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Thanks for your support. hope your daughter is ok and you have a

healthy grandbaby soon.

> To Eachuam - I feel your pain as my daughter is in exactly your


> Her LLMD told her he'd test her again for Bb at the end of the


> If her Bb load is down, he feels confident she'd be fine getting


> She's as nervous as you are. Eight years ago when she was dx with


> before we learned about Lyme), her internist and OB both said to

go ahead

> and get pregnant--that they'd even seen some people go into

remission and

> are fine. The kids just couldn't believe that as Jill was

convinced since

> the day she came down with a terrible " flu " that she had some

sort of an

> infection.


> The other thing the LLMD told her is that he'd put her on

amoxicillan during

> pregnancy (it's very safe...even her OB agrees) to protect the


> Additionally, the baby would be tested (thru Igenex) shortly after

birth and

> if he/she tests positive, then our doc will put in a call to the


> Dr. , the pediatric LLMD to find out about antibiotics.


> Have you also been tested for coinfections (Babesia comes to mind)


> your remaining symptoms could be attributable to something other


> borrelia. Just a thought.


> As a potential Grandma-to-be, I wish you all the best!!!!

> Elaine

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thanks for your thoughts. i am still researching and as you said

there is risk in everything.

> <I was going to just say oh well no kids for me. But then i think

> about the much proven fact that babies born to mothers w/ hiv only

> have a 2% chance of contracting hiv and that is a much more

> transferrable disease(so they say). still the fact that we don't

> really know bothers me. Does anybody out there know? Or have any

> words of wisdom? My family, like the docs, just say " you'll be


> there's risk in everything " but i can't willing have a child if i

> know they would have to go through what i've been through or


> Please help. Thanks!!! >>


> Your fears are understandable; but I'm sure that you realize there

is no guarantee for having a healthy child, even if you are 100%

healthy yourself. :) Only you can decide whether or not to risk a

pregnancy. I guess it's a matter of how much do you want to have



> I don't have to tell you how many couples there are in the world

who do not even have the option of having children; for one reason

or another, they have fertility problems. And they beat themselves

up for not being able to have children, usually for the rest of

their lives. Another option is to adopt.


> But if you're concerned about your own health potentially

affecting a child, it would not matter if the child were adopted or

one that you gave birth to - there are still health risks involved,

either way.


> I'd suggest you do more research, talking to people in the same

situation, before making an educated decision. There are LOTS of e-

mail lists out there on this subject.


> Debbie Dahl

> Oklahoma



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  • 5 months later...

I suppose the hope is cheap but I doubt it is likely.

It looks to me that HCG is a good thing to have in

a treatment regimen to preserve pregnenolone

production as well as preserving the remaining

native testosterone production.


> Hey yall,

> I've been on .7 ml/wk injections of 200mg/ml depo T for about 3 years

> now. Testicles are in full atrophy and if I don't take my meds on

> time I bottom out. What are the chances of being fertile right now

> with no HCG? I'm only on the depo-T. I had a semen analysis done a

> little under a year ago and the doc told me then that I was sterile.

> No sperm to count. Could this have changed? If so how? Thanks for

> any info.

> Jerry


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  • 2 months later...
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Hi! Welcome to the group! This is a wonderful place

to see that you indeed are not so alone faced with all

of this! The people here are wonderful beyond words,

within them a person truly experiences hope and

understanding. The compassion is sincere and the

information provided is not only informative but

helpful in more than one way! I have been unable to

post lately, long story. I have checked my e-mail

from time to time if I am able to sit up for longer

than 10 minutes. Yours in particular caught my

interest. You mentioned that your OB-GYN noted that

you have blocked tubes? For how long? Is this

suddenly after that or after awhile? I only ask

because if you have a positive test - it may imply

that you have a tubal pregnancy. I would consult with

your main physician on Monday if you are feeling okay

to take a test there! From there I would begin to get

concerned, but as for now it may be a false positive!

I would certainly check and/or verify that at the

earliest Monday and no later! Goods luck! I hope that

you find out as soon as possible if it is true

positive! Take care. Kim

--- dmd0221 <dmd0221@...> wrote:

> Hi, I'm new to the group. I'm 36 and have had RA for

> 3 yrs now. I'm

> taking enbrel once a week and 5 mtx/wk. I was told

> by a gyn that my

> tubes are blocked and unable to have kids without

> invitro. Well I just

> took 2 home tests an hour ago and they were both

> +ve. I will be seeing

> the Dr. on Mon. I know mtx causes birth defects

> anyone with any more

> info???








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> > Hi, I'm new to the group. I'm 36 and have had RA for

> > 3 yrs now. I'm

> > taking enbrel once a week and 5 mtx/wk. I was told

> > by a gyn that my

> > tubes are blocked and unable to have kids without

> > invitro. Well I just

> > took 2 home tests an hour ago and they were both

> > +ve. I will be seeing

> > the Dr. on Mon. I know mtx causes birth defects

> > anyone with any more

> > info???

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 months later...
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I just thought some of you might be interested in this old post of mine (

(from Mar 4, 2004) because it presents some of Dr. Goldberg's thoughts on

pregnancy after having a child with ... we followed it to the " T " during

my last pregnancy and that baby is doing gloriously well so far (20 months

now). I was obsessive about keeping myself on the diet even before I knew I

was pregnant just to make sure I didn't cross the line at any point. Until

she was weaned at a year I NEVER cheated on the diet. We have tried to

follow the alternative vaccine schedule he recommends as well. I wish more

than anything that I could go back and change what I did with my other

pregnancies where I ate what I thought was healthy (berries, whole grains,

etc.) and drank lots of milk because I thought it was such a " great " idea.


First, here's an optimistic quote from Dr. Goldberg, and the link to the

article it came from is below it (the article doesn't really talk about

pregnancy other than the quote).

" While only an anecdotal observation, to date, NO family with whom I have

instituted a preventative program for has had another " autistic

spectrum " disorder child. "


Below are two letters that women posted to " Ask Dr. Goldberg " on his website

(along with Dr. Goldberg's answers). These letters were posted a while ago

but I think they are consistent with what Dr. Goldberg is telling people


€ Question #1

Dr. Goldberg - Could you please share any information or thoughts you might

have on CFS and pregnancy? I am 32 years old and have had CFS/FM for 7

years. I do OK living within my " envelope " and am currently considering

starting a family with my husband. Any information you have would be greatly

appreciated. Thank you.

€ Answer #1

In general, likely connected to hormonal and immune changes during

pregnancy, most women with CFS with do better by the 3 or 4th month of

pregnancy, and continue in a ³honeymoon² period usually 5 - 6 months s/p

delivery. Therefore, I think if you ³pace² yourself, watch diet (see below)

and maintain good nutrition, there is no reason (I always defer to you and

your husband) you shouldn¹t plan to start a family. As I am very concerned

re the connection of ³immune sensitivity² within families like this, I

highly advise an ³atopic² (allergenic, reactive) " preventative approach

during pregnancy and for at least the first two years of your child¹s life.

That means NO milk/dairy/chocolate/whole wheat products, monitoring your

(and ultimately the babies) CBC, and tightening up the diet even further

(i.e. red fruits - strawberries, cherries, watermelon, etc.) if your

eosinophils are not staying below 3% (ideally 1 - 2 %).

Good luck, MJG

€ Question #2

Dear Dr. Goldberg,

I am 's aunt and have been able to closely follow 's progress he has

made under your care. I'm very impressed with the results. My concern is

that if I get pregnant, my child will be faced with the same challenges

faces. Are there any indications, tests, or genetic markers which will tell

me whether or not I could pass this on to my child? While I would not choose

to not have a child, I would like to be as prepared as possible for any

potential challenges. I've been doing some reading about CMV and other

herpes-related viruses and the possible correlation to developmental delays.

I have a history of cold sores from childhood (which I believe is related to

CMV). If I am carrying CMV, is there anything I can do to prevent this from

being passed to my child. I'm planning on getting pregnant later this year

and would greatly appreciate your input.

€ Answer #2

Dear ³¹s sister - ¹s aunt² As we live in a world of increased

³autoimmune² disorders, immune mediated diseases, I think it is appropriate

for anyone to take precautions, particularly when there is any family

history. But, I would not confuse ³real² CMV (as a real, very severe in

utero or neonatal infection) with the type of immune disorder affecting

these children. To ³maximize² any child¹s health (and hopefully prevent

³triggers² to this disorder) I have always been a strong believer as a

pediatrician, that a ³clear,² healthy child is important, and I have always

been a strong believer in minimizing allergy factors, adjusting diet (if any

suspicion), etc. For mother of a previous ³Autistic / ² child, I am

recommending avoidance of milk, dairy, chocolate, whole wheat during their

pregnancy (essentially consistent with the recommendations of the American

Academy of Pediatrics for families with heavy allergies, atopy, etc.), and

to avoid dairy based formulas (soy if any problems), watch foods and

allergies very carefully, etc. In your case, that is certainly a reasonable

way to take some precautions in a likely positive direction, without any

negatives in doing so. Hope this helps, good luck with your pregnancy.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Malinda,

I believe I have type 1A this will be like comparing apples to oranges. I felt

better during pregnancy. I had better balance and felt stronger. Once I got

really heavy I had a hard time walking around but a lot of pregnant omen do so

it didn't bother me too much.

I had to be induced with 4 out of 5 labors. I was never told that not going into

labor and having to be induced was CMT related but who knows?

After I had the babies my hands and wrists would hurt for a few weeks from all

the work they were doing, picking the babies up, turning them and dressing

them. Nothing I couldn't handle. I had a very helpful husband and my older

daughter usually carried the car seat but I did plenty of that too.

Every case of CMT is so different pregnancy is different too. I wish you the

best making this decision. Pregnancy is a sacrifice for any Mom, CMT or not

there is never a guarantee but wow the rewards sure can be amazing :) Oh and

yeah babies are a lot of work!! LOL

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One of my concerns about pregnancy (and there were numerous ones) was

the impact it may have on a faster progression of my CMT. Once I

examined all my issues with that (and the others) I did not feel I

should become pregnant. I was pleased with my decision - I just want

you to know this was not a snap decision, it took the better part of

about 3 years, and included medical opinions, alot of meditation,

working my 12 step program, journaling, some psychotherapy, etc.

You might want to check with the Chicago Reproductive Instutite on the

PGD. There have been some CMT persons who had successful pregnancies

through them, with CMT-free children welcomed into this world!

I can't remember where my latest update on that is, maybe either in our

files, or on the HNF site. If you can't find it, let me know and

I'll try to pull it for a report for you.

~ Gretchen

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I have just recently been diagnosed with CMT (November 2005) I have

been pregnant 4 times and have 4 beautiful children (3 of them now

adults) to prove it. I did not know I had CMT when I was pregnant.

Had I know, I may have considered due to the genetics and passing it


Anyway, I had very uneventful pregnancies and nothing odd or

unusual. My balance was a bit off - I figured due to the changing

body. I do not know if it made this appear faster. I doubt it.

The only thing I did notice was during all pregnancies there were times

when I could not put my feet flat on the floor to walk. Usually I

noticed this when I was up in the middle of the night to go to the

bathroom. It was sort of a cramp in the arch of the foot. I didn't

really think anything of it.

I don't know if there are reasons to NOT get pregnant, other than the passing

CMT to the offspring. Balance - as far as I can determine would be the only

other thing to be concerned about. Be frank with your Dr. and see what he/she


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My daughter has CMT, she was diagnosed when she was 5. She is 25 now and the

mother of two very active children. She never complained about anything while

she was pregnant. She had normal childbirths too. She did not have to be induced

with either child. The kids are 7 and 8 now and 11 1/2 months apart. They are

surely the apple of my eye!!!! They are now starting to ride horses and are

having a ball.


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In a message dated 8/7/2006 6:12:34 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

mkees73@... writes:

It's a rotten feeling to know I have passed this on to him.

It is a rotten feeling that is the truth.


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My thoughts on CMT and pregnancy:

I have Type 1 A (DNA confirmed). I had my first child in March 06. I was very

much " on the lookout " for any changes in my CMT during my pregnancy, and really

didn't notice much. Towards the end of the pregnancy, I moved slower and walked

a bit more funny. I think the CMT made it a bit worse than what non-CMT

pregnant women experience. It was kind of nice to attribute some of my CMT

issues to pregnancy (i.e., Oh, I can't walk that far b/c of the big belly).

My labor was fabulous, total of 5 hours including ~20 minutes of pushing, no

drugs. I was concerned about how meds might impact my baby and me, so I was

happy that my labor was easy enough to forgo meds.

In the first 4-6 weeks of my baby's life, my hands hurt constantly. There are so

many fine-motor, hand specific tasks to caring for an infant. I think all new

parents experience that, but I also think mine was worse b/c of CMT.

Now, my son is 5 months old, and I do notice that my difficulty with

walking/foot drop/lazy lift is worse. But, I don't know if that is b/c of the

pregnancy or just the natural progression of time.

My son also has Type 1A, diagnosed in utero via a chorionic villius sampling

(CVS). It's a rotten feeling to know I have passed this on to him. But he is a

beautiful, happy, healthy baby. And that is our blessing.

in Michigan

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But what of all the positive things you've passed on to him: intelligence,

spunk, love of life, compassion. That list far outweighs the negatives.


MommyToAdam@... wrote:

In a message dated 8/7/2006 6:12:34 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

mkees73@... writes:

It's a rotten feeling to know I have passed this on to him.

It is a rotten feeling that is the truth.


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  • 1 month later...

Personally, I felt better when I was pregnant than I have since I started

showing CMT symptoms. I don't know what it was, but the only thing that was

really worse when I was pregnant was the 'drunkard walk' staggering around and

having to catch my balance all the time. Other than that it was like I was 12

again... able to do things and not wear out so easily.

Hope this helps,

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  • 4 weeks later...


I am in a similar situation, I was 27 when I was first diagnosed but I

hadn't had children yet, I am now 30 and I'm pregnant for the first time

(with twins!).I am a pharmacist so I new the risks of a lot these drugs, I

did have to go off plaquenil, but I was put on sulfasalazine. It is one of

the DMARDS considered safe if you get pregnant while on it. you can also be

on prednisone while pregnant.(you can't use methotrexate or celebrex while

pregnant) The biologicals don't have a lot of safety data at this point.

One good thing about pregnancy is that 80% go into clinical remission. I

did have some bad days, i will admit, but i am now in my 3rd trimester and I

feel much better. Good luck in your decision!

>From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@...>



>Subject: [ ] pregnancy

>Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000


>I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter, two years

>ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love to have

>another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will make my

>condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of methotrexate

>once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The pills don't

>always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me after having a

>second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my doctor told

>me that I have to stop taking medication four months before becoming

>pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to handle the

>paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm the fetus?







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Thank you so much for your response. I know it might sound bad, but I

kind of feel better knowing that I am not the only 30 years old woman

who has this illness. Good luck to you!! wow twins, you will be a

busy mom. I'm really interested how you will feel after giving birth

so please make sure to keep us posted. If you will feel well, there

might be hope that I will do just fine.


--- In , " shannon flory " <SHANNONFLORY@...>



> Renata,


> I am in a similar situation, I was 27 when I was first diagnosed

but I

> hadn't had children yet, I am now 30 and I'm pregnant for the first


> (with twins!).I am a pharmacist so I new the risks of a lot these

drugs, I

> did have to go off plaquenil, but I was put on sulfasalazine. It

is one of

> the DMARDS considered safe if you get pregnant while on it. you

can also be

> on prednisone while pregnant.(you can't use methotrexate or

celebrex while

> pregnant) The biologicals don't have a lot of safety data at this


> One good thing about pregnancy is that 80% go into clinical

remission. I

> did have some bad days, i will admit, but i am now in my 3rd

trimester and I

> feel much better. Good luck in your decision!





> >From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@...>

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: [ ] pregnancy

> >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000

> >

> >I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter, two


> >ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love to


> >another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will make


> >condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of methotrexate

> >once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The pills


> >always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me after

having a

> >second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my doctor


> >me that I have to stop taking medication four months before


> >pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to handle the

> >paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm the


> >

> >Renata

> >

> >

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

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Hi and Renata,

I am 32 years old. Been diagnosed 1 year on the 28th. I sometimes feel like

the only young person with this disease. When I go to my Rheumy, his office is

filled with older people. I am SO GLAD I had my kids young. I have three

children. I could not imagine having babies right now. I will pray for you

both as you care for your younger children.

Meredith in Canada.

[ ] pregnancy

> >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000

> >

> >I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter, two


> >ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love to


> >another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will make


> >condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of methotrexate

> >once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The pills


> >always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me after

having a

> >second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my doctor


> >me that I have to stop taking medication four months before


> >pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to handle the

> >paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm the


> >

> >Renata

> >

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________________

> Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live


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I am 31 years old and lost a pregnancy in March of this year. For the

short while I was pregnant, I was very sick to my stomach. I have a

condition called gastroparesis which means the motility of my stomach

and digestive tract is slow. Pregnancy hormones make this worse. I

am in the process of getting diagnosed with either fibromyalgia or

lupus. I am afraid to get pregnant again for fear I'll end up in the

hospital with dehydration. It felt much worse than normal morning

sickness and the nausea was tripling each day I was pregnant. Charisse

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Hi Meredith

Until joining this group I felt exactly the same way. Everytime I go

and see my doctor, the waiting room is filled with older people, I am

the youngest one. I sometimes get scared because I keep hearing that

RA usually attacks older people. Right now I am pretty healthy, my

doctor schedules me for blood testing every other month. So far so

good, but I am affraid that when I get older, my health will not be

as good as it is now and my stomach will not be tolerating such

strong medication. I do want to have another baby, but someone told

me that my condition will get worse after having a second baby. I

deal with pain everyday and I just don't know how bad it will really

get and if I can handle it.

Thanks for your support


> >

> > Renata,

> >

> > I am in a similar situation, I was 27 when I was first


> but I

> > hadn't had children yet, I am now 30 and I'm pregnant for the


> time

> > (with twins!).I am a pharmacist so I new the risks of a lot


> drugs, I

> > did have to go off plaquenil, but I was put on sulfasalazine.


> is one of

> > the DMARDS considered safe if you get pregnant while on it. you

> can also be

> > on prednisone while pregnant.(you can't use methotrexate or

> celebrex while

> > pregnant) The biologicals don't have a lot of safety data at


> point.

> > One good thing about pregnancy is that 80% go into clinical

> remission. I

> > did have some bad days, i will admit, but i am now in my 3rd

> trimester and I

> > feel much better. Good luck in your decision!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@>

> > >Reply-

> > >

> > >Subject: [ ] pregnancy

> > >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000

> > >

> > >I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter, two

> years

> > >ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love


> have

> > >another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will


> my

> > >condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of


> > >once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The


> don't

> > >always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me after

> having a

> > >second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my


> told

> > >me that I have to stop taking medication four months before

> becoming

> > >pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to handle


> > >paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm the

> fetus?

> > >

> > >Renata

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > __________________________________________________________

> > Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows


> Spaces

> > http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?

> href=http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?

> wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx & mkt=en-us

> >







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Hi Charisse

I'm so sorry to hear that your pregnancy did turn out well. Do you

think that you taking RA medication might have something to do with

it? I wish you all the best and I do hope that one day you will be

blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby.


--- In , " charchar1974 " <charisse_j@...>



> I am 31 years old and lost a pregnancy in March of this year. For


> short while I was pregnant, I was very sick to my stomach. I have a

> condition called gastroparesis which means the motility of my


> and digestive tract is slow. Pregnancy hormones make this worse. I

> am in the process of getting diagnosed with either fibromyalgia or

> lupus. I am afraid to get pregnant again for fear I'll end up in


> hospital with dehydration. It felt much worse than normal morning

> sickness and the nausea was tripling each day I was pregnant.



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Thanks Renata. I don't take any RA medication. Maybe I should ask for

clarification on this group. Do you have to have RA to be a member

here? I joined for support for lupus and fibromyalgia. My drs are

not sure which I have yet. I see a rheumy in November. My mom had

lupus so they are concerned I've got something autoimmune. I have

pain widespread in my back and neck but none of my other joints and my

RA blood test came back negative so they don't think it's RA. Let me

know if I'm in the wrong group! Thanks. Charisse


> Hi Charisse


> I'm so sorry to hear that your pregnancy did turn out well. Do you

> think that you taking RA medication might have something to do with

> it? I wish you all the best and I do hope that one day you will be

> blessed with a beautiful and healthy baby.


> Renata

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Negative Rheumatoid factor test does not rule out RA. I am sero-negative

and are many members of the group. There are other auto-immune diseases such

as ankolysing Spondolosis with is RA that affects the spine.

I am sure you Rheummy will continue to search and monitor you until he finds

the answers to your pain.

I know I went many years before I found out what was the cause of my pain.

I have RA, OA and Fibro.


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I would love to find out all about the effects after pregnancy. I am

planning on becoming pragnant next year but I'm scared of how my body

would react after giving birth. Did you have to switch meds?


> > >

> > > Renata,

> > >

> > > I am in a similar situation, I was 27 when I was first


> > but I

> > > hadn't had children yet, I am now 30 and I'm pregnant for the


> > time

> > > (with twins!).I am a pharmacist so I new the risks of a lot


> > drugs, I

> > > did have to go off plaquenil, but I was put on sulfasalazine.


> > is one of

> > > the DMARDS considered safe if you get pregnant while on it.


> > can also be

> > > on prednisone while pregnant.(you can't use methotrexate or

> > celebrex while

> > > pregnant) The biologicals don't have a lot of safety data at


> > point.

> > > One good thing about pregnancy is that 80% go into clinical

> > remission. I

> > > did have some bad days, i will admit, but i am now in my 3rd

> > trimester and I

> > > feel much better. Good luck in your decision!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@>

> > > >Reply-

> > > >

> > > >Subject: [ ] pregnancy

> > > >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000

> > > >

> > > >I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter,


> > years

> > > >ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love


> > have

> > > >another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will


> > my

> > > >condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of


> > > >once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The


> > don't

> > > >always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me


> > having a

> > > >second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my


> > told

> > > >me that I have to stop taking medication four months before

> > becoming

> > > >pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to

handle the

> > > >paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm


> > fetus?

> > > >

> > > >Renata

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > __________________________________________________________

> > > Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows


> > Spaces

> > > http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?

> > href=http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?

> > wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx & mkt=en-us

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I'll keep you posted! It's definately going to be harder with RA being a new

mom but I can't imagine life without children in my house. My RA prior to

pregnancy was more mild to moderate, and from what I've read most women do

have a flare post partum but disease activity overall is about the same as

it was prior to pregnancy. I'll let you know how it goes!

>From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: pregnancy

>Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 13:49:47 -0000




>Thank you so much for your response. I know it might sound bad, but I

>kind of feel better knowing that I am not the only 30 years old woman

>who has this illness. Good luck to you!! wow twins, you will be a

>busy mom. I'm really interested how you will feel after giving birth

>so please make sure to keep us posted. If you will feel well, there

>might be hope that I will do just fine.




>--- In , " shannon flory " <SHANNONFLORY@...>


> >

> > Renata,

> >

> > I am in a similar situation, I was 27 when I was first diagnosed

>but I

> > hadn't had children yet, I am now 30 and I'm pregnant for the first


> > (with twins!).I am a pharmacist so I new the risks of a lot these

>drugs, I

> > did have to go off plaquenil, but I was put on sulfasalazine. It

>is one of

> > the DMARDS considered safe if you get pregnant while on it. you

>can also be

> > on prednisone while pregnant.(you can't use methotrexate or

>celebrex while

> > pregnant) The biologicals don't have a lot of safety data at this


> > One good thing about pregnancy is that 80% go into clinical

>remission. I

> > did have some bad days, i will admit, but i am now in my 3rd

>trimester and I

> > feel much better. Good luck in your decision!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@...>

> > >Reply-

> > >

> > >Subject: [ ] pregnancy

> > >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000

> > >

> > >I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter, two


> > >ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love to


> > >another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will make


> > >condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of methotrexate

> > >once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The pills


> > >always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me after

>having a

> > >second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my doctor


> > >me that I have to stop taking medication four months before


> > >pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to handle the

> > >paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm the


> > >

> > >Renata

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live


> > http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?


>wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx & mkt=en-us

> >






Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live Spaces


live.com/spacesapi.aspx?wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx & mkt=en-us

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When is your due date?

--- In , " shannon flory " <SHANNONFLORY@...>



> Renata,


> I'll keep you posted! It's definately going to be harder with RA

being a new

> mom but I can't imagine life without children in my house. My RA

prior to

> pregnancy was more mild to moderate, and from what I've read most

women do

> have a flare post partum but disease activity overall is about the

same as

> it was prior to pregnancy. I'll let you know how it goes!





> >From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@...>

> >Reply-

> >

> >Subject: [ ] Re: pregnancy

> >Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 13:49:47 -0000

> >

> >

> >

> >Thank you so much for your response. I know it might sound bad,

but I

> >kind of feel better knowing that I am not the only 30 years old


> >who has this illness. Good luck to you!! wow twins, you will be a

> >busy mom. I'm really interested how you will feel after giving


> >so please make sure to keep us posted. If you will feel well, there

> >might be hope that I will do just fine.

> >

> >Renata

> >

> >--- In , " shannon flory " <SHANNONFLORY@>

> >wrote:

> > >

> > > Renata,

> > >

> > > I am in a similar situation, I was 27 when I was first diagnosed

> >but I

> > > hadn't had children yet, I am now 30 and I'm pregnant for the


> >time

> > > (with twins!).I am a pharmacist so I new the risks of a lot


> >drugs, I

> > > did have to go off plaquenil, but I was put on sulfasalazine.


> >is one of

> > > the DMARDS considered safe if you get pregnant while on it. you

> >can also be

> > > on prednisone while pregnant.(you can't use methotrexate or

> >celebrex while

> > > pregnant) The biologicals don't have a lot of safety data at


> >point.

> > > One good thing about pregnancy is that 80% go into clinical

> >remission. I

> > > did have some bad days, i will admit, but i am now in my 3rd

> >trimester and I

> > > feel much better. Good luck in your decision!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >From: " renia_22 " <renia_22@>

> > > >Reply-

> > > >

> > > >Subject: [ ] pregnancy

> > > >Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:08:41 -0000

> > > >

> > > >I am only 29, RA hit me after I gave birth to my daughter, two

> >years

> > > >ago. The pain was so bad that I could not move. I would love to

> >have

> > > >another baby, but I have heard that my second pregnancy will


> >my

> > > >condition even worse. Currently I am taking 7 pills of


> > > >once a week, 1 pill of celebrex and folic acid a day. The pills

> >don't

> > > >always help my pain. I'm affraid what will happen to me after

> >having a

> > > >second baby. Would Methotrexate be enough? In addition, my


> >told

> > > >me that I have to stop taking medication four months before

> >becoming

> > > >pregnant. I'm not sure how in the world I'm supposed to handle


> > > >paid. Are there any alternative available that won't harm the

> >fetus?

> > > >

> > > >Renata

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >


> > > Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows


> >Spaces

> > > http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?

> >href=http://spaces.live.com/spacesapi.aspx?

> >wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx & mkt=en-us

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

> Stay in touch with old friends and meet new ones with Windows Live


> http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwsp0070000001msn/direct/01/?


wx_action=create & wx_url=/friends.aspx & mkt=en-us


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