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Dear Friends,Last spring I wrote to you and told you to be on the look out for thestory of Hannah Poling, who was the first child with autism to be paid fromthe vaccine injury compensation fund. In the months following the Polingstory, we found that she was actually at least the tenth child with autismcompensated for her vaccine injuries by the government, but only thefirst to go public. Her case caused a profound shift in the publicrecognition of vaccination as one of the causes of autism.I am writing to you today to let you know that tomorrow another storyof equally profound weight will be breaking.Specifically that the Department of Defense now holds the positionthat autism is one of the adverse reactions to the DTaP vaccine. Inaddition, The US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology holds that thimerosal islikely a cause of autism and recommends methyl B12 and chelation as the courseof treatment for this mercury exposure. (Both DTaP and thimerosal wereat play in my son Chandler's autistic regression, and his health andfunctioning has dramatically improved via both of these treatments, as well asrelated medical interventions. )The article breaking the story will likely be appearing in theHuffington Post and and may be the subject on tomorrows 360. blogged about the piece that is the lead up to tomorrow's revelationhere.I encourage you to follow this story closely and to bring it to theattention of parents, physicians, politicians, educators and mediawith in your sphere of influence.And I will hope you will join me in advocating for reform in thevaccine program in this country so that we can prevent needless vaccineinjuries.Thank you,Ginger , M.S.http://www.AdventuresInAutism.com

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