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Merry Christmas

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and all with Fibromyalgia,

Here's a very important website.


It's tough to read, but if you think it applies to you

Dr. Mansmann will give you information to take to your

doctor. When you read the info, it will help if you

make notes of the abreviations. i.e. Magnesium

Deficiency is MGd . . . . There are so many of these,

it becomes cumbersome to read, especially with our

silicone affected brains. . . But, regardless of how

long it takes to figure it out, take your time to

understand it. This is very important!

Dr. Mansmann was completely disabled for two years

before discovering the importance of Magnesium in our

diet. . . Magnesium is essential for the creation of

over three hundred enzymes our body needs for healthy

function. . . 20% of our body's magnesium is in the

muscle. . . Modern farming/food production leaves our

foods deficient in Magnesium, requiring

supplementation. Dr. M recommends specific types of

MG, not just any kind!

I took his information to my doctor, who then

recommended that I see a naturopath. With this

information in mind, my naturopath found that my body

was highly acidic and not getting the nutrients

(Magnesium in particular) that I need for my health.

Since getting the Mg issue straightened out, I'm

feeling better than I have in many years!

Hope this helps someone!

Merry Christmas, and a Blessed and Happy New Year!


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Thanks Rogene! Merry Christmas to you too. Love, Anita Re: Merry Christmas and all with Fibromyalgia,Here's a very important website.http://wwwmagnesiumresearchlab.com/It's tough to read, but if you think it applies to youDr. Mansmann will give you information to take to yourdoctor. When you read the info, it will help if youmake notes of the abreviations. i.e. MagnesiumDeficiency is MGd . . . . There are so many of these,it becomes cumbersome to read, especially with oursilicone affected brains. . . But, regardless of howlong it takes to figure it out, take your time tounderstand it. This is very important!Dr. Mansmann was completely disabled for two yearsbefore discovering the importance of Magnesium in ourdiet. . . Magnesium is essential for the creation ofover three hundred enzymes our body needs for healthyfunction. . . 20% of our body's magnesium is in themuscle. . . Modern farming/food production leaves ourfoods deficient in Magnesium, requiringsupplementation. Dr. M recommends specific types ofMG, not just any kind!I took his information to my doctor, who thenrecommended that I see a naturopath. With thisinformation in mind, my naturopath found that my bodywas highly acidic and not getting the nutrients(Magnesium in particular) that I need for my health.Since getting the Mg issue straightened out, I'mfeeling better than I have in many years!Hope this helps someone!Merry Christmas, and a Blessed and Happy New Year!Rogene

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Dear sarah

I hope you have a wonderful and blessed christmas and new years! I

have had fms for over twenty years. I am doing fine and you will be

too. take care and write back after the holidays


-- In , " sarahspo " <sarahspoon@m...>



> To All


> Thought I'd let you know how I'm getting on, I went to see my

> Rheumatologist yesterday I have now been diagnosed as having

> fibromyalgia it seems every time I see her I have something new


> I told her about the implant but she wasn't interested and


> told me it wasn't her problem (nice).


> I have a date now for a consultation at a breast clinic for the


> of January so will let you know how I get on.


> I am going away for Christmas so won't be able to post till the new

> year but wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy


> healthy new year.


> thanks for all the support

> xxx

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Thanks for the information Rogena. Other then suppliments, are there

certain foods that you find you eat to get more magnesium from then



> and all with Fibromyalgia,


> Here's a very important website.

> http://www.magnesiumresearchlab.com/


> It's tough to read, but if you think it applies to you

> Dr. Mansmann will give you information to take to your

> doctor. When you read the info, it will help if you

> make notes of the abreviations. i.e. Magnesium

> Deficiency is MGd . . . . There are so many of these,

> it becomes cumbersome to read, especially with our

> silicone affected brains. . . But, regardless of how

> long it takes to figure it out, take your time to

> understand it. This is very important!


> Dr. Mansmann was completely disabled for two years

> before discovering the importance of Magnesium in our

> diet. . . Magnesium is essential for the creation of

> over three hundred enzymes our body needs for healthy

> function. . . 20% of our body's magnesium is in the

> muscle. . . Modern farming/food production leaves our

> foods deficient in Magnesium, requiring

> supplementation. Dr. M recommends specific types of

> MG, not just any kind!


> I took his information to my doctor, who then

> recommended that I see a naturopath. With this

> information in mind, my naturopath found that my body

> was highly acidic and not getting the nutrients

> (Magnesium in particular) that I need for my health.

> Since getting the Mg issue straightened out, I'm

> feeling better than I have in many years!


> Hope this helps someone!


> Merry Christmas, and a Blessed and Happy New Year!


> Rogene

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I'm thrilled for you that you have your implants out,

and that you are doing so well! . . . It sounds like a

monster surgery . . . but that you had a good surgeon.

Hopefully the rest of your doctors will come around

after you begin getting well.

I'd love to give up some of my butt fat, but I'm

afraid that's a rather radical way to do it! . . . Far

better than implants though!

Can you find a comfortable position to sit, lay?

I'm afraid that, unless you are growing your own

produce, you'll not get enough Magnesium your foods .

.. . except for sea salt . . . Supplements are you best

bet. Be sure to take 2 parts Calcium to 1 part

Magnesium. Citracal has calcium/plus Vitamin D product

that includes Magnesium now. . . In the right amount


The table salt in common use is what's left over after

about 80 minerals have been removed, leaving us with

just three chemical elements. . . plus alumina to keep

salt from caking.

Please take very good care of yourself.

Hugs and prayers,


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  • 1 year later...

And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all.


At 10:39 AM 12/24/2005, you wrote:

>To all the wonderful ladies on this site, to name a few ROGENE PATTY KATHY

>LYNDA LEA SHARI I wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy healthy

>new year. Thank you all for your help and knowledge patience and

>understanding I love you all.


>Forever grateful,GodBless

>Your friend





>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

>two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)


>See our photos website! Enter " implants " for access at this link:





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Merry Christmas to you too! I am praying that 2006 will bring you

healing and peace and joy!

Love, Kathy


-- In , gibbense@a... wrote:


> To all the wonderful ladies on this site, to name a few ROGENE


> LYNDA LEA SHARI I wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy

healthy new

> year. Thank you all for your help and knowledge patience and

understanding I

> love you all.


> Forever grateful,GodBless

> Your friend


> Sue.


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  • 11 months later...

Hey Sue, you need to grab your CSM.....2007!!! :D



> I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy

and mold

> free 2006! I sincerely hope the new year will be a better year

for all of us!


> Love and prayers,

> Sue

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Thanks Janet. We would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas

and a Healthier New Year. As we said to someone very dear to us the

other night, even though you may be physically alone for the holidays,

you are NOT alone. We are here for each and everyone of you. Even

though it has been said many times, it's the most wonderful time of

the year, many that are in our situation it's the most difficult time.

If anyone is experiencing any negative, uncontrollable feelings and

needs someone to speak to AT ANY TIME, please email me or call me or

another member of the board who understands how you feel or someone

that you are comfortable with. Don't wait. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, SO DON'T

GO AT IT ALONE..... We are family.

With the new year approaching we must keep our chin up and our

expectations high. There are many people working diligently and

continuously trying to convience those that have chosen to remain

silent, but could make a remarkable difference with the authoritative

position that they hold.

They are listening more now than ever, because of you....


KC & Sharon


> Id like to wish you all a Merry Christmas or at least the best you

can have.

> Special thanks to KC and Sharon. They are truely Gods Gift.

> Janet




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> >

> >

> > I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy

> and mold

> > free 2006! I sincerely hope the new year will be a better year

> for all of us!

> >

> > Love and prayers,

> > Sue


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Thank you KC & Sharon to always being willing to listen & help. Happy holidays

to everyone in the entire group.

[] Re: Merry Christmas

Thanks Janet. We would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas

and a Healthier New Year. As we said to someone very dear to us the

other night, even though you may be physically alone for the holidays,

you are NOT alone. We are here for each and everyone of you. Even

though it has been said many times, it's the most wonderful time of

the year, many that are in our situation it's the most difficult time.

If anyone is experiencing any negative, uncontrollable feelings and

needs someone to speak to AT ANY TIME, please email me or call me or

another member of the board who understands how you feel or someone

that you are comfortable with. Don't wait. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, SO DON'T

GO AT IT ALONE..... We are family.

With the new year approaching we must keep our chin up and our

expectations high. There are many people working diligently and

continuously trying to convience those that have chosen to remain

silent, but could make a remarkable difference with the authoritative

position that they hold.

They are listening more now than ever, because of you....


KC & Sharon


> Id like to wish you all a Merry Christmas or at least the best you

can have.

> Special thanks to KC and Sharon. They are truely Gods Gift.

> Janet




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LOLLLLLLLLLLLL........That was pretty funny but at first it looked okay to me.

Thanks for pointing that out! Lol,

Merry Christmas everyone!


barb1283 <barb1283@...> wrote:

Hey Sue, you need to grab your CSM.....2007!!! :D



> I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy

and mold

> free 2006! I sincerely hope the new year will be a better year

for all of us!


> Love and prayers,

> Sue


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Great to hear from you Marcie-I have all my fingers and toes crossed

that you and everyone else on this site have a better 2007-I could

sure use it

> >

> >

> > I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy

> and mold

> > free 2006! I sincerely hope the new year will be a better year

> for all of us!

> >

> > Love and prayers,

> > Sue






> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

DITTO! Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!


Merry Christmas KC and everyone. Thanks for all that have contributed for

some 11 years now. Never would have made it without this group. hugs,

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The same from me! Merry Christmas KC and all the great people who have

contributed so much to this very serious health issue. What wonderful people

I have met and for that I am truly grateful.!

Mulvey son

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