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Re: Re: ozone protocol for dog

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Dear ,

The 'stupid' look is bliss....

You can't over-ozonate the saline.


Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman

Urgent-need leukemia ozone protocol fordog

> >

> >

> > Saul:

> >

> > The move interupted my treatment of our dog. For ozone-I was


> > doing water... as much as I could get into him. Plus wheatgrass

> and

> > a host of other things.

> >

> > 4th vet says almost definately leukemia after last bloodwork and

> > current rapid deterioration- trying homeopathy-not working


> > wbc's going up, beyond pale gums, no platelets, emaciation, not

> > eating etc. don't know how much time we have to work with. dog

> only

> > 6.5yrs old,raw fed etc.

> >

> > This vet will work with me with alternatives- I said I would ask

> if

> > there was an ozone protocol.

> >

> > Are there any protocols I can use with my generator with or

> > without this vets help? rectal,injection?? would the saline be

> > beneficial at this point?

> >

> > I started cayenne tincture today for internal bleeding-perked


> up

> > a bit and he tried to play a bit.

> >

> > any thoughts on how much sesame oil i can give him per day for

> > platelets?

> >

> > thanks so much

> >

> >

> > wendy

> >


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Hi ,

I wasn't going to share my dog story, but your posts are compelling me to. I am

normally geared towards holistic/natural for myself, family, pets. (My husband

barely tolerates this as he has complete faith in allopathic medicine).

A week before Thanksgiving our beloved almost 13 yrs old Border Collie was dxed

with lymphocytic leukemia. She had already had 2 bouts with pancreatitis in the

past 2 yrs, and by the time of this dx I already " knew " she was in her last

days. She had gone from her normal weight of 33 lbs down to 25--just wasn't

interested in eating at all. Poor baby was being fed senior dog food because of

it's low fat nature. Highest organic quality I could get, but it didn't make any

difference. Her hind quarters kept going out from under her and she was

completely listless.

We both agreed that there would be no 'heroic' medicine, but I asked the vet

what, if anything, we could do to just make her comfortable and keep her from

any pain.

He said that prednisone had a very good history with her condition and that a

few leukemic dogs had almost another year of life just using pred. Under any

other circumstance I would've turned this down in favor of anything holistic,

but she was so far gone it seemed like a decent " straw to grasp " .

Holy Cow! We got our dog back! It is the most unbelievable turnaround that

anyone could ever imagine. I threw out the senior food in desperation, and went

back to high quality adult food---canned, no grains, no by-products. I cook

turkey for her and mix in about 1/3 of a cup with the canned food. Other times I

cook calves' liver, same proportion. " We " have a soft boiled egg brunch together

in midday, with a bit of Ezekiel bread crumbled in---and a pinch of Celtic Sea

Salt for her. Yes----I did a bit of research on that one. The pred has increased

her appetite till she's turning into a little piggy! Later she'll get 1/2-1 cup

of cottage cheese (full fat).

Now for the strangest part-----she had more blood work done on Dec 10 and her

white count/lymphocytes had returned to normal as had her elevated liver


My vet is really scratching his head over this one. He's affiliated with the U

of Penn Vet School and consulted with them----they are all scratching their

heads and have decided that their original dx must've been wrong. Hah!

There were still one or two anomalies in her bloodwork, and I can't recall what

they were. But I asked about her thyroid function, guessing that she might be

hyper (the prednisone). Wrong-------like many 'senior dogs' she turned out to be

low in T-4. He put her on levothyroxine which is actually synthroid. I wasn't

thrilled, but decided to just give it to her.

It is now Jan 14; I have not talked to the vet since 12/11. I have cut back on

her pred because I know what to look for. She's down to 2.5 mg, 2x a day along

with the thyroid med and, for reasons I'm not really familar with, 1 Pepcid each

time-------something to do with the idea that Pred might irritate her stomach.

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am with these results. She is playing, romping,

asking for her frisbee, taking walks around the property. Her hindquarters are

not great; we lined the kitchen floor with runners and she's just fine as long

as she walks on carpet. I think this would've happened with age, anyway.

Oh! When I took her to the vet in Nov and got the leukemia dx, she had lost

about 90% of her hearing. That is also restored to about 80% of normal!

That Nov morning, before the vet visit, we told each other that our dog seemed

to be, at most, a week from dying.

I have no idea how long her fantastic recovery will last, or whether " leukemia'

will return, but we are treasuring each and everyday with our rejuvenated dog!

Just remembered that I also sprinkle a large 'pinch' of pet enzymes on her food,

a 'dash' of buffered Vit C, an occasional tsp of flaxseed meal, and a pinch of

Azomite (volcanic rock dust). I plan to substitute a high quality clay for the

Azomite. Once in awhile I'll mix in another of my 'pinches' of Primal Defense.

I have one of Saul's older Plasmafire Ozonators, but have not used this for her

as, in the past, she practically ran away from ozonated water. Through all this

we had a tragic death of a young man in the family, and it has been all that I

can handle to do as much for the dog as I am already.

I am sorry this is so long, but I am overjoyed with the results from this mostly

orthodox approach and felt that I had to share it!

Sharon (starshar)

> Saul- his appetite was minimal before this, and he is beyond thin,

> now he won't eat at ALL last 2 days (chewed a bone twice but only

> after other dog took meat off it) and his back end is weak and

> wobbly.


> I gave him some flax oil and cottage cheese the last few days and

> put kale and chard and liquified in a syringe today. His gums are

> pink when he is inside, but he sits out in the snow with the snow

> piling on him and then I make him come in, his gums are pale.


> It seems it might be the food that makes him tremor. He hadn't been

> the last couple days, now tremoring again- he looks naseaus and like

> he is really feeling like shit. Without the food, he hasn't had a

> normal bowel movement in weeks.


> with this protocol do you really think I can help him?


> my husband is concerned if he is in pain.


> thanks for any input.


> wendy

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This reminded me of years ago, long before they had feline leukemia vaccines

and there was basically nothing they could do about feline leukemia except

watch the cats die.

My 4 year old male cat started to sleep all day and night and had stopped

eating. The vet tried everything they had but his blood numbers just kept

on dropping. He finally said to me " well, I can't officially call it feline

leukemia because the number has to drop another 2 points to be called that,

but as his numbers have kept falling I know that's what it is. I have this

one more medicine to try. I don't think it will do any good, but it's all I

have. " I got the medicine but basically took my cat home and thought he had

just a few weeks to live.

That day in the mail I got my Prevention magazine. The animal article was

about feline leukemia and how they were having good luck with A, E, C and

zinc. So I threw the medicine out, went to the store and bought bottles of

each and came home and started giving them to my cat. Fortunately he was

too sick to protest at 4 tablets being shoved down his throat twice a day.

Well, within a week he was eating normally. Within 2 weeks he was his old

self, playing and bouncing around. I was overjoyed.

When I took him back to the vet he couldn't believe it. He thought I had

perhaps gone to another vet and got some new medicine after I told him that

I hadn't given my cat the meds he had given me. So he excitedly asked what

I had done because " whatever it is I have lots of clients who can use this " .

I will never forget--as I began to tell him about the vitamins he turned his

back to me and started fiddling with some stuff on the counter. When I had

finally finished talking he turned around and began talking about something

else as though I had never spoken a word!!!

I continued to give the cat the daily dose of vitamins (which the cat took

as though he knew they were helping) for a month or two. Can't remember as

it has been so long, then I cut back to giving them to him once a day for

another few months and then stopped. He lived to be 15 years old.


-------Original Message-------

I wasn't going to share my dog story, but your posts are compelling me to. I

am normally geared towards holistic/natural for myself, family, pets. (My

husband barely tolerates this as he has complete faith in allopathic


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