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2008 Autism Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show

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Friday, July 04, 2008Happy Independence Day !! Hi Everyone,

We'd like to invite you all to come to our second annualcar/truck/motorcycle show to raise money for Autistic children. We hopeto have at least 500-600 vehicles again this year. As you might know, I happen to have 2

children on the Autism Spectrum and having been thrust into the world of Autism, it's my dutyto fight back now..I'm one mad Dad.

It will be held August 16th at Quaker Steak and Lube, located at 8500 Lyra Drive here in Columbus..

This years proceeds from the event will once again be going toOakStone Academy (C.C.D.E) here in the Columbus area, for the purpose ofcompleting renovations of the old Westerville Athletic Club building and turning it

into a High School for autistic children.. We've already received some very nice raffle items and silent auction items again this year but can still use more as well as cash donations.All donations are tax deductible and there is a 501c3 number available

to those who wish to have it for their taxes..

I can tell you from personal experience of 2 of my own children,which are students there, that OakStone Academy makes miracles happenevery day. Unless you've experienced the struggles and heartaches of an autistic

child and their families and friends, you can't imagine how much itmeans just to have your child speak to you, or look you in the eye,laugh, smile at you, or finally realize after 50,000 times of tellingthem something to have it finally sink in, to have them say " I love

you Mom " without being prompted to say it and to be able to look themin the eye and know they finally understand what it means.That's what OakStone does.

Our motto at the bottom of our little flyer says: " Make A Difference In A Child's Life " and that's what we intend to do, not just for my ownkids, but for the other autistic kids, heartbroken parents and

grandparents, brothers and sisters, friends, classmates, co-workers, etc.that are all affected by this terrible affliction..

The dash plaques that will be passed out to those kind enough to enter their cars, trucks, andmotorcycles in our little event will read : " I Made A Difference For A Child With Autism " It's only stuff and money to me, but to autistic kids, it's hope of

having a somewhat normal future..

Please make a difference if you can.

I'd ask that you e-mail this to everyone on your e-mail list and askthem to do the same. If anyone can't attend, but wants to send adonation, you can make check's payable to OakStone Academy and in the

memo write high school and mail them by August 15th to:

Mike HooverC/O Boyd's Goodyear7038 Northgate Way,Westerville Ohio 43082

If you can't attend or donate, then do something to make a difference.Read about it, talk about it. Anything !

Thank you all for your support in the past, present and future.Mike Hoover614-580-7300

Boydsgoodyear@... To view pictures form last years show, please visit http://pictures.aol.com/galleries/boydsgoodyear/

_______________________Jessie Beauvais

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