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Re: Re: Lets be ready...

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, I know full well there's more than a link; I watched in horror as my daughter regressed. And no-one else in gov't was admitting it at the time, certainly not the two other candidates, so it looked courageous to me.

I ordinarily vote democratic, and that line about fining parents sounds like heavy-duty government control. And what would be next?

What would be the good of treatments if forced vaccination would send the child/adult right back into autism? I say that parental choice is the most important step. If you're asking for it, I'd support that.


In a message dated 12/3/2008 7:16:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, peace4kids@... writes:

Francine,I hit the reply before I saw your P.S. . There is a Link betweenVaccines and Autism.. I think the Dr's Greier have proven this notonly once but backed it up again. I believe that Rimland and manyothers were there in the late 90's as the Thimerosal fight began.So I personally don't think it's that courageous to state there mightbe a link - I think it's lack of knowledge that there IS a link.I do think it's important that anyone that promises America somethingin exchange for a Term as a President keeps that promise..we all knowthese promise slip away - but we have some control as a largepopulation of individuals. The most important thing is that as awhole we don't let our political opinions (which obviously differ fromyour post) get in the way of what will happen for our kids in thefuture. Thank you again for your input..both sides of the picture areimportant to look at. At this time with multiple individuals puttingtogether the wording for proposed Bills, ACT's, etc. we need to lookat who is going to be the President and make sure that he keeps hispromise. If we as a whole turn our backs because we don't like theguy, we're turning our backs on our kids.I may be radical in my opinion but through the years that's what ithas taken. E. , Sr.>> > > That's interesting. All I read about the opinion on autism was thatparents > should NOT have choice about whether their kids were vaccinated or not.> > Here's the comment, as I remember it.> > "Well sign them up for health insurance in the schools, just like > innoculations. And if any parent refuses, we'll fine them."> > Doesn't sound too friendly to me.> > Francine> > p.s. Whereas McCain was openly for parental choice, and came out early and > said there seemed to be a link between vaccination and autism. Pretty > courageous.> > In a message dated 12/2/2008 11:38:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, > peaceforkids2005@... writes:> > > > > Since he is from here I think this is appropriate for someone in> Hawai'i to post: > _http://www.barackobhttp://www.bhttp://www.barachttp://www._ > (http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/AutismSpectrumDisorders.pdf) > Look closely at this and let's decide as a whole.. every parent in the> nation to for once make a President back up his words..and since the> V.P. elect is going to be so active he needs to back up their words on> that statement. I found it doing some searches today and had of> course known about it from other ways but didn't realize they posted> this on their site - this helps dramatically in producing proposed> legislation for the new Administration to PASS as they have made this> promise. Another parent in one of the groups is putting me in touch> with one of Obama's staffers so that should kick off one of the many> 'swings' the world of ASD's will take at the 'hardball' approach. I> am very thankful that somebody in a high ranking..or shall we say in> less then two months the Highest Rank in the nation - is addressing> Autism. FINALLY !!! Now it's up to us parents and those that are> more active to get involved and make those words into reality. "> Change " - it's about time.> E. , Sr. Global Civil Rights Lobbyist/Advocate> > > > > > > > epiousian = the expression of agape> > quite a bit more than enough> > > **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and > favorite sites in one place. Try it now. >(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000010)>

epiousian = the expression of agapequite a bit more than enoughMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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Whoops, sorry . I don't know where '' came from, except that it's been a long autism-day. I'll respond to this offlist.


In a message dated 12/3/2008 7:07:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, peace4kids@... writes:

I take it the message didn't quite come across to you as I meant itto.. so let me clarify that. McCain is a Senator, President ElectBarrack Obama won and is our very near future president.. he madethese promises to us as stated on his site. I'm glad that McCainbrought the issue up.. but it wasn't because he felt like it or wantedto do anything but slam Obama again. What McCain stated was great..butmoot. Obama will be taking office and as the post states..lets beready. I am personally an Independent (It's sorta hard to Lobby forour kids if I'm blue or red) and was not taking a political positionwith that post other then to say " Let's make sure this campaignpromise is kept " . If McCain would have won and if he would haveposted anything about Autism on his Websites I would expect the samefrom him. I appreciate your input but will not respond to your quotedcomment - as with anything in Politics I generally want to seesomething to back it up...and what I see is visible on Obama/Biden'ssite. As with any election alot was said, but what's important to meis what is written in such a manner as was stated on the site Iposted. Again, this was not a statement saying " I love Obama ", itwas stating to make sure this key element (to me it was a key) issuethat we have a 'promise' on be kept. Thank you, E. , Sr. The Office of Advocacy for Autistic Children>> > > That's interesting. All I read about the opinion on autism was thatparents > should NOT have choice about whether their kids were vaccinated or not.> > Here's the comment, as I remember it.> > "Well sign them up for health insurance in the schools, just like > innoculations. And if any parent refuses, we'll fine them."> > Doesn't sound too friendly to me.> > Francine> > p.s. Whereas McCain was openly for parental choice, and came out early and > said there seemed to be a link between vaccination and autism. Pretty > courageous.> > In a message dated 12/2/2008 11:38:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, > peaceforkids2005@... writes:> > > > > Since he is from here I think this is appropriate for someone in> Hawai'i to post: > _http://www.barackobhttp://www.bhttp://www.barachttp://www._ > (http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/AutismSpectrumDisorders.pdf) > Look closely at this and let's decide as a whole.. every parent in the> nation to for once make a President back up his words..and since the> V.P. elect is going to be so active he needs to back up their words on> that statement. I found it doing some searches today and had of> course known about it from other ways but didn't realize they posted> this on their site - this helps dramatically in producing proposed> legislation for the new Administration to PASS as they have made this> promise. Another parent in one of the groups is putting me in touch> with one of Obama's staffers so that should kick off one of the many> 'swings' the world of ASD's will take at the 'hardball' approach. I> am very thankful that somebody in a high ranking..or shall we say in> less then two months the Highest Rank in the nation - is addressing> Autism. FINALLY !!! Now it's up to us parents and those that are> more active to get involved and make those words into reality. "> Change " - it's about time.> E. , Sr. Global Civil Rights Lobbyist/Advocate> > > > > > > > epiousian = the expression of agape> > quite a bit more than enough> > > **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and > favorite sites in one place. Try it now. >(http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp & icid=aolcom40vanity & ncid=emlcntaolcom00000010)>

epiousian = the expression of agapequite a bit more than enoughMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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, I already stated that I have almost always voted Democrat, and am registered that way. At least some of what you state as facts aren't. I emailed you privately simply because I felt that this wasn't appropriate for the list. I called you the name '' by mistake and apologized for it, when I reread your name.

This has nothing to do with politics, per se, for me. It has to do with things said, and also questions that weren't -- and haven't been -- answered, that don't make it look good. I know about religious exemptions, and the fact that, presently -- and previously for as far back as I know, one can simply refuse to be immunized or have their children have immunization.

This is because -- as it has always stood -- if you are forced to be immunized or to immunize your child, and there is an adverse reaction -- you can sue. This may abruptly change, depending on the Supreme Court decision in the case of Levine versus Wyeth. This case is very germane to the autism community, and if you're unfamiliar with it, I suggest you look it up.

If the Supreme Court were to decide in favor of Wyeth, this would mean that the drug companies and the providers are immune from being sued as long as the fda has approved the drug. This certainly leaves the door open for forced vaccinations -- for all of us.

And I can back up what I've said. If anyone on the list is upset by the partly political nature of this interchange, I apologize. I did not start it, and yet I felt it was important -- as the parent of a regressed child -- to speak up about the vaccination issue.



In a message dated 12/4/2008 4:03:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, peace4kids@... writes:

Francine.. you stated<What would be the good of treatments if forced vaccination would sendthe child/adult right back into autism? I say that parental choice isthe most important step. If you're asking for it, I'd support that.>I understand from your direct email that you are a McCain or Republicanfan and that is is your Civil Right. There is absolutely nothing on theObama/Biden site that was posted that says anything about forcedvaccination and I definitely am all for parental choice. Vaccine's cannot be forced based upon the Constitution.. as your direct email statedto me 'is the most important thing'. We do have the right to Freedom ofReligion and Freedom of Religious persecution.. which allows waivers forvaccinations and has through the last 3 Presidents and will continuewith Obama. I must say I do not appreciate your direct email that isslanderous in regards to the New Leader of our country. Please getbeyond the rhetoric and let's get to business with what is at hand.. andthat is a New Administration and a new future for this country. I thinkthat those of us that disagree need to 'agree' we have a disagreementand MOVE ON.. for the sake of our children. Please do not think youare alone when it comes to watching your child suffer at the very handsof the makers of such Vaccinations. Please do some research and if youcan find out *I already know* please tell me who was the Chairman of theBoard at Eli Lilly when Thimerosal was approved.... When you come tothis answer you'll be quite amazed. We are all in this together and itis very important we try to keep a grip on our feelings and personalviewpoints especially with politics. I apologize if you feel this isout of line or my response to your email to my acct wasunacceptable to you.. but I have no time for political squabble.. we allknow .. well some of us know who did what and who said what.. but thatmakes no difference now.. we have a new leader.. he IS a Citizen, wasborn in the state I'm sitting in now..attended a Private School thatonly those that were born in Hawai'i can attend.. and has no outstandingsuites or claims that he is not American. So please do not email myprivate account with anymore of that.. it is not acceptable to me. Iknow that the nation became divided in the campaign but as a communitywe must stick together for our kids. Thank you and Peace be with you. E. , Sr.=====================Posted through Grouply, the better wayto access your like this one.http://www.grouply.com/?code=post

epiousian = the expression of agapequite a bit more than enoughMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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Nicely done.


“Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting.â€

~E. Bibesco

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~M. Gandhi

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

~T. S. Geisel

-- Re: Lets be ready...

Francine.. you stated<What would be the good of treatments if forced vaccination would sendthe child/adult right back into autism? I say that parental choice isthe most important step. If you're asking for it, I'd support that.>I understand from your direct email that you are a McCain or Republicanfan and that is is your Civil Right. There is absolutely nothing on theObama/Biden site that was posted that says anything about forcedvaccination and I definitely am all for parental choice. Vaccine's cannot be forced based upon the Constitution.. as your direct email statedto me 'is the most important thing'. We do have the right to Freedom ofReligion and Freedom of Religious persecution.. which allows waivers forvaccinations and has through the last 3 Presidents and will continuewith Obama. I must say I do not appreciate your direct email that isslanderous in regards to the New Leader of our country. Please getbeyond the rhetoric and let's get to business with what is at hand.. andthat is a New Administration and a new future for this country. I thinkthat those of us that disagree need to 'agree' we have a disagreementand MOVE ON.. for the sake of our children. Please do not think youare alone when it comes to watching your child suffer at the very handsof the makers of such Vaccinations. Please do some research and if youcan find out *I already know* please tell me who was the Chairman of theBoard at Eli Lilly when Thimerosal was approved.... When you come tothis answer you'll be quite amazed. We are all in this together and itis very important we try to keep a grip on our feelings and personalviewpoints especially with politics. I apologize if you feel this isout of line or my response to your email to my acct wasunacceptable to you.. but I have no time for political squabble.. we allknow .. well some of us know who did what and who said what.. but thatmakes no difference now.. we have a new leader.. he IS a Citizen, wasborn in the state I'm sitting in now..attended a Private School thatonly those that were born in Hawai'i can attend.. and has no outstandingsuites or claims that he is not American. So please do not email myprivate account with anymore of that.. it is not acceptable to me. Iknow that the nation became divided in the campaign but as a communitywe must stick together for our kids. Thank you and Peace be with you. E. , Sr.=====================Posted through Grouply, the better wayto access your like this one.http://www.grouply.com/?code=post

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Mr. ,

Thank you for your articulate and informed response and thank

you for advocating for our children while keeping their needs in the forefront.

There is much we can do for our children if we are not stuck in rhetoric and





Autism and Aspergers Treatment [mailto:Autism and Aspergers Treatment ] On

Behalf Of E. , Sr.

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:03 AM

Autism and Aspergers Treatment

Subject: Re: Lets be ready...

Francine.. you stated

<What would be the good of treatments if forced vaccination would send

the child/adult right back into autism? I say that parental choice is

the most important step. If you're asking for it, I'd support that.>

I understand from your direct email that you are a McCain or Republican

fan and that is is your Civil Right. There is absolutely nothing on the

Obama/Biden site that was posted that says anything about forced

vaccination and I definitely am all for parental choice. Vaccine's can

not be forced based upon the Constitution.. as your direct email stated

to me 'is the most important thing'. We do have the right to Freedom of

Religion and Freedom of Religious persecution.. which allows waivers for

vaccinations and has through the last 3 Presidents and will continue

with Obama. I must say I do not appreciate your direct email that is

slanderous in regards to the New Leader of our country. Please get

beyond the rhetoric and let's get to business with what is at hand.. and

that is a New Administration and a new future for this country. I think

that those of us that disagree need to 'agree' we have a disagreement

and MOVE ON.. for the sake of our children. Please do not think you

are alone when it comes to watching your child suffer at the very hands

of the makers of such Vaccinations. Please do some research and if you

can find out *I already know* please tell me who was the Chairman of the

Board at Eli Lilly when Thimerosal was approved.... When you come to

this answer you'll be quite amazed. We are all in this together and it

is very important we try to keep a grip on our feelings and personal

viewpoints especially with politics. I apologize if you feel this is

out of line or my response to your email to my acct was

unacceptable to you.. but I have no time for political squabble.. we all

know .. well some of us know who did what and who said what.. but that

makes no difference now.. we have a new leader.. he IS a Citizen, was

born in the state I'm sitting in now..attended a Private School that

only those that were born in Hawai'i can attend.. and has no outstanding

suites or claims that he is not American. So please do not email my

private account with anymore of that.. it is not acceptable to me. I

know that the nation became divided in the campaign but as a community

we must stick together for our kids. Thank you and Peace be with you.

E. , Sr.


Posted through Grouply, the better way

to access your like this one.


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