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Re: Digest Number 1050

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Thank you all for all the help we have gotten from you since seeing Dr. G in

Oct. of 2001. Just a tip, when you travel, like we did from Minnesota to see

Dr. G, and your children are on special diets, as most of them are, any hotel

will give you a free refrigerator for your room, if you say your child has

allergies to certain foods.

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Hi everyone,

Well, I asked my ped about the titres for measles , and she didn't have any

understanding of it at all. So, when we got the blood drawn for my 4yr old

genetic testing I asked about the testing his measles titre. And although

that Dr didn't seem to know how it worked either , she asked the lab tech

to do the workup for it. Here's my question. Is there some chart online or

anywhere to tell me what to look at in this blood work to see if he has an

immunity? I'm not sure if the dr's are going to know how to interpret it --

so I guess I need to learn :) Also, when they checked the titre, will it

show an other immunity given from other kinds of vaccine's or would I have

to have specified the other diseases to be tested for?




>Subject: Digest Number 1050

>Date: 12 Mar 2002 07:24:08 -0000


>Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

>the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

>opinion of the Research Institute.




>There are 18 messages in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


> 1. The Myth of Autism -March 2002

> From: " marc@... " <marc@...>

> 2. Off topic help

> From: Muki Jankelowitz <mukster@...>

> 3. Re: May I know the sypmtoms of speech getting started., plz reply

> From: isoaa@...

> 4. Re: pregnancy & infancy

> From: " M " <harp@...>


> From: " otju99 " <dmccreary@...>

> 6. Fw: My Internet friends - OFF TOPIC

> From: " Shane & " <johnson1@...>

> 7. Pressure on his Head

> From: " debbie_warwick " <debwarwick@...>

> 8. Fwd: Infection of Human B Lymphocytes with MMR

> From: whcmccain@...


> From: " Feferman, Regina " <regina.feferman@...>

> 10. RE: Digest Number 1048

> From: " Feferman, Regina " <regina.feferman@...>

> 11. Re: Digest Number 1049

> From: LAVJULIE@...

> 12. RE: Wisconsin and forced vaccines

> From: " R M " <rmwilson@...>

> 13. May I know thetips of making effectictive utilisation of blabbing

> From: veldanda swapna <swapna_vs@...>

> 14. Re: Wisconsin and forced vaccines

> From: JOSKAT95@...

> 15. Re: Fw: My Internet friends - OFF TOPIC

> From: junecnicholls@...

> 16. Re: Digest Number 1048

> From: JOSKAT95@...

> 17. Reminder - Dr. Goldberg Online - Chat

> From:

> 18. Re: SEEING DR. G

> From: Cure2000@...






>Message: 1

> Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:47:10 -0800

> From: " marc@... " <marc@...>

>Subject: The Myth of Autism -March 2002


>Below is the text of Dr. Goldberg's latest version of 'The Myth of Autism'

>If you would like a copy in Word.doc format, please e-mail me @





> J. Goldberg, M.D., F.A.A.P.



>TELEPHONE (818) 343 - 1010

>FAX (818) 343 - 6585

>Email – office@...

>On the web: www.neuroimmunedr.com








> " The Myth of Autism "



>In Leo Kanner's now classic 1943 paper he outlined the behavior pattern,

>present from early in life,

>which he named 'early infantile autism'. Prior to this, there were, in the

>literature, occasional accounts

>of individual children whose behavior fitted the picture Kanner later

>described. Kanner described only

>the autistic children referred to his clinic and, later on, those attending

>a particular special school

>(Kanner,1973). He made no estimates of the numbers in the general

>population, but thought that his

>syndrome was rare.


>Later on Kanner and Eisenberg (1956) discussed Kanner's original conception

>of autism and the five

>features he considered to be diagnostic. These were, a profound lack of

>affective contact with other

>people; an anxiously obsessive desire for the preservation of sameness in

>the child's routines and

>environment; a fascination for objects, which are handled with skill in


>motor movements (an

>area of actual weakness in many of the children being diagnosed today);

>mutism or a kind of

>language that does not seem intended for inter-personal communication; good

>cognitive potential

>shown in feats of memory or skills on performance tests, especially the

>Séguin form board. Kanner

>also emphasized onset from birth or before 30 months.


>In the same paper, Kanner and Eisenberg modified the diagnostic criteria by

>selecting two as essential.

>These were:

>1. a profound lack of affective contact

>2. repetitive, ritualistic behavior, which must be of an elaborate kind.

>They considered that, if these two features were present, the rest of the

>typical clinical picture would

>also be found


>THEN: 1 – 2 children / 10,000


>NOW: 1 child / 500, with much higher numbers being quoted routinely


>So, how can so many children now have such a previously rare disorder? How

>can a rare, almost

>unheard of " severe mental dysfunction " become something every pediatrician

>is seeing, something

>every parent is concerned about? How can we now have this rare misfortune

>become an

>epiphenomena threatening to overwhelm our school and social systems, while

>destroying families

>across this country, and around the world?


>To understand this, one needs to go back to the beginning. Per above,

>Kanner (1943) described a

>disorder by its " behavioral " features. Needless to say, " behavioral "

>dysfunction can be caused by

>many factors, NOT just the idea of a developmental or psychiatric

>dysfunction, as held forth, for so

>many years. Think of it, an idea, literally now dictum, held forth over

>decades, with ONLY a

> " behavioral " pattern for diagnosis, not one objective or consistent

>physiologic dysfunction or finding

>required to prove or disprove this " disorder / diagnosis, " (but " somehow "

>all these children have it FOR

>LIFE). In fact, over the years, to this day, health professionals have had

>no idea what causes this

>disorder. Explanations have ranged from childhood schizophrenia to bad

>parenting to " something "

>biologic, all with the underlying concept that " something " must have

>happened " developmentally. "

>Somehow (mechanism unknown) the brain was " miswired, " these children were

>not okay, COULD NOT

>be okay (but with NO idea of what was happening, WHY it happened, even HOW

>it happened).

>Graduating medical school (UCLA) I was told that IF I saw one Autistic


>in my entire lifetime of

>practice it would be " one too many. " Over the last 10 – 15 years that is

>sadly no longer true for myself

>or many other pediatricians. How can this be? Scientifically (logic not

>myth) how can this be possible?


>Since " developmental " disorders were NOT considered " medical " disorders,

>medical doctors were not

>the primary physicians consulted or involved with their management.

>Likewise, the brain was

>essentially a " Black Box, " with essentially no real evidence allowing study

>or insight into what was really

>happening with this or most " neurological " or " psychological disorders. If

>there was NO definable

>objective reason for what was happening, " it must be psychological " seemed

>the standard cry of

>medicine. Therefore, as Psychologists and Psychiatrists rapidly expanded

>the above definition to

>include all the children appearing with " spectrum " dysfunction, the first

>large mistake was made.

>Suddenly (mid - late 80's / early 90's) there were a lot of children

>appearing that did NOT fit " classic "

>Autism. This should have created appropriate questions and initiated

>scientific, medical investigations.

> " What's going on? Why are we suddenly seeing so many dysfunctional

>children? Maybe something is

>wrong here? MAYBE this is not Autism? Instead, literally the " definition "

>just kept being expanded,

>modified, and ALL the new children were just put into a variation of the


>basket. It is very likely,

>children and society itself would be way ahead IF instead of expanding the

> " basket " enlarging the

>alphabet soup of Autism (PDD, Aspergers, Autistic spectrum, LKS variant,

>etc.), experts had said,

>maybe this is NOT Autism, maybe we have another problem (with some

> " Autistic " like symptoms)

>occurring. Instead they (the " experts " ) just kept expanding the


>expanding the " basket " but

>NEVER asked the critical question, do these children even belong in this

>basket? How many parents

>(often against their own belief) presently are being told their children

>have this strange disorder (or are

>on the spectrum) and they must learn to live with it, accept it? How many

>parents think their children

>even come close to meeting Kanner's main criteria " a profound lack of

>affective contact and elaborate

>repetitive, ritualistic behavior? "


>The good news is science is finally on the children's side, but sadly it

>appears the old logic and system

>are many years away from changing or waking up. A cold, hard fact of

>science says " You cannot have

>an epidemic of ANY type of genetic or developmental disorder " It is

>impossible, cannot happen, there

>are NO exceptions!! And yet, the vast majority of the researchers in this

>country, the world, are still

>studying these children as if they truly had some undefined, unknown

> " developmental " disorder.

>Instead of looking for the correct answers, instead of focusing on at this

>point what can ONLY be

>understood as a DISEASE (not developmental) process, the " system " continues

>to fund researcher's

>trying to figure out and understand " Autism " (as a developmental disorder).

>This is why so little

>progress has occurred in spite of millions of dollars being spent.

>Researchers are being funded to

>study what 99.9% of the children appearing today CANNOT have. IF this

>process continues,

>EVERYONE will lose (except the researchers and universities receiving mass

>amounts of funding and

>the " industry " of " alternative therapists " helping to try and " treat " these

>sadly dysfunctional, " special

>needs " children).


>As noted, it is blatantly obvious to all but the " system, " 99.9% of your

>children do not come close to

>meeting Kanner's definition of Autism. It has become absolutely safe to

>say, 99.9% of children being

>diagnosed as " Autistic " do not have Autism (as the term is understood or

>used), but rather reflect a

>disease state, a CNS dysfunction, manifested by many Autistic symptoms, but

>unlike a developmental

>disorder, treatable, changeable IF we act quickly enough. But, how many of

>the present " leaders, " how

>many of the existing " Autistic " groups are questioning present funding,

>present efforts? How many are

>going before congress saying we have a large group of children that IF

>helped, IF treated might grow

>up to be productive citizens, might pay taxes (rather than utilize tax

>services) one day? Why NOT?


>That is the " myth " of Autism. Children are being " labeled " with a disorder

>they DO NOT really have.

>Parents are being told there is little hope, when there should be a lot of

>reasons for hope. As long as

>we continue to " label " so many children / families with this " undefined, "

> " unexplained " disorder, few

>physicians, parents, or congressman EXPECT these children could ever really

>recover, really regain

>regular function. In the " myth " of Autism, many dangerous or partially

>successful therapies abound,

>with " some success (often with large risks) being better than nothing. "

>Think of the difference, if

>physicians, therapists EXPECTED a child to recover, were focused on finding

>answers to fix this now,

>for this generation of children, rather than accept any degree of " minute "

>improvement as " wonderful " .


>It has become obvious, that " neuro-immune, " and / or chronic viral

>connections are the only pathways,

>the only " proposed " mechanisms that have NO scientific contradictions, and

>an ever-enlarging

>compendium of articles in support. While many will pose the questions

> " where are the controlled

>studies, " EVERY medical fact and recent discovery helps substantiate the

>likelihood of an autoimmune,

> " neuro-immune " related process. Perhaps it's time this question /


>should be turned around.

>WHERE are the studies, where is the data showing all these children, all

>these families have to resign

>themselves to some permanent dysfunction, incurable disorder? Based on


> " objective " data,

>based on what " objective " studies are we committing so many children and

>families to this bleak

>prognosis, a very bleak future?


>We ARE presently at a major crossroads. Are we going to continue to follow

>(blindly) OLD logic, OLD

>thinking with NO consistent physiologic dysfunction measurable /


>OR can we unite behind

>scientifically sound data, more than " reasonable medical probability, " and

>clinical logic before we lose

>forever the chance to help THIS generation of children. There are excellent

>researchers, clinicians, and

>scientists ready to focus on solving this disease NOW, rather than study


> " myth, " but this effort

>() remains buried under the wall of " controlled " misinformation.

>Unless, we all step up now to

>change this, to demand clinical science and logic, not " mythology " be

>applied to these children, the

> " system " could easily take another 10 – 15 years (or longer) to come around

>to the right answers. How

>many are ready to step up and say, " enough is enough " ? How many millions


>dollars have been

>spent (particularly in the last 6 – 7 years) with NO answers, NO new hope?

>Are we all going to wait

>another decade (or longer as many researchers predict) for possible answers

>or are we going to help

>solve this NOW? The effort was formed to help look at this crisis

>appropriately scientifically,

>logically, MEDICALLY. Many parents are working hard to help make a real

>future for their children. It

>is up to all of you to decide if that effort is going to get a chance to

>succeed NOW for your children. Do

>we continue to follow " mythology " or do we turn to clinical logic and a


>scientific understanding of

>your children's dysfunction / disease??


>Respectfully submitted for consideration of all parents, educators,

>therapists, and health professionals

>being overwhelmed by " The Myth of Autism " (perhaps its time to change the

>focus, maybe really

>change the future for this generation of children and families)


> J. Goldberg, MD, F.A.A.P.

>March 2002






>Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached

>at 818-951-8579

> ** Marc Share

> President & Executive Director

> Research Institute and Parents Coalition

> 'Working To Give Our Children A Future'








>Message: 2

> Date: 10 Mar 2002 13:44:03 -0800

> From: Muki Jankelowitz <mukster@...>

>Subject: Off topic help


>Off topic post please respond to this post directly at

>mukster@... and not through the list..


>It’s weird but after being unemployed for 2 months, I now have two

>potential job offers both with the demand of extended stints in the USA

>from August/September 2002. One is in New Jersey and one in LA. Besides for

>Dr Goldberg in LA we know nobody in either place.


>In the short term I need to do some research to see if either of these

>options are serious possibilities for my by then 6 year old child.

>(Not yet high functioning ASD but continually improving).My questions are

>the following:

>1) Where are there better services?

>2) Would a non-American on a 3 year work visa be eligible for

>state/county/city services in either place? (It has been suggested that I

>live in New York City and commute to New Jersey as the services in NY are

>better than in New Jersey - is this true ? is this doable??)

>3) How much do private Speech, OT, special ed services cost per hour?

>4) Which HMOs cover Goldberg’s treatments? Do any HMOs cover OT, PT and


>5) Any other things to bear in mind when considering the options?


> with thanks





>Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!







>Message: 3

> Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 16:33:43 EST

> From: isoaa@...

>Subject: Re: May I know the sypmtoms of speech getting started., plz reply



>Hi Quinn,


>I would be happy to tell you more about that.

>Our oral - motor exercises have began using

>the methods and introduced

>to us approximately one year ago. There are

>different set of tools to practice, etc. and I

>would be more than happy to give you the

>website(s) and even the Email address of

>our Speech Pathologist. Please Email me

>at isoaa@.... There is quite a lot of

>information to learn about.







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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 07:50:36 -0400

From: " Art Brown " <abrown101@...>

Subject: Aloe-cesium

For those interested in high ph therapy, here is a website that markets an

aloe-cesium compund and also provides research studies on it. Aloe-cesium

has been used quite successfully, but is always hard to get. It must be

used correctly by experienced practitioners.

For reasons known only to them, the government hates it as much as

Laetrile. It's main proponent, Dr. Hoffman (PhD) is now in jail for

" practicing medicine without a license " .

Ooops, sorry!

The WWW.INNERHEALER.COM webste only offers a lot of good info on

aloe-cesium, not the product. Am still looking into reliable sources for it.

Hard to find.

- Art

Hi Art,

I wrote in about this some time ago. The T-plus is the aloe you are speaking

about, and it is the one that was covered in Dan Haley's book, Politics and

Healing. I found out that it is available along with the cesium and several

other things they use with it.

I believe that the email address is HealthEnhance@.... They are

extremely knowledgeable and helpful.


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In a message dated 6/23/2002 3:06:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> Subject: Aloe-cesium


> For those interested in high ph therapy, here is a website that markets an

> aloe-cesium compund and also provides research studies on it. Aloe-cesium

> has been used quite successfully, but is always hard to get. It must be

> used correctly by experienced practitioners.


> For reasons known only to them, the government hates it as much as

> Laetrile. It's main proponent, Dr. Hoffman (PhD) is now in jail for

> " practicing medicine without a license " .


> - Art




This is the aloe I was asking about several months ago, and I am desperately

trying to find it. I heard that someone picked it up after this man. If

anyone knows, please reply. Thank you.


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Query: what is the web site for the aloe-cesium?

Stan. J.



> >

> > For those interested in high ph therapy, here is a website that markets


> > aloe-cesium compund and also provides research studies on it.


> > has been used quite successfully, but is always hard to get. It must be

> > used correctly by experienced practitioners.

> >

> > For reasons known only to them, the government hates it as much as

> > Laetrile. It's main proponent, Dr. Hoffman (PhD) is now in jail for

> > " practicing medicine without a license " .

> >

> > - Art

> >

> >


> Hello,


> This is the aloe I was asking about several months ago, and I am


> trying to find it. I heard that someone picked it up after this man. If

> anyone knows, please reply. Thank you.


> Holly




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  • 4 months later...

Dian, It must be nice too be a perfect parent! I do not use meds or ABA on my

daughter ,and shes made huge gains maybe you need some advice? Also they way

you list your kids as my own kids and step kids I have 1 step son ,and I do

not think of him that way hes in my house hes mine kids are kids they do not

need labels! You need a therapist



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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 7/17/2003 12:27:24 PM Mountain Daylight Time,


> I'm not sure that Caustic Soda and Washing Soda are the same. I may

> be wrong but sometimes my lye is labeled Caustic Soda Beads.


Hydroxide (lye). it has several purposes, but we all use it for soapmaking.

it is also a drain cleaner and is used in the oilfield to adjust pH for

drilling purposes. Must be handled with EXTREME care.


Moonlight Bath & Body â„¢

" Bathe Yourself with Moonlight "

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I just called one of the detectives working on a recent murder case in

Farmington Hills, MI, an upscale suburb of Detroit. The suspect is a 4th

grade school teacher who stabbed her husband 21 times, then shot him too, I

think. I called the detective to tell him to check into the possibility

that she was taking a psych med, SSRI in particular. He was very receptive.

I doubt that it'll do any good though. It doesn't matter how many of these

overly violent acts are perpetrated by people on these meds; nobody's making

the connection and it doesn't seem to be reducing sentencing - tragic.



> Very Urgent!!

> Child Medication Safety Act May Move!!

> Your Action Is Needed Now!!


> The Child Medication Safety Act of 2003 (S. 1390) has been sitting in the

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee since it was

introduced last July. We have just heard that there could be some activity

in the next few weeks on this bill!!


> What is needed are MASSIVE amounts of faxes, emails and phone calls to key

members of the Senate and House urging them to pass the Child Medication

Safety Act THIS YEAR.


> This is could be the final chance to get the Child Medication Safety Act



> Everyone Who Cares About Children And Parental Rights should fax and call

the key members of Congress below and tell them:


> Pass The Child Medication Safety Act (S. 1390 /H.R. 1170) This Year.


> Reasons to pass the Child Medication Safety Act:


> Parents have a legal right to decide, free of coercion from school

personnel, whether their child needs to be on psychotropic drugs.


> Many parents are being coerced to put their children on powerful

mind-altering drugs that are dangerous for children. Theyre in the same

category as cocaine.


> Parents are unaware of their rights and feel powerless in the face of

pressure from school officials.


> Some parents who have been coerced to drug their children had their

children die while taking these psychotropic drugs.


> We urge people from the following states to FAX or EMAIL and CALL their

key Senators & Representatives. (Email addresses can be found at

www.congress.org) If you are not from these states, contact people you know

in these states to make sure they are aware of this and get them to FAX or



> U.S. Senators:

> Judd Gregg (R-NH) - FAX: 202-228-5044 / PH: 202-224-5375

> Kennedy (D-MA) - FAX: 202-224-2417 / PH: 202-224-4543

> Bill Frist (R-TN) - FAX: 202-228-1264 / PH: 202-224-3135

> Dodd (D-CT) - FAX: 202-224-1083 / PH: 202-224-2823

> Lamar (R-TN) - FAX: 202-228-3398 / PH: 202-224-4944

> Ensign (R-NV) - FAX: 202-228-2193 / PH: 202-224-6244

> U.S. Representatives:

> Dennis Hastert (R-IL) FAX: 202-225-0697 / PH: 202-225-0600

> Boehner (R-OH) FAX: 202-225-4527 / PH: 202-225-6205

> (D-CA) FAX: 202- 225-5609 / PH: 202-225-2095

> Max Burns (R-GA) 202-225-3377 / PH: 202-225-2823

> Castle (R-DE) FAX: 202-225-2291 / PH: 202-225-4165

> Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO) FAX: 202-225-5870 / PH: 202-225-4676


> Spread the word lets get a firestorm of communication to these key

members of Congress so they take action!


> Dockx

> Governmental Affairs

> CCHR International








> F. Prior Calendar: http://calendar./j_prior


> T: 773/774-6696


> M: 773/230-5825 F: 801/848-3451


> E: jprior@... W: www.lgln.com


> : 22:36-40, Deut 6:5, and Leviticus 19:18






> F. Prior Calendar: http://calendar./j_prior


> T: 773/774-6696


> M: 773/230-5825 F: 801/848-3451


> E: jprior@... W: www.lgln.com


> : 22:36-40, Deut 6:5, and Leviticus 19:18




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<< Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 23:42:57 -0000 From: "illostraight" <krayzeehrse@...>Subject: Re: Largest study comparing leading hepatitis C treatments I hope they follow up after 2 years. I hearHep C usually comes back in all but 14% of the people theyclaim the drugs cure. chris >>

I have had Hep C probably since I was born. I received blood as a newborn back in 1963. I am now 41 years old.

For years my blood tests showed elevated enzymes etc. and other indicators of a viral infection, but of course HepC wasn't yet defined, and my doctors didn't seem to think much about it. They would just tell my parents and I, that I must have some sort of 'liver infection'

The med. profession didn't really find it even though I exhibited many of the symptoms of Hep C. I kept telling the doctors what I felt like, etc...and they kept telling me my fatigue was due to lack of exercise or the weather, or worse, my imagination. Finally after switching doctors several times, I finally found a doctor who took me seriously...she found out that I had MS as well as Hep C. She immediately sent me to a specialist who ran more tests, (as I am sure most of you have been through as well) I was immediately put on peg-interferon and ribaviron treatment for 48 weeks. I have the common but poor responder genotype to treatment. I have just gotten my 6 month after treatment lab results back, and have found that my treatment is 'sustained' and my dragon is sleeping. Of course we know that there currently is no cure for HepC, only a treatment to slow its progression and to drop the viral load. I am hoping that it, (HCV), takes a nice looooonnng snooze

Happily my MS also went into remission and I am able to walk again.

Before I started the peg treatments I used many herbal treatments that my PCP had recommended...milk thistle, reishi mushroom, high dosages of vita C, E; SAM-E, and Moducare. My viral count did drop with these, and I think they did help my situation. I also had many fine people praying for me! During treatment with the Peg-Rib meds, I continued with the milk thistle, and vitamins and SAM-E, but discontinued the Moducare (as it seems to create a natural type of interferon-my understanding), and shouldn't be taken with prescription interferon.

I will most likely go back on the Moducare for my MS(which is also treated with interferon), and continue with the supplements. I am feeling much better after treatment, (Although I still tire easily) and have gone back to work. My Specialist for my liver was Doctor Bradley Freilich. I can't say much for bedside manner or patient-doctor relationship as I only met him once during my biopsy, and after that, dealt with his Nurse Practitioner...but he did oversee my treatments and labs, and I did get good treatment from his office.

In my honest opinion...the treatments were rough but I am feeling so much better now...after them, that it is worth a try. Again I invite you to join my new discussion/support/social group for all people touched by HCV, including our family members, who I think sometimes feel at a loss, or left out. So far I am the only member, but I did just start the group this past couple of weeks...


Best to all!


I can tell you that understanding begins with love and respect. It begins with respect for the Great Spirit.All things-and I mean ALL things, have their own will and their own wayand their own purpose. This is what is to be respected." --Rolling Thunder, Cherokee

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


I would really investigate the surgery doing just L5-S1. I had that surgery

after having 2 previous scoliosis surgeries. While I am not in pain 95% of

the time, I tilt way over and that did not happen until that surgery. I know

it is different for everyone but ask lots of questions. Ask if you will

lean forward. Do you currently have flatback?

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