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Re: New To Group - Subcutaneous IVIG or SCIG

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We use the belly. You can see pictures of my boys during SCIG at:


was better on IgG replacement and is doing a trial off & it is going

well. We are retesting his immune system. J is still sick, even on

SCIG/IVIG, so the doctors wanted to keep him on it.

Peace be with you,


God does not intervene to change the circumstances of our life; what He does

do, with the most compassionate faithfulness, is enable us to make those

circumstances fruitful. Death remains death, but it is also a new life: pain

accepted from His hands purifies, transforms, redeems. God is what happens

to us; His presence makes everything potential for growth in love and

goodness. Yes, let Him make us Holy. ~Sister Beckett


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:26 PM

Subject: New To Group - Subcutaneous IVIG or SCIG

Hello and thanks for approving me to the group. I’m glad to find a

resource for my son and husband. My husband 35yo, I believe would be

classified as Common Variable Immune Deficient. He has IGA deficiency,

1 IGG Subclass deficiency, and doesn’t respond to most vaccinations. We

waited to have children because of his health issues; while he learned

to live with it, he knew he could pass it on. We have 2 children and

the IGA deficiency was passed on to our son 5yo. My son also has 2 IGG

subclass deficiencies and doesn’t respond to his vaccinations. So far

our daughter 3yo is fine. Both kids see an Allergy Immunologist at

Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.

DS 5yo had a pretty good run of things, first only the IGA def

registered. When he was 2 ½ and they tested for the subclasses he had 1

IGG subclass def. His titers showed borderline response. 3 winters ago

he was on antibiotics with sinus and ear infections all the time. Then

the following spring he had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in

his ears. Then following he went on bactrium antibiotic therapy and has

been since. He developed Asthma too takes inhalers. Unfortunately, the

bactrium didn’t hold out and here we were on antibiotics constantly

again this winter. After being on 10 doses of antibiotics and 2 serious

asthma issues since September the Immunologist said it’s time for IVIG.

I was heartbroken to say the least. My husband has been getting IVIG

for the last 3 winters, but we didn’t think we’d be facing it for my son

at 5.

We did our first IVIG the Friday before Christmas that lasted 6 ½ hours.

Since it went well he switched over to Sub Q IG; he’s had 2. We are

having some issues with it as my son is skinny. I’ve got lots of

questions on it. Does anyone here use it for young small children?

What sites do you use? Do you find it goes into muscle? We are using

an inserter pen so we don’t have to insert our selves, but find it’s

hard to take off, tape and pull out the needle with the soft serters.

He’s getting 13 ml every Friday with a 6mm soft serter needle set over

an hour. We’ve done the top to the outside of the thigh per the nurse

who is training us.

Did anyone doing Sub Q find that their sinus issues cleared up? Have

you stayed on the prophylactic antibiotic too?

Lots of questions, I guess we just lived with what my husband had and

dealt with it, we were happy when our son didn’t have too many

issues…..now I’m entering a whole new world.

Thanks in advance,

Michele K W/2 In PA

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Our daughter is 6 and we have been doing SCIG since September. We did IVIG

for a little over a year before. We too have the problem of not sure where to

put it. We now use her buttocks because that is where she has the most fat. It

has worked really well for us. One day after you can not even see where the

injections sights were. We use Medical (EMED) 36 " Tri-furcated SCIg set.

This has three 3 injections sights instead of two. We tried 2 and she had

leakage. The 3 set has been great. We use LMX numbing creme before. The

needles are really tiny and really easy to remove. We just put on piece of tape

over each site( this tape comes in the set) it stays in well and just pulling

on the line when finished gets the tape started and it peels right off. I hope

that this helps. Good Luck.

(mom to Hope,6,undiagnosed immune deficiency,dialted

cardiomyopathy,pustular psoriasis, receives SCIG weekly)

Michele <mjand2at162@...> wrote:

Hello and thanks for approving me to the group. I’m glad to find a

resource for my son and husband. My husband 35yo, I believe would be

classified as Common Variable Immune Deficient. He has IGA deficiency,

1 IGG Subclass deficiency, and doesn’t respond to most vaccinations. We

waited to have children because of his health issues; while he learned

to live with it, he knew he could pass it on. We have 2 children and

the IGA deficiency was passed on to our son 5yo. My son also has 2 IGG

subclass deficiencies and doesn’t respond to his vaccinations. So far

our daughter 3yo is fine. Both kids see an Allergy Immunologist at

Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.

DS 5yo had a pretty good run of things, first only the IGA def

registered. When he was 2 ½ and they tested for the subclasses he had 1

IGG subclass def. His titers showed borderline response. 3 winters ago

he was on antibiotics with sinus and ear infections all the time. Then

the following spring he had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in

his ears. Then following he went on bactrium antibiotic therapy and has

been since. He developed Asthma too takes inhalers. Unfortunately, the

bactrium didn’t hold out and here we were on antibiotics constantly

again this winter. After being on 10 doses of antibiotics and 2 serious

asthma issues since September the Immunologist said it’s time for IVIG.

I was heartbroken to say the least. My husband has been getting IVIG

for the last 3 winters, but we didn’t think we’d be facing it for my son

at 5.

We did our first IVIG the Friday before Christmas that lasted 6 ½ hours.

Since it went well he switched over to Sub Q IG; he’s had 2. We are

having some issues with it as my son is skinny. I’ve got lots of

questions on it. Does anyone here use it for young small children?

What sites do you use? Do you find it goes into muscle? We are using

an inserter pen so we don’t have to insert our selves, but find it’s

hard to take off, tape and pull out the needle with the soft serters.

He’s getting 13 ml every Friday with a 6mm soft serter needle set over

an hour. We’ve done the top to the outside of the thigh per the nurse

who is training us.

Did anyone doing Sub Q find that their sinus issues cleared up? Have

you stayed on the prophylactic antibiotic too?

Lots of questions, I guess we just lived with what my husband had and

dealt with it, we were happy when our son didn’t have too many

issues…..now I’m entering a whole new world.

Thanks in advance,

Michele K W/2 In PA

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Hello Michele,

My name is and I have a 3 yr old son with a PID too. At

15mts of age, they diagnosed him with hypogamma and he started IVIG

etc... Lately, they are saying it's a combined immune deficiency

(low T cells and NK cells and hygogamma (Low IGG IGM IGA poor

response of some vaccines)...). He has had his adenoids out, 5 sinus

surgeries to clean out, open up and get cultures and 4 sets of ear

tubes, last set were permanent. He also has problems with his lungs

(asthma, bronchiolitis and pneumonias), GI (chronic distention,

diarrhea, ileus etc....) autoimmune stuff (juvenile rheum. arthritis

etc...)and bad side effects to immunoglobins. He did IVIG for a good

year then switched to SQIG. He did that for 7mts and then switched

back to IVIG because he was still having side effects each week

which is not typical. We would rather have him miserable every 3

weeks than each week. But, I can't tell you how much I loved SQIG. I

hate/d going to the hospital every couple of weeks to be reminded

that there was/is something wrong with my kid for the IVIG. Germs

live at the hospital and far less of them at home. I love the

freedom to do it whenever I chose. It took far less time to infuse

(1.5 hr versus 10+ hrs). The side effects weren't as bad but he

still had some. required weekly steroids with his SQIG which

the doctors weren't too excited about. He continued to get just as

sick illnesswise which totally contradicts the research. They claim

people have less infection while on SQIG because the levels are

higher and more even. His IG levels weren't as high so we decided to

go back to IVIG. I was heartbroken because I really loved the SQ

route. I was able to do it and it became a regular routine just like

his vest treatments(BDs) , nebs, and meds etc... We always did

's thighs for the SQIG infusions. He did 16ml every week. He

did 2 spots each of 8ml over about 1.5hrs. The sites ranged from

golfball to potatoe size in duration but disappeared by the next

morning. I found that a warm pack or hot bath helped afterwards. We

did it right before bed so he would fell asleep while doing it or

shortly afterwards. still does a prophylactic antibiotic

whether IV or SQ route. He still gets infections regardless which

route also. Please feel free to email me off line if you like. I

have no problems answers any questions. Best of Luck!

Proud Mom to 3 yr old : PID~combine immune deficiency and


www.caringbridge. org/visit/ matthewfranson


> Hello and thanks for approving me to the group. I'm glad to find a

> resource for my son and husband. My husband 35yo, I believe would


> classified as Common Variable Immune Deficient. He has IGA


> 1 IGG Subclass deficiency, and doesn't respond to most

vaccinations. We

> waited to have children because of his health issues; while he


> to live with it, he knew he could pass it on. We have 2 children


> the IGA deficiency was passed on to our son 5yo. My son also has


> subclass deficiencies and doesn't respond to his vaccinations. So


> our daughter 3yo is fine. Both kids see an Allergy Immunologist at

> Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.


> DS 5yo had a pretty good run of things, first only the IGA def

> registered. When he was 2 ½ and they tested for the subclasses he

had 1

> IGG subclass def. His titers showed borderline response. 3

winters ago

> he was on antibiotics with sinus and ear infections all the time.


> the following spring he had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes


> his ears. Then following he went on bactrium antibiotic therapy

and has

> been since. He developed Asthma too takes inhalers.

Unfortunately, the

> bactrium didn't hold out and here we were on antibiotics constantly

> again this winter. After being on 10 doses of antibiotics and 2


> asthma issues since September the Immunologist said it's time for


> I was heartbroken to say the least. My husband has been getting


> for the last 3 winters, but we didn't think we'd be facing it for

my son

> at 5.


> We did our first IVIG the Friday before Christmas that lasted 6 ½


> Since it went well he switched over to Sub Q IG; he's had 2. We


> having some issues with it as my son is skinny. I've got lots of

> questions on it. Does anyone here use it for young small children?

> What sites do you use? Do you find it goes into muscle? We are


> an inserter pen so we don't have to insert our selves, but find


> hard to take off, tape and pull out the needle with the soft


> He's getting 13 ml every Friday with a 6mm soft serter needle set


> an hour. We've done the top to the outside of the thigh per the


> who is training us.


> Did anyone doing Sub Q find that their sinus issues cleared up?


> you stayed on the prophylactic antibiotic too?


> Lots of questions, I guess we just lived with what my husband had


> dealt with it, we were happy when our son didn't have too many

> issues…..now I'm entering a whole new world.


> Thanks in advance,

> Michele K W/2 In PA




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I am just curious what kind of side effect does he have and what brand are you

using. I am curious because I am hearing that using vivaglobin seems to have

more side effects. We have not had any at all we are not using viva.


Re: New To Group - Subcutaneous IVIG or SCIG

Hello Michele,

My name is and I have a 3 yr old son with a PID too. At

15mts of age, they diagnosed him with hypogamma and he started IVIG

etc... Lately, they are saying it's a combined immune deficiency

(low T cells and NK cells and hygogamma (Low IGG IGM IGA poor

response of some vaccines)... ). He has had his adenoids out, 5 sinus

surgeries to clean out, open up and get cultures and 4 sets of ear

tubes, last set were permanent. He also has problems with his lungs

(asthma, bronchiolitis and pneumonias), GI (chronic distention,

diarrhea, ileus etc....) autoimmune stuff (juvenile rheum. arthritis

etc...)and bad side effects to immunoglobins. He did IVIG for a good

year then switched to SQIG. He did that for 7mts and then switched

back to IVIG because he was still having side effects each week

which is not typical. We would rather have him miserable every 3

weeks than each week. But, I can't tell you how much I loved SQIG. I

hate/d going to the hospital every couple of weeks to be reminded

that there was/is something wrong with my kid for the IVIG. Germs

live at the hospital and far less of them at home. I love the

freedom to do it whenever I chose. It took far less time to infuse

(1.5 hr versus 10+ hrs). The side effects weren't as bad but he

still had some. required weekly steroids with his SQIG which

the doctors weren't too excited about. He continued to get just as

sick illnesswise which totally contradicts the research. They claim

people have less infection while on SQIG because the levels are

higher and more even. His IG levels weren't as high so we decided to

go back to IVIG. I was heartbroken because I really loved the SQ

route. I was able to do it and it became a regular routine just like

his vest treatments(BDs) , nebs, and meds etc... We always did

's thighs for the SQIG infusions. He did 16ml every week. He

did 2 spots each of 8ml over about 1.5hrs. The sites ranged from

golfball to potatoe size in duration but disappeared by the next

morning. I found that a warm pack or hot bath helped afterwards. We

did it right before bed so he would fell asleep while doing it or

shortly afterwards. still does a prophylactic antibiotic

whether IV or SQ route. He still gets infections regardless which

route also. Please feel free to email me off line if you like. I

have no problems answers any questions. Best of Luck!

Proud Mom to 3 yr old : PID~combine immune deficiency and


www.caringbridge. org/visit/ matthewfranson


> Hello and thanks for approving me to the group. I'm glad to find a

> resource for my son and husband. My husband 35yo, I believe would


> classified as Common Variable Immune Deficient. He has IGA


> 1 IGG Subclass deficiency, and doesn't respond to most

vaccinations. We

> waited to have children because of his health issues; while he


> to live with it, he knew he could pass it on. We have 2 children


> the IGA deficiency was passed on to our son 5yo. My son also has


> subclass deficiencies and doesn't respond to his vaccinations. So


> our daughter 3yo is fine. Both kids see an Allergy Immunologist at

> Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.


> DS 5yo had a pretty good run of things, first only the IGA def

> registered. When he was 2 ½ and they tested for the subclasses he

had 1

> IGG subclass def. His titers showed borderline response. 3

winters ago

> he was on antibiotics with sinus and ear infections all the time.


> the following spring he had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes


> his ears. Then following he went on bactrium antibiotic therapy

and has

> been since. He developed Asthma too takes inhalers.

Unfortunately, the

> bactrium didn't hold out and here we were on antibiotics constantly

> again this winter. After being on 10 doses of antibiotics and 2


> asthma issues since September the Immunologist said it's time for


> I was heartbroken to say the least. My husband has been getting


> for the last 3 winters, but we didn't think we'd be facing it for

my son

> at 5.


> We did our first IVIG the Friday before Christmas that lasted 6 ½


> Since it went well he switched over to Sub Q IG; he's had 2. We


> having some issues with it as my son is skinny. I've got lots of

> questions on it. Does anyone here use it for young small children?

> What sites do you use? Do you find it goes into muscle? We are


> an inserter pen so we don't have to insert our selves, but find


> hard to take off, tape and pull out the needle with the soft


> He's getting 13 ml every Friday with a 6mm soft serter needle set


> an hour. We've done the top to the outside of the thigh per the


> who is training us.


> Did anyone doing Sub Q find that their sinus issues cleared up?


> you stayed on the prophylactic antibiotic too?


> Lots of questions, I guess we just lived with what my husband had


> dealt with it, we were happy when our son didn't have too many

> issues…..now I'm entering a whole new world.


> Thanks in advance,

> Michele K W/2 In PA




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Hey Barbie,

used vivaglobin while doing SQIG. He only does gamunex for IVIG now.

We tried a couple different ones (polygram SD and ?.... for IVIG only) and he

ended up being admitted afterwards for a few days for temps of 106, high BP

etc.... He had problems with nausea, vomiting, expulsive diarrhea, low grade

temp and no appetite the next day or two with SQIG. These side effects are worse

with the IV route then he has the increase BP and heart rate, flushing, and head

aches ontop of the other stuff. He gets premed with an IV steroid, IV benadryl

and tylenol. He gets IV zofran during the infusion and at the end and sometimes

another dose of IV steroid. We did tylenol, oral steroid, atarax, and zofran at

home. We were told that his reactions are extremely rare so no one should

consider this as normal.

Barbara Jimenez <mother5590@...> wrote:

I am just curious what kind of side effect does he have and what brand are you

using. I am curious because I am hearing that using vivaglobin seems to have

more side effects. We have not had any at all we are not using viva.


Re: New To Group - Subcutaneous IVIG or SCIG

Hello Michele,

My name is and I have a 3 yr old son with a PID too. At

15mts of age, they diagnosed him with hypogamma and he started IVIG

etc... Lately, they are saying it's a combined immune deficiency

(low T cells and NK cells and hygogamma (Low IGG IGM IGA poor

response of some vaccines)... ). He has had his adenoids out, 5 sinus

surgeries to clean out, open up and get cultures and 4 sets of ear

tubes, last set were permanent. He also has problems with his lungs

(asthma, bronchiolitis and pneumonias), GI (chronic distention,

diarrhea, ileus etc....) autoimmune stuff (juvenile rheum. arthritis

etc...)and bad side effects to immunoglobins. He did IVIG for a good

year then switched to SQIG. He did that for 7mts and then switched

back to IVIG because he was still having side effects each week

which is not typical. We would rather have him miserable every 3

weeks than each week. But, I can't tell you how much I loved SQIG. I

hate/d going to the hospital every couple of weeks to be reminded

that there was/is something wrong with my kid for the IVIG. Germs

live at the hospital and far less of them at home. I love the

freedom to do it whenever I chose. It took far less time to infuse

(1.5 hr versus 10+ hrs). The side effects weren't as bad but he

still had some. required weekly steroids with his SQIG which

the doctors weren't too excited about. He continued to get just as

sick illnesswise which totally contradicts the research. They claim

people have less infection while on SQIG because the levels are

higher and more even. His IG levels weren't as high so we decided to

go back to IVIG. I was heartbroken because I really loved the SQ

route. I was able to do it and it became a regular routine just like

his vest treatments(BDs) , nebs, and meds etc... We always did

's thighs for the SQIG infusions. He did 16ml every week. He

did 2 spots each of 8ml over about 1.5hrs. The sites ranged from

golfball to potatoe size in duration but disappeared by the next

morning. I found that a warm pack or hot bath helped afterwards. We

did it right before bed so he would fell asleep while doing it or

shortly afterwards. still does a prophylactic antibiotic

whether IV or SQ route. He still gets infections regardless which

route also. Please feel free to email me off line if you like. I

have no problems answers any questions. Best of Luck!

Proud Mom to 3 yr old : PID~combine immune deficiency and


www.caringbridge. org/visit/ matthewfranson


> Hello and thanks for approving me to the group. I'm glad to find a

> resource for my son and husband. My husband 35yo, I believe would


> classified as Common Variable Immune Deficient. He has IGA


> 1 IGG Subclass deficiency, and doesn't respond to most

vaccinations. We

> waited to have children because of his health issues; while he


> to live with it, he knew he could pass it on. We have 2 children


> the IGA deficiency was passed on to our son 5yo. My son also has


> subclass deficiencies and doesn't respond to his vaccinations. So


> our daughter 3yo is fine. Both kids see an Allergy Immunologist at

> Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.


> DS 5yo had a pretty good run of things, first only the IGA def

> registered. When he was 2 ½ and they tested for the subclasses he

had 1

> IGG subclass def. His titers showed borderline response. 3

winters ago

> he was on antibiotics with sinus and ear infections all the time.


> the following spring he had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes


> his ears. Then following he went on bactrium antibiotic therapy

and has

> been since. He developed Asthma too takes inhalers.

Unfortunately, the

> bactrium didn't hold out and here we were on antibiotics constantly

> again this winter. After being on 10 doses of antibiotics and 2


> asthma issues since September the Immunologist said it's time for


> I was heartbroken to say the least. My husband has been getting


> for the last 3 winters, but we didn't think we'd be facing it for

my son

> at 5.


> We did our first IVIG the Friday before Christmas that lasted 6 ½


> Since it went well he switched over to Sub Q IG; he's had 2. We


> having some issues with it as my son is skinny. I've got lots of

> questions on it. Does anyone here use it for young small children?

> What sites do you use? Do you find it goes into muscle? We are


> an inserter pen so we don't have to insert our selves, but find


> hard to take off, tape and pull out the needle with the soft


> He's getting 13 ml every Friday with a 6mm soft serter needle set


> an hour. We've done the top to the outside of the thigh per the


> who is training us.


> Did anyone doing Sub Q find that their sinus issues cleared up?


> you stayed on the prophylactic antibiotic too?


> Lots of questions, I guess we just lived with what my husband had


> dealt with it, we were happy when our son didn't have too many

> issues…..now I'm entering a whole new world.


> Thanks in advance,

> Michele K W/2 In PA




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SCIG should not go into a muscle. IM (Intra muscular) replacement is very

painful and the absorption is less. We were instructed to use an area where you

can pinch an inch. is 5 and weighs 40 pounds....so sites are a problem.

We were using belly and inner thigh....but have quit the belly as I can't pinch

an inch. I was using upper buttocks, but that " lovehandle " is gone as well, so

now we are basically just using inner thigh.

Please feel free to contact me if you want. I've been doing SCIG for two years



Cell is 701-220-4034

Home is 71-540-5108

New To Group - Subcutaneous IVIG or SCIG

Hello and thanks for approving me to the group. I'm glad to find a

resource for my son and husband. My husband 35yo, I believe would be

classified as Common Variable Immune Deficient. He has IGA deficiency,

1 IGG Subclass deficiency, and doesn't respond to most vaccinations. We

waited to have children because of his health issues; while he learned

to live with it, he knew he could pass it on. We have 2 children and

the IGA deficiency was passed on to our son 5yo. My son also has 2 IGG

subclass deficiencies and doesn't respond to his vaccinations. So far

our daughter 3yo is fine. Both kids see an Allergy Immunologist at

Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania.

DS 5yo had a pretty good run of things, first only the IGA def

registered. When he was 2 ½ and they tested for the subclasses he had 1

IGG subclass def. His titers showed borderline response. 3 winters ago

he was on antibiotics with sinus and ear infections all the time. Then

the following spring he had his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes in

his ears. Then following he went on bactrium antibiotic therapy and has

been since. He developed Asthma too takes inhalers. Unfortunately, the

bactrium didn't hold out and here we were on antibiotics constantly

again this winter. After being on 10 doses of antibiotics and 2 serious

asthma issues since September the Immunologist said it's time for IVIG.

I was heartbroken to say the least. My husband has been getting IVIG

for the last 3 winters, but we didn't think we'd be facing it for my son

at 5.

We did our first IVIG the Friday before Christmas that lasted 6 ½ hours.

Since it went well he switched over to Sub Q IG; he's had 2. We are

having some issues with it as my son is skinny. I've got lots of

questions on it. Does anyone here use it for young small children?

What sites do you use? Do you find it goes into muscle? We are using

an inserter pen so we don't have to insert our selves, but find it's

hard to take off, tape and pull out the needle with the soft serters.

He's getting 13 ml every Friday with a 6mm soft serter needle set over

an hour. We've done the top to the outside of the thigh per the nurse

who is training us.

Did anyone doing Sub Q find that their sinus issues cleared up? Have

you stayed on the prophylactic antibiotic too?

Lots of questions, I guess we just lived with what my husband had and

dealt with it, we were happy when our son didn't have too many

issues...now I'm entering a whole new world.

Thanks in advance,

Michele K W/2 In PA

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Hi Michele,

I infuse all three of my young boys with SubQ Vivaglobin every week. We

switched our oldest this past August (after 6 years on IVIG because he had

several serious reactions, including aseptic meningitis). We loved it so much,

we switched our other two boys as well. Our 5 year old no longer has the same

fatigue during trough periods, and our two year old is much happier since it is

so much less traumatic for him (he has awful veins and IVs often take 5-6 times

to get in).

We were given a diagram with our Vivaglobin start kit, as well as the DVD others

have written in about-- it was very easy to get started, we had a nurse the

first two times. My two year old was my biggest concern, because he is used to

being tortured by needles . . . I started out doing his infusion on a different

day so I could have my husband help hold him.

The past two weeks, I was able to do all 3 alone at the same time, with no major

issues!! Matty (2) actually laid back quitely while I applied his magic cream

(Emla) and also for the needle sticks!!! I am amazed by how smooth it is going!

We always use Emla to numb the area, and I leave it on a minimum of an hour,

because the older boys can still feel it otherwise. For sites, we do four sites

(2 on each leg) in the front of the thigh, and inner thigh. It is the only spot

that seems to work well for us as my boys are very skinny and we have difficulty

pinching an inch. We tried abdominal for my oldest but it caused him a lot of

pain. For the baby I do 2 sites (1 each leg) in the front of the thigh and the

outer thigh, since it's too tight for me to maneuver inside his legs.

Every child will be different, so it might take a few tries to get the spot that

works well for you. We alternate our favorite spots each week so we don't damage

the tissues too much. We are using the EVANS 6 mm needle set (not the soft

sets) and have had no problems. We had a little swelling/pain/leakage when my 5

yr old started, but when we added a site, from 3 to 4, he did much better-- he's

the skinniest, so it was more uncomfortable with fewer sites.

There are photos on our family site if you'd like to look at them. We looked at

several other family sites before making the transition, it helped the kids know

what to expect:


Good Luck! , mom to: (8) CVID, Asthma, Siezures,

Neutropenia? (5) CVID, Asthma, Neutropenia? (2) CVID, Asthma,

NeutropeniaOUR STORY: http://foxfamilypidd.bravehost.com/

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