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I am paying for 16 minutes of radio ads

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I have been encouraged by my service coordinator, other fidability

organizations and by myself. KGO radio I have chosen, it is mixed

policitically as left wing and some right wing.

The whole left wing and right wing I don't quite get...I do some..

I was wondering if anyone would like to ask me question. There is

something I will always miss and by inquiry I can discover it.

Just letting people know here as to provoke a discussion. I'm very

tired and unsettled from my experence with the U.S government accusing

me of possibilities. It was hurtfull in ways I cannot yet articulate.

I've moved around allot in my life while my dad served the militaty.

It's not like I wanted to..



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Knowing you the way I know you, I am sure that you did NOT send a

virus to the police. But you are a computer whiz with a website and

it may be that somehow a virus infected that site and in sending an

e-mail to them, the virus was transmitted.

Their coming to your house was extreme and probably out of bounds,

but I think I would drop it only because drawing attention to them

might cause them to think you are malicious.

Just an opinion.

Regardless, I think highly of you personally. Perhaps my lack of

understanding of the situation is what is causing me to tell you to

be cautious.



I have been encouraged by my service coordinator, other fidability

organizations and by myself. KGO radio I have chosen, it is mixed

policitically as left wing and some right wing.

The whole left wing and right wing I don't quite get...I do some..

I was wondering if anyone would like to ask me question. There is

something I will always miss and by inquiry I can discover it.

Just letting people know here as to provoke a discussion. I'm very

tired and unsettled from my experence with the U.S government


me of possibilities. It was hurtfull in ways I cannot yet articulate.

I've moved around allot in my life while my dad served the militaty.

It's not like I wanted to..



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Here is what I wrote, last night I go so obsessed with the possibilities of being accused as a criminal I wrote pages of information. Well equivelant to many normal pages. I amde up deflectionary jokes, tried making arguments and even trying certain oppositional stragies in writting. I ended up deleting it all again and went with another approach. *** Fresno should make a press release clearing me of possible charges so people don't feel uncomfortable purchasing my book that enables my speaking out. With possible terrorist charges purchasing it might be perceived as sponsoring terrorism. Disempowering people speaking out against the government like this is reprehensible and clearly oppressive.*** Fresno Government

HarassmentFresno County Officers Visit My HomeAnd Make Up False Allegations To Instill Fear In Me.."I am not afraid of the police, I have no reason to be. Though Fresno CountyGovernment I am not trusting of based upon what they did to me and what I witnessed. And who wouldn't if they were me?" -December, 05, 2006By YoungPlease Leave Me Alone! It is not ordinary or by any stretch

of the imagination typical to have an experience that I had. What is even more rare is the freedom abiding politically motivated progressive campaign I have launched in advocacies in response to my experiences and what I witnessed. I have obligated myself without regard to possibilities of failure to reach out to Americans and speak my mind. On December fifth two officers from Fresno County Government traveled all the way to my home in Fortuna California. A very long way to drive and their claim was that it might be possible I threatened Fresno County Government with a computer virus. I have no idea how to do such a thing, I don't know programming and I am not one to destroy tax payer funded technology. I believe in a safe America where criminals are behind bars and the free are free and secure of any thought of harm, including fellow Americans working for the government. I would not, I will not and I have no fathomable intent

to cause anyone harm or harm another living thing. The manipulation of my civil liberties to state in any way I am a terrorist and nothing other then a patriotic law abiding American is devastating. The Fresno County Supervisors which I sent numerous emails to as to make them aware of my complaint felt threatened I believe by my speaking out and damaging its public relations image. It's recourse is theorized as instilling fear into me for speaking out and dispromoting my speaking out with law enforcement personnel paid for by Fresno County to essentially harass me at home. It was said that I could be violent, I could be dangerous and to make sure that I wasn't they had to spend precious government tax payer money to come all the way here. Really what they did was scared me, made me feel like a criminal and just for speaking out while exercising my freedoms of expressions. Both officers were of

manner, they were not aggressive and not confrontational. It seemed as if the government supervisors had them sent to scare me, but they didn't realize it themselves, they followed orders. It seems and feels like a bad movie, I am envisioned as being a possible criminal and being visited by government police officers with the possibility of being accused of being a terrorist or a criminal in general. And all just for speaking out and trying to let the Fresno county Government Supervisors know of my complaint as I believed it is important.In China Government Officers Visit The Homes of Civilians For Freedom of Speech As Well... In American, in the land of the free a sacred right I believe exists. That to speak out you should not have to face a reprisal or persecution for doing so by your government. The harassment fundamentally was for speaking out and false things imagined into me just for an excuse to show up at my door to let me

know the government is not to happy about my complaint. I am now even more then before motivated to speak out. Powerful county politicians suppressing my freedoms or not, I am prepared to face the task ahead to improve my rights and others as well as the quality of care of disabled Americans. Standing Up To Big Brother I have no criminal record... I know in my heart of mind I was not as depicted by them. These accusers oppressing my freedoms and who contrived my character as something false conveniently. I do not fear the interpretational and possible false projectional babble of any government

attorney whom might have the unfortunate task of making me out to be someone I am not.I am not a typical mind and I am not criminal... I am deeply offended and disappointed. They are trained though to presume guilt, to seek it and even imagine it.I at times donate to a sheriffs fundraiser for bullet proof vests. I care about the safety of officers on duty protecting our country. I do not believe in the trumped up possible allegations of my threatening the government with a computer virus or that It is believed I am dangerous. There is a manipulation that exist and it is advised they go after Osama Ben Laden instead of making law abiding citizens out to be terrorist like him!They showed no identification and said I didn't need an attorney to speak with them. If they were not police officers then any investigatory unit will know by photo-record. The photo is freedom of expression and was approved by those in the photo.I'm

innocent, they knew it or otherwise they would have taken me with them. I consider it just an intrusion that was far to convenient to be legitimate. No statement of mine could have been perceived by any remote possibility as terroristic and or criminalistic.They knew what they did would instill the fear of possibilities in me, the fear of going to jail for speaking out and being watched. The officer said he read my entire book on this website. The government can be manipulative..I don't believe in violence other then Wrestle Mania and I don't like guns personally..I have been feared into thinking what I say may mean several different things. For all I know one thing said could mean another to them, I think Fresno Government is paranoid delusional, honestly.In essence the frivolous interpretive mentality of Fresno Government in this instance violated freedoms of expression, it's a manipulation. If you say something a certain way, you think a

certain way and they think it is something else and show up in your life with no conclusive evidence then they dispromote certain methodologies of expressions. They invent into it, make it mean something else and disempower wholly legal expressional styles.Irrational Radical Hypercondriatic Protectionism is their Policy! The convenience of the interpretation in which they illogically fathomed for the potential terror charges were pride based. Finding any little thing they could to create retributory reprisal for speaking against their employer the government and their police department in the book whom authorized the harassment.The harassment was the persecution of my freedoms fundamentally.When I speak about viral marketing conceptology on this website it's not a computer virus threatening the government! Just because I speak out in disagreement with the government does not make me guilty of a crime or ethically

presumable as stereotypically aggressive and dangerous. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. Harassment, inappropriate non-evidentiary slanderous accusations and fear based visitations by the government are freedom violating fundamentally.It's all a potential civil liberties law suit and it's all a potential criminal harassment claim against the government but I have no means. I don't care if the government watches me or reads what I say with malicious oppressionary intents to put me in jail, I'm not concerned ultimately.I am innocent and just the opposite of a terrorist, I remember 9/11 too.* IF requested the photo will be removed. I feel it is important in a public investigation.Turning In Big BrotherMy First Authored BookOnline For Free..http://www.nathanyoung.net

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