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Sinus infections

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To change the subject a bit. :D

I want to know...are sinus infections contagious? A friend of mine has

a daughter she took to the dr this morning because she has had a " cold "

for a month. It has turned into a sinus ifection that she was

prescribed antibiotics for. She calls me to ask if Tori can spend the

night, and I told her no.

Aren't sinus infections contagious? She didn't mention that her

daughter was sick until later in the conversation. Grrrr, thanks good

ness I said no since I am going out of town and my hubby doesn't do

well with sick kids. Especially on Christmas break!

I am sick of people bringing their sick kids around and telling me

it's " just " a sinus infection when 3 days later I have 2 sick kids.

Sinus infections hit us harder, and we generally miss school because of

them! Sorry, just my vent. Surely its not in my head.

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