pathway.

Other strategies included kinesiology exercises to improve brain

functioning and " Apex Flower " remedies to work on his spirit. To

increase his self esteem he was also encouraged to pursue roller

blading and swimming, the two sports he enjoyed and could achieve at.

To allow him a fresh start he changed to a more understanding

school which allowed his mother to work with the special needs

department. An individual education plan was produced to help

achieve his academic potential. The short-term aims were an

improvement in attention and concentration within lessons, organising

himself and his equipment and to produce some homework Praise was to

be given for any improvement in these areas.

The outcome, after twelve weeks, is that is more

contented and relaxed, less stressed and happier. He looks healthier,

has more good days than had days, and has made some friends at his

new school. He organises himself better, talks less in lessons,

hasn't been sent out of the classroom and has produced some good

pieces of homework. In his S.A.T.S. he did reasonably well in most

subjects and came top in science. He now understands that be has

difficulties and he is trying to cope with them rather than hiding

behind them.

I understand that everything is an effort for , but he is

now achieving in some areas, which is a great boost to his self

esteem. At the end of his first term he was thrilled to receive a

certificate of achievement awarded by the headmaster for " A Good

Beginning " .

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