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Immune Modulators

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Hello List.

Although as I understand it, there is no " immune modulating drug " available

yet, I recently read about natural plant oils that contained sterols and

sterolins. These agents have been shown to have a normalising effect on

immune Th1 and Th2 levels. Is there anyone on this list who has tried these

agents e.g. Moducare. ( www.moducare.com )Or does anyone close to Dr

Goldberg know what his views are?

Looking forward to any replies.


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are these over the counter, herbal or prescription

only? where did you read about them? barb

--- david miles <david@...> wrote:

> Hello List.

> Although as I understand it, there is no " immune

> modulating drug " available

> yet, I recently read about natural plant oils that

> contained sterols and

> sterolins. These agents have been shown to have a

> normalising effect on

> immune Th1 and Th2 levels. Is there anyone on this

> list who has tried these

> agents e.g. Moducare. ( www.moducare.com )Or does

> anyone close to Dr

> Goldberg know what his views are?

> Looking forward to any replies.

> Miles.





Barb Katsaros



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  • 3 years later...

, that's presupposing that the immune system isn't already

working overtime. We have all kinds of evidence of overactive immune

systems. All of these so called " AutoImmune diseases " claim that the

immune system is overactivated and is supposedly " attacking " the

body, resulting in the AI disease dx. Inflammation is an immune

system response with destructive results, even leading to cancer as

has shown in his angiotensin II/ARB research.

I'm not suggesting that we don't need to help our immune systems do

the job, but the question is how do we best do that?


<Jaep@L...> wrote:

...The main

> theme of posts here are direct abx treatment , but it's clear to

me that

> AB'x's will only ever be partially effective ..at some point the

IS will

> need to kick in to finish the job ..Can the IS kick in or is it too

> stressed? Is the anergy we display too profound ...I believe that


> modulators are an essential part of treatment ... any

comments ...


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Hi ,

I'm not following you exactly. I always responded to the ARB.

Believe me I wouldn't have stuck with Benicar for over a year if I

weren't seeing a very big positive response. I still feel very

strongly that it changed my life as far as most of my symptoms.

But only the antibiotics have helped with the fatigue. And now,

perhaps the anti-fungal is also helping with the fatigue although I

can't say for sure since I haven't done it as a stand alone therapy

as I have with abx. I do think the Diflucan is helping, but then

again, I was off the Dif. for almost a month without any reduction

of energy so I'm still not certain how much it has impacted my

improvement. It's more like a gut feeling. (Believe me, I take so

many pills that I don't take anything anymore unless I really think

it's either helping or has a very good chance of helping me.)

Back to the Immune System. Can we really say that the IS is

responding incorrectly? Isn't it also possible that it's doing the

best it's capable of doing, under the circumstances? Hey, we're not

dead yet, right? I wonder why the medical establishment tends to

blame our bodies rather than the pathogens? Maybe because from the

day we're born, we begin to die, so there's an inherent kind of


The problem is, I think, that there's a lot of residual damage when

the body puts up a fight. I mean super high fevers are an

appropriate Immune System response that can give people brain

damage. Inflammation leads to heart disease, cancer, etc. These are

unfortunate side effects of the immune system responding to any kind

of threat, not just wounds. It's the way we're made to respond.

Perhaps the threats to the I.S. are just getting worse? And maybe

we've helped the threat by creating an environment for bugs to

thrive? i.e. diet, misuse of antibiotics, etc. And sure, perhaps

some genetic predispostion is at work as well.

That's why I think we have to look at helping our immune system but

that doesn't necessarily mean boosting it, which is what most people

think when they hear " immune modulation " .

I get frustrated because I keep forgetting that the majority of

people still don't even contemplate, let alone understand the role

bacteria is probably playing in most of these " unexplained "

illnesses. On the CFS forums, mycoplasma gets mentioned once in a

while. Lyme gets mentioned occasionally, I rarely hear anything

about c. pneumonia, and if you mention staph you're pretty much

laughed off the forum. So in general, infection is pretty much

ignored. Really frustrating, because I've got so much evidence that

it's just the opposite. I firmly believe that you will find chronic

infections of all types underlying almost every one of these

diseases of unknown origin, and yet people are still talking about

protein drinks and boosting their immune systems (against what, they

don't know). :-(

At least there are researchers who are gaining prominence who do see

the connection between the immune response and the bugs. Hopefully,

that awareness will shift to the CFS and AI communities soon.


> ...The main

> > theme of posts here are direct abx treatment , but it's clear


> me that

> > AB'x's will only ever be partially effective ..at some point


> IS will

> > need to kick in to finish the job ..Can the IS kick in or is

it too

> > stressed? Is the anergy we display too profound ...I believe


> Immune

> > modulators are an essential part of treatment ... any

> comments ...

> >






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In a hundred years of medicine they have given us 100 plus ilness

states that need more than the immune system. On a daily basis

people are delivered to hospitals all over the world because there

immune system wasn't up to the challenge.Our immune system isn't

taking care of the pathogens we are trying to remove with drugs, as

you can observe the biggest problem lies in the late delivery and

too short a duration of treatment.

> ...The main

> > theme of posts here are direct abx treatment , but it's clear to

> me that

> > AB'x's will only ever be partially effective ..at some point the

> IS will

> > need to kick in to finish the job ..Can the IS kick in or is it


> > stressed? Is the anergy we display too profound ...I believe


> Immune

> > modulators are an essential part of treatment ... any

> comments ...

> >

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I think yogurt's a good idea, maybe better than probiotics (which

I've used on and off for years).

I'm amazed at how good my gut is, considering how many abx I've

taken over the last 2 years. Seems like it would be trashed, but

fortunately my GI tract works pretty well. Some people tell me that

if it WEREN'T for being on the right abx, I'd probably have a

seriously messed up gut, which could be true. I used to have IBS,

pre-abx, and that's no longer a problem.

You probably read the recent studies that showed Yogurt (even

processed, yoplait type yogurts) have more live organisms than the

pro-biotics. (But we're not sure they were comparing the same

organisms.) Anyway, I think yogurt makes sense, because it's


They do seem to help some people quite a bit, but I, personally,

have not experienced so much benefit from pro-biotics that I feel

compelled to take them regularly. What's worse though, is there are

studies showing that antibiotics can actually create resistance in

the probiotic organisms, causing them to gene swap with the bad gut

bacteria, increasing the bad colonies (essentially turning them into

enemies rather than friends). I can see some possible truth in this,

as most people I know seem to develop resistance to various

probiotics. They work for a while, then stop, and they have to try a

new one. Not a good sign.


> > > > ...The main

> > > > > theme of posts here are direct abx treatment , but


> > clear

> > > to

> > > > me that

> > > > > AB'x's will only ever be partially effective ..at some

> > point

> > > the

> > > > IS will

> > > > > need to kick in to finish the job ..Can the IS kick in

> or

> > is

> > > it too

> > > > > stressed? Is the anergy we display too profound ...I

> > believe

> > > that

> > > > Immune

> > > > > modulators are an essential part of treatment ... any

> > > > comments ...

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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