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religion (was: me again (OT))

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OK, I am not saying this to be mean or rude or anything at all. I am just trying to say how I feel here. I hope this doesn't come across as either of those or anything. So, here it goes....If anyone is going to write a post about specifically about god and the bible could they plese write it directly to the person involved? I don't know about anyone else here, but I am an atheist and at least it would be nice if everyone could write that they are talking about religion in the subject so I can delete it and not start reading it.

Who really hopes no one gets offended.


Re: Re: me again (OT)

, I did not know whether to respond to 's message or not. AllI know is I am praying, even right now for her. The bible let's us knowthat we are more than conqueror's through him that loved us, and that thejoy of the Lord is our strength. If we praise the Lord for the miracles hehas already performed in our lives and believe him to continue to bless us,he will. God is able to do anything but fail, all needs to do istocry out to him and he will answer. He is just waiting on her.

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