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> My problem is the filler, I think, I got it from Skips in FLA, he

> agreed with me about starting out at 1.5 dose he said for a month,


> go up gradually. I asked him to use my 4.5 prescription, make it

up in

> 1,5 doses so I could adjust it as I thought I needed to, he said


> they don't do it that way. I have had more energy than I ever


> today I have bad Nausea, Vertigo. Do I continue taking it until I


> get another prescription filled, should I take it for a few more


> to make sure it is what is making me sick?

> I have lost 55lbs. since last Jan, still need to lose 50 more,


> this way! :)

> I just don't want to lose my energy again!

> I started my LDN last Friday, I talked to my Cardiologist he said


> saw no reason I couldn't take it along with my 7 other

prescriptions, I

> also use THC, for pain, anxiety attacks, better sleep, I don't


> it, I quit smoking in " 91 " .

> Please someone give me some answers.

> I'm sorry this is so scattered, its seems to be the way my mind


> now.



> Happy



If allergic to Avicel, which is the only filler Skip uses...the most

common symptoms if allergic to Avicel filler is headache, nausea or

vomiting. If these symptoms do not get any better by Monday you will

have to switch pharmacies. I suggest Irmat in New York as they use a

variety of fillers. Ask for Acidophilus as your filler at Irmat if

you are allergic to Lactose.

I really wish Skip would start using acidophilus also for those who

cannot tolerate the Avicel, that way people would not have to go

through the trouble of moving their prescription. It's hard enough

just getting a doctor to prescribe LDN. I'm starting to see more and

more who cannot tolerate Avicel as a filler.

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> From: " Bren " <b63powell@...>

> Date: 2006/02/01 Wed AM 10:28:45 EST

> low dose naltrexone

> Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: HELP!!


> B12 and AMP injections have pulled my wife out of the worse exacerbations.

She also gets B1 injections everyday which removes all " heaviness/fatigue " . Do

a search on these injectables. They are part of a protocol of Dr. Klenner, a

pioneer in MS research that had healed thousands from this disease. His full

protocol is available through, Townsends Letter for Doctors and Patients, a very

helpful magazine. Also do a search on Elaine DeLack who has a histamine creme

called Prokarin. Her story and protocol are also detailed in Townsends. Also

do a search on " The Homeostasis Protocol " . These different protocols are all

proven, all natural, all common sense ways that have helped tens of thousands of

MS patients become, if not totally symptom free, a whole lot better than they

could have ever imagined.

May God bless you all

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  • 4 weeks later...

, Welcome to . I'm sorry you need

us . .. but glad you found us!

A few women get immediate relief from their symptoms

right away . . . but for most women, it's a slower

journey. But a very worthwhile one!

First . . . drink plenty of pure (non-chlorinated

water - 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight daily).

Watch your diet carefully . . . NO processed food OR

Sugar . . . Sugar is especially bad! . . . whole

grains are OK.

Most women have a systemic Candida/yeast/fungal

problem. . . I recommend one bottle of Fungal Defense,

followed by Primal Defense indefinitely. . .

www.appleadayandbeyond.com has the best prices - if

you email, phone or fax your order and tell them you

are a member of a support group.

There is a self (non-scientific) test you can do for

Candida/yeast/fungal. The first thing in the morning,

before you put anything in your mouth, spit in a glass

of water. Check it after 15 minutes. If it's clear,

you're OK. . .If there is a milky blob with tendrils

hanging down, floating chunks, or a milky blob sunken

to the bottom, it indicates a problem . . . That's

where Fungal and Primal Defense come in.

I know it's tough with a little one . . . but you need

to try to manage stress and anger the best you can. .

.. Maybe you can let some things slid to give you some

extra rest.

One thing that can help quickly is to eat raw, fresh,

crushed garlic . . . You can eat as many as 12 cloves

a day . . . but start with one. You may feel that

there's a war going on in your stomach, but that's

good, because it means you needed the garlic. It will

pass and you'll feel better. Garlic is a natural

anti-fungal/oxidant and antibiotic. .. You should

start to see the difference in 24 hours.

Soaking in a hot bath with Epsom salts . .. 2 cups .

... can help detox the whole body and ease painful

muscles. Some women use two cups of hydrogen peroxide


It's important to keep moving - you probably have

fibromyalgia. Being still will make it worse. You

don't have to do vigorous exercise, but if you're

still too long, your muscles will tighten up and cause

pain. If you quit moving when you hurt, you'll hurt

that much more when you do.

I also believe it's important to establish a personal

relationship with God - whatever your religion. If you

will turn everything over to him. He will guide you

through this.

And know that, for three weeks out, you're probably

through the worst - but you have a long way to go. The

more disciplined you are in taking care of yourself

and detoxing, the faster you will get better.

We have a lot of detox methods recommended in the

archives. . . To many to put in one message. Please

look them over, and when you see one you feel may work

for you, ask away. We probably have tried it and can

tell you what to expect!

The good news is that you can expect to get much

better! If you'll keep a journal of how you feel and

what you do, you'll begin to see patterns - and when

those bad days occur, you'll be able to see how far

you've come.

Is your child having any health problems? . . .

rashes, joint/muscle pain, digestive problems? . . .

One of our implant sisters found that, by eliminating

everything with silicone or silicone dioxide in it her

sons regained their health. . . You really have to be

careful there . . . It's in many OTC products,

supplements and prescription meds for children. I

started a group for the families of children affected

by silicone . . . 's SiliconeKids . . . You're

welcome to join us if you're interested.

Hugs and prayers,


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Hi ,

I used Dr. Feng as well, and loved her and her staff. She did a

great job and I'm happy with the results. I'm about 4 months post-

explant and I'm still suffering from symptoms, which is not

uncommon. It takes a while to recover from implant illness, so try

to be patient and not expect an overnight miracle. It takes most of

us a good year or more to get better. I haven't begun any detoxing

yet, because I've got an extremely sensitive system when it comes to

supplements, and I'm worried about making matters worse, so instead

I'm trying to eat fresh vegetables and fruits - but I feel I do have

to detox in order to get the chemicals out of my body, so I know

I'll have to bite the bullet and give it a try. I can relate to

your disappointment in the medical system, and I see a recurring

theme in posts from women on this site. They go to MD's for help,

and the MD's make them feel like they are crazy, and of course

insist " it's not the implants " .



> My name is and I had saline implants for almost 7 years.

> After about 5 years with the implants, I started becoming


> ill. My sypmtoms consisted of extreme fatigue, dizziness, brain


> memory loss, muscle twitching,weight gain( even with diet and

> exercise), extreme stomach bloating...those are just to name a


> I can go on and on. I have been to different Dr's that have done

> blood tests, and so far the only thing they have told me is that I

> have a positive ANA, and then sent me on my way. I decided to

> finally have my implants removed 3 weeks ago. I live in


> but decided to fly to Ohio to have Dr. Feng perform the surgery. I

> was very pleased with Dr Feng and her staff. The results so far


> great. However, I still do not feel any better. I know it's a long

> process, but I thought that I would at least feel a little better

> once they were out. Im so dissapointed, and frustrated. Im only 30

> years old, and a single mother. This has taken my life away from


> I can barely make it at work, and have to be in bed every night by

> 7:00. Not only am I affected by this, but my child is affected by

> this. I can't be the mother that I need to be. Im barely making


> and am so dissapointed in our medical system. The Dr's that I have

> seen have basically looked at me like I was crazy, and just

> imagining these symptoms. I am at a dead end. I don't know where

> else to turn. Does anyone know when the symtpoms will start to

> lessen? Is there a particular type of Dr. that I need to see?


> help. I need to hear from people that know exactly what I am going

> through. Friends and family just don't seem to understand.


> Thanks for listening :o(




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, I just had my explant surgery three weeks ago with Dr. Feng. What day did you have yours taken out? We could have been there at the same time. My surgery was Feb. 3. I am so sorry you haven't found any relief. I have had some, not real significant. I wasn't expecting any, so I will welcome anything I can get. I did, however, do alot of detoxing and diet changes for months before I knew it was even my implants making me so sick. I found it helped with fatigue and mental alertness. I was seeing a Kinesiologist because I was so tired of the Doctors not finding the cause to my illness. Unfortunately the kinesiologist didn't either, he thought I had aspartame poisoning. Which turned out to be a good thing because he encouraged detoxing and diet changes. This helped me more then I knew at the time. I had a head start on my recovery. This support group has been a

real life saver. Not only did they help me understand it was my implants, but just reading all the posts have given me hope for a full recovery. Please don't stress yourself, it may make it worse. Drink alot of filtered water, and do some detoxing. I started with a two month colon cleanse, I saw a big improvement...here is the link. www.DrNatura.com In Good Health, alexis_victor <alexis_victor@...> wrote: My name is and I had saline implants for almost 7 years. After about 5 years with the implants, I started becoming extremely ill. My sypmtoms consisted of extreme fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, memory loss, muscle twitching,weight gain( even with diet and

exercise), extreme stomach bloating...those are just to name a few. I can go on and on. I have been to different Dr's that have done blood tests, and so far the only thing they have told me is that I have a positive ANA, and then sent me on my way. I decided to finally have my implants removed 3 weeks ago. I live in California, but decided to fly to Ohio to have Dr. Feng perform the surgery. I was very pleased with Dr Feng and her staff. The results so far are great. However, I still do not feel any better. I know it's a long process, but I thought that I would at least feel a little better once they were out. Im so dissapointed, and frustrated. Im only 30 years old, and a single mother. This has taken my life away from me. I can barely make it at work, and have to be in bed every night by 7:00. Not only am I affected by this, but my child is affected by this. I can't be the mother that I need to be. Im barely making it,

and am so dissapointed in our medical system. The Dr's that I have seen have basically looked at me like I was crazy, and just imagining these symptoms. I am at a dead end. I don't know where else to turn. Does anyone know when the symtpoms will start to lessen? Is there a particular type of Dr. that I need to see? Please help. I need to hear from people that know exactly what I am going through. Friends and family just don't seem to understand.Thanks for listening :o(

Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail makes sharing a breeze.

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Thanks Rogene! I think I have Candida, too, and have started the

Fungal Defense! I'm praying it works. I'll try the spit test

tomorrow. I am also going to pass this on to my best friends

husband who suffers from psoriasis and has tried just about




> , Welcome to . I'm sorry you need

> us . .. but glad you found us!


> A few women get immediate relief from their symptoms

> right away . . . but for most women, it's a slower

> journey. But a very worthwhile one!


> First . . . drink plenty of pure (non-chlorinated

> water - 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight daily).


> Watch your diet carefully . . . NO processed food OR

> Sugar . . . Sugar is especially bad! . . . whole

> grains are OK.


> Most women have a systemic Candida/yeast/fungal

> problem. . . I recommend one bottle of Fungal Defense,

> followed by Primal Defense indefinitely. . .

> www.appleadayandbeyond.com has the best prices - if

> you email, phone or fax your order and tell them you

> are a member of a support group.


> There is a self (non-scientific) test you can do for

> Candida/yeast/fungal. The first thing in the morning,

> before you put anything in your mouth, spit in a glass

> of water. Check it after 15 minutes. If it's clear,

> you're OK. . .If there is a milky blob with tendrils

> hanging down, floating chunks, or a milky blob sunken

> to the bottom, it indicates a problem . . . That's

> where Fungal and Primal Defense come in.


> I know it's tough with a little one . . . but you need

> to try to manage stress and anger the best you can. .

> . Maybe you can let some things slid to give you some

> extra rest.


> One thing that can help quickly is to eat raw, fresh,

> crushed garlic . . . You can eat as many as 12 cloves

> a day . . . but start with one. You may feel that

> there's a war going on in your stomach, but that's

> good, because it means you needed the garlic. It will

> pass and you'll feel better. Garlic is a natural

> anti-fungal/oxidant and antibiotic. .. You should

> start to see the difference in 24 hours.


> Soaking in a hot bath with Epsom salts . .. 2 cups .

> .. can help detox the whole body and ease painful

> muscles. Some women use two cups of hydrogen peroxide

> too.


> It's important to keep moving - you probably have

> fibromyalgia. Being still will make it worse. You

> don't have to do vigorous exercise, but if you're

> still too long, your muscles will tighten up and cause

> pain. If you quit moving when you hurt, you'll hurt

> that much more when you do.


> I also believe it's important to establish a personal

> relationship with God - whatever your religion. If you

> will turn everything over to him. He will guide you

> through this.


> And know that, for three weeks out, you're probably

> through the worst - but you have a long way to go. The

> more disciplined you are in taking care of yourself

> and detoxing, the faster you will get better.


> We have a lot of detox methods recommended in the

> archives. . . To many to put in one message. Please

> look them over, and when you see one you feel may work

> for you, ask away. We probably have tried it and can

> tell you what to expect!


> The good news is that you can expect to get much

> better! If you'll keep a journal of how you feel and

> what you do, you'll begin to see patterns - and when

> those bad days occur, you'll be able to see how far

> you've come.


> Is your child having any health problems? . . .

> rashes, joint/muscle pain, digestive problems? . . .

> One of our implant sisters found that, by eliminating

> everything with silicone or silicone dioxide in it her

> sons regained their health. . . You really have to be

> careful there . . . It's in many OTC products,

> supplements and prescription meds for children. I

> started a group for the families of children affected

> by silicone . . . 's SiliconeKids . . . You're

> welcome to join us if you're interested.


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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Also avoid alcohol of any kind while you're trying to balance out.

For me, it makes all of my symptoms worse-its just not worth it!

Hope this helps!



> , Welcome to . I'm sorry you need

> us . .. but glad you found us!


> A few women get immediate relief from their symptoms

> right away . . . but for most women, it's a slower

> journey. But a very worthwhile one!


> First . . . drink plenty of pure (non-chlorinated

> water - 1/2 ounce per pound of body weight daily).


> Watch your diet carefully . . . NO processed food OR

> Sugar . . . Sugar is especially bad! . . . whole

> grains are OK.


> Most women have a systemic Candida/yeast/fungal

> problem. . . I recommend one bottle of Fungal Defense,

> followed by Primal Defense indefinitely. . .

> www.appleadayandbeyond.com has the best prices - if

> you email, phone or fax your order and tell them you

> are a member of a support group.


> There is a self (non-scientific) test you can do for

> Candida/yeast/fungal. The first thing in the morning,

> before you put anything in your mouth, spit in a glass

> of water. Check it after 15 minutes. If it's clear,

> you're OK. . .If there is a milky blob with tendrils

> hanging down, floating chunks, or a milky blob sunken

> to the bottom, it indicates a problem . . . That's

> where Fungal and Primal Defense come in.


> I know it's tough with a little one . . . but you need

> to try to manage stress and anger the best you can. .

> . Maybe you can let some things slid to give you some

> extra rest.


> One thing that can help quickly is to eat raw, fresh,

> crushed garlic . . . You can eat as many as 12 cloves

> a day . . . but start with one. You may feel that

> there's a war going on in your stomach, but that's

> good, because it means you needed the garlic. It will

> pass and you'll feel better. Garlic is a natural

> anti-fungal/oxidant and antibiotic. .. You should

> start to see the difference in 24 hours.


> Soaking in a hot bath with Epsom salts . .. 2 cups .

> .. can help detox the whole body and ease painful

> muscles. Some women use two cups of hydrogen peroxide

> too.


> It's important to keep moving - you probably have

> fibromyalgia. Being still will make it worse. You

> don't have to do vigorous exercise, but if you're

> still too long, your muscles will tighten up and cause

> pain. If you quit moving when you hurt, you'll hurt

> that much more when you do.


> I also believe it's important to establish a personal

> relationship with God - whatever your religion. If you

> will turn everything over to him. He will guide you

> through this.


> And know that, for three weeks out, you're probably

> through the worst - but you have a long way to go. The

> more disciplined you are in taking care of yourself

> and detoxing, the faster you will get better.


> We have a lot of detox methods recommended in the

> archives. . . To many to put in one message. Please

> look them over, and when you see one you feel may work

> for you, ask away. We probably have tried it and can

> tell you what to expect!


> The good news is that you can expect to get much

> better! If you'll keep a journal of how you feel and

> what you do, you'll begin to see patterns - and when

> those bad days occur, you'll be able to see how far

> you've come.


> Is your child having any health problems? . . .

> rashes, joint/muscle pain, digestive problems? . . .

> One of our implant sisters found that, by eliminating

> everything with silicone or silicone dioxide in it her

> sons regained their health. . . You really have to be

> careful there . . . It's in many OTC products,

> supplements and prescription meds for children. I

> started a group for the families of children affected

> by silicone . . . 's SiliconeKids . . . You're

> welcome to join us if you're interested.


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene


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I have. I think he went and bought it yesterday. I laugh when I take

the pills-got to go eat my dirt!

I agree-of all the stuff I have read, his makes the most sense. Last

night I fell off the wagon and drank some red wine-stupid of me!!!!

I'm paying today-by fighting off mouth ulcers and itching!!!!



> Ginger . . . You might recommend The Maker's Diet too!

> . . . It makes sense of all this probiotic stuff.


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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Hi - every time I read a post like yours - I am more and more

convinced that the implants are making women sick. I had mine out

in October and felt quite a bit better right away, and then relapsed

hard. Everyone is different, and I have seen a few women recover

right away (Jenna for one). But for most of us, it takes time to

undo the harm that the implants caused. We may never be completely

well again, but I've seen enough women on this site get so much

better that it keeps me encouraged. I just started treatment with

Dr. Leu, an ND recommended by Kenda of this site. My consult was

over the phone, but very thorough. He did blood and urine testing

and has recommended treatment based on the results. I am just

getting started and am hopeful he will be able to help me. Maybe

someone like Dr. Leu could help you get on a plan. For me I felt

like I was fumbling around, not knowing which supplement to try, and

I like the idea of having a specialist tell me what to do. I'm

glad you found this site. You've already taken a major step toward

getting well by having your implants removed. It can only get

better now.




> My name is and I had saline implants for almost 7 years.

> After about 5 years with the implants, I started becoming


> ill. My sypmtoms consisted of extreme fatigue, dizziness, brain


> memory loss, muscle twitching,weight gain( even with diet and

> exercise), extreme stomach bloating...those are just to name a


> I can go on and on. I have been to different Dr's that have done

> blood tests, and so far the only thing they have told me is that I

> have a positive ANA, and then sent me on my way. I decided to

> finally have my implants removed 3 weeks ago. I live in


> but decided to fly to Ohio to have Dr. Feng perform the surgery. I

> was very pleased with Dr Feng and her staff. The results so far


> great. However, I still do not feel any better. I know it's a long

> process, but I thought that I would at least feel a little better

> once they were out. Im so dissapointed, and frustrated. Im only 30

> years old, and a single mother. This has taken my life away from


> I can barely make it at work, and have to be in bed every night by

> 7:00. Not only am I affected by this, but my child is affected by

> this. I can't be the mother that I need to be. Im barely making


> and am so dissapointed in our medical system. The Dr's that I have

> seen have basically looked at me like I was crazy, and just

> imagining these symptoms. I am at a dead end. I don't know where

> else to turn. Does anyone know when the symtpoms will start to

> lessen? Is there a particular type of Dr. that I need to see?


> help. I need to hear from people that know exactly what I am going

> through. Friends and family just don't seem to understand.


> Thanks for listening :o(




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


Welcome to the group! You will get a lot of support

and information here. From what you are saying, it

sounds like your next step will be to get an

appointment with a rheumatologist. If indeed you do

have RA or another similar autoimmune disease, then

that speciality will be able to diagnose and treat

your symptoms much better. I have been dx with RA for

7 years, and symptoms vary a bit form patient to

patient, but swelling, warmth and redness are typical,

as is fatigue.

A rheumy will take blood work, perhaps x-rays, and do

a general physical exam to check on your painful

joints. With blood work, they can usually rule in or

rule out certain diseases. If indeed you do have RA,

you need to begin an aggressive treatment regimen to

try and stop and control the disease process which if

left untreated could cause joint deformity.

So, I would very much urge you to see a rheumatologist

at the earliest opportunity, and get diagnosis and

treatment as needed started. Best of luck, and let us

know how your doctor visit goes -

Kathe in CA

--- darrbren11 <darrbren11@...> wrote:

> I have experienced fatigue for about 10 years and

> also experience pain

> in my feet and hands. I have problems sleeping and

> currently take RX

> sleeping pills every night to help me get to and

> stay asleep, but I

> still feel fatigued all of the time. The pain and

> stiffness in my

> ankles, feet, wrists, and hands has increased over

> the past couple of

> months to where it is a problem for me everyday.

> Most of the time, the

> pain and stiffness subsides after 1-2 hours in the

> morning and then

> comes back later at night. I was looking into

> arthritis and found some

> info on RA and think that might be possibly what I

> have. The only

> symptom I do not think I have is the swelling and

> redness. I was

> curious for those that have been diagnosed, what

> your symptoms were

> prior to being diagnosed.








" To ride a horse is to borrow freedom. "


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  • 4 months later...

Wish I could offer you some help there Amy, however I am facing similar

circumstances with the first Arthritis Walk I am chairing. The small simple

minded and clickish town I live in is very Relay for Life oriented and set in

tradition and doesn't seem to think there are other causes to support other than

cancer. They won't even attempt to be a little supportive and the ones that

started out saying they would help, have now all but disapperared. I do have a

little more time than you, since our walk isn't until October 21, but it is not

long. We are hitting our local retailers and restaurants for gift certificates

and food items for lunch. We will be doing face painting for the kids and at

this point not sure what else. Do you have a local rental place that rents out

carnival rides and such, if so they may be willing to donate something for you

to use. Also if you have local clowns, they may help by donating some time.

Other places to contact are school clubs/organizations and they may be able to

help you as well. Good luck in getting what you need.

, Kaylee, just turned 4 August 30th, poly


Good Afternoon Everyone,

I need help, I am hosting a Kids Carnival for Arthritis Foundation September

16th. At the last minute people are pulling out and prizes are not being

shipped. I need suggestions on booths and prizes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


(Dakota JRA 7)


Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search, pictures, email and IM.

All on demand. Always Free.

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  • 3 months later...

jong, i am a little behind on my emails, but i really think it would be a

good idea for yu to get 2-3 other opinions before you even begin to think about

surgery. surgery is always the absolute last resort. marsha

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 3/29/2007 3:32:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

betnden@... writes:

For some reason I can't get my emails. It happened when I posted, or tried

to post, some pics. Now I get nothing at all. Can somebody turn me on? (a

realistic question, isn't it?)

Dennis in Eastexas

" It's not Rocket Surgery "

dennis sorry i dont know... getting 8 or 9 copies of each so i am in hell

too... HUGS


************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 5/8/2007 9:36:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

kwsebesta@... writes:

If anyone has any suggestions

that would be great.


Are you taking ATDs and beta blockers? These should help with the symptoms.

Also, please go to our sister site, iThyroid.com, for information on

nutrition, supplements, etc.

Please let us know how you're doing.


************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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Guest guest

1. Get a cardiologist...even if you are not presently having heart

symptom...insist on a referral.

2. Don't do the marathon...get your hyperthyroid under control first...you

could really really injure yourself.

As a young-ish active and athletic person myself...this is the harsh, sad,

truth. Based on my experience, you will only make your long term condition

worse if you don't focus on your health now.

kwsebesta <kwsebesta@...> wrote:

Hello. I am new to this group and am not sure how these work but here

goes nothing....

I have recently been dx with hyperthyroidism and am having difficulty

dealing with some of the symptoms associated with it. I have always

had an intolerance to the heat but lately it has been getting worse. I

am a runner and plan on doing a half marathon in May with my friend

but am really concerned about the whole heat thing. I am sure other

people have the same experience as I, so I was wondering what others

did to help them get through the summer. If anyone has any suggestions

that would be great. Thanks!!


Friends...let us love each other. - St.



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Hello, I am not taking anything right now. My doctors (I have two

one in IN and one in PA my Dad is talking to) just keep saying they

will watch it which is fine. But it still makes me nervous. Do you

know of any diets/supplements I should get? I would rather try a

more natural approach before taking a Rx med but I don't know what

to get. I looked on the Ithyroid site and there is a lot of great

information but it is overwhelming. I am in nursing school but my

book doesn't have detailed information about diets/natural

supplements, just Rx so I am pretty much lost. What have you tried?

Have you heard of anythings that work? Do you suggest any books?

I am sorry I am asking a thousand questions but I figured the best

people to ask are those who have been in my shoes.

Have a great day!!

-- In hyperthyroidism , AntJoan@... wrote:



> In a message dated 5/8/2007 9:36:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> kwsebesta@... writes:


> If anyone has any suggestions

> that would be great.



> Welcome!


> Are you taking ATDs and beta blockers? These should help with

the symptoms.


> Also, please go to our sister site, iThyroid.com, for information


> nutrition, supplements, etc.


> Please let us know how you're doing.


> AntJoan




> ************************************** See what's free at





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Hi and welcome

I have to agree with . It's a sad thing to have to miss something you are

building up to and planning. I tried to keep going too. The long and short of

it is that it took years for my thyroid-related symptoms to be under control. I

followed the doctor's suggestion and took the Radioactive Iodine (RAI) but it

was no solution. I still had many symptoms, just no thyroid. Accepting this

change in your life is very difficult. I have much empathy for you. You want

to live your life and you have almost too much energy (as well as exhaustion).

But your body has been under major stress and needs time and a chance to


I have one suggestion for the heat. Last summer I took a weekend course on an

unshaded, black parking lot - wearing full motorcycle gear and helmet. It was

awful - the heat was so bad. What I ended up doing was soaking my clothes and

head with water. I brought a big cooler with ice and cold water and poured the

water over myself when I got too hot. I also drank large quantities. It helped

a bit and might help you with your running. But do think carefully before you

embark on this marathon. Check with your doctor and see what he/she recommends.

Doctors can give good advice from time to time.

Read lots. You have so much to learn and absorb. Knowledge is power. You are

in control of what treatment course you follow. Ask about whatever you want to

know. And keep an open mind.



Hello. I am new to this group and am not sure how these work but here

goes nothing....

I have recently been dx with hyperthyroidism and am having difficulty

dealing with some of the symptoms associated with it. I have always

had an intolerance to the heat but lately it has been getting worse. I

am a runner and plan on doing a half marathon in May with my friend

but am really concerned about the whole heat thing. I am sure other

people have the same experience as I, so I was wondering what others

did to help them get through the summer. If anyone has any suggestions

that would be great. Thanks!!

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I agree with the others to a certain extent. But don't let us put you in a

panic about it. You know your limits. Be real with yourself. Honestly. You

do have more to consider with your health now. Listen to your drs.

I am a lucky one that I haven't developed any of the heart problems that come

with hyperT levels. My thyroid levels are back in the " normal " ranges for now.

But still we need to be aware of that possible problem and be monitored


If your dr feels its ok for you to compete and you are feeling up to it.....I

say go for it. But, again, know your limits. If you get too hot, or develop a

racing heart, or muscle cramps, during the marathon you can always take yourself

out of it. Just be responsible about it.

Ideas ~ You might also consider having a friend or family member check on you at

agreed upon check points. They would be able to see if you are having trouble,

even from the sidelines without you actually stopping. If you happened to

decide to step out of it.....When you didn't come by at the next " checkpoint "

they would be able to back track and find you. Plus, most marathons have

emergency personnel present in case these situations arise. But again it will

rely mainly on you realizing your limits and stopping if necessary. You have to

be safe about it. You only have one life, there are other marathons.

Okay, I'll get off my soap box. Was I up there? LOL! I have graves disease.

I'm not dead yet. I try to stay as active as possible. One weekend I may spend

all my time sitting around due to absolutely NO energy. The very next weekend

be helping someone move. Its crazy. But if you listen to your body it will

definitely tell you you have reached the limit....with lots of warnings before

you actually get there.

Hope all that rambling helped some. And, Welcome to the board!

Take care,


aka Hyperkim

PS. Can you tell us your name? I think I missed it if you did post it.


Re: Help!!

Hi and welcome

I have to agree with . It's a sad thing to have to miss something you are

building up to and planning. I tried to keep going too. The long and short of it

is that it took years for my thyroid-related symptoms to be under control. I

followed the doctor's suggestion and took the Radioactive Iodine (RAI) but it

was no solution. I still had many symptoms, just no thyroid. Accepting this

change in your life is very difficult. I have much empathy for you. You want to

live your life and you have almost too much energy (as well as exhaustion). But

your body has been under major stress and needs time and a chance to recover.

I have one suggestion for the heat. Last summer I took a weekend course on an

unshaded, black parking lot - wearing full motorcycle gear and helmet. It was

awful - the heat was so bad. What I ended up doing was soaking my clothes and

head with water. I brought a big cooler with ice and cold water and poured the

water over myself when I got too hot. I also drank large quantities. It helped a

bit and might help you with your running. But do think carefully before you

embark on this marathon. Check with your doctor and see what he/she recommends.

Doctors can give good advice from time to time.

Read lots. You have so much to learn and absorb. Knowledge is power. You are in

control of what treatment course you follow. Ask about whatever you want to

know. And keep an open mind.



Hello. I am new to this group and am not sure how these work but here

goes nothing....

I have recently been dx with hyperthyroidism and am having difficulty

dealing with some of the symptoms associated with it. I have always

had an intolerance to the heat but lately it has been getting worse. I

am a runner and plan on doing a half marathon in May with my friend

but am really concerned about the whole heat thing. I am sure other

people have the same experience as I, so I was wondering what others

did to help them get through the summer. If anyone has any suggestions

that would be great. Thanks!!

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As far as supplements, I used Acetyl L-Carnitine (the only alternative my dr

told me about) along with balancing my calcium/magnesium ratio. These were the

main things I used to get my hyperT down. I also used alot of dietary changes.

The main ones were trying to get away from preservatives, corn syrup, and

artificial sweetners ~ along with reducing my dairy intake. Those seem to be my

main triggers.

The cal/mag balancing is explained pretty well on the ithyoid site (which is

where I learned about it). For me, I was a dairy freak and didn't like veggies

very much. So I was definitely out of balance there. Plus, I was taking an

additional calcium supplement. Go figure. LOL!

The L-Carnitine is a little harder to find info on. But I did find several

references that it can block the effects of hyperthyroidism (or absorb the

excess thyroid hormone, can't remember which. Sorry.) This is found naturally

in the body but appears depleted with hyperthyroidism. I can't remember all the

sites. So just google for it and do some research.

Also, there is alot of useful info on mediboard.com. In the " Graves disease and

Thyroid disorders group " ~ Check out their " 101 thread " . Lots, and lots, of

stuff that go along with diet and lifestyle changes.

" Thyroid for Dummies " is a good book for newbies to " ThyroidLand " . If you have

graves disease, an auto-immune disorder that causes hyperthyroidism, then you

can check out " Graves Disease: A Practical Guide " by Elaine .

Warning ~ when using supplements and any other natural methods be sure to get

regular blood work to monitor your thyroid levels. Natural methods can be as

strong or stronger than prescription drugs. And drs aren't as familiar with

them. Most seasoned thyroid patients recommend getting labs every four weeks.

At least until you are stable within the " normal " ranges. The reason for this

is when your levels decide to move they tend to do it very quickly. So doing

labs more frequently will allow you to see the shift as it begins to happen,

allowing you more time to shift your treatment accordingly. And get labs sooner

if you notice a sudden difference in symptoms.

Also, drs tend to worship the TSH lab value. TSH, a pituitary hormone, can take

as long as six to eight weeks to shift levels. The T4 and T3, both thyroid

hormones, can shift on labs within days. (Not really for sure how immediate

they show up. I have seen a change within days on labs.) Also, its recommended

to monitor the " Free " T4 and " Free " T3 values as these are the ones that are not

bound and are a more accurate reading of the thyroid hormones available for the

body to use. So its recommended to watch the Free T4 and Free T3. And you can

go ahead and get the TSH to keep your dr happy.

Hopefully, all that rambling helps you a little bit.

Take care,


aka Hyperkim

Re: Help!!

Hello, I am not taking anything right now. My doctors (I have two

one in IN and one in PA my Dad is talking to) just keep saying they

will watch it which is fine. But it still makes me nervous. Do you

know of any diets/supplements I should get? I would rather try a

more natural approach before taking a Rx med but I don't know what

to get. I looked on the Ithyroid site and there is a lot of great

information but it is overwhelming. I am in nursing school but my

book doesn't have detailed information about diets/natural

supplements, just Rx so I am pretty much lost. What have you tried?

Have you heard of anythings that work? Do you suggest any books?

I am sorry I am asking a thousand questions but I figured the best

people to ask are those who have been in my shoes.

Have a great day!!

-- In hyperthyroidism , AntJoan@... wrote:



> In a message dated 5/8/2007 9:36:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> kwsebesta@... writes:


> If anyone has any suggestions

> that would be great.



> Welcome!


> Are you taking ATDs and beta blockers? These should help with

the symptoms.


> Also, please go to our sister site, iThyroid.com, for information


> nutrition, supplements, etc.


> Please let us know how you're doing.


> AntJoan




> ************************************** See what's free at





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There is also a section about balancing your copper and zinc that seems quite

important. It is explained in the Ithyroid.com site. I remember the first time

I looked there and how overwhelming it seemed to me. I printed a whole lot out

and then just went through and picked out a few things that seemed to be


You might want to monitor your heart. Usually doctors will put you on a beta

blocker to keep your heart safe. You might want to ask about it.


Re: Help!!

Hello, I am not taking anything right now. My doctors (I have two

one in IN and one in PA my Dad is talking to) just keep saying they

will watch it which is fine. But it still makes me nervous. Do you

know of any diets/supplements I should get? I would rather try a

more natural approach before taking a Rx med but I don't know what

to get. I looked on the Ithyroid site and there is a lot of great

information but it is overwhelming. I am in nursing school but my

book doesn't have detailed information about diets/natural

supplements, just Rx so I am pretty much lost. What have you tried?

Have you heard of anythings that work? Do you suggest any books?

I am sorry I am asking a thousand questions but I figured the best

people to ask are those who have been in my shoes.

Have a great day!!

-- In hyperthyroidism , AntJoan@... wrote:



> In a message dated 5/8/2007 9:36:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> kwsebesta@... writes:


> If anyone has any suggestions

> that would be great.



> Welcome!


> Are you taking ATDs and beta blockers? These should help with

the symptoms.


> Also, please go to our sister site, iThyroid.com, for information


> nutrition, supplements, etc.


> Please let us know how you're doing.


> AntJoan




> ************************************** See what's free at





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  • 4 months later...

Sounds like systemic candida, which needs major

dietary changes to heal.

--- honjanokyca <nighniesroc@...> wrote:

> hello all,


> i have had athlete's foot for 5 months now. i've

> tried several

> things even going to the doctor but nothing has

> worked. i was wanting

> to hear from anyone who has had athlete's foot and

> has used coconut oil

> to cure this. thank you so so much





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I have suffered for years with Hong Kong Foot, which apparently is a viscous

strain of athletes foot. I have tried every different natural treatment I've

found. Many seemed to help but only temporarily. It always returned with a

vengeance. Since I have been taking VCO orally (more than 5 years) the problem

has certainly been minimized.

I have also been using CS at the same time.

One of the things that I realized some time ago is that westerners are much more

susceptible to this than the locals. I finally realized why. The locals usually

wear sandals or flip-flops. We tend to wear closed shoes, often made of

materials that don't breathe and also wear socks. The fungus likes dark,warm and

moist conditions.

What I do now to minimize the impact is:

1. wear sandals as much as possible,

2. when wearing shoes and socks I always spray CS in the shoes and on my feet

and socks before putting them on. I also spray the sandals and toes often.

3. Never wear socks more than once.

4. I periodically put a cup of CS in each rubber boot and wear them around the

house all evening.

5. Often rub an excessive amount of VCO on my feet and pull on a pair of the

soft overnight socks (supplied by an airline) and then pull on a plastic bread

bag to keep any excess oil off the sheets. I keep the socks and bags in a small

container in the freezer until the next time.

It is reasonably under control. I have noticed that for 3 months, both last year

and this, while on holiday in Northern Alberta, without any specific treatment,

only oral VCO consumption that there was very little indication, but within a

week of returning to Hong Kong it is again active.

Hope this gives you some insight .

Cheers, Doug


hello all,

i have had athlete's foot for 5 months now. i've tried several

things even going to the doctor but nothing has worked. i was wanting

to hear from anyone who has had athlete's foot and has used coconut oil

to cure this. thank you so so much

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Doug, I don't know if the plastic bags would be a good idea. Okay maybe for the

sheets but not the feet. Your feet need to breath.



hello all,

i have had athlete's foot for 5 months now. i've tried several

things even going to the doctor but nothing has worked. i was wanting

to hear from anyone who has had athlete's foot and has used coconut oil

to cure this. thank you so so much

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But it is only for a few hours and a lot less than we sometimes wear

non-breathing footwear

Cheers, doug.


hello all,

i have had athlete's foot for 5 months now. i've tried several

things even going to the doctor but nothing has worked. i was wanting

to hear from anyone who has had athlete's foot and has used coconut oil

to cure this. thank you so so much

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