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Re: another vent... thanks

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Dear Michele,

Sending you a hug. The amount of patient love -- in the face of some pretty awful behavior -- that you are expressing -- is remarkable. There should be purple hearts for parents of children with autism, asperger's etc.



In a message dated 7/23/2008 11:45:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, hmsmomma4@... writes:

personally i think it helps to hear others vent. i think it lets us know that we are not alone in our pain, aggrivation, hurt and overwhelmedness....and today i have a vent...my dx'ed daughter is 15. she was dxed last october, so she is older and was older when she was dxed. i imagine this must be difficult. she recently told my sister in law that she didn't believe she had aspergers, that sometimes she was just "shy". she also made some derogotory remarks about people with aspergers.we had a family vacation a few weeks ago. she needed to go shopping. she hates shopping and it is a high stress time, for both of us. anyway... she stood in walmart acting like she'd never been shopping in her life. then i asked for some cooperation. and she was very snotty. i said come on i've been nothing but nice to you, what is the problem? she very calmly and calculatedly said "i hate shopping and i hate you. so shopping with you is like the 7th circle of h#))." i guess i didn't quite understand that so i said "what???". she repeated the statement with the clarification that she hated me, hated talking to me, hated listening to me, hated having conversations with me and hated being with me." nice... i told her she had 75 dollars to get what she needed and i would wait in the front of the store. then an hour or so after we got home was like "oh mom, can i have money for batteries?" and like a moron i gave it to her.... sheeesh... and i wonder why she does these things and thinks its ok.after vacation she stayed with my sister in law and it has been peaceful at home for the first time since we moved here,5 months ago. i feel sort of bad that she isn't here, but also like i am finally giving my younger two children a glimpse at a normal life.anyway... the staying out all night. staying up all night when she is home. the nastiness, the sullenness (ok, some is probably teenage girl stuff) the lack of motivation to do anything to help anyone else... and the fact that we are "homeschooling" but she isn't doing anything and won't do any assignment that i have assigned to her and then gets mad at me for not assigning anything.....how overwhelmed do you all get? how do you cope and how do your younger children cope? or even your older children? my oldest, who is NT, and almost 21 cannot stand how her sister treats the rest of the family. it's all very frustrating. and i feel quilty that life seems so easy with just the two younger kids at home.thanks for the vent. peacemichele Get fantasy football with free live scoring. Sign up for FanHouse Fantasy Football today.

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