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RE: Digest Number 603

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<< I will not take my children to a doctor who thinks that I am neglecting my

children for not vaccinating, but so far I have had no problem finding any

doctor's who disagree with me or the choices I have made for my children. >>

I understand the stress involved with making this choice. I have three children

all unvaccinated and have been reported to social work services 34 times from

MDs - all of which were unsubstantiated, but a pain in the backside none the

less. My options for doctors are limited because we belong to an HMO (cant

afford private practice at this time) and we have exhausted our options.

Whenever we answer the inevitable question " Are your child's shots up to date? "

with the fact that they are unvaccinated, I am genuinely surprised to see the

look of *rage* (and I am not exagerating) in their eyes. Its an almost

universal look among them. Hang in there - breath deeply - and hold onto

the knowledge that you are doing the best thing for your child - in spite of

what others think.

Bright Blessings


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<< And every doctor that I speak to about them not being vaccinated will not

give me any crap since I lost my first born to vaccines.

Best of luck to you,


Sorry for the cluster posting - but I felt the need to mention something. I

have known people who have lost their children, not to the vaccine - but to

social work services because they have NOT vaccinated. While these parents

eventually recovered their children from foster care - they had to fight tooth

and nail and incured large debts for lawyer fees. The fear is real, the best

defense is to be knowledgable ahead of time - know your local laws, be able to

quote article numbers to physicians, school boards and administrators, nurses

and government employees. Its a difficult route to take at times, but I fully

believe that the fight is worth it.

Bright Blessings


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Where do you live and why are you and friends having so many problems. I

can't imagine having my children taken away! We were almost reported by our

delivery nurse for refusing eye ointment. I didn't know at the time, but my

midwife told me later that she had to fight for us not to be reported even

though we had signed the waiver. The nurse had no grounds to make those

threats, but it was scarey to think of anyone interferring with my newborn

and my relationship.

Re: Digest Number 603

> From: tauwillow@...


> << And every doctor that I speak to about them not being vaccinated will


> give me any crap since I lost my first born to vaccines.

> Best of luck to you,

> >>


> Sorry for the cluster posting - but I felt the need to mention something.

I have known people who have lost their children, not to the vaccine - but

to social work services because they have NOT vaccinated. While these

parents eventually recovered their children from foster care - they had to

fight tooth and nail and incured large debts for lawyer fees. The fear is

real, the best defense is to be knowledgable ahead of time - know your local

laws, be able to quote article numbers to physicians, school boards and

administrators, nurses and government employees. Its a difficult route to

take at times, but I fully believe that the fight is worth it.


> Bright Blessings

> Jana


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  • 4 months later...
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Hello Jay and list members,

Thanks so much for the resources in Colorado, I have passed them along.

This past weekend I taught a 1/2 day workshop on CBT for Childhood OCD to

psychologists at the American Psychological Association yearly meeting in

Washington, DC. I thought that everyone would be happy to know that the room

was filled to capacity, we had to turn folks away. I opened my talk by

describing this website, and how what I have heard time and again from parents

is the shortage of professionals knowledgable in treating childhood OCD,

and about how far people have to travel just to find someone who has any

experience with OCD. It really had an impact. Hopefully with more and more

interest in the disorder, and more trainings, people won't have to search far

and wide to find a qualified therapist for this highly treatable condition.

See you all in Chicago.


Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.

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  • 5 months later...


We planned a party for this Saturday and invited his whole class. To

date NO ONE has RSVP'd. I'm so bummed for him. He has been wanting a party

for two years and cried at dinner last year since none of his brothers and

sisters stayed for dinner, just popped in and out during the day to wish him

a Happy Birthday. This year I planned a moon bounce and Merlin the Magician

and I don't know if anyone is coming. I think I need to ask the teacher for

help on this one. Maybe he can send out a note or something since I'm not

allowed to have any of the other parents phone numbers?????????? Oh well, I

hope it's a success. If not, he can have the whole moon bounce to himself.

Hell, I'll jump in it.

He's very big on having friends. Doesn't know how to interact with them but

will follow along for a while then finds the flipping paper and you've lost


He will play basketball though. Glad had a good birthday.

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Your welcome, anytime . That's what we're here for. . for support,

education people, birthdays, etc.

>From: MBrayley@...



>Subject: Re: Digest Number 603

>Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 22:08:31 EST


>Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes for .



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  • 4 weeks later...

At 11:09 PM 2/4/01 +0000, you wrote:

>Meanwhile I will see if the company has any info on the grades, and will

>post what I find out

Okay...I did some digging on their site, and finally found an explanation...

One grade is Cineole 3.4%, and Terpinen-4-ol 37.3%.

The other is Cineole 1.7%, Terpinen-4-ol 42.2%.

Now, there are those who consider less cineole and a higher percentage of

the Terpinen-4-ol a better sample of tea tree... which I guess accounts

for their " grade A " and " grade AAA " listing.

However, in my experience, (And I suspect Butch will back me up on this)

it's the 'other components'...the elements present in only trace amounts,

that determine the aroma, and often the effectiveness of a specific eo for

a specific usage. And, just like the Lavender 40/42 that Butch spoke

of... is this Tea Tree from two different areas, and the differences in

the cineole are naturally occurring based on geography, or has the oil been

redistilled/rectified to affect the contents?

And I find it odd that they don't give the kind of info that my clients

demand... Folks who trust me to supply their oils always want to know the

method of horticulture... is it commercially grown, is it wildcrafted, is

it certified organic? But commercial sources like FPI don't normally make

that info available.

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Accessories, Information, Books and more!

Visit us at: <http://www.naturesgift.com>

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi! Anyone out there with success curing chronic lymphocytic leukemia?? Don't

respond if it's not specific to this illness, because I'm already familiar with

alternative treatments in general. The

lady with the dog cured of leukemia.....what kind was it??





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Could you give me info on what they are called and what kind of place did

you get them - interested in avoiding deformity, so far I am doing o.k. in

that but know it won't last.




[This E-mail was scanned for viruses as a service to Keeling Inc. Customers]

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hi.. i guess im really dense, but where are folks getting these digest numbers? i went to post 603 and there is non such. appeciate any information..

love.. granny lee----- Original Message -----

From: dbldare

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Could you give me info on what they are called and what kind of place didyou get them - interested in avoiding deformity, so far I am doing o.k. inthat but know it won't last.Peggy

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

, I'm in menopause and taking Shaklee's Menopause Balance Complex,

which I buy online. It's helped with almost all my menopausal symptoms,

including hot flashes. It contains black cohash, flaxseed, red clover,

etc. Because black cohash builds up estrogen, Dr. Bihari suggested that

I switch to evening primrose oil--up to four capsules. We'll see...

Good luck with it.


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Sorry to butt in, but I do know that birth control pills play havoc on our normal hormone levels I would like to hear Larry The Compounders thoughts on this one!

Marcie (PPMS)

In a message dated 5/3/2004 10:00:47 AM Central Standard Time, lbaden@... writes:


I have a question, I'm taking a birth control pill witch keeps my estrogen level at a point where I only have 4 menstrual cycles per year. Soooo, my question is should this play havoc with me taking ldn?? I have been since the begining of February with little problems? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

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That's how BC pills work, by keeping the hormones (female - I think estrogen) at a level constantly, which is NOT normal, then when the cycle begins, there is either a drastic increase or decrease (I can't remember because it was never something that I had to pay close attention to). That's how the pills prevent a pregnancy, but it's not the way that the human female body was created to work. I'm not bashing birth control pills, I just think women need to understand what they can cause to happen to their bodies. Dr Bahari would probably be the one to know if the two are compatible, so I would listen to him on that subject. If you are of child bearing age, and don't want to get pregnant, do whatever you have to do!

Marcie (PPMS)

In a message dated 5/3/2004 10:22:19 AM Central Standard Time, lisha@... writes:

I also take Birth control pills with LDN. If I try to stop taking them my hormones get out of control and I feel really sick. They seem to keep me at an even keel. Dr. Bahari didn't seem to think it would be a problem to continue taking them with LDN.

Also, I am still having sleep problems after almost two weeks on 4.5 mg. I don't want to go to a lower dose, but I don't know how much longer I can take the daytime fatigue which I assume is coming from the inability to sleep well at night. Have people been able to over come this problem?


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Hi ,

I am not sure of what you said. Did Dr. Bihari tell you to give up the Shaklee Menopause Balance and take evening primrose oil instead. Or to take the Evening primrose in addition to the shaklee's. What is the evening Primrose Oil suppose to do? Thanks for any information on this.


----- Original Message -----

From: Landau

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 11:03 AM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Digest Number 603

, I'm in menopause and taking Shaklee's Menopause Balance Complex,which I buy online. It's helped with almost all my menopausal symptoms,including hot flashes. It contains black cohash, flaxseed, red clover,etc. Because black cohash builds up estrogen, Dr. Bihari suggested thatI switch to evening primrose oil--up to four capsules. We'll see...Good luck with it.________________________________________________________________The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!

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Marie, Your question should be addressed to . I'm fortunate in that my GP prescribed the LDN for me; I have no contact with Dr Bihari.

----- Original Message -----

From: Marie Deady

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 6:32 AM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Digest Number 603

Hi ,

I am not sure of what you said. Did Dr. Bihari tell you to give up the Shaklee Menopause Balance and take evening primrose oil instead. Or to take the Evening primrose in addition to the shaklee's. What is the evening Primrose Oil suppose to do? Thanks for any information on this.


----- Original Message -----

From: Landau

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 11:03 AM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Digest Number 603

, I'm in menopause and taking Shaklee's Menopause Balance Complex,which I buy online. It's helped with almost all my menopausal symptoms,including hot flashes. It contains black cohash, flaxseed, red clover,etc. Because black cohash builds up estrogen, Dr. Bihari suggested thatI switch to evening primrose oil--up to four capsules. We'll see...Good luck with it.________________________________________________________________The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!

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I had 17-18 days of INSOMNIA! I have heard others had 30 days. If you are not stiff, stick it out and take a sleeping aid here and there. (not too often or you won't know if the insomnia stopped.) If you are stiff, back down to 3mgs .I I was willing to give it a month, but on the 18th night...slept like a baby!

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Guest guest


I have a question, I'm taking a birth control pill witch keeps my estrogen level at a point where I only have 4 menstrual cycles per year. Soooo, my question is should this play havoc with me taking ldn?? I have been since the begining of February with little problems? Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

From: Landau [mailto:carrieland2@...] Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 11:04 AMlow dose naltrexone Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Digest Number 603

, I'm in menopause and taking Shaklee's Menopause Balance Complex,which I buy online. It's helped with almost all my menopausal symptoms,including hot flashes. It contains black cohash, flaxseed, red clover,etc. Because black cohash builds up estrogen, Dr. Bihari suggested thatI switch to evening primrose oil--up to four capsules. We'll see...Good luck with it.________________________________________________________________The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!

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I also take Birth control pills with LDN. If I try to stop taking them my hormones get out of control and I feel really sick. They seem to keep me at an even keel. Dr. Bahari didn't seem to think it would be a problem to continue taking them with LDN.

Also, I am still having sleep problems after almost two weeks on 4.5 mg. I don't want to go to a lower dose, but I don't know how much longer I can take the daytime fatigue which I assume is coming from the inability to sleep well at night. Have people been able to over come this problem?


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That is interesting. I agree that it is not normal and I would love to discontinue them, but the last time I did I went into a horrible flare. I can't seem to find another way. I am of child bearing age and have a toddler, but I don't know if I plan any more children considering I have trouble just taking care of one. I am hoping LDN will help my disease and then maybe I can discontinue some of my medications (including BCP)

----- Original Message -----

From: marciemjm@...

low dose naltrexone

Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 12:43 PM

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Digest Number 603

, That's how BC pills work, by keeping the hormones (female - I think estrogen) at a level constantly, which is NOT normal, then when the cycle begins, there is either a drastic increase or decrease (I can't remember because it was never something that I had to pay close attention to). That's how the pills prevent a pregnancy, but it's not the way that the human female body was created to work. I'm not bashing birth control pills, I just think women need to understand what they can cause to happen to their bodies. Dr Bahari would probably be the one to know if the two are compatible, so I would listen to him on that subject. If you are of child bearing age, and don't want to get pregnant, do whatever you have to do! Marcie (PPMS) In a message dated 5/3/2004 10:22:19 AM Central Standard Time, lisha@... writes:

I also take Birth control pills with LDN. If I try to stop taking them my hormones get out of control and I feel really sick. They seem to keep me at an even keel. Dr. Bahari didn't seem to think it would be a problem to continue taking them with LDN. Also, I am still having sleep problems after almost two weeks on 4.5 mg. I don't want to go to a lower dose, but I don't know how much longer I can take the daytime fatigue which I assume is coming from the inability to sleep well at night. Have people been able to over come this problem? CD

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Marie, I'm the one who spoke to Dr. Bihari about menopause. He suggested

that I give up the Shaklee Menopause Complex and begin taking evening

primrose oil instead (4 gel pills). He didn't think I should be on

anything that contains so much black cohash for more than six months,

since it contributes to the build-up of estrogen. Hope this is clearer.


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I just started 4.5 last night and I never woke up till this morning and even then I didn't want to get up.Of course my 3 yr. old granddaughter helped with that problem. Good luck hope it gets better.


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For the longest time I couldn't sleep well either so I took a mild sleeping pill for three months. it was no problem going to sleep but I would wake up at 2:00 am promptly,and then no way could I go back to sleep without a pill. Now six months later I have no more trouble sleeping thru till 4:30 when my wife gets up to go to work. Then I can fall back to sleep easily enuf so I guess you have to wiegh the options.



-------Original Message-------

From: low dose naltrexone

Date: 05/05/04 14:42:47

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Digest Number 603

I also take Birth control pills with LDN. If I try to stop taking them my hormones get out of control and I feel really sick. They seem to keep me at an even keel. Dr. Bahari didn't seem to think it would be a problem to continue taking them with LDN.

Also, I am still having sleep problems after almost two weeks on 4.5 mg. I don't want to go to a lower dose, but I don't know how much longer I can take the daytime fatigue which I assume is coming from the inability to sleep well at night. Have people been able to over come this problem?


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