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RE: More Questions & Introduction

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I notice your post hasn't yet been answered. As far as I know, the main link

here is Immune Dysfunction/dysregulation. The presence of any foreign

substance in the body will illicit an immune response, building antibodies,

and hence no more responses. If the immune system becomes dysregulated, then

it may go off to " known " intruders also, or may not shut down when it

should. Your list is a list of antagonists. Anti-biotic consumption may not

necessarily lead to a yeast build up either - they clear the gut of most

flora, and if the immune system is dysregulated, then it is not sure what is

good or bad flora - hence candida can grow. However I suspect that this can

happen anyway over time without antibiotics having played a role. There are

a number of factors at play as I understand, it with a yeast overgrowth -

poor digestion, acidity imbalance, suppression of the function of secretin

as produced by our own bodies (which orchestrates the digestive process),

possible leaky gut and production of toxic peptides from poor breakdown of

casein and gluten. Now this is all a Pandora's box too as there are many

theories about what happens in what order. I suspect and would love to be

able to demonstrate that it all can be different for every child, and many

may have little problem with yeast - more so allergens, and /or viruses.

If you haven't done so, look for the articles section on Dr Goldberg's

site - a lot of this is covered.

Do get that appointment though.

and good luck

More Questions & Introduction

I should apologize for posting so many questions without first

introducing myself. My name is and my husband and I have 2

children. My son will be 3 in June and my daughter will be 2 three

days later. My son has been diagnosed with developmental delays, SID

and possible PDD-NOS. I've been desperately trying to find help for

him for months and was recently directed here by someone I met who

has an older son in a similar situation. I've contacted Dr.

Goldberg's office and hope to get in to see him within the next few

months. In the meantime, I continue to have the occasional test run,

research, read, read, read and talk to anyone who will listen about

my heartbreak over what is going on with my precious child.

I read recently that " Candida overgrowth can happen when

bacterial/fungal balance in the intestines is affected adversely by

drugs such as antibiotics, vaccinations, steroids, birth control

pills; chemicals such as amalgam, mercury, other toxic metals,

pesticides, aspartame, MSG, perfumes, industrial; diet including

sugars, consistent alcohol consumption, nutritional deficiencies,

overeating, and refined, canned, smoked, preserved and fried foods;

diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic constipation or diarrhea,

genital candida; and mental/emotional/spiritual imbalances. " The

portion about " other toxic metals " is of particular interest to me.

I had a hair element profile done on Chase (my son) recently and it

showed very high levels of 7 or 8 " potentially toxic metals " like

aluminum, arsenic, antimony, bismuth and uranium.

Might these somehow be tied into a yeast problem? I've read for

months about the connection between yeast overgrowth and Autistic

symptoms. I've had it on my list of (many!) things to look further

into but, frankly, it hasn't been a priority because my son has never

taken an anti-biotic in his life so I figured his " risk " for having

excess yeast was a small one. If someone knows about and can further

explain the connection between yeast overgrowth and toxic metals in

the system, I'd appreciate it.

Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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Hi all

Can anyone please tell me if anyone stayed at the Day

Inn whilst visiting DrG?

How was it? friendly or not?

when did you book it?

someone told me to book a hotel near the Airport( as I

will be travelling from UK)and take a taxi to Dr G's

office and to the spectscan place. how far is that

from Dr G's office?

Many thanks


--- R M <rmwilson@...> wrote:





I notice your post hasn't yet been answered. As far as

I know, the main link<BR>

here is Immune Dysfunction/dysregulation. The presence

of any foreign<BR>

substance in the body will illicit an immune response,

building antibodies,<BR>

and hence no more responses. If the immune system

becomes dysregulated, then<BR>

it may go off to & quot;known & quot; intruders also, or

may not shut down when it<BR>

should. Your list is a list of antagonists.

Anti-biotic consumption may not<BR>

necessarily lead to a yeast build up either - they

clear the gut of most<BR>

flora, and if the immune system is dysregulated, then

it is not sure what is<BR>

good or bad flora - hence candida can grow. However I

suspect that this can<BR>

happen anyway over time without antibiotics having

played a role. There are<BR>

a number of factors at play as I understand, it with a

yeast overgrowth -<BR>

poor digestion, acidity imbalance, suppression of the

function of secretin<BR>

as produced by our own bodies (which orchestrates the

digestive process),<BR>

possible leaky gut and production of toxic peptides

from poor breakdown of<BR>

casein and gluten. Now this is all a Pandora's box too

as there are many<BR>

theories about what happens in what order. I suspect

and would love to be<BR>

able to demonstrate that it all can be different for

every child, and many<BR>

may have little problem with yeast - more so

allergens, and /or viruses.<BR>


If you haven't done so, look for the articles section

on Dr Goldberg's<BR>

site - a lot of this is covered.<BR>


Do get that appointment though.<BR>


and good luck<BR>



More Questions & amp; Introduction<BR>



I should apologize for posting so many questions

without first<BR>

introducing myself. & nbsp; My name is and my

husband and I have 2<BR>

children. & nbsp; My son will be 3 in June and my

daughter will be 2 three<BR>

days later. & nbsp; My son has been diagnosed with

developmental delays, SID<BR>

and possible PDD-NOS. & nbsp; I've been desperately

trying to find help for<BR>

him for months and was recently directed here by

someone I met who<BR>

has an older son in a similar situation. & nbsp; I've

contacted Dr.<BR>

Goldberg's office and hope to get in to see him within

the next few<BR>

months. & nbsp; In the meantime, I continue to have the

occasional test run,<BR>

research, read, read, read and talk to anyone who will

listen about<BR>

my heartbreak over what is going on with my precious



I read recently that & quot;Candida overgrowth can

happen when<BR>

bacterial/fungal balance in the intestines is affected

adversely by<BR>

drugs such as antibiotics, vaccinations, steroids,

birth control<BR>

pills; chemicals such as amalgam, mercury, other toxic


pesticides, aspartame, MSG, perfumes, industrial; diet


sugars, consistent alcohol consumption, nutritional


overeating, and refined, canned, smoked, preserved and

fried foods;<BR>

diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic

constipation or diarrhea,<BR>

genital candida; and mental/emotional/spiritual

imbalances. & quot; & nbsp; The<BR>

portion about & quot;other toxic metals & quot; is of

particular interest to me.<BR>

I had a hair element profile done on Chase (my son)

recently and it<BR>

showed very high levels of 7 or 8 & quot;potentially

toxic metals & quot; like<BR>

aluminum, arsenic, antimony, bismuth and uranium.<BR>


Might these somehow be tied into a yeast

problem? & nbsp; I've read for<BR>

months about the connection between yeast overgrowth

and Autistic<BR>

symptoms. & nbsp; I've had it on my list of (many!)

things to look further<BR>

into but, frankly, it hasn't been a priority because

my son has never<BR>

taken an anti-biotic in his life so I figured his

& quot;risk & quot; for having<BR>

excess yeast was a small one. & nbsp; If someone knows

about and can further<BR>

explain the connection between yeast overgrowth and

toxic metals in<BR>

the system, I'd appreciate it.<BR>








Responsibility for the content of this message lies

strictly with<BR>

the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed

by or the<BR>

opinion of the Research Institute.<BR>



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we stayed at the Days Inn, Tarzana. Is was comfortable and friendly. When we

got to the airport we got the hire car bus to the hire car depot. Picked up

the car and studied the map and drove to the Days Inn in Tarzana. It was

approx. 40 minutes drive. We only booked it about a week before we left.

Because it is just one block from Dr. Goldberg's it meant that we weren't

panicked in the morning. After we arrived at Days Inn, we looked on the map

and found we Dr Goldberg's office was and drove around to see it so that we

knew where we were going for the next morning. It was good to see where we

were going to have to get to the next day. Course we were all heavily jet

lagged and needed to sleep most of the afternoon and found that with the

time differences meant that when we were at the appointment at 11.00am LA

time, it would have been 4.00am at home, so we wanted to stay as close as

possible to his office because we didn't know how long it would take to get

there in the morning traffic, worried about getting lost etc etc. Subway

(take out shop) was just down the road so we had that, that night. We flew

over from Australia, a 16 hour flight with two stops, one in Australia and

one in New Zealand each approx 2 hours, the flight wasn't too bad to start

with but after about the first 10 hours our ASD son became giggly and was

quite annoying for everyone around us. Having to eat plane food didn't help

and he became very difficult to get to sleep especially with the time being

different to when we were at home. We were very worried about driving in LA

having only seen the traffic congested roads on TV and in the movies and

also were very conscious about driving on the wrong side of the road (we are

like you in the UK we drive on the left). And we assumed that the rule of

giving way to the right must be reversed and you have to give way to the

left. But it wasn't as bad as we had envisioned. For people who are on a

tighter budget Days Inn (Tarzana) is clean and comfortable without having

to spend an excessive amount on accomodation.


RE: More Questions & Introduction

> Hi all

> Can anyone please tell me if anyone stayed at the Day

> Inn whilst visiting DrG?


> How was it? friendly or not?


> when did you book it?


> someone told me to book a hotel near the Airport( as I

> will be travelling from UK)and take a taxi to Dr G's

> office and to the spectscan place. how far is that

> from Dr G's office?


> Many thanks

> Ri





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