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The only drawback of sub-q.....

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Well, on Feb 6th, Sasha will have a full year of Vivaglobin treatments

under her belt. She's only had one really big scary infection (kidney)

and she has been sick - but usually they aren't as severe or long (the

sicknesses) - she has been sick WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY less than she was

before. It's been almost 95% improvement.

NOW...with that being said....Sasha is sick with a nasty terrible no

good cold right now - and she's downright miserable to the point where

she won't sleep and she's not really interested in even drinking. She

has eaten some food - but it's taking so much work for her to breathe

with all the congestion that I think drinking is the furthest thing

from her mind. She was up ALL night last night saying " I don't like

it " and crying over and over again.....poor kiddo. Thankfully it's

just a cold and our son is seeing the immunologist on Monday - so I

hope he'll take a peek at her while we're there.

The ONLY drawback of being on sub-q is that she is now no longer used

to being sick 80% of the time - so she's a total disaster when she IS

sick. (how about that for irony!)

I remember before the Vivaglobin Sasha would be sick so much that it

was almost like she didn't know what to do with herself when she was

HEALTHY.....now, she's totally beside herself because she's sick.

It's really a good thing - that she's NOT used to being sick anymore -

but I found myself sort of chuckling (funny how distorted your sense of

humor gets with no sleep) when I say, " She's just not used to

being 'this' sick anymore " I mean, there was a time when I would have

said " They're sick so much that they don't know what life is like

WITHOUT sickness "

SO....reflecting on how well she's responded to Vivaglobin (and daily

antibiotics with it) I have to say that this is a BLESSING that we have

been given this treatment option for her.

And of course, it's only a small drawback - I mean - I'd rather deal

with her being sick once in while than every other week or once a month

(which is what she averaged even being on daily antibiotics before Sub-


Anyone else experienced this?

Blessings....off to get ready for the PATS to play the NY Giants!!!!


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