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My local doctors think I am simply being victimized

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I have now spoken to my GP and a local Immunologist. I gave them all of the information from Dr. Goldberg's site. They reviewed the information and both separately told me that I was being victimized by a doctor willing to do research rather than proven medicine on my child. The immunologist was quite angry about it. He said that desperate people are willing to do desperate things and that that leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do unscrupulous things for a lot of money. The GP was a little nicer about it and told me that the information was simply suggested research, but not proven science. He warned me that there were 'doctors' that were willing to treat research as proven science, but that he could not in good conscience do this sort of thing. He said that Herpes medications do not really even help people with genital Herpes that much and that none of the medications actually get rid of the virus. He said that there was no current medication that could get rid of the virus so he saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.

Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. Could someone please reassure me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to do?


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Hi !

I am in the same situation as yourself. I am seeing Dr

G in July.

My child has not being diagnosed as having autism but

has alot of numerous difficulties and is at present

undiagnosed. i am going becuse without this

intervention i know she does not have a chance and if

there is chanceand hope for my angel (most of the

time a devil)i will follow. today i saw my doctor

today as well and once more he told me to accept my

childs situation and help her by accepting it!!!

I will never know untill i try, if it fails i know i

have tried and i wont look back and say i wish i


what are your childs difficulties? i am sure someone

very helpful will answer your questions

-- Day <angeladay@...> wrote: > I

have now spoken to my GP and a local Immunologist.

> I gave them all of the information from Dr.

> Goldberg's site. They reviewed the information and

> both separately told me that I was being victimized

> by a doctor willing to do research rather than

> proven medicine on my child. The immunologist was

> quite angry about it. He said that desperate people

> are willing to do desperate things and that that

> leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do

> unscrupulous things for a lot of money. The GP was

> a little nicer about it and told me that the

> information was simply suggested research, but not

> proven science. He warned me that there were

> 'doctors' that were willing to treat research as

> proven science, but that he could not in good

> conscience do this sort of thing. He said that

> Herpes medications do not really even help people

> with genital Herpes that much and that none of the

> medications actually get rid of the virus. He said

> that there was no current medication that could get

> rid of the virus so he saw no reason to prescribe it

> to a child.


> Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. Could someone

> please reassure me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the

> right thing to do?


> Thanks,




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Hi ,

While I don't have all of the answers, I do have a few suggestions. First off I

don't know how much information from the site you gave your doctor, but I

feel that possibly showing them the latest video may answer some of their

concerns. If they were truly interested they should take the time to watch it.

It may also help to show them the resumes of the doctors who are behind the

theories are posted in the latest flyer for the May 18th video conference.

I am hosting a Video conference site in an attempt to inform doctors and parents

in my area about . It doesn't cost that much ( $500 at my location, thats

only $25/person for 20 people)There is a Q & A period where people from each

location can ask questions. If there was a location in or near where you live

your doctors could attend. We are seeing Dr. G for the first time in May, but

we are already involved in because we believe he is definately on to

something and there isn't time to waste .

I'm just curious and I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but, has your immunologist

suggested anything to help your son? My stepfather is a pediatric neurologist

and feels that nothing has been proven that can help children with autism. He is

very skeptical of the GFCF diet that my son has been on for the past year and

feels that it may do permanent damage (this is laughable). It is good to ask a

lot of questions and critique things but I don't think doctors should just write

potential treatments off without having all the information and taking success

cases in to consideration. Ultimately the choice is yours to make, I know how

scared and confused you must be, I pretty scared too .In my sons case I don't

want to know 10 years from now that was right and finally all the paperwork

is in and I didn't act sooner. ( I know there are a lot of other sides to that

arguement) but that is the choice that I have made for my son.

Best of Luck in whatever your choice is.

My local doctors think I am simply being victimized

I have now spoken to my GP and a local Immunologist. I gave them all of the

information from Dr. Goldberg's site. They reviewed the information and both

separately told me that I was being victimized by a doctor willing to do

research rather than proven medicine on my child. The immunologist was quite

angry about it. He said that desperate people are willing to do desperate

things and that that leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do

unscrupulous things for a lot of money. The GP was a little nicer about it and

told me that the information was simply suggested research, but not proven

science. He warned me that there were 'doctors' that were willing to treat

research as proven science, but that he could not in good conscience do this

sort of thing. He said that Herpes medications do not really even help people

with genital Herpes that much and that none of the medications actually get rid

of the virus. He said that there was no current medication that could get rid

of the virus so he saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.

Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. Could someone please reassure me that

seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to do?


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Hi ,

I have been through the same thing with my son's paediatrician also. He said

lots of things that made me very doubtful. He said something to the effect of,

" I have a lot of ideas about what may cause this or that but I can't go around

expecting other people to pay big money to fund my research projects. " I simply

said, do you think that it sounds like it could possibly be the answer though?

And he replied with " Well, even if it is the answer, this doctor is not going

about it an a professional way. He should be doing double blind placebo

controlled studies. And paying the costs involved with doing it himself. Not

expect the patient to be a guinea pig and pay for the research as well. "

I went away and thought about it for a long time. And asked myself a few


Q1. What does my paediatrician have to offer me for my son's improvement or


A1. Nothing.

Q2. Does he have to watch his child live in an autistic prison and know that

they will always be dependent on him even when he is old and possibly not able

to look after them?

A2. No.

Q3. Is Dr. Goldberg's treatment dangerous?

A3. No.

Q4. If I don't do this and wait for the research to be completed and become

standardized treatment will it be too late for my son to benefit?

A4. Most definately.

Yes, your doctor is right that we are desperate parents, but why are we

desperate? Because we have a very, very limited amount of time to work with and

because we don't have any support from our doctors! When we go to our local

doctors they can't give us any answers or solutions. What are we to do? We

research it ourselves and now with the internet we have the tools to do it.

Unfortunately for some, before we get it right we make mistakes. It is because

of the medical community looking at our children as damaged goods (this is very

upsetting), which is why we look desperately for other avenues and usually end

up trying some quackery. Try this supplement, do this strange therapy etc. And

we do make mistakes. But Dr. Goldberg is a proper medical doctor with years and

years of experience. He uses medications that have been properly tested and

monitors everything with blood tests. He has patients who have recovered from

his treatment and it is slow, but sometimes slow is better. Some of these mega

dose vitamins etc. give quick results that look impressive but can then be doing

some other harm like causing seizures etc.

If Dr Goldberg were to do all of the double blind placebo controlled studies it

would be more than 10 years before the medical community take it on board. We

don't have 10 years and while the doctors don't have anything to loose by

sitting back waiting for the long, slow process - we have everything to loose.

If the protocol is not harmful (which can't be said for a lot of other

treatments out there) and it makes sense, and all of the medical people who

don't like Dr Goldberg's professionalism don't seem to be able to have a valid

argument as to why it's not the answer, then surely it's got to be worth a try.

These doctors want us to accept the diagnosis, but what exactly does that mean?

Give up on your child? Accept that their lives are ruined forever? If it was

like other genetic disabilities like Downs Syndrome why has there been case

after case of recovered children and yet how often is recovery from Downs

Syndrome reported?

You have to weigh it all up for yourself. Even into the treatment during rough

patches I still have doubtful times. It is never easy. Autism is never easy

either but we have to live with it. And yes it is still early days for this

protocol but everything has to start somewhere, unfortunately our children are

children now and therefore need help right now not ten years time. We only get

one chance and if we let it go it will be gone forever.

All the best,


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Day wrote:

> I have now spoken to my GP and a local Immunologist. I gave them all

> of the information from Dr. Goldberg's site. They reviewed the

> information and both separately told me that I was being victimized by

> a doctor willing to do research rather than proven medicine on my

> child. The immunologist was quite angry about it. He said that

> desperate people are willing to do desperate things and that that

> leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do unscrupulous things

> for a lot of money. The GP was a little nicer about it and told me

> that the information was simply suggested research, but not proven

> science. He warned me that there were 'doctors' that were willing to

> treat research as proven science, but that he could not in good

> conscience do this sort of thing. He said that Herpes medications do

> not really even help people with genital Herpes that much and that

> none of the medications actually get rid of the virus. He said that

> there was no current medication that could get rid of the virus so he

> saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.




> Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. Could someone please reassure

> me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to do?




> Thanks,






Hi ,

The proof is in the results. If (and there certainly is an " if " here)

your child has the symptoms of immune dysfunction, I think Dr. G can

help. I believe in my heart that if Dr. G did not think he could help,

he would be upfront and tell you so. If you would like to feel more

confidant about the " science " , I suggest you subscribe to:

abmd . You will be blown away by all the research that

backs up Dr. G's protocol.

I have absolutely no regrets making the trek to CA. In one year my

child has become so near normal it is difficult to distinguish him from

his peers. This really flies in the face of all those doctors that told

me " to live with it " .

One last thing, if Dr. G is getting rich, it is not from his practice.

$145 every six weeks is a bargain to have my kid back. The prices Dr. G

charges are not those of a doctor looking to victimize. (My

Immunologist charged $299 for 20 minutes, no tests, just talking! Talk

about a rip-off!)

Follow your gut- you know your child much better than anyone else. I

wish you peace with whatever you decide.


Plano, TX

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Cheri's response is superb........

is steadily progressing - he has his ups and downs. After his second

full immune panel, his titres for the herpes viruses were showing

improvement. We started reducing FamVir. He regressed. We switched from

Diflucan to Amphotericin B - a milder anti fungal, he regressed and started

having more tummy problems. The medications do help the immune system to

cope better. We have cleaned up his allergy responses, third successive drop

in EOS. WE still suspect viral activity and are really looking at that

closely. Neurospect has been extremely powerful in understanding what is

going on up there - and helped direct Dr G in making decisions about

medications/ and has helped our education psychologist and speech

pathologist in adjusting and improving programs for him.

Chris's receptive language has improved 2 years in 1. Expressive a little

slower, but building now - vocab very good and.... pronunciation - as noted

yesterday by an educationalist who saw him for the first time as

" excellent - very easy to understand " .

Yesterday, for the first time, (6 1/2) initiated a game of ring-a-rosy

with his 3 1/2 yo sister. He sang the whole song, dragged her around and

around with total eye contact to make sure she was joining in! He really had

that " i'm big brother look in his eye " . She was a bit in shock at the

wonderful attention and involvement form her older brother! Then they all

fell down in a heap, laughing and giggling - and repeated it for more fun!

, and others embarking on this now - I urge you to go through the

previous posts on the list - there are some very compelling testimonials of

recovery and improvement. Read these and then go to your local doctors with

them - if they are still so closed minded, then I and suggest that you tell

them you might need to change. Ask your doctor how many infants were tested

in double blind placebo tests for HEP B shots!!....... Yet this is

administered at birth. (by the way I am not anti-vaccination).

Go for it!

Re: My local doctors think I am simply being victimized

Hi ,

I have been through the same thing with my son's paediatrician also. He said

lots of things that made me very doubtful. He said something to the effect

of, " I have a lot of ideas about what may cause this or that but I can't go

around expecting other people to pay big money to fund my research

projects. " I simply said, do you think that it sounds like it could possibly

be the answer though? And he replied with " Well, even if it is the answer,

this doctor is not going about it an a professional way. He should be doing

double blind placebo controlled studies. And paying the costs involved with

doing it himself. Not expect the patient to be a guinea pig and pay for the

research as well. "

I went away and thought about it for a long time. And asked myself a few


Q1. What does my paediatrician have to offer me for my son's improvement or


A1. Nothing.

Q2. Does he have to watch his child live in an autistic prison and know that

they will always be dependent on him even when he is old and possibly not

able to look after them?

A2. No.

Q3. Is Dr. Goldberg's treatment dangerous?

A3. No.

Q4. If I don't do this and wait for the research to be completed and become

standardized treatment will it be too late for my son to benefit?

A4. Most definately.

Yes, your doctor is right that we are desperate parents, but why are we

desperate? Because we have a very, very limited amount of time to work with

and because we don't have any support from our doctors! When we go to our

local doctors they can't give us any answers or solutions. What are we to

do? We research it ourselves and now with the internet we have the tools to

do it. Unfortunately for some, before we get it right we make mistakes. It

is because of the medical community looking at our children as damaged

goods (this is very upsetting), which is why we look desperately for other

avenues and usually end up trying some quackery. Try this supplement, do

this strange therapy etc. And we do make mistakes. But Dr. Goldberg is a

proper medical doctor with years and years of experience. He uses

medications that have been properly tested and monitors everything with

blood tests. He has patients who have recovered from his treatment and it is

slow, but sometimes slow is bette!

r. Some of these mega dose vitamins etc. give quick results that look

impressive but can then be doing some other harm like causing seizures etc.

If Dr Goldberg were to do all of the double blind placebo controlled studies

it would be more than 10 years before the medical community take it on

board. We don't have 10 years and while the doctors don't have anything to

loose by sitting back waiting for the long, slow process - we have

everything to loose. If the protocol is not harmful (which can't be

said for a lot of other treatments out there) and it makes sense, and all of

the medical people who don't like Dr Goldberg's professionalism don't seem

to be able to have a valid argument as to why it's not the answer, then

surely it's got to be worth a try.

These doctors want us to accept the diagnosis, but what exactly does that

mean? Give up on your child? Accept that their lives are ruined forever? If

it was like other genetic disabilities like Downs Syndrome why has there

been case after case of recovered children and yet how often is recovery

from Downs Syndrome reported?

You have to weigh it all up for yourself. Even into the treatment during

rough patches I still have doubtful times. It is never easy. Autism is never

easy either but we have to live with it. And yes it is still early days for

this protocol but everything has to start somewhere, unfortunately our

children are children now and therefore need help right now not ten years

time. We only get one chance and if we let it go it will be gone forever.

All the best,


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Dr. G has been in this practice for almost 20 years. He is the very

first medical doctor to pose a theory and have years of documented cases

and facts that other doctors now are looking and taking notice of..

Would your immunologist and GP like to see pictures of my son before and

after treatment? My son has redness all around the mouth, with puffy

cheeks and a nose that looked like Rudolph. The dark circles around the

eyes, he would bleed in the diaper area as soon as he soiled his diaper.

I told my ped. over and over and she said " Oh just put medication for

diaper rash " I had to use lotrumin to control the area. Years later Dr.

Goldberg tells me that if I had stopped giving him cow milk he would

have stopped bleeding. When we started the anti viral, my son was very

agitated for about 3 weeks, then the redness around the mouth went away.

No more canker sores, no more chapped lips, no more redness in the

cheeks. Your GP needs to go back to med. school for a course refresher.

Give him the book " The virus within " as a good-bye gift to understand

how viral infections cause harm to a dysfunctional immune system.

Zovirax and Vultrex work on the virus by chopping it out thus allowing

the immune system to fight it. The medication attacks the virus so it

will not multiply and spread. We all have herpes but our immune system

keeps it in check. With our children their immune system needs help.

Dr. Goldberg is the first medical doctor to look me in the eyes and tell

me that my son is an intelligent boy and we need to bring him to this

world. Step by step he worked with us. I can compare the initial blood

work that was done five years ago and the results were below the range

or over the range. Now my son's blood work looks normal. It did not

happen overnight.

Somebody from the list correct me if I am wrong but I am almost certain

that Dr. Goldberg's research was published in a medical journal.

If I could go back in time I would have taken my son to Dr. G the minute

I suspected something was wrong. He does not have all the answers but he

has a big chunk of the puzzle and I wanted for my child.

- Mercy

Day wrote:

> I have now spoken to my GP and a local Immunologist. I gave them all

> of the information from Dr. Goldberg's site. They reviewed the

> information and both separately told me that I was being victimized by

> a doctor willing to do research rather than proven medicine on my

> child. The immunologist was quite angry about it. He said that

> desperate people are willing to do desperate things and that that

> leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do unscrupulous things

> for a lot of money. The GP was a little nicer about it and told me

> that the information was simply suggested research, but not proven

> science. He warned me that there were 'doctors' that were willing to

> treat research as proven science, but that he could not in good

> conscience do this sort of thing. He said that Herpes medications do

> not really even help people with genital Herpes that much and that

> none of the medications actually get rid of the virus. He said that

> there was no current medication that could get rid of the virus so he

> saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.




> Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. Could someone please reassure

> me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to do?




> Thanks,






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I was just wondering how can you tell if your child

has an immune problem?

my daughter as yet is undiagnosed,is very hyper ,no

concentration span,is non verbaland does not play with

her peers, however the doctors dont want to label her.

i am taking her to see Dr G in July but am afraid that

he will say to me that he can not help as she does not

have autism?

I have been told by my doctor thta if i do all the

blood test in the world they will be normal!

if they are normal does that mean she does not have an

immune problem.

I am in the UK which means that every penny that i

spend on visiting USA and the medication will be by me

not any insurance co,and if her problems are rejected

by Dr G I then have no hope.

I had AIT done for her but no luck and my family and

friends think i am wasting my money by going to DrG

What do you think?

has anybody been successfully treated

by Dr G who was not diagnosed as being autistic.

Many thanks and sorry for bombarding you all with

questions but i went to see the doctor today and am

felling very gutted by things.

--- Logan Falls <rsfalls@...>





Day wrote:<BR>


& gt; I have now spoken to my GP and a local

Immunologist. & nbsp; I gave them all <BR>

& gt; of the information from Dr. Goldberg's

site. & nbsp; They reviewed the <BR>

& gt; information and both separately told me that I

was being victimized by <BR>

& gt; a doctor willing to do research rather than

proven medicine on my <BR>

& gt; child. & nbsp; The immunologist was quite angry

about it. & nbsp; He said that <BR>

& gt; desperate people are willing to do desperate

things and that that <BR>

& gt; leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do

unscrupulous things <BR>

& gt; for a lot of money. & nbsp; The GP was a little

nicer about it and told me <BR>

& gt; that the information was simply suggested

research, but not proven <BR>

& gt; science. & nbsp; He warned me that there were

'doctors' that were willing to <BR>

& gt; treat research as proven science, but that he

could not in good <BR>

& gt; conscience do this sort of thing. & nbsp; He said

that Herpes medications do <BR>

& gt; not really even help people with genital Herpes

that much and that <BR>

& gt; none of the medications actually get rid of the

virus. & nbsp; He said that <BR>

& gt; there was no current medication that could get

rid of the virus so he <BR>

& gt; saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; & nbsp; <BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. & nbsp; Could

someone please reassure <BR>

& gt; me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to


& gt; <BR>

& gt; & nbsp; <BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; Thanks,<BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; <BR>

& gt; <BR>

Hi ,<BR>

The proof is in the results. & nbsp; If (and there

certainly is an & quot;if & quot; here) <BR>

your child has the symptoms of immune dysfunction, I

think Dr. G can <BR>

help. & nbsp; I believe in my heart that if Dr. G did

not think he could help, <BR>

he would be upfront and tell you so. & nbsp; If you

would like to feel more <BR>

confidant about the & quot;science & quot;, I suggest you

subscribe to: <BR>

abmd . & nbsp; You will be blown away by

all the research that <BR>

backs up Dr. G's protocol. & nbsp; & nbsp; <BR>

I have absolutely no regrets making the trek to

CA. & nbsp; In one year my <BR>

child has become so near normal it is difficult to

distinguish him from <BR>

his peers. & nbsp; This really flies in the face of all

those doctors that told <BR>

me & quot;to live with it & quot;. <BR>

One last thing, if Dr. G is getting rich, it is not

from his practice. & nbsp; <BR>

$145 every six weeks is a bargain to have my kid

back. & nbsp; The prices Dr. G <BR>

charges are not those of a doctor looking to

victimize. & nbsp; (My <BR>

Immunologist charged $299 for 20 minutes, no tests,

just talking! & nbsp; Talk <BR>

about a & nbsp; rip-off!)<BR>

Follow your gut- you know your child much better than

anyone else. & nbsp; I <BR>

wish you peace with whatever you decide.<BR>



Plano, TX<BR>





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Thanks to everyone for the good advice. It has been very refreshing. My son

has high-functioning Autism. I started him on Zoloft a month ago and his speech

has really increased. He has gone from 3-5 word sentences and very little

conversation to 8 word sentences and 15 sentence conversations. I am very

excited. My son is in first grade in a regular classroom with some assistance

from an Aid. He made the honor role last semester, but is struggling this

semester as the words become less phonetical. He has real problems with verbal

stemming and a short attention span and hyperactivity. He has been on Adderall

since he was 4.

My hope is that he be more 'tuned-in' with people and their conversations. I

hope to reduce the hyperactivity. I hope to improve his digestive problems.

I am having trouble finding a doctor to do the blood work before I go to see Dr.

G, since as I said, my local doctors think I am a victim. How much more time

and money will it cost me if I wait for the blood work at the visit? I live in

Austin, TX. I am on an HMO and Dr. G and anything he orders will not be covered

by insurance.

Thanks again for all of your reassurance.

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Dear Rifat,

I can empathize with the enormous amount of thought and emotion that you

have expended on deciding to take your daughter to see Dr. Goldberg.

RELAX...Dr. Goldberg sees patients with other issues than autism. He's not

going to tell you he can't help or won't try to understand you or your


With all due respect, I think your fears and anxieties are getting to you.

Please allow yourself to trust Dr. Goldberg, your daughter and yourself. You

are in good hands. Yes, it is expensive to fly from the UK to California and


POTENTIAL to have a daughter who has not been helped. Turn down the fear

within and tune out the naysayers who have no answers or viable approaches

for your daughter. Allow yourself to believe that you are doing what you

feel is in her best interest. There are no guarantees but this: DOING


the right thing even though it is a difficult decision. For both your sakes,

I hope July, 2002 comes soon!

Good luck Rifat!

Pat Koltun

Re: My local doctors think I am simply being victimized

> Hi


> I was just wondering how can you tell if your child

> has an immune problem?


> my daughter as yet is undiagnosed,is very hyper ,no

> concentration span,is non verbaland does not play with

> her peers, however the doctors dont want to label her.


> i am taking her to see Dr G in July but am afraid that

> he will say to me that he can not help as she does not

> have autism?

> I have been told by my doctor thta if i do all the

> blood test in the world they will be normal!

> if they are normal does that mean she does not have an

> immune problem.


> I am in the UK which means that every penny that i

> spend on visiting USA and the medication will be by me

> not any insurance co,and if her problems are rejected

> by Dr G I then have no hope.


> I had AIT done for her but no luck and my family and

> friends think i am wasting my money by going to DrG


> What do you think?

> has anybody been successfully treated

> by Dr G who was not diagnosed as being autistic.



> Many thanks and sorry for bombarding you all with

> questions but i went to see the doctor today and am

> felling very gutted by things.





> --- Logan Falls <rsfalls@...>

> wrote:

> <HR>

> <html><body>



> <tt>

> Day wrote:<BR>

> <BR>

> & gt; I have now spoken to my GP and a local

> Immunologist. & nbsp; I gave them all <BR>

> & gt; of the information from Dr. Goldberg's

> site. & nbsp; They reviewed the <BR>

> & gt; information and both separately told me that I

> was being victimized by <BR>

> & gt; a doctor willing to do research rather than

> proven medicine on my <BR>

> & gt; child. & nbsp; The immunologist was quite angry

> about it. & nbsp; He said that <BR>

> & gt; desperate people are willing to do desperate

> things and that that <BR>

> & gt; leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do

> unscrupulous things <BR>

> & gt; for a lot of money. & nbsp; The GP was a little

> nicer about it and told me <BR>

> & gt; that the information was simply suggested

> research, but not proven <BR>

> & gt; science. & nbsp; He warned me that there were

> 'doctors' that were willing to <BR>

> & gt; treat research as proven science, but that he

> could not in good <BR>

> & gt; conscience do this sort of thing. & nbsp; He said

> that Herpes medications do <BR>

> & gt; not really even help people with genital Herpes

> that much and that <BR>

> & gt; none of the medications actually get rid of the

> virus. & nbsp; He said that <BR>

> & gt; there was no current medication that could get

> rid of the virus so he <BR>

> & gt; saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; & nbsp; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. & nbsp; Could

> someone please reassure <BR>

> & gt; me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to

> do?<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; & nbsp; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; Thanks,<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> Hi ,<BR>

> The proof is in the results. & nbsp; If (and there

> certainly is an & quot;if & quot; here) <BR>

> your child has the symptoms of immune dysfunction, I

> think Dr. G can <BR>

> help. & nbsp; I believe in my heart that if Dr. G did

> not think he could help, <BR>

> he would be upfront and tell you so. & nbsp; If you

> would like to feel more <BR>

> confidant about the & quot;science & quot;, I suggest you

> subscribe to: <BR>

> abmd . & nbsp; You will be blown away by

> all the research that <BR>

> backs up Dr. G's protocol. & nbsp; & nbsp; <BR>

> I have absolutely no regrets making the trek to

> CA. & nbsp; In one year my <BR>

> child has become so near normal it is difficult to

> distinguish him from <BR>

> his peers. & nbsp; This really flies in the face of all

> those doctors that told <BR>

> me & quot;to live with it & quot;. <BR>

> One last thing, if Dr. G is getting rich, it is not

> from his practice. & nbsp; <BR>

> $145 every six weeks is a bargain to have my kid

> back. & nbsp; The prices Dr. G <BR>

> charges are not those of a doctor looking to

> victimize. & nbsp; (My <BR>

> Immunologist charged $299 for 20 minutes, no tests,

> just talking! & nbsp; Talk <BR>

> about a & nbsp; rip-off!)<BR>

> Follow your gut- you know your child much better than

> anyone else. & nbsp; I <BR>

> wish you peace with whatever you decide.<BR>

> Sincerely,<BR>

> <BR>

> Plano, TX<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


> <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->


> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC>

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Guest guest

Hi Pat

May i first thank you for your time and


When i see my doctors here in England and hear their

nagativity towards my child i let emotions get the

better of me,I was told by my doctor that my child

regression from when he last saw her was very worrying

and that they will do an EEG to determine if she is

having seizures, (now they believeme when i say she is

regressing) when i am emailing everyone i lash out.

since everyone aroud me thinks i am such a very strong

person and how well i cope with my child? I am not!so

strong when i am writing to you, I can be me! showing

my fears for my child.

if it was not for all of you helping people like me

offering advice i dont know how i would cope.

I feel very relieved to hear all your wonderfull

stories and start feeling very hopeful and start

trusting my gut instict,which is and always will be

that my child is a very bright human being and one day

i will go back to the doctors and say i told you so

--- " P. Koltun " <pkoltun@...> wrote:




Dear Rifat,<BR>


I can empathize with the enormous amount of thought

and emotion that you<BR>

have expended on deciding to take your daughter to see

Dr. Goldberg.<BR>

RELAX...Dr. Goldberg sees patients with other issues

than autism. He's not<BR>

going to tell you he can't help or won't try to

understand you or your<BR>



With all due respect, I think your fears and anxieties

are getting to you.<BR>

Please allow yourself to trust Dr. Goldberg, your

daughter and yourself. You<BR>

are in good hands. Yes, it is expensive to fly from

the UK to California and<BR>

see Dr. Goldberg but it is FAR MORE EXPENSIVE IN BOTH


POTENTIAL to have a daughter who has not been helped.

Turn down the fear<BR>

within and tune out the naysayers who have no answers

or viable approaches<BR>

for your daughter. Allow yourself to believe that you

are doing what you<BR>

feel is in her best interest. There are no guarantees

but this: DOING<BR>


Know that you are doing<BR>

the right thing even though it is a difficult

decision. For both your sakes,<BR>

I hope July, 2002 comes soon!<BR>


Good luck Rifat!<BR>


Pat Koltun<BR>



Re: My local doctors think I am simply

being victimized<BR>



& gt; Hi <BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; I was just wondering how can you tell if your


& gt; has an immune problem?<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; my daughter as yet is undiagnosed,is very hyper


& gt; concentration span,is non verbaland does not play


& gt; her peers, however the doctors dont want to label


& gt;<BR>

& gt; i am taking her to see Dr G in July but am afraid


& gt; he will say to me that he can not help as she

does not<BR>

& gt; have autism?<BR>

& gt; I have been told by my doctor thta if i do all


& gt; blood test in the world they will be normal!<BR>

& gt; if they are normal does that mean she does not

have an<BR>

& gt; immune problem.<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; I am in the UK which means that every penny that


& gt; spend on visiting USA and the medication will be

by me<BR>

& gt; not any insurance co,and & nbsp; if her problems

are rejected<BR>

& gt; by Dr G I then have no hope.<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; I had AIT done for her but no luck and my family


& gt; friends think i am wasting my money by going to


& gt;<BR>

& gt; What do you think?<BR>

& gt; has anybody been successfully treated<BR>

& gt; & nbsp; by Dr G who was not diagnosed as being


& gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; Many thanks and sorry for bombarding you all


& gt; questions but i went to see the doctor today and


& gt; felling very gutted by things.<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & nbsp; --- Logan Falls

& lt;rsfalls@... & gt;<BR>

& gt; wrote:<BR>

& gt; & lt;HR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;html & gt; & lt;body & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;tt & gt;<BR>

& gt; Day wrote: & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; I have now spoken to my GP and a


& gt; Immunologist. & amp;nbsp; I gave them all

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; of the information from Dr.


& gt; site. & amp;nbsp; They reviewed the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; information and both separately told me

that I<BR>

& gt; was being victimized by & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; a doctor willing to do research rather


& gt; proven medicine on my & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; child. & amp;nbsp; The immunologist was

quite angry<BR>

& gt; about it. & amp;nbsp; He said that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; desperate people are willing to do


& gt; things and that that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; leaves them vulnerable to doctors

willing to do<BR>

& gt; unscrupulous things & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; for a lot of money. & amp;nbsp; The GP was

a little<BR>

& gt; nicer about it and told me & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; that the information was simply


& gt; research, but not proven & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; science. & amp;nbsp; He warned me that

there were<BR>

& gt; 'doctors' that were willing to & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; treat research as proven science, but

that he<BR>

& gt; could not in good & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; conscience do this sort of

thing. & amp;nbsp; He said<BR>

& gt; that Herpes medications do & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; not really even help people with genital


& gt; that much and that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; none of the medications actually get rid

of the<BR>

& gt; virus. & amp;nbsp; He said that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; there was no current medication that

could get<BR>

& gt; rid of the virus so he & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; saw no reason to prescribe it to a

child. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & amp;nbsp; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; Anyway, this left me rather

doubtful. & amp;nbsp; Could<BR>

& gt; someone please reassure & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right

thing to<BR>

& gt; do? & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & amp;nbsp; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; Thanks, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; Hi , & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; The proof is in the results. & amp;nbsp; If (and


& gt; certainly is an & amp;quot;if & amp;quot; here)

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; your child has the symptoms of immune

dysfunction, I<BR>

& gt; think Dr. G can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; help. & amp;nbsp; I believe in my heart that if Dr.

G did<BR>

& gt; not think he could help, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; he would be upfront and tell you so. & amp;nbsp; If


& gt; would like to feel more & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; confidant about the & amp;quot;science & amp;quot;,

I suggest you<BR>

& gt; subscribe to: & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; abmd . & amp;nbsp; You will be blown

away by<BR>

& gt; all the research that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; backs up Dr. G's protocol. & amp;nbsp; & amp;nbsp;

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; I have absolutely no regrets making the trek


& gt; CA. & amp;nbsp; In one year my & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; child has become so near normal it is difficult


& gt; distinguish him from & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; his peers. & amp;nbsp; This really flies in the

face of all<BR>

& gt; those doctors that told & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; me & amp;quot;to live with it & amp;quot;.

& lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; One last thing, if Dr. G is getting rich, it is


& gt; from his practice. & amp;nbsp; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; $145 every six weeks is a bargain to have my


& gt; back. & amp;nbsp; The prices Dr. G & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; charges are not those of a doctor looking to<BR>

& gt; victimize. & amp;nbsp; (My & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; Immunologist charged $299 for 20 minutes, no


& gt; just talking! & amp;nbsp; Talk & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; about a & amp;nbsp; rip-off!) & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; Follow your gut- you know your child much better


& gt; anyone else. & amp;nbsp; I & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; wish you peace with whatever you

decide. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; Sincerely, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; Plano, TX & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;/tt & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -- & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;table border=0 cellspacing=0

cellpadding=2 & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;td align=center & gt; & lt;font

size= & quot;-1 & quot;<BR>

& gt; color=#003399 & gt; & lt;b & gt;

Sponsor & lt;/b & gt; & lt;/font & gt; & lt;/td & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;/tr & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;td align=center width=470 & gt; & lt;table


& gt; cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 & gt; & lt;tr & gt; & lt;td

align=center & gt; & lt;font<BR>

& gt; face=arial

size=-2 & gt;ADVERTISEMENT & lt;/font & gt; & lt;br & gt; & lt;a<BR>

& gt;<BR>

href= & quot;<a

href= " http://rd./M=217097.1902236.3412362.1261774/D=egroupweb/S=170 " >ht\



href= " http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=29150849 " >http://service.bfast.\


& amp;siteid=39282504 & amp;bfpage=account & quot;<BR>

& gt; target=_top & gt; & lt;img<BR>

& gt;<BR>

src= & quot;<a

href= " http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ne/netstock_direct/300x250_green_ir " >h\


a_a.gif & quot;<BR>

& gt; alt= & quot; & quot; width= & quot;300 & quot;

height= & quot;250 & quot;<BR>

& gt;

border= & quot;0 & quot; & gt; & lt;/a & gt; & lt;/td & gt; & lt;/tr & gt; & lt;/table & gt; & lt;/td & gt\


& gt; & lt;/tr & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;tr & gt; & lt;td & gt; & lt;img alt= & quot; & quot;

width=1 height=1<BR>

& gt;<BR>

src= & quot;<a

href= " http://us.adserver./l?M=217097.1902236.3412362.1261774/D=egrou " >h\


pmail/S=1705061616:HM/A=999859/rand=607152399 & quot; & gt; & lt;/td & gt; & lt;/tr & gt;<BR\


& gt; & lt;/table & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| -- & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;tt & gt;<BR>

& gt; Responsibility for the content of this message


& gt; strictly with & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; the original author, and is not necessarily


& gt; by or the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; opinion of the Research

Institute. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;/tt & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

& gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

& gt; & lt;tt & gt;

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Guest guest


Amen to everything you said! It is so hard as parents to listen to experts

who have no real answers themselves (or hope) caution and criticize us for

what we do for our children. It is my sincere hope and prayer that you and

your daughter can go back to those naysayers someday and show them the error

of their thinking!

Pat Koltun

Re: My local doctors think I am simply

> being victimized<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> & gt; Hi <BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; I was just wondering how can you tell if your

> child<BR>

> & gt; has an immune problem?<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; my daughter as yet is undiagnosed,is very hyper

> ,no<BR>

> & gt; concentration span,is non verbaland does not play

> with<BR>

> & gt; her peers, however the doctors dont want to label

> her.<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; i am taking her to see Dr G in July but am afraid

> that<BR>

> & gt; he will say to me that he can not help as she

> does not<BR>

> & gt; have autism?<BR>

> & gt; I have been told by my doctor thta if i do all

> the<BR>

> & gt; blood test in the world they will be normal!<BR>

> & gt; if they are normal does that mean she does not

> have an<BR>

> & gt; immune problem.<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; I am in the UK which means that every penny that

> i<BR>

> & gt; spend on visiting USA and the medication will be

> by me<BR>

> & gt; not any insurance co,and & nbsp; if her problems

> are rejected<BR>

> & gt; by Dr G I then have no hope.<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; I had AIT done for her but no luck and my family

> and<BR>

> & gt; friends think i am wasting my money by going to

> DrG<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; What do you think?<BR>

> & gt; has anybody been successfully treated<BR>

> & gt; & nbsp; by Dr G who was not diagnosed as being

> autistic.<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Many thanks and sorry for bombarding you all

> with<BR>

> & gt; questions but i went to see the doctor today and

> am<BR>

> & gt; felling very gutted by things.<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & nbsp; --- Logan Falls

> & lt;rsfalls@... & gt;<BR>

> & gt; wrote:<BR>

> & gt; & lt;HR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;html & gt; & lt;body & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;tt & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Day wrote: & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; I have now spoken to my GP and a

> local<BR>

> & gt; Immunologist. & amp;nbsp; I gave them all

> & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; of the information from Dr.

> Goldberg's<BR>

> & gt; site. & amp;nbsp; They reviewed the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; information and both separately told me

> that I<BR>

> & gt; was being victimized by & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; a doctor willing to do research rather

> than<BR>

> & gt; proven medicine on my & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; child. & amp;nbsp; The immunologist was

> quite angry<BR>

> & gt; about it. & amp;nbsp; He said that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; desperate people are willing to do

> desperate<BR>

> & gt; things and that that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; leaves them vulnerable to doctors

> willing to do<BR>

> & gt; unscrupulous things & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; for a lot of money. & amp;nbsp; The GP was

> a little<BR>

> & gt; nicer about it and told me & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; that the information was simply

> suggested<BR>

> & gt; research, but not proven & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; science. & amp;nbsp; He warned me that

> there were<BR>

> & gt; 'doctors' that were willing to & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; treat research as proven science, but

> that he<BR>

> & gt; could not in good & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; conscience do this sort of

> thing. & amp;nbsp; He said<BR>

> & gt; that Herpes medications do & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; not really even help people with genital

> Herpes<BR>

> & gt; that much and that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; none of the medications actually get rid

> of the<BR>

> & gt; virus. & amp;nbsp; He said that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; there was no current medication that

> could get<BR>

> & gt; rid of the virus so he & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; saw no reason to prescribe it to a

> child. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & amp;nbsp; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; Anyway, this left me rather

> doubtful. & amp;nbsp; Could<BR>

> & gt; someone please reassure & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right

> thing to<BR>

> & gt; do? & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & amp;nbsp; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; Thanks, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & amp;gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Hi , & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; The proof is in the results. & amp;nbsp; If (and

> there<BR>

> & gt; certainly is an & amp;quot;if & amp;quot; here)

> & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; your child has the symptoms of immune

> dysfunction, I<BR>

> & gt; think Dr. G can & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; help. & amp;nbsp; I believe in my heart that if Dr.

> G did<BR>

> & gt; not think he could help, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; he would be upfront and tell you so. & amp;nbsp; If

> you<BR>

> & gt; would like to feel more & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; confidant about the & amp;quot;science & amp;quot;,

> I suggest you<BR>

> & gt; subscribe to: & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; abmd . & amp;nbsp; You will be blown

> away by<BR>

> & gt; all the research that & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; backs up Dr. G's protocol. & amp;nbsp; & amp;nbsp;

> & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; I have absolutely no regrets making the trek

> to<BR>

> & gt; CA. & amp;nbsp; In one year my & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; child has become so near normal it is difficult

> to<BR>

> & gt; distinguish him from & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; his peers. & amp;nbsp; This really flies in the

> face of all<BR>

> & gt; those doctors that told & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; me & amp;quot;to live with it & amp;quot;.

> & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; One last thing, if Dr. G is getting rich, it is

> not<BR>

> & gt; from his practice. & amp;nbsp; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; $145 every six weeks is a bargain to have my

> kid<BR>

> & gt; back. & amp;nbsp; The prices Dr. G & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; charges are not those of a doctor looking to<BR>

> & gt; victimize. & amp;nbsp; (My & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Immunologist charged $299 for 20 minutes, no

> tests,<BR>

> & gt; just talking! & amp;nbsp; Talk & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; about a & amp;nbsp; rip-off!) & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Follow your gut- you know your child much better

> than<BR>

> & gt; anyone else. & amp;nbsp; I & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; wish you peace with whatever you

> decide. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Sincerely, & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Plano, TX & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;/tt & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

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> & gt; color=#003399 & gt; & lt;b & gt;

> Sponsor & lt;/b & gt; & lt;/font & gt; & lt;/td & gt;<BR>

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> border=0<BR>

> & gt; cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 & gt; & lt;tr & gt; & lt;td

> align=center & gt; & lt;font<BR>

> & gt; face=arial

> size=-2 & gt;ADVERTISEMENT & lt;/font & gt; & lt;br & gt; & lt;a<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> href= & quot;<a


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> 5061616:HM/A=999859/R=0/*<a


href= " http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=29150849 " >http://service.bf


> & amp;siteid=39282504 & amp;bfpage=account & quot;<BR>

> & gt; target=_top & gt; & lt;img<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> src= & quot;<a


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r " >http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/ne/netstock_direct/300x250_green_ir</


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> & gt;


border= & quot;0 & quot; & gt; & lt;/a & gt; & lt;/td & gt; & lt;/tr & gt; & lt;/table & gt; & lt;/t

d & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;/tr & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;tr & gt; & lt;td & gt; & lt;img alt= & quot; & quot;

> width=1 height=1<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> src= & quot;<a


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u " >http://us.adserver./l?M=217097.1902236.3412362.1261774/D=egrou</



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> & gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;tt & gt;<BR>

> & gt; Responsibility for the content of this message

> lies<BR>

> & gt; strictly with & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; the original author, and is not necessarily

> endorsed<BR>

> & gt; by or the & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; opinion of the Research

> Institute. & lt;BR & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;/tt & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;br & gt;<BR>

> & gt; & lt;tt & gt;

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Your dr. must be a genius to tell your childs blood results without seeing a

test!! We had similar sceptism on the part of our doctors, So we did the blood

work at our own expense and lo and behold their were " inexplicable "

irregularities (which fitted in exactly with the things Dr G is working on). Do

the blood work and see if there are irregularities before letting your DR bully


All the best



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I have three kids on the protocol. My 8 year old was the first to

go and received the autism diagnosis, which only partially fit him. We,

too, questioned whether or not Dr. G could help him. Fortunately, we

only had to travel from Illinois to land to see him (back when he was

seeing patients in land) but I had lots of doubts as our family of 5

flew to the appointment. We have recently moved and those working with

my child all agree that he is no where on the spectrum, which wasn't the

case a year ago. While talking with Dr. G we realized that, while he was

describing how children with differ from other kids, our 7 year old

sounded alot like what he was talking about. We ran the blood work on

her too, only to discover that she had similar profiles to her brother.

We immediately made an appointment in LA for her, but again I doubted if

we were wasting everyone's time since she is top of her class

academically, no developmental delays, makes friends easily, etc. It has

taken 9 months for us to see her looking really healthy (the elusive

clear, bright eyes Dr. G is always asking about). Her academics have

improved even though we weren't looking for that. Best of all, she feels

better. She gets out of bed in the morning full of energy. We also

decided to test our 2 year old and were amazed to discover her blood

profile was the same as the other two. She was 17 months at the time and

had already lost 6 words, her eye contact was decreasing, more clingy,

etc. She came to LA too to see Dr. G. She has already fully regained

all she had lost and is a happy, drive-us-all crazy 2 year old. We will

start weaning her off the Famvir soon. If we hadn't intervened I'm sure

she would have received the autism diagnosis as well.

Our 7 year old didn't show any signs we could pinpoint as a typical

problem. She had leg pains, was tired alot, avoided physical activity,

got out of bed in the morning tired, but she also was incredibly social,

started talking at 10 months, never regressed. You don't need a previous

diagnosis for your child to have . We knew about Dr. G 2 years

before taking our 8 year old to see him. The reason we didn't go sooner?

He wasn't diagnosed with autism. As soon as he was formally diagnosed

we made the appointment.

The financial aspect of having a child (or children!) with medical issues

can be overwhelming. It has helped me to think about Karyn Seroussi (who

I believe went bankrupt) when she pointed out that people go bankrupt for

worse reasons everyday. I sincerely hope this doesn't happen to any of

us, but when the protocol works and you see the progress (however slow)

it's incredibly worth it. I am saying this as a person who has an

incredibly generous, supportive extended family. There is help out there

for airfare, which others may know more about than me. I wish you the

best of luck!!

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 21:22:25 +0000 (GMT) =?iso-8859-1?q?Rifat=20Arshad?=

<kayarshad@...> writes:

> Hi


> I was just wondering how can you tell if your child

> has an immune problem?


> my daughter as yet is undiagnosed,is very hyper ,no

> concentration span,is non verbaland does not play with

> her peers, however the doctors dont want to label her.


> i am taking her to see Dr G in July but am afraid that

> he will say to me that he can not help as she does not

> have autism?

> I have been told by my doctor thta if i do all the

> blood test in the world they will be normal!

> if they are normal does that mean she does not have an

> immune problem.


> I am in the UK which means that every penny that i

> spend on visiting USA and the medication will be by me

> not any insurance co,and if her problems are rejected

> by Dr G I then have no hope.


> I had AIT done for her but no luck and my family and

> friends think i am wasting my money by going to DrG


> What do you think?

> has anybody been successfully treated

> by Dr G who was not diagnosed as being autistic.



> Many thanks and sorry for bombarding you all with

> questions but i went to see the doctor today and am

> felling very gutted by things.





> --- Logan Falls <rsfalls@...>

> wrote:

> <HR>

> <html><body>



> <tt>

> Day wrote:<BR>

> <BR>

> & gt; I have now spoken to my GP and a local

> Immunologist. & nbsp; I gave them all <BR>

> & gt; of the information from Dr. Goldberg's

> site. & nbsp; They reviewed the <BR>

> & gt; information and both separately told me that I

> was being victimized by <BR>

> & gt; a doctor willing to do research rather than

> proven medicine on my <BR>

> & gt; child. & nbsp; The immunologist was quite angry

> about it. & nbsp; He said that <BR>

> & gt; desperate people are willing to do desperate

> things and that that <BR>

> & gt; leaves them vulnerable to doctors willing to do

> nscrupulous things <BR>

> & gt; for a lot of money. & nbsp; The GP was a little

> nicer about it and told me <BR>

> & gt; that the information was simply suggested

> research, but not proven <BR>

> & gt; science. & nbsp; He warned me that there were

> 'doctors' that were willing to <BR>

> & gt; treat research as proven science, but that he

> could not in good <BR>

> & gt; conscience do this sort of thing. & nbsp; He said

> that Herpes medications do <BR>

> & gt; not really even help people with genital Herpes

> that much and that <BR>

> & gt; none of the medications actually get rid of the

> virus. & nbsp; He said that <BR>

> & gt; there was no current medication that could get

> rid of the virus so he <BR>

> & gt; saw no reason to prescribe it to a child.<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; & nbsp; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; Anyway, this left me rather doubtful. & nbsp; Could

> someone please reassure <BR>

> & gt; me that seeing Dr. Goldberg is the right thing to

> do?<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; & nbsp; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; Thanks,<BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> & gt; <BR>

> Hi ,<BR>

> The proof is in the results. & nbsp; If (and there

> certainly is an & quot;if & quot; here) <BR>

> your child has the symptoms of immune dysfunction, I

> think Dr. G can <BR>

> help. & nbsp; I believe in my heart that if Dr. G did

> not think he could help, <BR>

> he would be upfront and tell you so. & nbsp; If you

> would like to feel more <BR>

> confidant about the & quot;science & quot;, I suggest you

> subscribe to: <BR>

> abmd . & nbsp; You will be blown away by

> all the research that <BR>

> backs up Dr. G's protocol. & nbsp; & nbsp; <BR>

> I have absolutely no regrets making the trek to

> CA. & nbsp; In one year my <BR>

> child has become so near normal it is difficult to

> distinguish him from <BR>

> his peers. & nbsp; This really flies in the face of all

> those doctors that told <BR>

> me & quot;to live with it & quot;. <BR>

> One last thing, if Dr. G is getting rich, it is not

> from his practice. & nbsp; <BR>

> $145 every six weeks is a bargain to have my kid

> back. & nbsp; The prices Dr. G <BR>

> charges are not those of a doctor looking to

> victimize. & nbsp; (My <BR>

> Immunologist charged $299 for 20 minutes, no tests,

> just talking! & nbsp; Talk <BR>

> about a & nbsp; rip-off!)<BR>

> Follow your gut- you know your child much better than

> anyone else. & nbsp; I <BR>

> wish you peace with whatever you decide.<BR>

> Sincerely,<BR>

> <BR>

> Plano, TX<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


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