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Theta Synchrony

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You asked

about the concepts of polymorphic theta and 'good' theta. If the formatting

(below) doesn't line up, let me know and I will send a pdf.

In my

experience there are few more important references than Stern and Engels'

" Atlas of EEG Patterns " (Lippincott & Wilkins). It is a

highly regarded new classic in the field of raw EEG classification. In the

chapter of theta activity you will find excellent EEG charts that carefully

explain the differences between the important types of theta signatures, namely

frontal midline theta (Cigánek rhythm), polymorphic theta, and rhythmic

midtemporal theta.

First lets

recall that polymorphic comes from two roots. " Poly " means more than

one (maybe many) and " morphic " means shape (from Greek 'morphē').


EEG forms: may look as

regular as the mathematical sine wave that looks something like this:


* *

* *

* *



* *

* *

* *



* *



* *



* *|

* *|



* * |

* * |

* *

* *

| * *

| *








Remember -

the peaks and troughs are as smooth as the movements of a horse going up and

down on a carnival merry-go-round. The horse slows at the top of its curve then

goes down faster and faster until it starts slowing at the trough and reversing

direction. This pattern is a fundamental pattern in most of mathematics and

physics. It is particularly important in heart rate variability. Only if the

HRV curve is very smooth on the peaks and troughs do you get rewarded at higher

challenge levels. There is only one form of pure sign wave, but there are an

infinite number of ways this pure form can be deformed. With 256 samples per

second, there are 256 different spots that can be distorted above or below the

line of the normal sine wave.

Note the

spacing between the above waves is uniform. If this were a 4 hz theta wave,

then 4 cycles fit into a second. One second is equal to 1000 milliseconds. If 4

identical cycles fit into 1000 ms then every wave has a " period "

of 1000 ms)/4 = 250 ms.


" period " of time taken to complete one cycle is often mistakenly

referred to as " wavelength " which is a unit of distance. This usual

only annoys physicists.


EEG forms: See the

little symbols * in the above chart. Imagine there were several

hundred of them instead. Imagine how many ways an individual * could be raised

1 or many steps above or below normal. Please remember that the spacing between

the waves (the period or 'wavelength') for theta varies from 125-250 ms (do the

math as above). This means that in addition to raising the individual * points

up or down we can mix and match literally an infinite number of periods between

125-250 ms and it is still a theta wave, but clearly of multiple shapes


Do you see

that such distortions could easily lead to a wide variety of charts that are

barely recognizable. You can roughly see two forms below that have wavelengths

which identify them as theta. The concept is easy to see when you

recognize that these theta waves cross the zero voltage line. Sometimes a theta

wave only appears long enough to display 1/2 cycle. So anything that roughly trends

up then down over a period of, say, 125 ms, may represent 1/2 of a theta cycle.


* * * **


*** *

* ** ** * * *

* *


* |

*** * **| *** |


* * | *|









p=100ms time ->

" Good

theta " vs " bad theta " as scientific terminology can only be seen

as emblems for phenomena not yet well characterized. This also applies to delta

waves as well.

" Good "

theta is usually the more rhythmic type found in frontal central distribution

('frontal midline theta'). But it is also absolutely essential over the entire

cortex and is involved one way or another in most cognitive and autonomic

functions. Polymorphic theta (except in non-REM sleep) is a potentially ominous


I will

illustrate from one of my qEEGs where polymophic delta was a component:


Polymorphic Delta Activity:


increased delta activity in this recording was found to be diffusely

distributed, did not occur in bursts, and was without identifiable rhythmicity,

thus qualifying it as polymorphic delta activity (PDA). Stern & Engel,

2005, give the following comparison of normal versus abnormal PDA.


is a common finding on electroencephalograms (EEGs) that may be distinguished

as either normal or abnormal based on features and circumstances. However,

abnormal PDA may have several features of normal PDA, including bilateral symmetry

in frequency and amplitude, superimposed faster frequencies, and an increase in

frequency with alerting stimulation such as noise or touch. Nevertheless,

abnormal PDA commonly and characteristically has consistent asymmetry,

asymmetrically superimposed faster frequencies, and lack of change with

alerting stimulation. Focal PDA that has a region of maximum slowing and

minimal faster frequencies is especially abnormal and indicates a focal lesion

in the white matter that is deep to the most abnormal region within the focal



PDA indicates either encephalopathy or sleep, and encephalopathy in this

context is a nonspecific state of diffuse neuronal dysfunction that may be as

severe as coma.â€


encephalopathy producing generalized PDA may be a reversible state due to

transient physiologic abnormality or due to endogenous or exogenous sedatives.

Physiologic abnormalities may occur during migraine, syncope, and ischemia and

after a seizure. [1, 2] Metabolic dysfunction is the principal source for

endogenous sedation and may be produced by hepatic and renal disease. Exogenous

sedatives are specific toxins and pharmaceuticals, such as narcotics.

Generalized PDA also may be irreversible as from a diffuse cerebral insult such

as anoxia, infection, hypoglycemia, and inflammation; developmental abnormality

usually with global cognitive impairment; or certain degenerative or dementing

illnesses such as stroke, advanced Alzheimer’s disease, and sometimes

schizophrenia. Specifically, PDA occurs when serum glucose is less than 35

mg/100 ml, and all other frequencies are absent when the glucose drops below 18

mg/100 ml. Lower serum glucose concentrations will produce generalized

attenuation. Inflammatory causes of PDA include encephalitis, purulent meningitis,

and some autoimmune diseases such as Sydenham’s disease and Behçet’s disease.â€


of its cause, generalized PDA is similar to focal PDA as a sign of cerebral

white matter abnormality [3 ,4]. This abnormality must be significant and include

either cellular toxicity or mechanical compression. Interstitial edema alone

does not appear to produce abnormal slowing. Often the pathology is accompanied

by cerebral cortical abnormality, but abnormality limited to the cerebral

cortex does not produce slowing. It produces attenuation and loss of the faster



respect to the above discussion it should be emphasized that this client has 1)

asymmetric PDA with 2) lack of change between eyes closed and eyes open, with

3) attenuation and loss of faster frequencies which are asymmetrically

superimposed. See also Figures 8 & 9.


attention to age-appropriate cognitive, nutritive and metabolic status may help

elucidate the significance of these findings.

This is

just my interpretation of the literature. I hope it makes some sense.





Ramelli GP, Sturzenegger M, Donati F, Karbowski K. EEG findings during basilar

migraine attacks in children. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1998:



Ammirati F, Colivicchi F, Di Battista G, Garelli FF, Santini M.

Electroencephalographic correlates of vasovagal syncope induced by head-up tilt

testing. Stroke 1998: 29: 2347-2351.


Sharbrough FW. Nonspecific abnormal EEG patterns. In: Niedermeyer E, Lopes da

Silva F, Eds. Electroencephalography, basic principles, clinical applications,

and related fields. Baltimore: & Wilkins, 1999:215-234.

[4] Zifkin

BG, Cracco RQ. An orderly approach to the abnormal EEG. In: Daly DD, Pedley TA,

eds. Current practice of clinical electroencephalography. 2nd ed. New York:

Raven Press. 1990: 253-267.

[5] Schaul

N. Pathogenesis and significance of abnormal nonepileptiform rhythms in the

EEG. J Clin Neurophysiol 1990:7:229-248.



From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of devidasbhonde

Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 7:02 AM

Subject: Re: Theta Synchrony


very thought provoking. thank you.

Can you please

elaborate polymorphic theta ? And Good theta ?

Is it that

presence of harmonics make it polymorphic ?


fundamental theta with harmonics makes it bad ?



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Hello Bruce,

It's nice to hear from you. I hope you are well.

I will repeat your questions/observations below. I apologize in

advance for some of my unusual analogies, and hope there might be something



Your mention of Beta spindling within the context of Othmer's low frequency

training due to Harmonic effects has me wondering about the same for

breath training. In other words given the low frequency components of breathing

at certain rates, isn't there a danger of triggering beta spindling with this


1. I suspect this is exactly

true. Hyperventilation (along with photic stimulation) is a regularly used

activation technique to provoke epileptiform responses on the EEG and thus

assist in diagnosis. Even people breathing at 6 breaths per minute (0.01 Hz)

often hyperventilate. In the deepest recesses of the fractally folded lung

tissue, the precise balance between ventilation and blood perfusion is under

control of the social engagement system via the myelinated ventral vagus



On the topic of harmonic or resonant effects, can this work the other

way too with higher frequencies rippling down the spectrum when trained?

2. I believe the answer is

yes, but I prefer to phrase it differently because I think we are talking about

different phenomena than harmonic or resonant effects.

I predict that huge paradigm

shifts are in the works and they will involve several topics currently exciting

the physics community.

mountain of salt or sand (or

neural avalanches) self organized criticality. Shifting the relationship in the

bottom of the mountain can have a profound effect on the amplitude of the

structures at the top of the mountain. The neural avalanches appear to be

accompanied by phase resets. The concepts of harmonic and resonant effects are

more related to Pythagorean and linear relationships. You might really enjoy

the following link.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u573PyXo-pY & feature=related

I prefer to focus on the fact

that phase modulation of lower frequencies controls amplitude of higher

frequencies. This is a characteristic of 1/f power law systems. The deeper

relationship between phases of all the lower frequencies to the amplitude of

the higher frequencies is like the self-recurring similarities no matter how

you scale the fractal. If you train a person to vary gamma for example, without

checking you can't be sure whether or not you are actually phase shifting in

any band all the way down to the EEG frequencies associated with the resting

state networks.

Sometimes I try to pretend

NFB didn't yet exist. Since self-regulation of temperature has been shown to

help a variety of conditions, and self-regulation of HRV has shown to help as

well, then I ask myself what would be the best sort of self regulation to

encourage in the brain with the help of some sensor. I won't bother you with

the details of my thoughts, but I would feed back a signal designed to always

allowed the brain (if possible) to explore its own use of the relationship of

low frequency phase and high frequency amplitude shifts.  I would want the

signal to be scale invariant and safe to use anywhere on the head. I would like

it, for starts, to train self-regulation in the midline. In those trained in

mindfulness meditation the midline gamma (DMN) is higher at rest than in

controls; during tasks it is lower in meditators than in meditators.


There is an important theoretical and empirical hurdle that needs to be crossed

before any hypothesis of LFT causing beta spindling can be supported. What is

the theoretical rational that this can be trained with such large time lags due

to the nature of the signal? I don't think operant conditioning as a model

would support that such signals can be trained. Also where is the empirical

evidence to support that Low frequency components have actually been trained

during sessions? Client reports of effects is not evidence that any training of

Low Frequency dynamics occurred.

3. Bruce, that is a fantastic


I don't mind calling it low

frequency training. I do mind calling it low frequency amplitude training.

0.01 Hz and 0.1 Hz

respectively represent waves that take between 10 and 100 seconds to complete.

At these low frequencies I

often find that changing the filter settings provides the brain with an

additional challenge to master. It is like going rock climbing and getting to

the top. If you need more training you don't necessarily have to go up further.

Instead you can go sideways.

 I hear of people programming

their software so they can dial in frequencies of 0.00001 Hz. This is a wave

that takes precisely 1 day (24 hours) to roll by and reveal its peak to peak

amplitude. It is indeed a strain when someone claims they measured and then

trained the amplitude of a wave that takes from 15 min to 24 hours. Even at

0.10 Hz (6 per minutes) to train the peak to peak amplitude would require 15

minutes to measure at least one cycle, then 15 minutes more to train one cycle

only, and then 15 minutes to measure the result. This 45 minutes. 3 waves have

occurred. I myself would like to know where the NFB training is in this model. So

let's forget amplitude a while. Besides, the 1/f power laws suggest that

underneath every amplitude manipulation (even at infra low frequencies), there

may be a phase shift in even a lower frequency which is responsible.

This is a difficult concept

for some people so I prepared 2 stories. When you read them, remember that when

the story talks about the amplitudes of waves on the sea, we are going to be

talking about surface ripples like regular EEG, and then the ultimate phase

shifts at lower frequencies. Consider if you were riding on a boat in a very

choppy sea. As you bobbed up and down you could measure the peak-to-peak

amplitudes of the various waves. But, without additional instrumentation, you

would not be aware of the slow rise and fall due to the tide.

Story 1: One

day a simple blind person from the mountain, who never heard about tides or the

moon or gravity, made a visit with a local person to the sea.  The blind person

asks, " The water is going up and down some - is it safe? " Yes " ,

says his companion, " those are fast and slow waves, but the tide comes and

goes every 24 hours (0.00001 Hz) and you should be concerned about the

amplitude. " " Don't worry, " said the blind person, " I just measured

the variations in the amplitude of the water for a full clinical 50 minutes. I

know how high the tide will be today. "   Of course this is a silly story.

Clearly there is no algorithm he could have known (even if he had Ben

lin's Almanac) that allows him to predict the future. He returned to the

mountain. His best friends congratulated him for measuring the tide.

Story 2: The

blind man who measured the " tide " in 50 minutes received word that

shortly after his visit the tide had been uncharacteristically low and the

water could not irrigate the low-lands. The blind man studied and mediated

several years until he realized that if he could shift the Earth's core to

change the gravitational center away from the sea, then the sea might raise

enough to irrigate the land. He wondered how to do it. [Note: at this point I

am writing science fiction since we barely know how to do feedback training to

people and certainly not to planets.] Suppose, like the ancients said, Gaia

(Earth) is sentient. Certainly her core shifts spontaneously and, along with

the moon, alters the gravitational pull on the water. What if we could put in

sea-brakes (filters/inhibits) to stop every single higher frequency wave on the

surface of the water, to have it like the smoothest lake? Then certainly our

dipsticks will be monitoring the moment-to-moment slow shifting of the earth's

core. In a stroke of genius he decided to plant a tree every time the core

shifted and the water rose. After 40 sessions (twice per day because Gaia was

acute) the water rose and the lowlands were irrigated.

The villagers planned to give

him a reception with great honors, and to support him in his efforts.

Unfortunately the leaders wanted to siphon all discretionary funds into a war

chest in order to disadvantage and plunder the neighbors, who they had already

carefully painted as the axis of evil for the sake of those with moral issues.

They had a very clever statistician come to the sea and do exactly what the

blind man had done before. He measured the sea amplitudes for 50 minutes and

declared that it was exactly the same as before. The treatment was pronounced

worthless. The blind man left disappointed. But once per month he was paid by

private citizens to come raise the tide and moisten the fields.

All the other planets were

envious that Gaia's ecosystem was learning self-regulation. End of silly


I am not as keen as you on

finding support that low frequency components have actually been trained. I

think it nice but not necessary. During a session you can train a person a lot.

You can see in the movements on the instruments the client's brain shifting

every time the terrain is switched. The person may feel a variety of states. I

ask " would this state be useful for you? " And I get real interesting

answers. At the end of the session I don't care at all if I changed amplitude

of the low frequency waves permanently. I will simply be with the client while

he/she explores the enriched interactive environment that points toward state

changes. The real value of a brain state to the neural networks resides in how

easy that state is to obtain when needed.

White willow bark was used

for pain and inflammation for centuries before it was discovered that it's

active component could be synthesized. It is commonly called Aspirin. Somehow

people felt better using it now that we knew  it alters the cyclooxygenase

(COX) pathways. Now that everyone is comfortable with the explanation, death

and disease due non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is on the increase. New

discoveries continue to lead to new theories about how things are connected.

And that is the thing about theories. I can't remember who said " Theories

are neither true nor false, they are simply useful or not useful. "

As far as support for the

hypothesis of LFT causing beta spindling, this is not an hypothesis - it is an

easy observation to make. The reason, I think, that more LFT practitioners are

not aware of this is because they use their gear with auto-thresholds

activated. Besides, it can become daunting to think of meaningfully fussing with

so many inhibit bins. I find it quite common that a client will start feeling

some discomfort accompanied by an elevation in a particular inhibit beta

inhibit bin. It is up to you what to do at this point. I might bring the

frequency up until the rogue beta bin goes down and behavior returns to normal;

 or I might mute all feedback from the " low frequency " reward and only

focus on shaping beta manually. I have one client who can raise or lower any

one of 4 individual beta bins at will. He practiced to visualize my screen

which he calls a dashboard. When he starts to get an anxiety attack he

visualizes the dashboard and repeats what he had done to control the beta





[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Bruce Z. Berman

Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 1:29 PM


Subject: Re: Theta Synchrony




to see you posting. Some associations and questions below;


Your mention of Beta spindling within the context of Othmer's low frequency

training due to Harmonic effects has me wondering about the same for

breath training. In other words given the low frequency components of breathing

at certain rates, isn't there a danger of triggering beta spindling with this



On the topic of harmonic or resonant effects, can this work the

other way too with higher frequencies rippling down the spectrum when trained?


There is an important theoretical and empirical hurdle that needs to be crossed

before any hypothesis of LFT causing beta spindling can be supported. What is

the theoretical rational that this can be trained with such large time lags due

to the nature of the signal? I don't think operant conditioning as a model

would support that such signals can be trained. Also where is the empirical

evidence to support that Low frequency components have actually been trained

during sessions? Client reports of effects is not evidence that any training of

Low Frequency dynamics occurred.


Z. Berman


Original Message -----

From: Dailey

Sent: Saturday, May 19,

2012 7:50 PM

Subject: Theta


Hi Mark,

You asked my thoughts about " theta left frontal

to posterior synchrony " as the underlying mechanism of alpha-theta training.

You cited Gruzelier [1]. Gruzelier cited von Stein [2] and Aftanas [3]. Let me

know if you need those articles. I apologize in advance for my errors in

interpreting the literature.

I don't think this is the mechanism behind typical

alpha theta effects, since that tradition involves only posterior electrodes

and may train theta and alpha amplitudes individually. That is why in

theta-alpha amplitude training the hallmark feature is the alpha-theta

amplitude crossover. This is an indicator of drowsiness or hypnagogic state.

, et al [4] found no correlation between the TA crossover and production

of imagery.

In traditional alpha-theta amplitude training there is

no built in flexibility for the fact that one is changing the amplitudes of

frequency bands (theta and alpha) that normally take much of their cues from

phase shifts at lower frequencies. This AM-PM (amplitude modulation - phase

modulation) relationship is a characteristic of 1/f power law systems such as

neuronal assemblies.

In contrast to amplitude training, synchrony training

can be configured to use theta phase shifts to drive alpha or gamma amplitude

shifts. The hallmark of this approach is not the T-A amplitude

crossover, but rather is the theta-alpha phase reset with its

relationship to intelligence and valid perception.

Another characteristic of T-A amplitude training is

that it is done eyes closed and with relaxing sounds (both the sound and the

flow of water exhibit a type of 1/f feature described as " pink

noise " ). However, I have found TAG synchrony to be best performed eyes

open, although, depending upon network targets, one may want to avoid using

central foveal vision because it is anti-correlated with the default mode


Since I conceive of T-A synchrony training as

different than T-A amplitude training, I do not hold that the goal of synchrony

is also the hypnagogic state accompanying T-A crossover, so I usually do not

try to reward with hypnagogic sounds. My preferred reward for adults (that

rarely works with troubled children) is to have theta synchrony reward by

turning off a loud hum, and to reward alpha synchrony by turning off pink

noise. If the client can avoid excess beta activity (e.g., spindling) then a

loud alert sound can be avoided as well. I simply point out the 3 types of

noise and ask the client to make them all go away. Thus the reward and

encouragement for being in this state is to sit in utter quiet paying attention

to the mental states, however they might be perceived. I believe this is an

important goal since much of infant affect management is learned by the mother

withdrawing stimulation when appropriate and allowing the infant to

self-regulate in quiet when possible.

Theta alpha synchrony, primarily in the

anterior-posterior communications, is required for valid perception according

to Varela [5], et al.

In his studies of meditation [6] Aftanas

(Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) documented the particular importance of

theta and alpha synchrony between the left frontal cortex (e.g., F3) and the

parietal areas (P3, Pz & P4). Like Klimesch he breaks the alpha clinical

band into 3 sub-bands: Low alpha (6-8 Hz), Mid alpha (8-10 Hz) and hi alpha

(10-12 Hz). Desynchronization in these 3 bands is associated with 1) alertness

and vigilance (Lo Alpha), 2) expectancy (Mid Alpha), and 3) cognitive

processing (Hi Alpha). The particular NFB alpha parameters used for a session

can thus have individual significance for the client.

Because of the effects of theta and alpha phase

modulation on gamma amplitude (a consequence of the 1/f power law), it

is interesting to look at different gamma patterns in meditators as well. Last

month in Israel Berkovich-Ohana et all published a study [7]. Frontal and

midline gamma is associated with default mode network functions (self-referential)

and, of course, is decreased with attentional demands. However the lateral and

posterior gamma is increased in attention and especially in meditators. Lehmann

[8] showed that a skilled meditator could change gamma distribution at

will by altering the meditation technique: increased right posterior occipital

gamma activity in image visualization, increased left central-temporal area in

mantra verbalizers. Those practicing emptiness meditation and reconstitution of

the self produced increased gamma activity in the right superior frontal

and right temporal-parietal sites - areas linked to altered sense of self [9].

Interestingly they also showed that very early in the

practice of mindfulness meditation neural plasticity is increased in the self-referential

networks (DMN) as well as the attentional networks. I like to paraphrase

Siegel's definitions of mindfulness meditation: being aware of the

modifications of the mind accompanied by the attitudes of curiosity, openness,

acceptance and appreciation. In my opinion this is a useful definition for

neurofeedback training as well. If so, then the data of meditation studies may

have special relatedness to neurofeedback training.

Here is another interesting thing about 8.5-12.5 Hz

periodicity. Now I am not talking about the posterior dominant (alpha) rhythm,

but I am talking about discrete state changes in the brain which occur in this

frequency range and involved the entire cortex. These are called microstates.

They have nothing to do with the brain state technology company. Most people

chronically display 4 or 5 characteristic states. They occur in different

sequences and last varying times.

These microstates have been found to correlate to 4 of

the resting state networks (not including the DMN), [10] and their sequencing

is disordered in common conditions such as depression, dementia and

schizophrenia. This may be one reason that 10 Hz light flicker improves

recognition memory in older people [11]. This may be one of the reasons that

alpha training (also in the 8.5-12.5 Hz range) is also important in brain state

regulation. One important point to remember as we study brain microstates, is

that we are used to thinking of the 1/f EEG in terms of the frequency

domain, i.e., the power and coherence in the different clinical frequency

bands. We have not looked completely yet at the time domain itself. As you will

see from the literature, monitoring brain microstates, each lasting 80-120 ms,

is very different than watching frequency bins change.

When I started neurofeedback in 2008 I was fortunate

to learn about the resting state networks. They have been well documented as

disordered in a wide range of difficult clinical conditions including

addiction, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, autism, ADD, bipolar disorder, chronic

depression, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, PTSD,

schizophrenia, etc. [12] The default mode network has anterior connectivity

hubs involving the med prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate, and a

posterior connectivity hub at the precuneus and posterior cingulate area.

When I was first exposed to alpha-theta training for

PTSD I was surprised the training was all posterior. I was commonly met with

skepticism about the safety or suitability of up-training frontal theta. Two

facts made me persist. One is that although the presence of polymorphic theta

(as in ADHD) is associated with inflammation and cytokine imbalance, the type

of theta trained is, by the nature of the Fourier transform, may be rhythmic

theta. Rhythmic theta is sometimes known as the Cigánek rhythm or frontal

midline theta. Its presence is associated with improved self-regulation.

Another reason I persisted and started trying theta

alpha gamma synchrony in the midline is because the anterior cingulate and the

insula are part of the salience network that directs resting state network

changes. In my opinion it begs to be included in the neurofeedback. And in

order for the salience network to have valid input, there must be long distance

alpha-theta synchrony.

Although I need to be discrete with the details for a

few weeks, a group I am working with has shown that SMR neurofeedback for ADHD

strengthens default mode network functionality! A common question I hear

is how can SMR training at Cz strengthen resting state functional connectivity

(rsFC) across the cortex? This may be because one of the microstates,

" D " , has activity centered around the combined Fz-Cz area. And as we

now know, brain microstate management has a direct link to resting state activity.

This is, of course, in addition to the other benefits that come from learning

to self-regulate corticothalamic loop timing.

I find it interesting that heart rate variability

training often involves about 6 breaths per minute. The frequency of 6 per

minute (6 per 60 seconds) is exactly the same as the frequency of 1 per 10

seconds (1/10s) and is the same as 0.01/1 second = 0.01 Hz. Since the resonant

frequency of the default mode network is 0.013 Hz and that of the

anti-correlated attentional network is 0.016 Hz (both very close to 0.01 Hz, it

is very possible that resonant breathing at the same frequency pumps these

networks. This may be the basis for Takahashi et al's 2005 suggestion [13] that

deviation from the normal power spectrum of the heart rate variability interfered

with appropriate modulation of alpha and theta in naive meditators. Here again

we see a little into the nature of the 1/f power laws that model reality. Phase

modulation of low frequencies (such as 0.01 Hz or even 10 Hz) feeds amplitude

modulation of higher bands such as beta and gamma. Monto, et al (2008) said

very clearly that " infraslow fluctuations reflect the excitability

dynamics of cortical networks. This is as clear and believable explanation for

both the positive effects of infra-slow frequency training and also the adverse


This 1/f characteristic of " feeding of high

frequency amplitude shifts by low frequency phase shifts " is

probably the main reason why neurofeedback can be dangerous. Both infra-low

frequency NFB and synchrony NFB can encourage beta spindling. Beta spindling,

when observable, usually appears as a fairly isolated peak of beta activity in

a very narrow range, such as 20-22 Hz. It may best be considered a sign

of irritated or kindled cortex. If your " inhibit instruments " are set

to auto-threshold then beta in a narrow range, say 20-22 Hz can increase

significantly, and your auto-threshold will merely elevate in order to

accommodate the increased amplitude. Forty percent of frontal lobe epilepsy is

not apparent on routine EEG even with provocation. If you see any change in

beta spindling that is accompanied by any behavioral sign, such as sudden

restless legs or change in demeanor, you may be dealing with paroxysmal kindled

cortex - seizure by definition.

Ultimately attempting to change frontal metabolism

with neurofeedback may lead to problems if the client has imbalance in

glutathione and glutamate. One of the first questions I ask clients is whether

or not there is any bipolar disorder or schizophrenia in the family. If so,

there is likely a 20-40% reduction in frontal glutathione. This is actually a

very common condition. In my " theory of synaptic recidivism "

(www.cortexercise.com) I summarize some of the literature showing that all of

the disorders that are so common and difficult to treat (such as the list I

gave above and [12]) are characterized by disordered excitation (glutamate

poorly moderated by the reduced levels of glutathione). Because all learning

(and neuroplasticity in general) requires significant inflammation for synaptic

remodeling, and since the anti-inflammatory glutathione is in short supply in

chronic illness, and since the average American diet contains possibly 20 times

more excitotoxins (such as MSG) than it did 15 years ago when MSG was relabeled

" natural spices " , change is difficult or impossible for some clients.

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is a generally safe dietary

amino acid that provides the cysteine that is rate limiting in glutathione

synthesis. Perhaps that is why the journal Biological Psychiatry has just

pre-published results of a study showing effectiveness of NAC in treating

autistic children [15]. Other problems find significant benefit from NAC, e.g.,

bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, trichotillomania, gambling, addiction. When

attempting to optimize any sort of neurofeedback it may be important realize

that there is already an imbalance in excitation, and microstate management

will be difficult without neuroprotection. I have seen over-arousal occur with

tDCS as well, and it is often relieved by NAC (best accompanied by other


Neuroprotection and neuroplasticity are largely

related to the infra-slow frequencies characteristic of resting state networks [16].

These lower frequencies are the Archimedean lever that raises the higher

clinical EEG bands.

Thank you for the question, Mark. I find it thought

provoking. Perhaps others could chime in here.

Best wishes,


Near San Francisco CA

[1] Gruzelier J (2008) - A theory of alpha-theta

neurofeedback, creative performance enhancement, long distance functional

connectivity and psychological integration. Cognitive Processes.

Published online 11 Dec 2008.

[2] von Stein A, et al (2000) - Different frequencies

for different scales of cortical integration - From local gamma to long range

alpha-theta synchronization. International Journal of Psychophysiology 38 2000.


[3] Aftanas LI, et al (2001) - Human anterior and

frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and

internalized attention - EEG investigation of meditation. Neuroscience Letters


[4] JP, et al (2000) - Comparison of

alpha-theta, alpha and EMG neurofeedback in production of alpha-theta crossover

and occurrence of visualizations. Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol. 4(1) 2000

[5] Varela F, et al (2001) - The brainweb - Phase

synchronization and large-scale integration. Nature Reviews Neuroscience,

Volume 2 April 2001 p 229.

[6] Aftanas LI, et al (2001) - Human anterior and

frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and

internalized attention - EEG investigation of meditation. Neuroscience Letters


[7] Berkovich-Ohana A, et al (2012) -

Mindfulness-induced changes in gamma band activity – Implications for the

default mode network, self-reference and attention. Clinical Neurophysiology


[8] Lehmann D, et al (2001) - Brain sources of EEG

gamma frequency during volitionally meditation-induced, altered states of

consciousness, and experience of the self. Psychiatry Res


[9] BL, et al )2001) - Neuroanatomy of the

self: evidence from patients with frontotemporal dementia. Neurology


[10] Britz J, et al (2010) - BOLD correlates of EEG

topography reveal rapid resting-state network dynamics. NeuroImage 52 (2010)


[11] J, et al (2006) - 10 Hz flicker improves

recognition memory in older people. BMC Neuroscience 2006, 7:21

[12] Broyd SJ, et al (2009) - Default-mode brain

dysfunction in mental disorders - A systematic review. Neuroscience and

Biobehavioral Reviews 33 (2009) 279–296

[13] Takahashi T, et al (2005) - Changes in EEG and

autonomic nervous activity during meditation and their association with

personality traits. International Journal of Psychophysiology 55 (2005)

199– 207.

[14] Monto S, et al (2008) - Very slow EEG

fluctuations predict the dynamics of stimulus detection and oscillation

amplitudes in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience, August 13, 2008 •


[15] Hardan AY, et al (2012) - A Randomized Controlled

Pilot Trial of Oral N-Acetylcysteine in Children with Autism. Biol Psychiatry

in press.

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Hello Bruce,

It's nice to hear from you. I hope you are well.

I will repeat your questions/observations below. I apologize in

advance for some of my unusual analogies, and hope there might be something



Your mention of Beta spindling within the context of Othmer's low frequency

training due to Harmonic effects has me wondering about the same for

breath training. In other words given the low frequency components of breathing

at certain rates, isn't there a danger of triggering beta spindling with this


1. I suspect this is exactly

true. Hyperventilation (along with photic stimulation) is a regularly used

activation technique to provoke epileptiform responses on the EEG and thus

assist in diagnosis. Even people breathing at 6 breaths per minute (0.01 Hz)

often hyperventilate. In the deepest recesses of the fractally folded lung

tissue, the precise balance between ventilation and blood perfusion is under

control of the social engagement system via the myelinated ventral vagus



On the topic of harmonic or resonant effects, can this work the other

way too with higher frequencies rippling down the spectrum when trained?

2. I believe the answer is

yes, but I prefer to phrase it differently because I think we are talking about

different phenomena than harmonic or resonant effects.

I predict that huge paradigm

shifts are in the works and they will involve several topics currently exciting

the physics community.

mountain of salt or sand (or

neural avalanches) self organized criticality. Shifting the relationship in the

bottom of the mountain can have a profound effect on the amplitude of the

structures at the top of the mountain. The neural avalanches appear to be

accompanied by phase resets. The concepts of harmonic and resonant effects are

more related to Pythagorean and linear relationships. You might really enjoy

the following link.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u573PyXo-pY & feature=related

I prefer to focus on the fact

that phase modulation of lower frequencies controls amplitude of higher

frequencies. This is a characteristic of 1/f power law systems. The deeper

relationship between phases of all the lower frequencies to the amplitude of

the higher frequencies is like the self-recurring similarities no matter how

you scale the fractal. If you train a person to vary gamma for example, without

checking you can't be sure whether or not you are actually phase shifting in

any band all the way down to the EEG frequencies associated with the resting

state networks.

Sometimes I try to pretend

NFB didn't yet exist. Since self-regulation of temperature has been shown to

help a variety of conditions, and self-regulation of HRV has shown to help as

well, then I ask myself what would be the best sort of self regulation to

encourage in the brain with the help of some sensor. I won't bother you with

the details of my thoughts, but I would feed back a signal designed to always

allowed the brain (if possible) to explore its own use of the relationship of

low frequency phase and high frequency amplitude shifts.  I would want the

signal to be scale invariant and safe to use anywhere on the head. I would like

it, for starts, to train self-regulation in the midline. In those trained in

mindfulness meditation the midline gamma (DMN) is higher at rest than in

controls; during tasks it is lower in meditators than in meditators.


There is an important theoretical and empirical hurdle that needs to be crossed

before any hypothesis of LFT causing beta spindling can be supported. What is

the theoretical rational that this can be trained with such large time lags due

to the nature of the signal? I don't think operant conditioning as a model

would support that such signals can be trained. Also where is the empirical

evidence to support that Low frequency components have actually been trained

during sessions? Client reports of effects is not evidence that any training of

Low Frequency dynamics occurred.

3. Bruce, that is a fantastic


I don't mind calling it low

frequency training. I do mind calling it low frequency amplitude training.

0.01 Hz and 0.1 Hz

respectively represent waves that take between 10 and 100 seconds to complete.

At these low frequencies I

often find that changing the filter settings provides the brain with an

additional challenge to master. It is like going rock climbing and getting to

the top. If you need more training you don't necessarily have to go up further.

Instead you can go sideways.

 I hear of people programming

their software so they can dial in frequencies of 0.00001 Hz. This is a wave

that takes precisely 1 day (24 hours) to roll by and reveal its peak to peak

amplitude. It is indeed a strain when someone claims they measured and then

trained the amplitude of a wave that takes from 15 min to 24 hours. Even at

0.10 Hz (6 per minutes) to train the peak to peak amplitude would require 15

minutes to measure at least one cycle, then 15 minutes more to train one cycle

only, and then 15 minutes to measure the result. This 45 minutes. 3 waves have

occurred. I myself would like to know where the NFB training is in this model. So

let's forget amplitude a while. Besides, the 1/f power laws suggest that

underneath every amplitude manipulation (even at infra low frequencies), there

may be a phase shift in even a lower frequency which is responsible.

This is a difficult concept

for some people so I prepared 2 stories. When you read them, remember that when

the story talks about the amplitudes of waves on the sea, we are going to be

talking about surface ripples like regular EEG, and then the ultimate phase

shifts at lower frequencies. Consider if you were riding on a boat in a very

choppy sea. As you bobbed up and down you could measure the peak-to-peak

amplitudes of the various waves. But, without additional instrumentation, you

would not be aware of the slow rise and fall due to the tide.

Story 1: One

day a simple blind person from the mountain, who never heard about tides or the

moon or gravity, made a visit with a local person to the sea.  The blind person

asks, " The water is going up and down some - is it safe? " Yes " ,

says his companion, " those are fast and slow waves, but the tide comes and

goes every 24 hours (0.00001 Hz) and you should be concerned about the

amplitude. " " Don't worry, " said the blind person, " I just measured

the variations in the amplitude of the water for a full clinical 50 minutes. I

know how high the tide will be today. "   Of course this is a silly story.

Clearly there is no algorithm he could have known (even if he had Ben

lin's Almanac) that allows him to predict the future. He returned to the

mountain. His best friends congratulated him for measuring the tide.

Story 2: The

blind man who measured the " tide " in 50 minutes received word that

shortly after his visit the tide had been uncharacteristically low and the

water could not irrigate the low-lands. The blind man studied and mediated

several years until he realized that if he could shift the Earth's core to

change the gravitational center away from the sea, then the sea might raise

enough to irrigate the land. He wondered how to do it. [Note: at this point I

am writing science fiction since we barely know how to do feedback training to

people and certainly not to planets.] Suppose, like the ancients said, Gaia

(Earth) is sentient. Certainly her core shifts spontaneously and, along with

the moon, alters the gravitational pull on the water. What if we could put in

sea-brakes (filters/inhibits) to stop every single higher frequency wave on the

surface of the water, to have it like the smoothest lake? Then certainly our

dipsticks will be monitoring the moment-to-moment slow shifting of the earth's

core. In a stroke of genius he decided to plant a tree every time the core

shifted and the water rose. After 40 sessions (twice per day because Gaia was

acute) the water rose and the lowlands were irrigated.

The villagers planned to give

him a reception with great honors, and to support him in his efforts.

Unfortunately the leaders wanted to siphon all discretionary funds into a war

chest in order to disadvantage and plunder the neighbors, who they had already

carefully painted as the axis of evil for the sake of those with moral issues.

They had a very clever statistician come to the sea and do exactly what the

blind man had done before. He measured the sea amplitudes for 50 minutes and

declared that it was exactly the same as before. The treatment was pronounced

worthless. The blind man left disappointed. But once per month he was paid by

private citizens to come raise the tide and moisten the fields.

All the other planets were

envious that Gaia's ecosystem was learning self-regulation. End of silly


I am not as keen as you on

finding support that low frequency components have actually been trained. I

think it nice but not necessary. During a session you can train a person a lot.

You can see in the movements on the instruments the client's brain shifting

every time the terrain is switched. The person may feel a variety of states. I

ask " would this state be useful for you? " And I get real interesting

answers. At the end of the session I don't care at all if I changed amplitude

of the low frequency waves permanently. I will simply be with the client while

he/she explores the enriched interactive environment that points toward state

changes. The real value of a brain state to the neural networks resides in how

easy that state is to obtain when needed.

White willow bark was used

for pain and inflammation for centuries before it was discovered that it's

active component could be synthesized. It is commonly called Aspirin. Somehow

people felt better using it now that we knew  it alters the cyclooxygenase

(COX) pathways. Now that everyone is comfortable with the explanation, death

and disease due non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is on the increase. New

discoveries continue to lead to new theories about how things are connected.

And that is the thing about theories. I can't remember who said " Theories

are neither true nor false, they are simply useful or not useful. "

As far as support for the

hypothesis of LFT causing beta spindling, this is not an hypothesis - it is an

easy observation to make. The reason, I think, that more LFT practitioners are

not aware of this is because they use their gear with auto-thresholds

activated. Besides, it can become daunting to think of meaningfully fussing with

so many inhibit bins. I find it quite common that a client will start feeling

some discomfort accompanied by an elevation in a particular inhibit beta

inhibit bin. It is up to you what to do at this point. I might bring the

frequency up until the rogue beta bin goes down and behavior returns to normal;

 or I might mute all feedback from the " low frequency " reward and only

focus on shaping beta manually. I have one client who can raise or lower any

one of 4 individual beta bins at will. He practiced to visualize my screen

which he calls a dashboard. When he starts to get an anxiety attack he

visualizes the dashboard and repeats what he had done to control the beta





[mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Bruce Z. Berman

Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 1:29 PM


Subject: Re: Theta Synchrony




to see you posting. Some associations and questions below;


Your mention of Beta spindling within the context of Othmer's low frequency

training due to Harmonic effects has me wondering about the same for

breath training. In other words given the low frequency components of breathing

at certain rates, isn't there a danger of triggering beta spindling with this



On the topic of harmonic or resonant effects, can this work the

other way too with higher frequencies rippling down the spectrum when trained?


There is an important theoretical and empirical hurdle that needs to be crossed

before any hypothesis of LFT causing beta spindling can be supported. What is

the theoretical rational that this can be trained with such large time lags due

to the nature of the signal? I don't think operant conditioning as a model

would support that such signals can be trained. Also where is the empirical

evidence to support that Low frequency components have actually been trained

during sessions? Client reports of effects is not evidence that any training of

Low Frequency dynamics occurred.


Z. Berman


Original Message -----

From: Dailey

Sent: Saturday, May 19,

2012 7:50 PM

Subject: Theta


Hi Mark,

You asked my thoughts about " theta left frontal

to posterior synchrony " as the underlying mechanism of alpha-theta training.

You cited Gruzelier [1]. Gruzelier cited von Stein [2] and Aftanas [3]. Let me

know if you need those articles. I apologize in advance for my errors in

interpreting the literature.

I don't think this is the mechanism behind typical

alpha theta effects, since that tradition involves only posterior electrodes

and may train theta and alpha amplitudes individually. That is why in

theta-alpha amplitude training the hallmark feature is the alpha-theta

amplitude crossover. This is an indicator of drowsiness or hypnagogic state.

, et al [4] found no correlation between the TA crossover and production

of imagery.

In traditional alpha-theta amplitude training there is

no built in flexibility for the fact that one is changing the amplitudes of

frequency bands (theta and alpha) that normally take much of their cues from

phase shifts at lower frequencies. This AM-PM (amplitude modulation - phase

modulation) relationship is a characteristic of 1/f power law systems such as

neuronal assemblies.

In contrast to amplitude training, synchrony training

can be configured to use theta phase shifts to drive alpha or gamma amplitude

shifts. The hallmark of this approach is not the T-A amplitude

crossover, but rather is the theta-alpha phase reset with its

relationship to intelligence and valid perception.

Another characteristic of T-A amplitude training is

that it is done eyes closed and with relaxing sounds (both the sound and the

flow of water exhibit a type of 1/f feature described as " pink

noise " ). However, I have found TAG synchrony to be best performed eyes

open, although, depending upon network targets, one may want to avoid using

central foveal vision because it is anti-correlated with the default mode


Since I conceive of T-A synchrony training as

different than T-A amplitude training, I do not hold that the goal of synchrony

is also the hypnagogic state accompanying T-A crossover, so I usually do not

try to reward with hypnagogic sounds. My preferred reward for adults (that

rarely works with troubled children) is to have theta synchrony reward by

turning off a loud hum, and to reward alpha synchrony by turning off pink

noise. If the client can avoid excess beta activity (e.g., spindling) then a

loud alert sound can be avoided as well. I simply point out the 3 types of

noise and ask the client to make them all go away. Thus the reward and

encouragement for being in this state is to sit in utter quiet paying attention

to the mental states, however they might be perceived. I believe this is an

important goal since much of infant affect management is learned by the mother

withdrawing stimulation when appropriate and allowing the infant to

self-regulate in quiet when possible.

Theta alpha synchrony, primarily in the

anterior-posterior communications, is required for valid perception according

to Varela [5], et al.

In his studies of meditation [6] Aftanas

(Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) documented the particular importance of

theta and alpha synchrony between the left frontal cortex (e.g., F3) and the

parietal areas (P3, Pz & P4). Like Klimesch he breaks the alpha clinical

band into 3 sub-bands: Low alpha (6-8 Hz), Mid alpha (8-10 Hz) and hi alpha

(10-12 Hz). Desynchronization in these 3 bands is associated with 1) alertness

and vigilance (Lo Alpha), 2) expectancy (Mid Alpha), and 3) cognitive

processing (Hi Alpha). The particular NFB alpha parameters used for a session

can thus have individual significance for the client.

Because of the effects of theta and alpha phase

modulation on gamma amplitude (a consequence of the 1/f power law), it

is interesting to look at different gamma patterns in meditators as well. Last

month in Israel Berkovich-Ohana et all published a study [7]. Frontal and

midline gamma is associated with default mode network functions (self-referential)

and, of course, is decreased with attentional demands. However the lateral and

posterior gamma is increased in attention and especially in meditators. Lehmann

[8] showed that a skilled meditator could change gamma distribution at

will by altering the meditation technique: increased right posterior occipital

gamma activity in image visualization, increased left central-temporal area in

mantra verbalizers. Those practicing emptiness meditation and reconstitution of

the self produced increased gamma activity in the right superior frontal

and right temporal-parietal sites - areas linked to altered sense of self [9].

Interestingly they also showed that very early in the

practice of mindfulness meditation neural plasticity is increased in the self-referential

networks (DMN) as well as the attentional networks. I like to paraphrase

Siegel's definitions of mindfulness meditation: being aware of the

modifications of the mind accompanied by the attitudes of curiosity, openness,

acceptance and appreciation. In my opinion this is a useful definition for

neurofeedback training as well. If so, then the data of meditation studies may

have special relatedness to neurofeedback training.

Here is another interesting thing about 8.5-12.5 Hz

periodicity. Now I am not talking about the posterior dominant (alpha) rhythm,

but I am talking about discrete state changes in the brain which occur in this

frequency range and involved the entire cortex. These are called microstates.

They have nothing to do with the brain state technology company. Most people

chronically display 4 or 5 characteristic states. They occur in different

sequences and last varying times.

These microstates have been found to correlate to 4 of

the resting state networks (not including the DMN), [10] and their sequencing

is disordered in common conditions such as depression, dementia and

schizophrenia. This may be one reason that 10 Hz light flicker improves

recognition memory in older people [11]. This may be one of the reasons that

alpha training (also in the 8.5-12.5 Hz range) is also important in brain state

regulation. One important point to remember as we study brain microstates, is

that we are used to thinking of the 1/f EEG in terms of the frequency

domain, i.e., the power and coherence in the different clinical frequency

bands. We have not looked completely yet at the time domain itself. As you will

see from the literature, monitoring brain microstates, each lasting 80-120 ms,

is very different than watching frequency bins change.

When I started neurofeedback in 2008 I was fortunate

to learn about the resting state networks. They have been well documented as

disordered in a wide range of difficult clinical conditions including

addiction, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, autism, ADD, bipolar disorder, chronic

depression, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, PTSD,

schizophrenia, etc. [12] The default mode network has anterior connectivity

hubs involving the med prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate, and a

posterior connectivity hub at the precuneus and posterior cingulate area.

When I was first exposed to alpha-theta training for

PTSD I was surprised the training was all posterior. I was commonly met with

skepticism about the safety or suitability of up-training frontal theta. Two

facts made me persist. One is that although the presence of polymorphic theta

(as in ADHD) is associated with inflammation and cytokine imbalance, the type

of theta trained is, by the nature of the Fourier transform, may be rhythmic

theta. Rhythmic theta is sometimes known as the Cigánek rhythm or frontal

midline theta. Its presence is associated with improved self-regulation.

Another reason I persisted and started trying theta

alpha gamma synchrony in the midline is because the anterior cingulate and the

insula are part of the salience network that directs resting state network

changes. In my opinion it begs to be included in the neurofeedback. And in

order for the salience network to have valid input, there must be long distance

alpha-theta synchrony.

Although I need to be discrete with the details for a

few weeks, a group I am working with has shown that SMR neurofeedback for ADHD

strengthens default mode network functionality! A common question I hear

is how can SMR training at Cz strengthen resting state functional connectivity

(rsFC) across the cortex? This may be because one of the microstates,

" D " , has activity centered around the combined Fz-Cz area. And as we

now know, brain microstate management has a direct link to resting state activity.

This is, of course, in addition to the other benefits that come from learning

to self-regulate corticothalamic loop timing.

I find it interesting that heart rate variability

training often involves about 6 breaths per minute. The frequency of 6 per

minute (6 per 60 seconds) is exactly the same as the frequency of 1 per 10

seconds (1/10s) and is the same as 0.01/1 second = 0.01 Hz. Since the resonant

frequency of the default mode network is 0.013 Hz and that of the

anti-correlated attentional network is 0.016 Hz (both very close to 0.01 Hz, it

is very possible that resonant breathing at the same frequency pumps these

networks. This may be the basis for Takahashi et al's 2005 suggestion [13] that

deviation from the normal power spectrum of the heart rate variability interfered

with appropriate modulation of alpha and theta in naive meditators. Here again

we see a little into the nature of the 1/f power laws that model reality. Phase

modulation of low frequencies (such as 0.01 Hz or even 10 Hz) feeds amplitude

modulation of higher bands such as beta and gamma. Monto, et al (2008) said

very clearly that " infraslow fluctuations reflect the excitability

dynamics of cortical networks. This is as clear and believable explanation for

both the positive effects of infra-slow frequency training and also the adverse


This 1/f characteristic of " feeding of high

frequency amplitude shifts by low frequency phase shifts " is

probably the main reason why neurofeedback can be dangerous. Both infra-low

frequency NFB and synchrony NFB can encourage beta spindling. Beta spindling,

when observable, usually appears as a fairly isolated peak of beta activity in

a very narrow range, such as 20-22 Hz. It may best be considered a sign

of irritated or kindled cortex. If your " inhibit instruments " are set

to auto-threshold then beta in a narrow range, say 20-22 Hz can increase

significantly, and your auto-threshold will merely elevate in order to

accommodate the increased amplitude. Forty percent of frontal lobe epilepsy is

not apparent on routine EEG even with provocation. If you see any change in

beta spindling that is accompanied by any behavioral sign, such as sudden

restless legs or change in demeanor, you may be dealing with paroxysmal kindled

cortex - seizure by definition.

Ultimately attempting to change frontal metabolism

with neurofeedback may lead to problems if the client has imbalance in

glutathione and glutamate. One of the first questions I ask clients is whether

or not there is any bipolar disorder or schizophrenia in the family. If so,

there is likely a 20-40% reduction in frontal glutathione. This is actually a

very common condition. In my " theory of synaptic recidivism "

(www.cortexercise.com) I summarize some of the literature showing that all of

the disorders that are so common and difficult to treat (such as the list I

gave above and [12]) are characterized by disordered excitation (glutamate

poorly moderated by the reduced levels of glutathione). Because all learning

(and neuroplasticity in general) requires significant inflammation for synaptic

remodeling, and since the anti-inflammatory glutathione is in short supply in

chronic illness, and since the average American diet contains possibly 20 times

more excitotoxins (such as MSG) than it did 15 years ago when MSG was relabeled

" natural spices " , change is difficult or impossible for some clients.

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is a generally safe dietary

amino acid that provides the cysteine that is rate limiting in glutathione

synthesis. Perhaps that is why the journal Biological Psychiatry has just

pre-published results of a study showing effectiveness of NAC in treating

autistic children [15]. Other problems find significant benefit from NAC, e.g.,

bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, trichotillomania, gambling, addiction. When

attempting to optimize any sort of neurofeedback it may be important realize

that there is already an imbalance in excitation, and microstate management

will be difficult without neuroprotection. I have seen over-arousal occur with

tDCS as well, and it is often relieved by NAC (best accompanied by other


Neuroprotection and neuroplasticity are largely

related to the infra-slow frequencies characteristic of resting state networks [16].

These lower frequencies are the Archimedean lever that raises the higher

clinical EEG bands.

Thank you for the question, Mark. I find it thought

provoking. Perhaps others could chime in here.

Best wishes,


Near San Francisco CA

[1] Gruzelier J (2008) - A theory of alpha-theta

neurofeedback, creative performance enhancement, long distance functional

connectivity and psychological integration. Cognitive Processes.

Published online 11 Dec 2008.

[2] von Stein A, et al (2000) - Different frequencies

for different scales of cortical integration - From local gamma to long range

alpha-theta synchronization. International Journal of Psychophysiology 38 2000.


[3] Aftanas LI, et al (2001) - Human anterior and

frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and

internalized attention - EEG investigation of meditation. Neuroscience Letters


[4] JP, et al (2000) - Comparison of

alpha-theta, alpha and EMG neurofeedback in production of alpha-theta crossover

and occurrence of visualizations. Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol. 4(1) 2000

[5] Varela F, et al (2001) - The brainweb - Phase

synchronization and large-scale integration. Nature Reviews Neuroscience,

Volume 2 April 2001 p 229.

[6] Aftanas LI, et al (2001) - Human anterior and

frontal midline theta and lower alpha reflect emotionally positive state and

internalized attention - EEG investigation of meditation. Neuroscience Letters


[7] Berkovich-Ohana A, et al (2012) -

Mindfulness-induced changes in gamma band activity – Implications for the

default mode network, self-reference and attention. Clinical Neurophysiology


[8] Lehmann D, et al (2001) - Brain sources of EEG

gamma frequency during volitionally meditation-induced, altered states of

consciousness, and experience of the self. Psychiatry Res


[9] BL, et al )2001) - Neuroanatomy of the

self: evidence from patients with frontotemporal dementia. Neurology


[10] Britz J, et al (2010) - BOLD correlates of EEG

topography reveal rapid resting-state network dynamics. NeuroImage 52 (2010)


[11] J, et al (2006) - 10 Hz flicker improves

recognition memory in older people. BMC Neuroscience 2006, 7:21

[12] Broyd SJ, et al (2009) - Default-mode brain

dysfunction in mental disorders - A systematic review. Neuroscience and

Biobehavioral Reviews 33 (2009) 279–296

[13] Takahashi T, et al (2005) - Changes in EEG and

autonomic nervous activity during meditation and their association with

personality traits. International Journal of Psychophysiology 55 (2005)

199– 207.

[14] Monto S, et al (2008) - Very slow EEG

fluctuations predict the dynamics of stimulus detection and oscillation

amplitudes in humans. The Journal of Neuroscience, August 13, 2008 •


[15] Hardan AY, et al (2012) - A Randomized Controlled

Pilot Trial of Oral N-Acetylcysteine in Children with Autism. Biol Psychiatry

in press.

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