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Flu Vaccine

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  • 1 year later...

Flu shots do have preservatives in them.I would personally not get one.I have

read where getting flu shots over years has been linked to alzheimers and

Parkinsons disease because of the aluminium.I heard this morning that tehy

are recommending the flu shot for all children.Especially ones under 2 should

get them first.I don't think so!Just my 2 cents!

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Read Cave's book " What Your Doctor May Not Have Told You

About Childhood Vaccines " . I never have gotten it and won't.


> well, it's that time of year and now i'm wondering if i should get


> flu shot...i've gotten it the last 3 years because i'm a single

> mother and didn't want to be out of commission for a week...but i

> think it has a mercury in it too...any advice ?

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This will be the first year since I was 16 (23 years ago) that I haven't

gotten a flu shot. It contains thimerosal and aluminum. Some years I've

gotten the flu anyway, most years not but I will not allow any more

injections that have thimerosal in them. I have enough mercury toxicity


Look at doing Echinacea on and off throughout the winter, make sure to wash

your hands frequently and eat healthily. It will probably do enough to keep

you well and without the extra mercury load.

My friends will all be thrilled not to be subjected to my badgering them to

get their flu shots. Now they just have to deal with me getting on my

soapbox about thimerosal. Oh well, it's a tradeoff they will just have to

deal with.


[ ] flu vaccine

> well, it's that time of year and now i'm wondering if i should get a

> flu shot...i've gotten it the last 3 years because i'm a single

> mother and didn't want to be out of commission for a week...but i

> think it has a mercury in it too...any advice ?




> =======================================================


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They are also recommending it for pregnant women in their second and third

trimesters despite the fact that the CDC is unsure of the safety of the

vaccine in pregnancy. As well, the CDC has tried to argue that you can't

compare the exposure of infants to mercury laden vaccines because they are

far more sensitive to mercury damage in the neonatal period than after they

are born. So if they believe that, it seems like a bit of a disconnect to

say that the flu shot is recommended for pregnant women since the flu shot

contains mercury which the neonate will therefore be exposed to during that

very time they swear the child is most sensitive to mercury.

These kind of cognitive disconnects never cease to boggle me.


(Needless to say, I can say without reservation, no pregnant woman should

get the flu shot. Maybe after they take the mercury out of it but even so, I

would hesitate to say that's a good idea)

Re: [ ] flu vaccine

> Flu shots do have preservatives in them.I would personally not get one.I


> read where getting flu shots over years has been linked to alzheimers and

> Parkinsons disease because of the aluminium.I heard this morning that tehy

> are recommending the flu shot for all children.Especially ones under 2


> get them first.I don't think so!Just my 2 cents!




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In a message dated 9/26/2002 11:23:35 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

michae_d@... writes:

> My Dad who never

> got sick much, got a flu shot one year and was so terribly sick from

> it and running such a high fever that he was actually delirious and

> did not know who I was when I walked in. It was scary. No one in my

> family has had one since.

The hospital actually gave my Father-in-Law the flu shot while he was in the

hospital recovering from THE FLU. How he's still here to talk about it, I

don't know.

The crazy thing was that he was in the hospital because he couldn't recover

from the flu and had to be put on fluids. He wasn't put in ICU until after

the flu shot...hmmm.


Representative for Unlocking Autism in South Carolina


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Yeah, don't! It definitely has mercury in it and is totally unnecessary.

I'm a single mother of 3, who works full time, and I won't get that shot, no

way! I'd rather build my own natural immunity, the way it was intended.


>well, it's that time of year and now i'm wondering if i should get a

>flu shot...i've gotten it the last 3 years because i'm a single

>mother and didn't want to be out of commission for a week...but i

>think it has a mercury in it too...any advice ?


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does anyone have any good articles linking the thimerisol in flu shots to

Alzheimers disease? I'm trying to persuade my inlaws to avoid these shots.

There is a lot of material on the direct link between mercury and Alzheimers,

and since the shots have mercury, I'm surprised that more info isn't out

there on this. Am I the only one who's noticed the huge increase in

Alzheimers since they're been puishing older folks to " get their flu shots " ??


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We saw the article regarding flu shots for babies in our local paper

a few days ago. They are really pushing this and it's not one shot

but two. They have to get their money somewhere! My Dad who never

got sick much, got a flu shot one year and was so terribly sick from

it and running such a high fever that he was actually delirious and

did not know who I was when I walked in. It was scary. No one in my

family has had one since.


> They are also recommending it for pregnant women in their second

and third

> trimesters despite the fact that the CDC is unsure of the safety

of the

> vaccine in pregnancy. As well, the CDC has tried to argue that you


> compare the exposure of infants to mercury laden vaccines because

they are

> far more sensitive to mercury damage in the neonatal period than

after they

> are born. So if they believe that, it seems like a bit of a

disconnect to

> say that the flu shot is recommended for pregnant women since the

flu shot

> contains mercury which the neonate will therefore be exposed to

during that

> very time they swear the child is most sensitive to mercury.


> These kind of cognitive disconnects never cease to boggle me.


> Terri


> (Needless to say, I can say without reservation, no pregnant woman


> get the flu shot. Maybe after they take the mercury out of it but

even so, I

> would hesitate to say that's a good idea)



> Re: [ ] flu vaccine



> > Flu shots do have preservatives in them.I would personally not

get one.I

> have

> > read where getting flu shots over years has been linked to

alzheimers and

> > Parkinsons disease because of the aluminium.I heard this morning

that tehy

> > are recommending the flu shot for all children.Especially ones

under 2

> should

> > get them first.I don't think so!Just my 2 cents!

> >

> >

> >

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The University of Calgary has a video on this..

Very persuasive..shows mercury in the brain


Re: [ ] Re: flu vaccine

does anyone have any good articles linking the thimerisol in flu shots to

Alzheimers disease? I'm trying to persuade my inlaws to avoid these shots.

There is a lot of material on the direct link between mercury and Alzheimers,

and since the shots have mercury, I'm surprised that more info isn't out

there on this. Am I the only one who's noticed the huge increase in

Alzheimers since they're been puishing older folks to " get their flu shots " ??


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My doctor talked me into one once. I too got so darn sick, I swore I'd

never have another one again. He wanted me to get it, since I had asthma.

Well, after I got it, my asthma became much worse.


>We saw the article regarding flu shots for babies in our local paper

>a few days ago. They are really pushing this and it's not one shot

>but two. They have to get their money somewhere! My Dad who never

>got sick much, got a flu shot one year and was so terribly sick from

>it and running such a high fever that he was actually delirious and

>did not know who I was when I walked in. It was scary. No one in my

>family has had one since.



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  • 1 month later...

Dear Lori,

I would strike "while the iron is hot". Get the vaccines. In other

words, since she is off the prednisone the vaccines will take effect

with her immune system now.

Not much immunity will result when there is prednisone in the system as fewer antibodies are produced against the vaccine.

I cannot get the flu shot until I am off the prednisone, and I'm only at

2.5 mg. I don't know what effect Imuran has on this. My doctor says I will just have to tough out the flu if I get it, ugh. . . ."

Regarding flu vaccines: Here is what I've read, heard from my doctors, etc. My very strong understanding is that we absolutely MUST get the flu vaccine. Being on Prednisone doesn't inactivate the vaccine. The flu vaccine is safe for us, as it is not a live virus vaccine.

My general practitioner told me that it was essential that I get the flu vaccine. She is, in addition to her GP practice, head of AIDS treatment for Kaiser in San Francisco, and last year, when the vaccine was in extremely short supply, she had five flu vaccine doses left for her special patients. She said I would get one immediately, and that she would save the other four for other patients with highly compromised immune systems. *****She saw it as being that important.**** I protested that I wasn't sick enough to warrant taking the valuable dose, but she said it was vital that I have the flu vaccine immediately.

So -- I think you can be sure that you should take advantage of this year's flu vaccines. If your doctor doesn't agree, do some on-line research. He or she may be misinformed; if so, you're the one who would suffer.


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Wow, thanks Harper.

I have a cold right now, feeling a little

out of sorts. I will call her tomorrow. She knows that I talk to you all and

thinks it’s great. I guess the body doesn’t mount much of a

response if the system has been damped by prednisone. That’s what I


Re: [ ] Flu


Dear Lori,

I would strike " while the iron is hot " . Get the vaccines. In other

words, since she is off the prednisone the vaccines will take effect

with her immune system now.

Not much immunity will result when there is prednisone in the system as fewer

antibodies are produced against the vaccine.

I cannot get the flu shot until I am off the prednisone, and I'm only at

2.5 mg. I don't know what effect Imuran has on this. My doctor says I will just

have to tough out the flu if I get it, ugh. . . . "

Regarding flu vaccines: Here is what I've read, heard from my doctors,

etc. My very strong understanding is that we absolutely MUST get the flu

vaccine. Being on Prednisone doesn't inactivate the vaccine. The

flu vaccine is safe for us, as it is not a live virus vaccine.

My general practitioner told me that it was essential that I get the flu

vaccine. She is, in addition to her GP practice, head of AIDS treatment

for Kaiser in San Francisco, and last year, when the vaccine was in extremely

short supply, she had five flu vaccine doses left for her special patients.

She said I would get one immediately, and that she would save the other

four for other patients with highly compromised immune systems. *****She

saw it as being that important.**** I protested that I wasn't sick enough

to warrant taking the valuable dose, but she said it was vital that I have the

flu vaccine immediately.

So -- I think you can be sure that you should take advantage of this year's flu

vaccines. If your doctor doesn't agree, do some on-line research.

He or she may be misinformed; if so, you're the one who would suffer.




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  • 11 months later...

Yes, he does, however, I'm sure he would not want you to get it during die-off

or any time your child is ill, even slightly.


Flu vaccine

Hi, I was wondering if anyone on the protocol has vaccinated for flu?

We just started our 4 yr old on the protocol; he's been on Nizoral

for 2 weeks. Right now we're in the midst of die off and I'm afraid

the vaccine might make matters worse. Does Dr. Goldberg recommend

getting the flu shot?

Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This email was sent to me, but I'm not sure that Wal-mart is doing

the FluMist, as the email below states. I think that I heard on the news

that they weren't going to be doing it...but I don't know for sure.

Subject: Fw: flu vax.


October 3, 2003

Risks of FluMist Vaccine

An Investigation By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


" MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMist, recently announced that it

signed an agreement that makes FluMist, the new intranasal influenza

vaccine, readily available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the worlds

biggest retailer. " [1]

As the physician in charge of a bustling Integrative medical clinic,

questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading about the

MedImmune-Walmart joint venture, I felt compelled to warn our patients and

our internet subscribers of the potentially serious complications that

may come from direct and passive exposure to this new vaccine. I also

wanted to give a " heads up " to everyone regarding the onslaught of

advertising that is about to besiege them.

Hundreds of TV and print advertisements have been designed to persuade

everyone into taking the FluMist plunge. The campaign will be the " most

intense, direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged for a

vaccine, " costing an estimated $25 million over the next 2.5 months [2]. In

addition, Wyeth, MedImmune's partner, plans a three-year, $100 million

campaign to encourage use of the nasal flu vaccine among physicians.[3]

The television arm of the blitz campaign will focus on the

" inconveniences " that your family, friends and co-workers will endure if you


get the flu shot and subsequently contract the flu. Print

advertisements and magazine articles apparently will use scare

tactics-similar to

those that were used while promoting the smallpox vaccine-which warned of

the high possibility of a " bioterror attack using the flu virus. " [4]

Apparently, the goal seems to center around frightening-or inducing

enough guilt-that everyone would begin to demand the vaccine as soon as it

is available. And at nearly $70 a dose, this will be a financial

bonanza for MedImmune and Wyeth, who are expecting the vaccine to become the

blockbuster new drug that will push MedImmune's revenues to more than

$1billion/year. [5]

However, there are many reasons for caution. FluMist contains live

(attenuated) influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of the

vaccine recipient. The most common side effects include " cough, runny

nose/nasal congestion, irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and

fever > 100° F. " [6] These symptoms are nearly identical to those the flu

vaccine is designed to prevent. [7]

A cause for significant concern is the vaccine's most prevalent side

effects: " runny nose " and " nasal congestion. " It has been documented that

the live viruses from the vaccine can be shed (and potentially spread

into the community) from recipient children for up to 21 days,[8] and

even longer from adults.[9] Viral shedding also puts breastfeeding

infants at risk if the mother has been given FluMist.[10]

In addition to shedding via nasal secretions, the virus can be

dispersed through sneezing. What is the normal physiological response when an

irritant enters the nasal passages? A sneeze.sometimes a big

sneeze.sometimes several big sneezes. Therefore, the risk for shedding-and

spreading-live viruses throughout a school, church, workplace, or store -

especially one which is administering the vaccine.

In the section of the FlumMist package insert labeled " PRECAUTIONS, "

the manufacturer states the following warning:

" FluMist recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised

individuals for at least 21 days. "

The warning is specifically directed toward those living in the same

household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-going release of

live viruses throughout the community may be a significant risk to

everyone who has a weak, or weakened, immune system.

The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is


* It is estimated that at least 10%, or more than 28 million people

have eczema. [11]

* More than 8.5 million people have cancer. [12]

* There are reported to be 850,000 individuals with diagnosed and

undiagnosed HIV infection or AIDS [13] and

* Based on 2001 data, there were 184,000 organ recipients [14]

An even more extensive list of at-risk people includes the untold

millions on drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone®, Medrol®, and a

variety of similar medications are given to both adults and children. These

drugs are prescribed for dozens of conditions including asthma;

allergies; eczema; emphysema; Crohn's disease; multiple sclerosis; herniated

spinal discs; acute muscular pain syndromes; and all types of rheumatoid

and autoimmune diseases. As much as 60% of the entire population could

be considered to be " chemically immunosuppressed. " It is important to

realize that FluMist is CONTRAINDICATED for people who are

immunocompromised. People who receive FluMist and are living with an

immunocompromised person put their loved ones at risk.

Will this make stores that administer the vaccines-like Walmart and the

other pharmaceutical chain stores that have announced they will carry

FluMist [15]-risky places to shop for large segments of the population?

What measures will be taken in these stores to ensure that the virus

will not become commingled with food? What hand washing policy is going

to be enforced in the stores for all Walmart employees and customers who

have received FluMist? These are reasonable questions that deserve


The target market for FluMist is " healthy children and adults, ages 5

to 49 yrs. " Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of

" herd immunity " will occur that will protect the very young and the

elderly who are excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it is these very

" at-risk " populations who may suffer the most from the flu by being

exposed to people who are given FluMist.

According to information presented at the May, 2003 National Influenza

Summit,[16] approximately 85% of Americans between the ages of 20 and

50 go unvaccinated, and nearly 66% between the ages of 50 and 64 do not

receive the flu vaccine. Have there been " raging epidemics " across the

country due to lack of flu vaccinations? It appears that the massive

campaign to vaccinate everyone this year appears may be motivated, in

part, by economics.

The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu this

season were negligibly different from the strains used in last year's flu

vaccine. Therefore, the influenza vaccine produced for the 2003-2004

season is identical in composition to the one used last year. This marks

only the second time that the same strains have been used during two

consecutive flu seasons.[17] Consider that antibodies from other viral

vaccines-such as MMR, polio and chickenpox vaccines-last at least 3 years,

and in some instances, up to 15 years. If the viruses used in the

vaccine are the same as last year, why is this year's vaccine even


An ever greater concern about FluMist is the contents within the

vaccine. Each 0.5ml of the formula contains 10 6.5-7.5 particles of live,

attenuated influenza virus. That means that between 10 million and 100

million viral particles will be forcefully injected into the nostrils when

administered. The viral strain was developed by serial passage through

" specific pathogen-free primary chick kidney cells " and then grown in

" specific pathogen-free eggs. " That means that the culture media was

free of pathogens that were specifically tested for, but not a culture

that was necessarily " pathogen-free. " The risk that the vaccine may

contain contaminant avian retroviruses still remains. In addition, a

stabilizing buffer containing potassium phosphate, sucrose (table sugar) and

nearly 0.5 mg of monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to each dose. [18]

One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of this " chemical

soup " is the potential for the viruses to enter directly into the

brain. At the top of the nasal passages is a paper-thin bone called the

cribriform plate. The olfactory nerves pass through this bone and line the

nasal passages, carrying messenger molecules to the brain that are

identified as " smells " familiar to us. The olfactory tract has long been

recognized as a direct pathway to the brain. Intranasal injection of

certain viruses has resulted in a serious brain infection called

encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of the olfactory neurons that

carried the viruses to the brain.[19] Time will tell whether the live viruses

in FluMist will become linked to cases of encephalitis.

The pharmaceutical companies do not necessarily always do a reasonable

job of considering the " down side " when they are pushing new drugs or

new vaccines. FluMist has the potential for causing the worst, most

severe flu epidemic seen in years. Parents tell their young children not to

put things up their noses because they might cause them harm. It would

be wise to consider that advice for adults. With all the risks

involved, one should be extremely cautious about what one allows to be


in one's nose.


1. Dow Business News. Sept. 12, 2003. FluMist Available In

Pharmacies This Fall. http://biz./djus/030910/0017000011_2.html

2. Washington Post. Nasal spray for flu to get big media launch. Sept.

10, 2003, pg. E01

3. Washington Post. Spray vaccine for flu wins FDA clearance. June 18,

2003. pg. A01.

4. Mohammed, Madjid. Influenza as a bioweapon. J.R.Soc.Med.


5. Adler, Neil. MedImmune awaits the $1 billion mark and a new flu

drug. The Business Gazette. Feb. 7, 2003.


6. FluMist package insert.

7. Vesikari T., et al. A randomized, double-blind,

placebo-controlledtrial of the safety, transmissibility and phenotypic

stability of a live,

attenuated, cold-adapted influenza virus vaccine (CAIV-T) in children

attending day care. Presented at the 41st Annual Interscience Conference

on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, (Chicago, IL). 2001

8. ibid. (Chicago, IL). 2001

9. Zangwell, . Cold-adapted, live attenuated intranasal

influenza virus vaccine. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2003;


10. Drug information.


11. Diepgen TL. Is the prevalence of atopic dermatitis increasing? In:

HC, ed. Atopic Dermatitis: The Epidemiology, Causes and

Prevention of Atopic Eczema. New York: Cambridge Univ Pr; 2000:96-112.

12. National Cancer Institute. CanQues. Available at http://srab.

cancer.gov/Prevalence/canques.html. Accessed January 3, 2002.

13. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. Epidemiological Fact

Sheets on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections: United States.

Available at www.unaids.org/ fact_sheets/index.html. Accessed January 14,


14. United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). All Recipients: Age at

Time of Transplant. Available at www.unos.org /. Accessed January 14,


15. Allan and Harold Rubin, MS, ABD, CRC. September 26, 2003.

Vaccinations and the Elderly. http://www.therubins.com/aging/vacine.htm

16. May 20-21, 2003, the National Influenza Summit. Chicago, IL.


17. ibid.

18. FluMist package insert.

19. Knipe, . M. Ed. Fields Virology. Philadelpthis: Lippincott,

4th ed. 2001. pg. 1057

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terry wrote:

>This email was sent to me, but I'm not sure that Wal-mart is doing

>the FluMist, as the email below states. I think that I heard on the news

>that they weren't going to be doing it...but I don't know for sure.



Here's an update ----

Wal-Mart passes on FluMist

MedImmune shares tumble after states question legality of retailer's

pharmacists administering drug.

October 17, 2003: 10:52 AM EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said Friday it will not sell

MedImmune Inc.'s new nasal flu vaccine this year because several state

pharmacy boards have raised questions about the legal ability of

Wal-Mart's pharmacists to administer the drug.

Shares of MedImmune (MEDI: Research, Estimates) fell more than 6 percent

in midday trading on Nasdaq.

Wal-Mart (WMT: Research, Estimates) said it " continues to evaluate "

whether to sell FluMist in future years.

" As we got closer to the start of the program we started receiving a

number of questions about the implementation process for this product, "

said Danette , a Wal-Mart spokeswoman.

" Among the questions were those raised by several state pharmacy boards

concerning the legal ability of our pharmacists to administer the

product and the level of training that should be required for the

pharmacist to administer the product. "

The company, which said the questions apply not only to Wal-Mart

pharmacists but to all pharmacists, said it may also have been difficult

to get enough supplies to pharmacists in time for the current flu season

as the drug was only approved in June.

" We have a good working relationship with Wal-Mart, " said Lacey, a

MedImmune spokeswoman. " We've gotten off on the right foot. "


Copyright 2003 Reuters All rights reserved. This material may not be

published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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  • 1 month later...

Be very leary of taking a flu vaccine--The levels of aluminum in them is

alarming--research before you take a vaccine for the flu- They are now saying it

brings on early Alzheimer's. Laurie

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  • 9 months later...

I heard on the news that half of the expected flu vaccine shipment will not be

available due to contamination. If you plan on getting a flu shot, go to your

clinic early. I checked with our clinic and they don't start until the 3rd week

of October but the pharmacy starts next week. Go early if you want one. Last

year they ran out and this year looks even worse!



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In a message dated 10/6/04 2:46:17 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I volunteer to give up my dose to someone who may want it.


> For twenty years, I never got a flu shot. For twenty years, I got a little

> bit of flu in February, spent a few days in bed, with ginger ale and

> homeopathics, up and well in three days.


> Last year, I was talked into getting a flu shot, and I was very, very ill,

> for weeks, in November, and again in January, and again in March. No more flu

> shot for me.

Gertie, they can have my dose, too. I've never had a flu shot and I've never

had the flu either, and I'm not about to break my winning streak now!!! When

they talk about contamination of the vaccine, that's pretty scary. . .

contaminated with WHAT????

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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In a message dated 10/6/04 2:46:17 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I volunteer to give up my dose to someone who may want it.


> For twenty years, I never got a flu shot. For twenty years, I got a little

> bit of flu in February, spent a few days in bed, with ginger ale and

> homeopathics, up and well in three days.


> Last year, I was talked into getting a flu shot, and I was very, very ill,

> for weeks, in November, and again in January, and again in March. No more flu

> shot for me.

Gertie, they can have my dose, too. I've never had a flu shot and I've never

had the flu either, and I'm not about to break my winning streak now!!! When

they talk about contamination of the vaccine, that's pretty scary. . .

contaminated with WHAT????

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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I was watching the morning news this a.m. and boy are they really

trying to scare people. There is now a shortage because of the

contamination at one mfg, so they are again going after the really

sick and old and i guess the children too.

> In a message dated 10/6/04 2:46:17 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

> SSRI medications writes:



> >

> > I volunteer to give up my dose to someone who may want it.

> >

> > For twenty years, I never got a flu shot. For twenty years, I

got a little

> > bit of flu in February, spent a few days in bed, with ginger ale


> > homeopathics, up and well in three days.

> >

> > Last year, I was talked into getting a flu shot, and I was very,

very ill,

> > for weeks, in November, and again in January, and again in

March. No more flu

> > shot for me.


> Gertie, they can have my dose, too. I've never had a flu shot and

I've never

> had the flu either, and I'm not about to break my winning streak

now!!! When

> they talk about contamination of the vaccine, that's pretty

scary. . .

> contaminated with WHAT????


> " Blind Reason "

> a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

> Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

> Unsafe At Any Dose
















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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cheryl,

I got my shot yesterday from the school I attend. It's funny (well actually) not very funny...but I didn't have to show any sort of documention that states I am at higher risk than anyone else. I just wrote on my form AIH and that was it. It's terrible when you see the lines of people waiting for the shot. My girlfriend was at a local store that has them and it was lines of older people....oxygen tanks in their shopping cart and all. I hope and pray it is as gentle a flu season as possible.

I hope today is a good one.



I was finally scheduled for a flu vaccine. I had to bypass my doc's

front desk receptionist/roadblock and go directly to my doctor. Also,

I just read in the paper that everyone in the high risk group (chronic

liver disease, weakened immune system...) should get the pneumococcal

vaccine; I've never heard this before, and didn't get one last year.

Well, I just got both vaccines. The pneumococcal vac is good for 7

years. Anyhow, I just thought I pass on the info. I hope everyone here

who wants the flu vaccine can get it. Take care.


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