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here are waivers spelled out by state.

:)Betsy Loiacono <betsyloiacono@...> wrote:


Our doctor had a waiver form. My son was vaccinated as a baby, because I had no clue about the mercury issue. However, when it was time for him to get his 3 and 4 year booster shots, I talked to the doctor and he gave me a form he had filled out to medically waive it. Also, my 2 year old has had his medically waived as well ( he is typical) because I did not want to take the chance with it.......it was no problem. His daycare is on the military base, and they had no problem letting him go with a doctor's medical waiver for vaccines.

<tylerhaley01@...> wrote:

OK It is about time for Tyler's 5 year shots and I know that the school is going to want his shot records. I have decided that he won't be getting these shots as he has Peachcare and they won't pay for the thimerisol free ones. How do I go about getting a waver that will suffice for school and daycare? Is it safe to get shots that don't have the mercury in them or should I just not get them all? I think the only one that he has to get that has mercury is the DtAP. Should I just skip the one or skip them all? (I think it is the MMR shot and I can't remember the other. The MMR is just a booster and I am thinking about having his immunity tested so he won't have to get it if he is already immune.)

Thank so much,


19 June 2005

Winnie the Pooh looking at 'Dragons'


E H Shepherd

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Betsy Loiacono

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest


This is a topic that you get a lot of differing opinions, both from physicians

and from parents. I don't believe you can get the measles and mumps portion of

the vaccine without the Rubella ( " R " ) - but I could be wrong. It has been many

years since I have worked giving immunizations. Basicly, any live virus can

trigger a flare, (Rubella) because a live virus immunization triggers the immune

system response. Beyond that - if your child is on medication that weakens the

immune system - as a large % of the meds that we give our children do, then they

are a great risk of becoming EXTREMELY ill from a live virus vaccine. Most

Docs will tell you no live virus vaccines, but the others are ok. I personally

follow the advice found in Dr. Lehman's book, which says no vaccines, period,

for children with active arthritis or currently on steriods (and for a time

after) I don't have the book here with me - so can't quote it verbatim today -

and don't remember if he commented on other meds. Most of my son's doctors

concur with this for the following reasons; 1. Some vaccines could make him

ill, due to the compromised immune system, and 2. Chances are they will be

ineffective at best - because we are giving medication that inhibit the immune

response. Personnally, I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out

that it hardly makes sense to immunize someone when you are giving meds that

inhibit the immune system - but I want to make it clear that is MY opinion - and

I respect the opinions of those who differ. Luckily, Robbie's immunizations

were totally up to date when he first became ill - but he is missing the

immunizations he would have recieved at since - as he has never been off

steriods or cyclosporine for that matter, since that time. I think he is pretty

well covered - but I do fret over those partents whose children are healthy, but

not immunized because that is where the big risk is for our kids.

Ultimately, you should discuss this with 's rheumatologist, pediatrician

and any other physician involved in 's care, and make an informed decision

based on what you are able to find out through your own research, and through

the knowledge of you child's doctors - and then go with your gut.

Good luck!


Rob's Mom (8,systemic)


I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the shots that our children should

NOT get. is up for her 5 year old check up and I am pretty sure it is

the R in MMR. Can she have the Measles and Mumps shot?


Suzanne and (4, pauci)


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Hi Suzanne,

My daughter Belle is 11 and we did opt out of her shots last

summer . She has a medical waiver on file with the school district

and we were told that she would be sent home if any child came down

with any of those illness's. Our regular Dr adviced against it ( he

said if it wwas HIS child he wouldn't have the shot given ) but our

Rhummy said yes ... I try to go with my gut feelings these days

concerning my childs health . Have agreat day , Teri


> I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the shots that our

children should NOT get. is up for her 5 year old check up

and I am pretty sure it is the R in MMR. Can she have the Measles

and Mumps shot?


> thanks

> Suzanne and (4, pauci)



> ---------------------------------


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  • 7 months later...

Hi Sheena,

I already my Hep A & first two Hep B shots; I also had a flu shot just

last week. I only had a sore arm briefly from the Hep shots, but the

flu shot made me slightly sick for 1-2 days and my arm was sore for 3


It irks me how my hepatitis literally affects everything now; I bruise

much easier as well and in general, am a lot more wimpy, LOL


--- In Hepatitis C , Sheena compnay when I feel


> How long were you sick from the B and pneumonia vaccines? :(



> Sheena




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  • 1 month later...

I've had four of them, two in each knee. They were wonderful....for three or

four days. Then the pain was back with a vengence. The PT I am going to now is

pretty good. A lot of massage, ultrasound, and stretching exercises.




Has anyone had cortizone shots in their knees? This dr. wants me to go

threw a series of them?

I Like the FDA scaring the crap out of these dr.'s so folks like us in

real pain have to plead to get our meds.

The medical clerk where i go go mad cause i was 5 minutes late. she

made me wait an hour and a half. I just about got up and walked out.

this one tops it all. the physical therp. disagreed with the dr.'s

orders instead of telling him of course he tells me. I stop going.

Take care


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Cortizone shots are wonderful for a period of time, but they are just a huge

band-aid for the problem. Also, I was under the impression from my first doctor

that while on cortizone shots you are not aware of what you are doing that would

be very painful or damaging because the area is numb and can sometimes make

matter worse. You cannot have them forever and my doctor only gave me one to get

through my wedding, refused to give me another.

I am not sure what others on this site think but I have put more trust and

belief in my PT than I have my doctors. They see you in action, see what pains

you, the doctor may wiggle your knee back and forth but they form their on

conclusion as to your level of pain and damage. The PT sees the pain, and more

than likely has seen many with the same ailment you have. I know this is all

frustrating, hang in there!

greta <greta_hottuna@...> wrote:

Has anyone had cortizone shots in their knees? This dr. wants me to go

threw a series of them?

I Like the FDA scaring the crap out of these dr.'s so folks like us in

real pain have to plead to get our meds.

The medical clerk where i go go mad cause i was 5 minutes late. she

made me wait an hour and a half. I just about got up and walked out.

this one tops it all. the physical therp. disagreed with the dr.'s

orders instead of telling him of course he tells me. I stop going.

Take care



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  • 2 months later...

The Way Mitchs Dr Told Us Was The Same Places Insulin


bed time. i love this day night reversal. ha ha ha! d

--- Hepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies

<gaila@...> wrote:

> When I did the shot on my thigh,I did it on the side

of my thigh and pulled

> the flesh out so there was more flesh.I went down

to 70pounds while on tre

> atment so I was running out of places to give the


> Gail

> Re:

lowercase (new) Kat./.Que

> stion?




> I did my shots in my legs, above my knees..I would

think in the belly are

> a it would hurt more ..OUCH!.. how many here in

group do it in the knee ver

> ses in the belly area?..Just curios..Hugs, Patty






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My daughter went from a couple of words to non verbal and violent after the MMR and DPT. The office has to by law, provide you with documentation on the shots prior to giving them. Tell them you want the shot insert, and it doesn't give info on thimerosol, call the CDC and read off the lot number - it takes longer and could potentially be embarassing with the nurse doing the whole eye rolling thing - but I would... Jenveltrinikki <veltrinikki@...> wrote: My son is 4

and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR that people believe is linked to autism? Do all boosters contain mercury? I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these shots or is it worse NOT to get them? What did you guys do? I live in a small town w/no ped. or doctor who specializes in autism so you guys are my best sorce of info. Thanks______________________________________________________________ If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or faraway. Henry Thoreau

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>>My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR that

people believe is linked to autism?<<

That is pretty well disproven now.

>>Do all boosters contain mercury?<<


>>I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these

shots or is it worse NOT to get them? <<

If he was fine the first time around, then he will be fine this time. A very

small number of people react and this can sometimes cause brain damage,

which will make any underlying condition such as ASD seem worse. However,

bear in mind that the number who react to vaccine is less than the number

who suffer brain damage (or worse) from getting the illness - so the risk is

actually smaller!

in England

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i got all 4 of my kids immunised .2 are autistic .they had no reactions what so ever to the shots .everyone is just trying to figure out what happened to make thier kids the way they are.the shots i do not feel cause autism.i agree with nancy in england some kids may have reactions and soem may have brain damage from it but that is entirely diffeernt that getting autism from it. their is much more research stating that it is a genetic disorder . a hit or miss so to speak where one may get it the others not i have 3 kids by the same man 2 have it the other one is perfectly fine . all got their shots on time and so forth . protect your child it is way worth it . and also like nancy said if he had no reaction to the other ones he shouldnt have one now. just also remember unless it is a religous reason or a medical necessity ( allergic to the shot) kids by law in most states have to be

immunised and they need them to enter school.


My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR that people believe is linked to autism? Do all boosters contain mercury? I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these shots or is it worse NOT to get them? What did you guys do? I live in a small town w/no ped. or doctor who specializes in autism so you guys are my best sorce of info. Thanks

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There are two different issues with vaccines. The MMR is considered

the biggest concern not because of mercury (which it never had) but

because the measles portion is too high and kids that are genetically

predisposed to a weak immune system are not able to fully fight it

off. Medical studies done on autistic kids have found measles virus in

their body which is believed to be the cause of the damage in their

digestive tract. It is therefore recommended if one choses to give

their child the MMR - to give each one (measles, mumps & rubella)

separate - one year apart.

You said your son needs a booster though. Something like 85% of kids

are fully immune from the first set and the boosters are only for that

minority of kids that need more. What you can do it ask to have his

titers taken to determine if he even needs it.

The second issue with vaccines is metals in the preservatives -

especially mercury. This used to be widely used in all other vaccines

but is being used less and less. Mercury has only been removed

completely from childhood vaccines (which excludes the flu shot) in

California. In other states, it is still being used to some degree.

The problem is the vaccines that have removed mercury are usually using

aluminum which is not much better. It is possible to get vaccines that

are metal-free but it is more expensive and the doctor will usually

have to special order it. Usually it can only be metal free if it is

single dose vial.

I would highly recommend getting the book What You Doctor Won't Tell

You About Childhood Vaccinations by Dr. Cave. She is a

pediatrician that has done extensive research behind the risks of each

individual vaccine vs. the risks of the diseases themselves. She gives

an alternative schedule to follow to minimize the risks while still

giving the vaccines that are most important based on where you live and

family history. She also gives information on what you can do to

minimize risks (such as vitamins and minerals) prior to vaccinating.


> My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR


> people believe is linked to autism? Do all boosters contain


> I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these

> shots or is it worse NOT to get them? What did you guys do? I live


> a small town w/no ped. or doctor who specializes in autism so you


> are my best sorce of info. Thanks


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It has been disproven by the pharmaceudical industry just like the

risks of cigarettes has been disproven by the cigarette companies.

Their studies are seriously flawed and biased. I can't tell you over

the last 5 years how many times a parent has gone online horrified

because they did not believe the dangers of vaccines but days after,

their normal child is now autistic. Some kids regress over time but

for some, it is within days.



> >>My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR


> people believe is linked to autism?<<


> That is pretty well disproven now.


> >>Do all boosters contain mercury?<<


> No.


> >>I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these

> shots or is it worse NOT to get them? <<


> If he was fine the first time around, then he will be fine this

time. A very

> small number of people react and this can sometimes cause brain


> which will make any underlying condition such as ASD seem worse.


> bear in mind that the number who react to vaccine is less than the


> who suffer brain damage (or worse) from getting the illness - so

the risk is

> actually smaller!


> in England


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Where is it disproven? YES, the measles portion of the MMR has been

found actively growing in 80% of autistic children FROM THE MMR.

They can isolate the actively growing organism and find that it is

linked back to the strain from the vaccine. No, the MMR never did

contain mercury. However, the rubella portion has long been linked

to brain swelling. I don't know where this gets her info!

That " small number " is what our autistic children are I guess. I bet

you didn't know that it takes 90-100 days for the DPT vaccine to be

activated in the body. How can you trace a " reaction " back when it

can be 3 months later? Please get your child's MMR titers taken to

see if he's already immune. My son's titers showed more than double

normal. You have a perfect reason to opt out when you know he's got

too much " immunity " already. This in itself shows a reaction to the

MMR. Also, if your son has visual issues, it is commonly a lowered

Vitamin A issue that can stem from the measles proliferating and

using up vitamin a stores (which measles often does). Please

research these issues before you throw out opinions, !

, RN



> >>My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR


> people believe is linked to autism?<<


> That is pretty well disproven now.


> >>Do all boosters contain mercury?<<


> No.


> >>I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these

> shots or is it worse NOT to get them? <<


> If he was fine the first time around, then he will be fine this

time. A very

> small number of people react and this can sometimes cause brain


> which will make any underlying condition such as ASD seem worse.


> bear in mind that the number who react to vaccine is less than the


> who suffer brain damage (or worse) from getting the illness - so

the risk is

> actually smaller!


> in England


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On 2/23/07, Rowell <nancy@...> wrote:

>>My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR thatpeople believe is linked to autism?<<That is pretty well disproven now.

As I understand it, all that was really disproven was that the mercury in the shots *cause* autism. I saw an interview recently with a doctor who's heading up some Autism studies here in RI who claimed they are still looking into the link between immunizations and autism. He said they're actually looking into what I think may be the case, which is that there is a genetic susceptibility with an environmental trigger. The fact that so many children suddenly stop speaking and lose all their acquired language after getting the same shot (not everybody, but enough to raise plenty of red flags), is what I feel is a strong possibility of being that environmental trigger.

Just my two cents for you!


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In a message dated 2/25/2007 12:02:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, blackfoot124@... writes:

kids by law in most states have to be immunised and they need them to enter school.

This is an interesting point that no-one's brought up. Since a child is entitled to schooling till at least 16, then if the school district refuses them entrance to school, then the district would need to provide alternate schooling.

When dealing with the school nurse in my kids' first public school, when she pulled that line on me, I told her my children would be so happy to hear that they didn't have to go to school! She shut up and we never had any trouble, about it. A year later, having become a Christian Scientist (originally for that reason I got interested, but the healings won my heart) I did give them exemption forms. I don't think they would have bothered me though, even without them.

The Natural Hygiene Society also gives exemption; that is perhaps a physical consideration.

I wish the parents who think these shots are okay would look at the vaccination ingredients. If unrisen biscuits made the dog sick (smiling again at that story) then imagine what chicken and human embryo, formaldehyde, viruses, mercury, etc. do for our children.

Wonder if the epidemics we have of cancer and heart disease have their roots not only in diet, but in the unhealthy foundation we build for our children with vaccinations.

The theory is not that they keep anyone 'healthy' but that they somehow prevent epidemics.

How many babies (except of drug addicts) get Hepatitis B? An infinitesmal (aol says this is spelled wrong?) percentage. As a people, Americans seem to believe most everything the medical profession tells us.

Stepping off my soapbox.

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>>I don't know where this gets her info! <<

From careful research. Also note that Wakefield's original research

was done in England and has been shown to be seriously flawed. There are

also methodological problems with the Irish research which purported to show

measles in the gut.

in England

BSc (Hons) Physiology & Biochemistry

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>>There are no threats of tetanus,

diptheria or pertussis. There is no proof that if there ever was an

outbreak, being immunized would even protect you. Also the risks of

these diseases were long gone and not due to vaccinations, but better

medical care.<<

Can we just correct some inaccuracies here please?

Tetanus is a constant threat for the unimmunised - the bacterium which

causes it lives in the soil and can enter the body through cuts, it can also

be transmitted from animal bites (including small animals kept as pets or

for other reasons - when I was coming into contact with lab rats I had to

get my vaccinations up-to-date). The risk of this is not long gone, it is

still very present today. Its common name is lockjaw, and it can be a killer

because of the paralysis induced.

Pertussis is whooping cough and there are still regular outbreaks of this in

all countries. It can cause death or serious brain damage.

Diptheria is still endemic in many developing countries, and so anyone

travelling from those countries can bring it into another, putting everyone

not immunised at risk of death.

So, I'm sorry but there is still a clear and present danger from these


in England

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Thank you for this. Yes as parents we must choose for our children. But

we also need to know we have that choice. I did not know I did. I would

have at least waited till they where 2 and walking and talking if I did know.

My children are vaccine injured I called the doc after the MMR and he said

I was crazy. We guess what my daughter is Autistic and my son most likely

after our tests will be on the spectrum as well. To say I am angry for being

forsed into giving my children shots yes I am becasue I was told I had to.

But I know now and I am doing research and now I know and will do what

is best for them to prevent any more harm. But on a note for the docs and

nurses behalf they do not know most important info on vaccinations either.

They also should do there research befor injecting poison into children

Love Sandria

On 2/25/07, ssch184188 <SSch184188@...> wrote:

Speaking as a parent to 4 kids on the spectrum, to say that not vaccinating your child is neglectful is rude and insulting to some. It's like saying if you use supplements instead of pharmaceutical medications, you are a bad parent. When does it stop? It's not dangerous not to immunize your child. There are no threats of tetanus, diptheria or pertussis. There is no proof that if there ever was an outbreak, being immunized would even protect you. Also the risks of

these diseases were long gone and not due to vaccinations, but better medical care. There is a lot of controversy about the subject, but most testing done is funded by the drug companies. So it's flawed. To

compare not getting shots to letting your kids play in traffic to me just isn't right. Sometimes kids get hit by cars without playing in traffic. I believe it's the choice of the parents to vaccinate or not. I also believe it is the choice of the parent to give their child medications or supplements, or special diets or whatever. There are lots of controversial treatments. I don't condemn any parent for what

they think is best for their child. Who am I to judge? You have to do what you have to do and what you think is best. I feel there are several different causes of autism. That's why it is such a wide specturm and so hard to figure out. I think some kids are damaged by vaccines. My son had shots at 2 and had a week long series of seizures. I think genetics play a part, the environment, etc. I think there are many opinions and everyone is entitled to their own. I may not agree, but I sure will not tell you that you are crazy for yours. Sharoncandy_hentzen <candy_hentzen@...

> wrote:More and more research is proving that autism is a genetic disorder, not caused by mercury in vaccines. It is much more dangerous to not immunize your child, as the threats of tetanus, diptheria and pertussis are still very real.This is not to say that mercury has no effect on children, or that children don't respond to special diets. I just believe that failing to immunize your child is like letting them play in traffic. They may not get hit by a car today, but it is likely to happen. I believe it is neglectful not to immunize. Good luck to you. --

www.youngliving.org/sldeckerkeeping family healthy the natural waywith young living essential oils and natural suppliments!!lilpixierose

a great new group for EOs.

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There is much proof out there we are just not shown it we are instead

shown the research from the pharm companys. It is out there well hidden

we need to open our eyes and look for it.

On 2/23/07, vickie <blackfoot124@...> wrote:

i got all 4 of my kids immunised .2 are autistic .they had no reactions what so ever to the shots .everyone is just trying to figure out what happened to make thier kids the way they are.the shots i do not feel cause autism.i agree with nancy in england some kids may have reactions and soem may have brain damage from it but that is entirely diffeernt that getting autism from it. their is much more research stating that it is a genetic disorder . a hit or miss so to speak where one may get it the others not i have 3 kids by the same man 2 have it the other one is perfectly fine . all got their shots on time and so forth . protect your child it is way worth it . and also like nancy said if he had no reaction to the other ones he shouldnt have one now. just also remember unless it is a religous reason or a medical necessity ( allergic to the shot) kids by law in most states have to be immunised and they need them to enter school.


My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR that people believe is linked to autism? Do all boosters contain mercury? I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting these

shots or is it worse NOT to get them? What did you guys do? I live in a small town w/no ped. or doctor who specializes in autism so you guys are my best sorce of info. Thanks

Finding fabulous fares is fun.

Let FareChase search your favorite travel sites to find flight and hotel bargains. --

www.youngliving.org/sldeckerkeeping family healthy the natural waywith young living essential oils and natural suppliments!!lilpixierose

a great new group for EOs.

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I agree with you !! I guess I didn't mean to say I disagree that the shots were important. Because they are important as that's why we have them. But my feeling is that all of this start when all of the immunizations started. And some of Dakota's had to come later then being on time. I can't remember the reason why. Oh yeah because of the seizures and the abnormal white matter found on the mri is why we held back. He has all his shots up to date except no more MMR's for him. But I agree that the immunizations could be a trigger.


-- Re: shots

On 2/23/07, Rowell <nancy@...> wrote:

>>My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the MMR thatpeople believe is linked to autism?<<That is pretty well disproven now.

As I understand it, all that was really disproven was that the mercury in the shots *cause* autism. I saw an interview recently with a doctor who's heading up some Autism studies here in RI who claimed they are still looking into the link between immunizations and autism. He said they're actually looking into what I think may be the case, which is that there is a genetic susceptibility with an environmental trigger. The fact that so many children suddenly stop speaking and lose all their acquired language after getting the same shot (not everybody, but enough to raise plenty of red flags), is what I feel is a strong possibility of being that environmental trigger.

Just my two cents for you!


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Well said Sharon!!


-- Shots

Speaking as a parent to 4 kids on the spectrum, to say that not

vaccinating your child is neglectful is rude and insulting to some.

It's like saying if you use supplements instead of pharmaceutical

medications, you are a bad parent. When does it stop? It's not

dangerous not to immunize your child. There are no threats of tetanus,

diptheria or pertussis. There is no proof that if there ever was an

outbreak, being immunized would even protect you. Also the risks of

these diseases were long gone and not due to vaccinations, but better

medical care. There is a lot of controversy about the subject, but most

testing done is funded by the drug companies. So it's flawed. To

compare not getting shots to letting your kids play in traffic to me

just isn't right. Sometimes kids get hit by cars without playing in

traffic. I believe it's the choice of the parents to vaccinate or not.

I also believe it is the choice of the parent to give their child

medications or supplements, or special diets or whatever. There are

lots of controversial treatments. I don't condemn any parent for what

they think is best for their child. Who am I to judge? You have to do

what you have to do and what you think is best. I feel there are

several different causes of autism. That's why it is such a wide

specturm and so hard to figure out. I think some kids are damaged by

vaccines. My son had shots at 2 and had a week long series of seizures.

I think genetics play a part, the environment, etc. I think there are

many opinions and everyone is entitled to their own. I may not agree,

but I sure will not tell you that you are crazy for yours. Sharon

candy_hentzen <candy_hentzen@...> wrote:

More and more research is proving that autism is a genetic disorder,

not caused by mercury in vaccines. It is much more dangerous to not

immunize your child, as the threats of tetanus, diptheria and pertussis

are still very real.

This is not to say that mercury has no effect on children, or that

children don't respond to special diets. I just believe that failing

to immunize your child is like letting them play in traffic. They may

not get hit by a car today, but it is likely to happen. I believe it

is neglectful not to immunize.

Good luck to you.

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In a message dated 2/25/2007 12:17:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, SSch184188@... writes:

There is no proof that if there ever was an outbreak, being immunized would even protect you.

True. And what you say is well put.AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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In a message dated 2/25/2007 12:17:29 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, SSch184188@... writes:

There is no proof that if there ever was an outbreak, being immunized would even protect you.

True. And what you say is well put.AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at AOL.com.

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Well said, good information sharing without shooting down others


> >

> > My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the


> that

> > people believe is linked to autism? Do all boosters contain

> mercury?

> > I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting


> > shots or is it worse NOT to get them? What did you guys do? I


> in

> > a small town w/no ped. or doctor who specializes in autism so


> guys

> > are my best sorce of info. Thanks

> >


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Well said, good information sharing without shooting down others


> >

> > My son is 4 and needs another set of booster shots. Is it the


> that

> > people believe is linked to autism? Do all boosters contain

> mercury?

> > I know nothing is proven but can I make him worse by getting


> > shots or is it worse NOT to get them? What did you guys do? I


> in

> > a small town w/no ped. or doctor who specializes in autism so


> guys

> > are my best sorce of info. Thanks

> >


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