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Dealing with pain is hard Izabel. I am sorry your husband is treating you this way. If you have chronic pain that is no excuse to be ugly to the people around you. I have several things wrong with my back. It hurts constantly. But I still get up and keep my house clean. I don't rely on my family to do things. Even if it does flair up my back I still do it. I still try to live as normal of life as I can. You might want to check out this site it may help you some.


I don't know if your hubby is on depression meds or not. But I would suggest that maybe he should consult a doctor about it. Dealing with pain can bring on depression and bad mood changes. I know this because I have to have stress and depression management along with my pain management. At first I thought I was managing ok.. Till I finally had a breakdown. We tend to feel useless and angry when our body let us down. So We do need to consider seeking help with the mental battle inside that the pain or illness casues us.

Hugs and Prayers, Babs

I read all the posts from people who say that thier familly does not understand them or supports and/or other people can be mean and etc..

I am sorry....

but what do you say when person with the pain is a jerk..

I love my husband (he is the one with the pain) and I am trying to understand his pain but I am tired of walking on the eggs shells all day long...

because he is in pain he is irritable...

can someone expalin to me how to deal with that?

Ok..so I went to the store got him his meds...also got him a beer..came home

he asked me a question where the taxes from last year are and asked said..why..why do need them now..

oh boy.....wrong question....

so now I am sitting and crying

and he is of course in his room probably upset also...

it is not my fault that his back is screwed up

it is not my fault that he is pain and due to wet weather his pain is really bad...

all I am doing is trying to help

trying to understand

Do I get any help....can someone understand how it feels to be on other side and not being able to help ......

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Is he a jerk all the time? I mean, before he was hurt? If not then what

did you use to do when he would behave like an ass? He isnt handicapped, he

has pain big deal. Tell him to get things himself, he isnt broken. Make

him see what he's doing. Make him see he's acting like a big spoiled baby.

Dont let him walk on you or scare you because his back hurts, F that. How

old is he? There are many things you can do. Dont take care of him, or

talk to him like hes a baby, or explain how you feel (i didnt say that right

away because i assume he knows) you are not his mommy, you are his partne. I

can be an ass and I get moody, sometimes I take it out on my wife, but when

she's done putting up with it, she lets me know. Ii'm in pain, a lot of

pain, just came out of surgery a few months ago, but I do not disrespect my

wife, I do not snap at her because I think I have the right to now that I'm

in pain.

There is nothing you should be doing other then treating him as you've

always treated him. Sure, help him out when he needs it, but he isn't

dying. He can still do things for himself, so he doesn't need to treat you

like your a pack mule. Sorry if any of this is out of line or anything. It

just made me mad reading it. I'm sorry he treats you that way and uses his

pain as an excuse, because that's all it is - an excuse. Good luck, and if

you need anything or someone to talk to, my wife would probably be good at

that - shes been dealing with me for over three years now, and I definately

have my unpleasant days.

take care


>From: izabelam@...

>Reply-neck pain

>neck pain

>Subject: Re: pictures

>Date: Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:14:30 EST


>Hello everyone...

>second day of the year...and it is already ugly..rain rain..

>maybe it is not a good subject for this group...

>maybe I am opening a can of worms



>I dont' know...


>I read all the posts from people who say that thier familly does not

>understand them or supports and/or other people can be mean and etc..

>I am sorry....

>but what do you say when person with the pain is a jerk..

>I love my husband (he is the one with the pain) and I am trying to

>understand his pain but I am tired of walking on the eggs shells all day


>because he is in pain he is irritable...

>can someone expalin to me how to deal with that?

>Ok..so I went to the store got him his meds...also got him a beer..came


>he asked me a question where the taxes from last year are and asked

>said..why..why do need them now..

>oh boy.....wrong question....

>so now I am sitting and crying

>and he is of course in his room probably upset also...


>it is not my fault that his back is screwed up

>it is not my fault that he is pain and due to wet weather his pain is



>all I am doing is trying to help

>trying to understand


>Do I get any help....can someone understand how it feels to be on other


>and not being able to help ......



Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!


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At 03:14 PM 1/2/06, you wrote:

I'll try to get my Wife to write more, since she is in your place, and

I'm the one with Chronic pain. But My Wife and I have both had health

issues over the years. This may sound simplistic but sometimes all we can

do is acknowledge one anothers pain. We just say " I hear you and

understand, but that's all I can offer right now " It assures the other

person you are listening but you may be so drained as to not have anything

else to offer. Dave

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When my mom was going through chemo, and my brother gave up his restaurant to care for her, while my other siblings did NOTHING, we experienced the same thing. There is no real excuse for it, but to understand what is happening, may ease your emotional hurt a bit. They lash out because they know they can. They know that you, the caregiver will not leave them helpless. It doesn't make it any easier, but if you know that it is not personal, even though they may make it seem that way, it is easier to take. My h, was very ill before he died, and he would do the same to me. I suggest that you speak to a counselor if you can. If not, try your church or a support group. You are in my prayers to maek it through this with strength. Caregiving is the hardest job on this earth. And come here to vent about it! We will always be there for you! HUGS Baby! So Sorry!

DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

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I think this is a great subject for this group!

I know that I have my days and although I am in pain it does not give

me invitation to be a miserable jerk. Although I may speak of my

family here in my home not understanding the pain that I am in,I am

truly blessed with a very loving and supportive family.

I have a brother having a fusion on his neck this first part of

Feburary. He is in constant pain also. Over the holidays it was so

interesting to me to watch my hubby and my sister in law talking.

I don't always get the opportunity to see things from my hubby's

perspective. This truly has affected us both. And my kids too. It is

NOT just me. And we have to find our way to muddle through it all.

It sounds as though you are going above and beyond in being

supportive. Now he needs to do his part. Has he sought out any type

of help for himself. I know that there can be mental health needs

along with the chronic pain.

I have wanted to get on sooner with Welcomes and Hellos, but have

been in and out all week with family here from out of town.

I have felt that ever since the day I was rear-ended , over 3 years

ago, my life has changed forever. I will never have things as they

were. And we are all getting a very short end of a stick with this

chronic pain crap.

It affects not only us who suffer with pain, but those closest to us

just the same. My heart aches for my family the most for what they

have lost more so than what I have. My young children are missing out

on so much because of this as does my older child and my hubby.

I continue to try to look at my glass half full because if I don't

what do I have? I figure it can always be worse and I have much to be

grateful for.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I hope that he can find

a way to come to terms with what he has lost yet at the the same time

not give up on gaining back as much as he can. Things can be good

again I know that they can. I strive for this always.

I look forward to getting to know you and hope that I am able to be

of help to you. I know of the heartache this brings into our homes

and the struggles we face. Please know that and your hubby are not in

this alone. We are only a keyboard away!

I hope that this New Year brings you much hope and happiness.

Take care,

Katrina :-) Group Moderator


> Hello everyone...

> second day of the year...and it is already ugly..rain rain..

> maybe it is not a good subject for this group...

> maybe I am opening a can of worms



> I dont' know...


> I read all the posts from people who say that thier familly does


> understand them or supports and/or other people can be mean and


> I am sorry....

> but what do you say when person with the pain is a jerk..

> I love my husband (he is the one with the pain) and I am trying to

> understand his pain but I am tired of walking on the eggs shells

all day long...

> because he is in pain he is irritable...

> can someone expalin to me how to deal with that?

> Ok..so I went to the store got him his meds...also got him a

beer..came home

> he asked me a question where the taxes from last year are and


> said..why..why do need them now..

> oh boy.....wrong question....

> so now I am sitting and crying

> and he is of course in his room probably upset also...


> it is not my fault that his back is screwed up

> it is not my fault that he is pain and due to wet weather his pain

is really

> bad...

> all I am doing is trying to help

> trying to understand


> Do I get any help....can someone understand how it feels to be on

other side

> and not being able to help ......


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I like the off topics. Your pics are great! It is so nice to put a

face with a name and see pics of the people in your life that you

talk about. Your kids are cuties.

Maybe someday I will figure out how to post pics of my family. I am

not the puter geek in our house. My hubby is. And it is baby steps in

all theat he tries to teach me. I am still working on learning the

digital camera. I know the basics like internet, e-mail and word.

So I am not a complete Computer Dunce. ;-)

Thanks for sharing. Take care,

Katrina :-)


> hey everyone,


> this is off the group topic, but i thought i would share some

pictures if

> anyone is interested. i love pictures especially now that i seem

to forget

> everything. they can be a nice diversion from the pain; not sure

if my

> pictures will entertain or not, but if you go to

> www.photobucket.com

> and search gavinbear (one word) you will find some pictures of me

and my

> family.


> hope everyone has a great weekend


> rob


> _________________________________________________________________

> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/


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Izabel, having to deal with a spouse with chronic pain can take its toll. Maybe you should talk to your doctor also. This is all new for the both of you and you are both in it together sometimes it helps to seek a doctors advice. We can put our two cents in but really a profession is what is needed in this case. Sometimes it does help to just vent and let it all out. So maybe after talking to us you will feel a little better. I hope so big hugs..

Hugs and Prayers, Babs

I just dont' know what to do...

he is 54 ..his b-day is coming and I am planning to get him some massages..

I just dont' understand ..

maybe I am all wrong in it..

maybe I just push his buttons...

I am really lost....

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First let me tell you that I doubt that you are all wrong in what is happening with your husband. I wish that I could tell you what needs to be done to deal with the problem. As a man I know what it's like to not be able to do things that you have been doing all of your life. It' most depressing to not be able to do anything due to being in so much pain. It's most humiliating to have to depend on others to do for you when you have been doing it yourself . You have to through the seven stages of grief in order to come to the point

that you can accept the fact that your life has been changed and that it will never be the same again. It would be good for you and your husband to seek professional help to deal with this.[if that is possible] If your husband will not go then you should consider going on your own in order to learn how to cope with what is happening. It' very important that you learn how to not only help your husband ,but to take care of yourself as well. It's important that you have some ME TIME .You need to be good to yourself. If you

only do something like having your hair done. It will be most beneficial to you to do something good for your self. Well ,I hope that have been able to help you. MAY YOU HAVE A BETTER DAY TOMORROW THAN TODAY. TAKE AS BEST CARE AS YOU CAN AND BE SAFE. LARRY, IN COWTOWN TEXAS izabelam@...

wrote: he is a nderful person, sensitive and caring..yeah..rally he loves his kids and I htink he has a hard time to deal with all this pain suddenly changing his life I just dont' know how to tell him ..look this is life..it is what it is... f...k can't change it.. it is like I am not doing anything right... do you know what I mean.. he apologized for his outburst today but... I am OK with doing stuff..I am oK with everything..I dont' care..I just dont' want to get mad at me for nothing... I need a shrink...God..help..me... when the pain hits him..he gets irritated so easily... I just dont' know what to do... he is 54 ..his b-day

is coming and I am planning to get him some massages.. I just dont' understand .. maybe I am all wrong in it.. maybe I just push his buttons... I am really lost.... REMEMBER ALL OF OUR MEN AND




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thank you katrina,

my wife does the computer stuff in our house; no idea how she puts them from

the camera to the computer. :) take care


>From: " Katrina " <sweettoobeme@...>

>Reply-neck pain

>neck pain

>Subject: Re: pictures

>Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 01:24:43 -0000


>I like the off topics. Your pics are great! It is so nice to put a

>face with a name and see pics of the people in your life that you

>talk about. Your kids are cuties.

> Maybe someday I will figure out how to post pics of my family. I am

>not the puter geek in our house. My hubby is. And it is baby steps in

>all theat he tries to teach me. I am still working on learning the

>digital camera. I know the basics like internet, e-mail and word.

>So I am not a complete Computer Dunce. ;-)

>Thanks for sharing. Take care,

>Katrina :-)

> >

> > hey everyone,

> >

> > this is off the group topic, but i thought i would share some

>pictures if

> > anyone is interested. i love pictures especially now that i seem

>to forget

> > everything. they can be a nice diversion from the pain; not sure

>if my

> > pictures will entertain or not, but if you go to

> > www.photobucket.com

> > and search gavinbear (one word) you will find some pictures of me

>and my

> > family.

> >

> > hope everyone has a great weekend

> >

> > rob

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> > http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

> >






Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!


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You have a beautiful little girl! What a cutie pie!


Mom to Ben (DOC grad 11/16/15)


> Ok, so I am uploading a ton of pictures of Hannah into my


> album, under " our banded baby " . There are only a few of her in her

> band, and a ton of before and after the band. > Jill


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You have a beautiful little girl! What a cutie pie!


Mom to Ben (DOC grad 11/16/15)


> Ok, so I am uploading a ton of pictures of Hannah into my


> album, under " our banded baby " . There are only a few of her in her

> band, and a ton of before and after the band. > Jill


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You Guys, Your little Hannah is a stunner! The picture of her head from the top shows such a great correction and I also think that the band has done quite a bit for her ears. Gives me hope. My 1 y.o. boy has just started wearing his helmet (a local Canadian brand) and I really hope to see some correction. At this point (and it's only been 5 days and obviously he doesn't wera it full time yet) I cannot stop assessing his head, and of course there is nothing new to see. I am so scared that all this sacrifice is going to be for nothing. When did you start seeing results with Hannah? Mark & Sasha 1y.o.Jill and <gjcarr003@...> wrote: Ok, so I am uploading a ton of pictures of Hannah into my photo album, under "our banded baby". There are only a few of her in her

band, and a ton of before and after the band. For those of you who don't know, or just don't remember, Hannah was banded at 10 1/2 months for high moderate/severe plagio and tort. She wore her band for about 3 months with some good correction. Her worst problems were the flatness and her ears. The flatness was almost completly corrected, where the ears so little correction. I would have liked to see more correction in her ears, but she is still such a cutie, and being 14 months old now, there's not a lot more the band can do for her ears. The did move a little, so I am happy about that. I still look at her head and see the oddness, mainly in her ears...but I don't think the average person looking at her will really be able to tell. Anyhow, the link to the album is http://photos./gjcarr003 So, I hope you


Find your next car at Canada Autos

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You Guys, Your little Hannah is a stunner! The picture of her head from the top shows such a great correction and I also think that the band has done quite a bit for her ears. Gives me hope. My 1 y.o. boy has just started wearing his helmet (a local Canadian brand) and I really hope to see some correction. At this point (and it's only been 5 days and obviously he doesn't wera it full time yet) I cannot stop assessing his head, and of course there is nothing new to see. I am so scared that all this sacrifice is going to be for nothing. When did you start seeing results with Hannah? Mark & Sasha 1y.o.Jill and <gjcarr003@...> wrote: Ok, so I am uploading a ton of pictures of Hannah into my photo album, under "our banded baby". There are only a few of her in her

band, and a ton of before and after the band. For those of you who don't know, or just don't remember, Hannah was banded at 10 1/2 months for high moderate/severe plagio and tort. She wore her band for about 3 months with some good correction. Her worst problems were the flatness and her ears. The flatness was almost completly corrected, where the ears so little correction. I would have liked to see more correction in her ears, but she is still such a cutie, and being 14 months old now, there's not a lot more the band can do for her ears. The did move a little, so I am happy about that. I still look at her head and see the oddness, mainly in her ears...but I don't think the average person looking at her will really be able to tell. Anyhow, the link to the album is http://photos./gjcarr003 So, I hope you


Find your next car at Canada Autos

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Well, we were full time after only about 3 days...and after just a

week or so, we started to see correction. After 5 weeks, it pretty

much stopped....there was slight correction after that, but nothing

much. Good luck!


> Ok, so I am uploading a ton of pictures of Hannah into my


> album, under " our banded baby " . There are only a few of her in


> band, and a ton of before and after the band. For those of you


> don't know, or just don't remember, Hannah was banded at 10 1/2


> for high moderate/severe plagio and tort. She wore her band for


> 3 months with some good correction. Her worst problems were the

> flatness and her ears. The flatness was almost completly


> where the ears so little correction. I would have liked to see


> correction in her ears, but she is still such a cutie, and being


> months old now, there's not a lot more the band can do for her


> The did move a little, so I am happy about that. I still look at


> head and see the oddness, mainly in her ears...but I don't think


> average person looking at her will really be able to tell.


> the link to the album is http://photos./gjcarr003 So, I


> you enjoy!


> Jill








> For more plagio info

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Well, we were full time after only about 3 days...and after just a

week or so, we started to see correction. After 5 weeks, it pretty

much stopped....there was slight correction after that, but nothing

much. Good luck!


> Ok, so I am uploading a ton of pictures of Hannah into my


> album, under " our banded baby " . There are only a few of her in


> band, and a ton of before and after the band. For those of you


> don't know, or just don't remember, Hannah was banded at 10 1/2


> for high moderate/severe plagio and tort. She wore her band for


> 3 months with some good correction. Her worst problems were the

> flatness and her ears. The flatness was almost completly


> where the ears so little correction. I would have liked to see


> correction in her ears, but she is still such a cutie, and being


> months old now, there's not a lot more the band can do for her


> The did move a little, so I am happy about that. I still look at


> head and see the oddness, mainly in her ears...but I don't think


> average person looking at her will really be able to tell.


> the link to the album is http://photos./gjcarr003 So, I


> you enjoy!


> Jill








> For more plagio info

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very cute ! My Evan and your Charlie are only 4 weeks apart!

Caroline will be 4 next week so Sopie and her are about the same age

also... Isn't it fun with two???

Alia and Caroline, age 3, poly and iritis


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of daughter5cats

Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:34 PM

Subject: pictures

I've added 3 photos of Sophie and her sister, Charlie. I put them in

the group photos in the miscellaneous album. Thought you would

like a face to go with the name! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going to try to send a picture of - but am pretty illiterate

with this stuff! Michele


Ok...some of you gave me permission to use photos of your kiddos from


JRA list photo albums BUT I have a small problem I cannot do anything

with those

photos so for those who can could you please email a photo to me at

_ajaoky@..._ (mailto:ajaoky@...) I am sorry for this

inconvenience but

really appreciate your help in this matter!

Thanks! Donna

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Please forgive me for not responding sooner. I have been cleaning out my

inbox and just came upon your reply. I'm terrible at being able to keep up

with all the messages. There are so many that I scan and would love to add

a few of my comments. I just can't find enough time in the day. I do so

love you all for keeping up and keeping me in the loop.

It's great to know that I have much more in common with all of you than

having to deal with jra. Yes, two is fun. I have just started to be able

to HONESTLY say that. Both of mine were extremely difficult and high

maintenance babies. The 6 month mark seems to have been a turning point.

Charlie is so much fun these days. She just cut her first tooth and the

second looks as if it is soon to follow. She giggles all the time and her

smile just lights up the room. Sophie is absolutely amazing with her. They

really seem to get quite a kick out of one another. Sophie is definitely

Charlie's favorite person! I sincerely hope that their bond remains as

strong for the rest of their lives!

Please keep me posted on Caroline's IVIG. I think of her often.

Weber :)

Professional Mom to:

Sophie - 4 - pauci/panuveitis

Charlie - 29 weeks - no longer toothless!

On 1/25/06, Alia.Pranke@... <Alia.Pranke@...> wrote:


> Very cute ! My Evan and your Charlie are only 4 weeks apart!

> Caroline will be 4 next week so Sopie and her are about the same age

> also... Isn't it fun with two???


> Alia and Caroline, age 3, poly and iritis


> ________________________________


> From: [mailto: ] On

> Behalf Of daughter5cats

> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:34 PM


> Subject: pictures



> I've added 3 photos of Sophie and her sister, Charlie. I put them in

> the group photos in the miscellaneous album. Thought you would

> like a face to go with the name! :)








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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Great Christene, thank you. I'm curious to see what you are dealing





> Good evening Ladies,


> I haven't had a chance to catch up on the posts today, but I just


> to say that I took some pics of my skin today and I'm going to post


> to shutterfly.


> Christene


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I looked at your pictures and is such a cute boy!! He has sweet

facial expressions! Can you stop looking at him ever? Anyway, I

think I see what you mean. And, yes, I would guess he has tort. His

head is tilting to the left side in all of the pictures. And it looks

like the right side of his face is forward from the left. Is this

correct? An easy way to see ear asymmetry is from a bird's eye view.

could you post a picture like that? Often the head shape shows up

better, too, from that perspective. If you look at him in the mirror,

do you notice a big difference in his facial symmetry? It seems to

show up better in the mirror for some reason. Just a few thoughts....

If your mommy instinct is telling you that something is wrong, listen

to it!! Find a doctor who will explain things well and listen to your

concerns. You are the only mom that has and he needs you to

stand up for him. Good job finding this group!! Everyone here is

very helpful and supportive. By the way, you can often get a free

evaluation at a band clinic if you want a professional opinion.

Cranial technologies usually does free consuls as well as other

places. Just call a few and ask!

is at a great age for correction. Who cares if he wears a band

for a couple of months if he gets to have a crew cut when he grows


You are doing a great job. Keep it up!!

Boise, Idaho

Sophie - 10 months - STARhelmet 3/15/06

Max - almost 3!!


> I finally managed to get some pictures of posted. If you are

> interested, they are under " JoeJoeBug " .



> Mommy to -5 months-PA


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Guest guest

Hi ,

I looked at your pictures and is such a cute boy!! He has sweet

facial expressions! Can you stop looking at him ever? Anyway, I

think I see what you mean. And, yes, I would guess he has tort. His

head is tilting to the left side in all of the pictures. And it looks

like the right side of his face is forward from the left. Is this

correct? An easy way to see ear asymmetry is from a bird's eye view.

could you post a picture like that? Often the head shape shows up

better, too, from that perspective. If you look at him in the mirror,

do you notice a big difference in his facial symmetry? It seems to

show up better in the mirror for some reason. Just a few thoughts....

If your mommy instinct is telling you that something is wrong, listen

to it!! Find a doctor who will explain things well and listen to your

concerns. You are the only mom that has and he needs you to

stand up for him. Good job finding this group!! Everyone here is

very helpful and supportive. By the way, you can often get a free

evaluation at a band clinic if you want a professional opinion.

Cranial technologies usually does free consuls as well as other

places. Just call a few and ask!

is at a great age for correction. Who cares if he wears a band

for a couple of months if he gets to have a crew cut when he grows


You are doing a great job. Keep it up!!

Boise, Idaho

Sophie - 10 months - STARhelmet 3/15/06

Max - almost 3!!


> I finally managed to get some pictures of posted. If you are

> interested, they are under " JoeJoeBug " .



> Mommy to -5 months-PA


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Guest guest

Aww he is so cute.. How old is he?

In a message dated 3/27/2006 11:46:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, arisma1213@... writes:

finally managed to get some pictures of posted. If you are interested, they are under "JoeJoeBug".Mommy to -5 months-PAO~~OEgg'stra Special/|\(_|"|_)dwh(_Y_)dwh/|\(DC)/|\(_|"|_)(_|"|_)(_Y_)..(_Y_)/(__DC__)\'\/\/\/\/\/'|§~§~§~~§~§~|`.________.'~andra~~My plagio babyHanger Band 2/10/06Tort resolved www.myspace.com/purexc00

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Guest guest

Aww he is so cute.. How old is he?

In a message dated 3/27/2006 11:46:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, arisma1213@... writes:

finally managed to get some pictures of posted. If you are interested, they are under "JoeJoeBug".Mommy to -5 months-PAO~~OEgg'stra Special/|\(_|"|_)dwh(_Y_)dwh/|\(DC)/|\(_|"|_)(_|"|_)(_Y_)..(_Y_)/(__DC__)\'\/\/\/\/\/'|§~§~§~~§~§~|`.________.'~andra~~My plagio babyHanger Band 2/10/06Tort resolved www.myspace.com/purexc00

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