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In a message dated 3/11/2006 6:52:38 PM Central Standard Time,

sweetpeamoss@... writes:

hi i'm new to this group and looking for some support. i get so

frustrated that even the simpliest tasks are such a struggle. it is

hard to try to keep a positive outlook on life so maybe i need friends

who understand my pain. my ra is the worst in my knees so walking or

standing is extremely painful.

Hi sweetpea and welcome :) Having RA is a daily battle we all have to deal

with here. You will find friends and support that you may not be getting where

you are. Tell us about yourself...name, age, are you on any medications for

your RA? I also have RA in my knees and hands so iknow how it is walking when

you really dont want to. hugs hope to hear from you soon.

from PA

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Welcome Carol. You've come to the right place to find understanding.

My knees were always

my worse too until I finally got them both replaced. Now my ankles

have taken 1st place in the pain category.

One day I'll probably get them replaced as well.

Enbrel has been a big help to me.


On Mar 11, 2006, at 11:27 AM, carol wrote:

> hi i'm new to this group and looking for some support. i get so

> frustrated that even the simpliest tasks are such a struggle. it is

> hard to try to keep a positive outlook on life so maybe i need friends

> who understand my pain. my ra is the worst in my knees so walking or

> standing is extremely painful.









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i've talked to the doctor about knee replacement but

was told that at 47 i'm to young how old were you when

you had it done? i know that the quality of my life

would improve with this surgery. the doctor i talked

to was in houston and we have recently moved to

lynchburg virginia so now i will have to find new

doctors. my rhemetologist was in lake charles la. i

have mixed feelings about a new doctor. i was on

remicade with the old one which helped my wrists

greatly but had no effect on the knee pain. so a new

doctor may try a new treatment that will work better.

i have heard many people say embrel has worked wonders

for them. thanks for the words of encouragement. you

don't know how much i was needing them. having just

moved i was feeling very isolated and alone.


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Welcome to the group Carol. I just wanted to tell you that I work with Patient

Partners in Arthritis, all of us (25-30 members) all have RA. At least 6 or

more have had 1 or both knees replaced and most had the operation before they

were 40. I don't think age is important if you are living with consta pain,

unable to do activities associated with daily living etc.



----- Original Message -----

From: Carol Moss

i've talked to the doctor about knee replacement but

was told that at 47 i'm to young how old were you when

you had it done? i know that the quality of my life

would improve with this surgery. the doctor i talked

to was in houston and we have recently moved to

lynchburg virginia so now i will have to find new

doctors. my rhemetologist was in lake charles la. i

have mixed feelings about a new doctor. i was on

remicade with the old one which helped my wrists

greatly but had no effect on the knee pain. so a new

doctor may try a new treatment that will work better.

i have heard many people say embrel has worked wonders

for them. thanks for the words of encouragement. you

don't know how much i was needing them. having just

moved i was feeling very isolated and alone.


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I had my knees done when I was 43. The reason they try to make you

wait is

because the lifespan of knee replacements is about 15 years and

chances are

they will have to be done again. That's fine with me. My current

doctor told me that

RA patients usually get many more years from joint replacements since

we're not

out skiing, jogging and doing other activities that shorten their


The reason the Remicade isn't effective on your knees may be because


are deteriorated to the point that they are bone on bone. That is

what happened to mine.

I also understand how you feel about being alone after moving. After

moving to

Florida from my hometown of 49 years, finding new doctors and missing

old friends

was hard to deal with. I still haven't found an orthopedic and will

probably return to

NJ if anything happens to my knees. I'm glad you found us and hope

you feel like

you've found a bunch of new friends.


On Mar 12, 2006, at 12:58 PM, Carol Moss wrote:

> i've talked to the doctor about knee replacement but

> was told that at 47 i'm to young how old were you when

> you had it done? i know that the quality of my life

> would improve with this surgery. the doctor i talked

> to was in houston and we have recently moved to

> lynchburg virginia so now i will have to find new

> doctors. my rhemetologist was in lake charles la. i

> have mixed feelings about a new doctor. i was on

> remicade with the old one which helped my wrists

> greatly but had no effect on the knee pain. so a new

> doctor may try a new treatment that will work better.

> i have heard many people say embrel has worked wonders

> for them. thanks for the words of encouragement. you

> don't know how much i was needing them. having just

> moved i was feeling very isolated and alone.



> __________________________________________________


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Welcome Carol.

I don't post often. I try not to post if I am in a lot of pain and

when my perspective isn't in a positive place, but I wanted to just

comment on a few things you mentioned.

I do understand the kind of pain you are in, starting over in another

state, getting frustrated because I am used to being so independent

before RA and I guess I still mourn the loss of the old me. I was 31

when diagnosed and have had the condition more than 10 years. I have

never been in remission and still looking for a therapy to relive the

pain. There is a lot of joint damage as well.

At the moment my liver enzymes are too high -- from medications most

likely. I don't go out or do any recreational ethanol or illicit

drug use -- so it would have to be the medications causing the

elevated liver enzymes. This is keeping from taking any meds. I am

married so I have the insurance but a lot of things aren't covered or

barely covered.

I have been considering SSdisability. Have you thought of trying

that to cover meds until you guys can get back on your feet.

As for weight helping with RA, which is what really made me want to

comment, I have never been overweight. I was 136 pounds when

diagnosed with RA. I have not been higher than a size 10 and I am

normally 5'8 " when able to stand (the hips are very bad). Every book

I purchase for RA says to lose weight first thing. Yet, I have never

been overweight. So I really think too much emphasis is placed on

the correlation between arthritis and being overweight. The people

who say it's weight are barking up the wrong tree as the saying goes.


I do believe less weight is better for you in more ways than one,

but I am thin and still in excruciating pain at this very moment. So

the fact someone told you that you would not have pain anymore was a

very misleading thing to say to you.

I do believe having a purpose to get up everyday is key. I am still

searching for mine after the loss of my daughter. However, having

animals to care for helps. I started feeding the backyard birds and

it helps. A loving supportive husband is a plus for you and will

help you to heal in the long run, I believe. It is my belief stress

makes you sicker and if you don't have love in your life, stress

takes over. Love heals. Laughter heals also.

I see you have a lot of my concerns and I could go on and on but

won't be that cruel. I hope I haven't written too much already.

I want to mention one more thing about medications. Montel

is helping people unable to purchase meds get their meds. He has a

van that goes around to different states but I believe you can call

to get more info. I see it advertised but I don't have much more

info. on it but maybe it is something else you can look into along

with SS disability. take care.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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You are very fotunate to have found a doc who'll treat chronic sinus

infection with i.v. abx. Where do you live? I'd like to put this

doc's name in our resource file (filed in my brain, not publicly, :-


There's an ENT in my town who also treats with abx for as long as it

takes, and she's gotten people well. But it can take a year or more,

so be patient.

Is this doc culturing your bugs? This is very important, so he/she

can keep ahead of them when they " turn " and the bugs become

resistant. Guesswork isn't nearly as effective. I should know,

that's what I've been doing and it's more difficult. Tony, a member

of our list who at one time was severely ill, is incredibly healthy

now, but he continuously monitored the state of his own organisms

and their susceptibility to abx.

Anyway, keep us posted on your progress, and the protocol your doc

is using. We can all help each other with these reports.


In infections , Meg <megsmight@...>



> Hi - My name is Meg & I am new to your group.


> I have chronic sinus infections and was told by 2 surgeons my

only option was surgery. I went on the internet and found this not

to be true. I found a different Dr and now have a line in my arm

feeding me iv antibiotics. I am hoping this to be my cure. I am

sick and tired or being sick and tired. I suffer from migraines &

have had a headache for a week possible reaction to the medication.


> I was hoping to find some others who might share their stories

with me.


> Thanks for being here.


> Meg



> ---------------------------------

> Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!


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Hello Meg ,welcome to the group.. Here's some info on sinusitis ..as you see you may well have a bacterial infection but the underlying cause is a fungal and the strange immune response to that infection ..It's worth checking out , perhaps try Rx Antifungal as a probe!...

Mayo Clinic researchers have proposed that most chronic sinus infections maybe caused by an immune system response to fungi. Many studies here at the Mayo Clinic have added evidence to our thinkingthat chronic rhinosinusitis is caused by an immune reaction to fungi in thenose. Our original study linking chronic rhinosinusitis to fungi in thenose, which was published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings in September 1999,has been reproduced and confirmed by a sinus center in Europe (ENTUniversity Hospital in Graz, Austria).There are currently 16 studies at Mayo Clinic Rochester to furtherinvestigate the role of fungi in inflammatory diseases of the respiratorytract.In addition, researchers from the Allergic Diseases Research Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester found that certain white blood cells

called T-Lymphocytes are reacting to the fungi and were producing the kind of inflammation we see in the sinuses, and that healthy people did

not react in that way. This work was presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and

will be published soon.The evidence was so convincing that the National Institute of Health (NIH)has given Mayo Clinic a $2.5 million grant to further investigate the

mechanisms behind this immunologic response to the fungi.If you have chronic sinusitis—that is, a sinus inflammation that persistsfor three months or longer—we recommend that you see your personalphysician or an ear, nose and throat specialist (otorhinolaryngologist) forthe appropriate treatment for this disease. Many times the disease isassociated with asthma or allergies and treatment of those associatedproblems tends to help the chronic sinusitis.Antibiotics don’t help chronic sinusitis in the long run because they targetbacteria, which are not usually the cause of chronic sinusitis.Anti-histamines, nasal steroid sprays and systemic steroids are themainstays of treatment today, depending on the symptoms of the patient.Over-the-counter medications, including salt-water nasal washes and mistsprays, are useful in treating the symptoms of chronic sinusitis, but do noteliminate the inflammation.Dept of OtorhinolaryngologyMayo ClinicRochester, Minnesota

This latest report supports the link with CFS [ME] an

d fungal infectionhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3141773.stm

Stop press information http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/03/040324072619.htm

See Medline 12464951 for results of a study using antifungal drugs to treat sinusitis.

-----Original Message-----From: infections [mailto:infections ]On Behalf Of MegSent: 20 March 2006 20:24 Subject: [infections] Newbie

Hi - My name is Meg & I am new to your group.

I have chronic sinus infections and was told by 2 surgeons my only option was surgery. I went on the internet and found this not to be true. I found a different Dr and now have a line in my arm feeding me iv antibiotics. I am hoping this to be my cure. I am sick and tired or being sick and tired. I suffer from migraines & have had a headache for a week possible reaction to the medication.

I was hoping to find some others who might share their stories with me.

Thanks for being here.


Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

-hi meg I am also new but know some members from other groups.

have you ever had a root canal? that can contribute or cause sinus


I am very sick from my root canal and after many years had this

verified by a mold expert. his theory is that the sinus infections and

cognitive and well all the health stuff are from mold. I tested

positive for many molds on a blood antibody. and although there are

likely tons of bacteria too, he says to treat the mold first or the

antibioitcs wont work. this sounds rather different that what I ahve

heard from others. but I am now on nizoral mold spray and it is the

first thing to help.

it seems that wiht bacterias you need the exact culture of what it is

and the right medicine. it seems from my tests and treatment of mold

that the different molds can all be treeated wiht the same meds? not

sure but it seems like that.


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Hi Amy, I, thankfully, have never had a root canal however w/ this infection I have had extreme tooth pain because the roots of my teeth are so long. I am very curious about the mold treatment. I used to live in a house years ago that was so bad that the mold would grow up the walls. I was constantly scrubbing it down. I never had any allergies until then. Now they say I don't have allergies (they did the stick test w/ all those needles) however I know that from April to Oct I have problems. Are there other groups specific for sinus infections I could join. This one has been so helpful but I feel like I need more. Besides the iv antibiotics they have me on Flonase because it is antifungal. Hate it though ... I also use a saline flush which has given me some relief thank you so much for your response. It gives me hope that I won't have to go have that God awful surgery. Megamydent9 <amydent9@...> wrote: -hi meg I am also new but know some members from other groups.have you ever had a root canal? that can contribute or cause sinusproblems.I am very sick from my root canal and after many years had thisverified by a mold expert. his theory is that the sinus infections andcognitive and well all the health stuff are from mold. I testedpositive for many molds on a blood antibody. and although there are likely tons of bacteria too, he says to treat the mold first or theantibioitcs wont work. this sounds rather different that what I ahveheard from others. but I am now on nizoral mold

spray and it is thefirst thing to help.it seems that wiht bacterias you need the exact culture of what it isand the right medicine. it seems from my tests and treatment of moldthat the different molds can all be treeated wiht the same meds? notsure but it seems like that.amy

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I've banned this email address from our group.


On 27/07/2006, at 8:17 PM, jeniffer anston wrote:

> Hi Friends!

> Sometimes u just cant predict what ur gonna find in ur mail! Just

> opened my mail n guess what? voip !


> Check it out



> Have fun Guys, i think am gonna love it here, i just hope somebody

> sends me a mail soon!




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> __________________________________________________


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  • 3 weeks later...

[ ] newbie

> Hi Group!


> I have just been reading and trying to get answers to my new found

> disease. I have just recently been diagnosed with RA and have started

> taking plaquenil. My question is this....when the flares start up, is

> their any pain medications you find best to work? What about

> excerise? I have read that Tai Chi helps with the range of motion of

> your joints. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I hate this

> disease and what it does to all of us and our families. Its like I

> lost my old self....I feel like I am living someone elses life and not

> my own. One last question if you dont mind....here goes....does all

> these DMARD's truly help? I know they prevent joint damage, but does

> it finally just not work at all? Thanks in advance to your responses.


> Sylvia











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Hi welcome to the group. I was dx with RA and DJD in Oct.2005 am own the

plaquenil, Doxycycline, and enbrel now, after other meds. failed and as for

the pain med, the only one I have found that helped me is endocet, it's the

only one for me that made the pain where I could tolerate it.I have heard

that exercising helps but when it gets bad you just wanna scream, or at

least I did. Have a Blessed day and pain free I hope.


[ ] newbie

> Hi Group!


> I have just been reading and trying to get answers to my new found

> disease. I have just recently been diagnosed with RA and have started

> taking plaquenil. My question is this....when the flares start up, is

> their any pain medications you find best to work? What about

> excerise? I have read that Tai Chi helps with the range of motion of

> your joints. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I hate this

> disease and what it does to all of us and our families. Its like I

> lost my old self....I feel like I am living someone elses life and not

> my own. One last question if you dont mind....here goes....does all

> these DMARD's truly help? I know they prevent joint damage, but does

> it finally just not work at all? Thanks in advance to your responses.


> Sylvia











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> Hi Sylvia and welcome to one of you question I think the meds

work for me I am alot of different ones but they work ok for me and

I do water exercise three time a week and that help some to, good

luck to you. This group is great and everyone is very helpful.

Janet IN IL

> Hi Group!


> I have just been reading and trying to get answers to my new found

> disease. ....does all

> these DMARD's truly help? I know they prevent joint damage, but


> it finally just not work at all? Thanks in advance to your



> Sylvia


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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome, Kathy, to our little group.As the others will say, we're sorry

you're here, but glad you are here, because we can usually make it a little

easier for you.

The antidepressant the doctor gave you was for a good reason, you're

depressed, and most of that is because of the pain you're suffering. Start

taking the antidepressants immediately, it will help a lot with the pain and

allow you to sleep better so you won't hurt as much. Darvocet is another you

should at least try. It's a pain med that's stronger than aspirin and should

help you. If you don't want to take them, try Tylenol Arthritis Formula. It

seems to help more than most others.

Lots of us have no insurance. Now's the time to see what your town has

available to you. If your income is low enough, you can get on assistance

with some prescription help and food stamps. I don't know enough about it to

tell you any more. I'm sure one of the others will help with that. Welcome

to the group. :)

Dennis in Eastexas

" It's not Rocket Surgery "

[ ] newbie

> Hi all, my name is kathy, Im glad I found your group today because I

> feel just miserable. Its nice to find a group of people who have some

> of the same probems that I do. Hopefully I can learn from you and get

> some suggestions on how to feel better. To tell you a little about

> myself, I am 57 yrs old, I went to my Dr. about 8 mo. ago with severe

> shoulder pain. Right away she checks me for a heart condition, which I

> didnt have. I told her about my neck pain , lower back pain, both

> shoulders have pain, both knees hurt, feet and ankles hurt, sometimes

> have trouble sleeping. MY pain is sometimes severe, but most of the

> time it is just like a tooth ache kind of pain. I have no medicle

> insurance, so I cant afford to go into the dr unless pain is severe.

> My Dr. didnt quite know what to do with me, so she gave me so pain

> medicine (darvocet) which will take pain away but not inflamation,

> celibrex(spelling) and a anti depressant. I never took the

> antidepressant cause I didnt feel depressed, and i didnt take the

> celibix cause i heard it was bad for you. So right now im not taking

> anything but asprin. That is as close as I have come to a diagnosis to

> fibromyalgia. Thanks for listening to me whine, if anybody has any

> tips for me I would appreciate it .

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  • 1 month later...


I had my right knee replaced about 4 months ago and still need to

have my left one done. If you'd like more information, feel free to

email me privately at susan100250 @.

Take care,


> hi all


> new to the forum


> looking for some info.

> i am due to go into hosp for surgery.

> both knees have to be replaced , ijust need to talk to some one


> has had this surgery done .......i just need to know about the

> op ,recovery time etc



> thanks mary

> x


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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome, !

Sorry about your diagnoses.

It's possible to have a positive rheumatoid factor (RF) but not have RA;

that is, RF is not specific to RA. With any luck, that's one diagnosis you

may possibly avoid.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] newbie

> Hello, All!!


> I'm , and I'm a 44 year old nurse currently living

> just outside London, England; I am American, however,

> and married to an Englishman and we are planning on

> moving back to my hometown of Rochester, NY next year.


> I have (what seems to me) a strange diagnosis: I have

> a positive rheumatoid factor, but very few classic

> symptoms of RA (I have moderate joint pain but no

> inflammation) and fibromyalgia, and they're

> half-heartedly working me up for lupus (I have a

> single blood marker). My current symptoms are:

> fatigue (sometimes overwhelming), muscle and joint

> pain, exercise intolerance. I am also diabetic with

> associated complications: nerve damage in hands and

> feet, charcot joint syndrome both feet and ankles,

> kidney failure, and eye damage (i'm legally partially

> sighted). I also have ovarian cancer----I'm a living

> mess, huh??? LOL Thankfully the cancer is currently

> in remission following chemotherapy last year, so

> fingers crossed.


> Anyway, the only medication I'm taking currently by

> way of treatment for the FM/RA is amitriptylline.

> That's all that's being done for the FM/RA---no

> adjunct therapies.


> I'm hoping to make some cyberfriends and learn

> something and get (and hopefully give) support through

> this group!


> Sorry this went on so long!!



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Hi :

Welcome to the group! Nothing is too long for us to

read - there are no guidelines stating how long or

short your posts have to be - just type what you want,

ask what you want, share what you want lol! Instead

of calling yourself a walking mess, I would say to

call yourself a walking miracle, and one with her

sense of humor still intact through it all. My

prayers are with you that the ovarian cancer continues

in remission.

As far as the RA diagnosis, if there is any way that

you might have RA, you really do need to be on a DMARD

which is a disease modifying medication such as

Methotrexate, Plaquenil, Arava, etc., because these

medications will help to control or slow down the

disease process. I have had RA 7 years and still show

no signs on x-ray of any RA damage to my joints - and

I have been treated early and aggressively, and

continued aggressive treatment through my subsequent

rheumatologists - that is what I feel has continued to

keep me doing as well as I am. Are you being seen by

a rheumatologist? I am on Methotrexate and Enbrel and

that is a good combination for me.

The Amitriptyline is basically a medication that is

used in Fibro to help with muscle relaxation and

sleep. I have fibro too, and have been on it in the

past. Currently I am on Cymbalta, Lyrica, Skelaxin,

Ambien CR, and Zanaflex for it. I also take Ultram ER

for pain. I take the Lyrica and Cymbalta for my nerve

pain in my legs, mostly nighttime is the worst, and

they have helped me - perhaps they could be of help to

you as well for your diabetic nerve pain?

I hope that some of this will be of help to you. This

group is great - I have been in it for probably almost

5 years now, and am constantly learning! Great to

have you here with us! Take care -

Kathe in CA

--- crashdavisgsd <crashdavisgsd@...> wrote:

> Hello, All!!


> I'm , and I'm a 44 year old nurse currently

> living

> just outside London, England; I am American,

> however,

> and married to an Englishman and we are planning on

> moving back to my hometown of Rochester, NY next

> year.


> I have (what seems to me) a strange diagnosis: I

> have

> a positive rheumatoid factor, but very few classic

> symptoms of RA (I have moderate joint pain but no

> inflammation) and fibromyalgia, and they're

> half-heartedly working me up for lupus (I have a

> single blood marker). My current symptoms are:

> fatigue (sometimes overwhelming), muscle and joint

> pain, exercise intolerance. I am also diabetic with

> associated complications: nerve damage in hands and

> feet, charcot joint syndrome both feet and ankles,

> kidney failure, and eye damage (i'm legally

> partially

> sighted). I also have ovarian cancer----I'm a

> living

> mess, huh??? LOL Thankfully the cancer is

> currently

> in remission following chemotherapy last year, so

> fingers crossed.


> Anyway, the only medication I'm taking currently by

> way of treatment for the FM/RA is amitriptylline.

> That's all that's being done for the FM/RA---no

> adjunct therapies.


> I'm hoping to make some cyberfriends and learn

> something and get (and hopefully give) support

> through

> this group!


> Sorry this went on so long!!











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  • 1 month later...


I'm so sorry for your pain. I am in a similar

situation. Here's my best advice:

1) find out who owns the bldg and take photos of the

places and mold you saw. If the bldg isn't owned by

your employer, you may be able to go after the owner

for damages. (In NYState you can't sue your employer

over this)

2) Go to an environmental dr for extensive blood work

testing - not just an allergy dr. I have several

elevated dangerous molds in my bloodstream that

weren't identified by my reg dr's bloodtest or by a

skin mold test. These " antibodies " prove you've been

exposed to mold....then if it isn't in your house, it

is logically in your workplace.

3) Visit an HR attorney - get a consultation. If you

are sick, you may be considered to be someone with a

disability, and protected a bit more. They can't

discriminate against you for a disability on top of

everything else.

4) BE THANKFUL that you're out of there - I waited too

long fighting with my employer about my workspace and

have permanent damage....had I not been so stubborn

and listened to my health sooner, I would be much



as much as possible, and make sure you ask questions

at your next workplace.

Be well,


--- jennasx4 <jennasx4@...> wrote:

> I'm Jenn from San Diego

> I had been working in a preschool when in Aug of

> 2006 I began to get

> sick. It started with sinus infections that wouldn't

> clear up. Ear

> infection that took a week and two antibiotics and a

> steroid,asthma(i

> have asthma the attacks became daily) headaches

> almost

> daily,rashes,itchy watery eyes. Middle of Nov I was

> diagnosed with

> bronchitis and acute asthma exasperation. The last

> Monday of Nov. we

> discovered mold under a plastic molding.

> We notified the directors who in turn notified the

> owners. They had a

> air quality test done which wasn't done

> correctly(room had to be

> closed for over an hr. it wasn't more like 20mins

> and someone walked

> in during the test.) They told me on the 13th of dec

> that there was no

> mold at all. At that time our room was shut up for

> almost a week so

> they can do other searches...when we walked back in

> the smell of the

> room hit us hard. Parents even complained. We sent

> them to see the

> owners. We were told not to talk to the parents.

> When we were out of the room most of all my symptoms

> were gone...oh

> and the children and other staff members were sick

> too. I was much

> worse and my doc said it could be due to my asthma

> or allergy to mold!

> I quit on Dec 13th. They wrote a letter which I got

> about a week later

> saying they took my vacation,sick(which I thought i

> was done with) and

> personal days because they claimed i clocked in

> 92hrs of work yet i

> was either sick or unavailable. We use a machine to

> clock in..if I am

> home sick how am i clocking in and out!!! They took

> about 65hrs and

> then said to send them a check close to $600!!!

> I am fighting all of this now....found out it is

> against the law to

> take from my benefits...

> Just wanted to put my intro here and if u have any

> advice please let

> me know!!!

> jenn




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  • 1 month later...

Hello ! Why don't you try swimming? I exercise 6 out of 7 days a week

because I find it helps greatly with the fatigue. I use a recumbent stationary

bike, but my doctors all have suggested swimming as an alternative.




[ ] Newbie

Hello, my name is and I have (so far) Fibromyalgia and Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome. I've had it probably twenty years but diagnosed

only about 18 months ago. You know us women, we just make up things

like I feel like I " ve been hit by a truck or beaten with a ball bat

everyday " and doctors throw a script for antiinflammatory pills at us

or laugh and say wait till we get to be their age. Gee, can you tell

I'm a bit bitter? Slowly over the past 5 years or so, I've quit doing

pretty much everything that I used to enjoy that took effort or used

muscles. That has left me overweight and a couch potato. Sometimes

I believe those docs and think it must be me. I never knew that

Fibromyalgia could be this debilitating. Fortunately, I have a

sit-down job or I'd be on disability. Does anyone have any suggestions

for an exercise regime for a 58 y/o out of shape person who will pay

for any effort with pain for two weeks? Seriously, I'm glad you guys

are here.

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-Thanks very much for the suggestions. I do like to walk around flea

markets and malls. I would join Curves but when I get off work, I'm

usually starving and I get hypoglycemic easily. It wouldn't make much

sense to get a burger at Mickey D's and then go and work the machines

for a half hour, I suppose? :) Seriously, swimming might be nice.

I love to go to flea markets in the spring and summer and go to at

least two a month usually. It's been 1 to 20 degrees every day here

for weeks and I'm not doing any walking outdoors! Are any of you

affected by cold? I have to walk a block to and from my car for work

each day and the cold just makes my muscles feel like toothaches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Not an MD

[ ] newbie

> hi all is this a uk site, i would like some one to chat too about my

> sisters arthritis, also how can i change my emails from inbox to

> onsight please?

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Hi Monroe, Welcome to the one club nobody wants to be a member of. :-) pennyMonroe <sassafrasknobs@...> wrote: Hello everyone. Very sad to here of others medical problems. We that have them can only try to work together with real time information when possible. Monroe

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I want to be a member of it! But till today I haven't received any

posts except spam offering to increase my penis size!


> Hello everyone. Very sad to here of others medical

problems. We that

> have them can only try to work together with real time information when

> possible. Monroe


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Guest guest


You'd look good with a larger penis..


> > Hello everyone. Very sad to here of others medical

> problems. We that

> > have them can only try to work together with real time

information when

> > possible. Monroe

> >


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