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Hi ,

It is pretty astute of you to realize you need different friends. Half the

battle of chronic illness is realizing that you have limits and that you are

going to have some changes. I can tell you that my circle of friends has

changed completely over the years. My first marriage went down the tubes

too. He just couldn't handle it. I have really kind and generous friends

now who understand that I can't just run out every second of the day. And,

what is even better is that they don't feel sorry for me! We just deal with

everything as it comes along.

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, Autoimmune diseases do tend to run in families. But that is not always

a given. Sometimes family members may have had or do have an autoimmune disease

and don't know it. There are over 80 known autoimmune diseases including

diabetes, Grave's disease, Sjogern's syndrome, rheumatic fever, ect.

If the people that you called friends do not understand, or care to understand

how you feel, then maybe they were not real friends in the first place. I have

been lucky, all my friends have pretty much stood by me. Keep your chin up,

maybe you will meet a true friend through this illness experience. I personally

have met 2 really true and wonderful friends, and that is because of my illness

& transplant. We have a saying in the USA- If someone gives you lemons, make

lemonade. In another words- make the best of a maybe bad situation. Take care &

God Bless you!!

Lori Cummins AIH~ liver transplant 3~11~97

Remember " No one should go through this alone "

[ ] family


I'm the only in my family who have autoimmune disease.

Should I think that it is not hereditary or should I ask my family to pay

attention or do some tests ?

My parents are wonderful and give me all the support and love that I need

from them. But I can't say the same for my friends. They don't understood that I

couldn't go out because I was tired and don't realize what is happening with me,

I think. It made me sad , but no more. I deserve better friends, don't you think

? :o)

Take care



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, you are so smart! Get different friends. Lynn in Wa AIH

Matela Lobosco wrote:

> Hi, I'm the only in my family who have autoimmune disease.Should I

> think that it is not hereditary or should I ask my family to pay

> attention or do some tests ? My parents are wonderful and give me all

> the support and love that I need from them. But I can't say the same

> for my friends. They don't understood that I couldn't go out because I

> was tired and don't realize what is happening with me, I think. It

> made me sad , but no more. I deserve better friends, don't you think ?

> :o) Take care AIHBrazil

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HI latecia,

friends come and go..it seems like its time for those

to go..you do deserve people in your life who are

compassionate and supportive..



ISO B-family

DOB 5-23-61

b-name: Compton



---Lynn <CEN32195@...> wrote:


> , you are so smart! Get different friends.

Lynn in Wa AIH


> Matela Lobosco wrote:


> > Hi, I'm the only in my family who have

autoimmune disease.Should I

> > think that it is not hereditary or should I ask

my family to pay

> > attention or do some tests ? My parents are

wonderful and give me all

> > the support and love that I need from them. But I

can't say the same

> > for my friends. They don't understood that I

couldn't go out because I

> > was tired and don't realize what is happening

with me, I think. It

> > made me sad , but no more. I deserve better

friends, don't you think ?

> > :o) Take care AIHBrazil







<FONT COLOR= " #FF0000 " >, you are so smart!  Get

different friends. 

Lynn in Wa  AIH</FONT>

<P> Matela Lobosco wrote:


COLOR= " #000000 " ><FONT


FACE= " Arial " ><FONT COLOR= " #000000 " ><FONT SIZE=+1>I'm

the only in my family who have autoimmune

disease.</FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE= " Arial " ><FONT

COLOR= " #000000 " ><FONT SIZE=+1>Should

I think that it is not hereditary or should I ask my

family to pay attention

or do some tests ?</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT

FACE= " Arial " ><FONT SIZE=+1>My

parents are wonderful and give me all the support and

love that I need

from them. But I can't say the same for my friends.

They don't understood

that I couldn't go out because I was tired and don't

realize what is happening

with me, I think. It made me sad , but no more. I

deserve better friends,

don't you think ? :o)</FONT></FONT> <FONT

FACE= " Arial " ><FONT SIZE=+1>Take

care</FONT></FONT> <FONT FACE= " Arial " ><FONT


FACE= " Arial " ><FONT





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HI latecia,

friends come and go..it seems like its time for those

to go..you do deserve people in your life who are

compassionate and supportive..



ISO B-family

DOB 5-23-61

b-name: Compton



---Lynn <CEN32195@...> wrote:


> , you are so smart! Get different friends.

Lynn in Wa AIH


> Matela Lobosco wrote:


> > Hi, I'm the only in my family who have

autoimmune disease.Should I

> > think that it is not hereditary or should I ask

my family to pay

> > attention or do some tests ? My parents are

wonderful and give me all

> > the support and love that I need from them. But I

can't say the same

> > for my friends. They don't understood that I

couldn't go out because I

> > was tired and don't realize what is happening

with me, I think. It

> > made me sad , but no more. I deserve better

friends, don't you think ?

> > :o) Take care AIHBrazil







<FONT COLOR= " #FF0000 " >, you are so smart!  Get

different friends. 

Lynn in Wa  AIH</FONT>

<P> Matela Lobosco wrote:


COLOR= " #000000 " ><FONT


FACE= " Arial " ><FONT COLOR= " #000000 " ><FONT SIZE=+1>I'm

the only in my family who have autoimmune

disease.</FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE= " Arial " ><FONT

COLOR= " #000000 " ><FONT SIZE=+1>Should

I think that it is not hereditary or should I ask my

family to pay attention

or do some tests ?</FONT></FONT></FONT> <FONT

FACE= " Arial " ><FONT SIZE=+1>My

parents are wonderful and give me all the support and

love that I need

from them. But I can't say the same for my friends.

They don't understood

that I couldn't go out because I was tired and don't

realize what is happening

with me, I think. It made me sad , but no more. I

deserve better friends,

don't you think ? :o)</FONT></FONT> <FONT

FACE= " Arial " ><FONT SIZE=+1>Take

care</FONT></FONT> <FONT FACE= " Arial " ><FONT


FACE= " Arial " ><FONT





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  • 4 years later...

What I meant to say...before I sneezed and hit enter....







Ya'll have come to mean a lot to us in such a short time....

> My aunt sent this to me today, and I so needed it. I haven't


> been able to describe what I've been feeling since Shane was

> diagnosed except to call it " nervous " or " worried " . What it


> is...FEAR. I've been sitting here crying and crying over this


> because it touched me so much. I know that his diagnosis is not a

> death sentence, but it is a sentence of so much undeserved pain


> anguish. I don't mean to be morbid, but it just struck me that


> been so fear driven these past couple of weeks that I haven't


> taken the time to appreciate what I have. I'm sure ya'll have had

> the same thoughts and feelings I'm experiencing now, but the end


> the email just hit me so hard. I don't care about the bad things

> that have happened in the past. It was like everthing except the

> good in our marriage was wiped away as soon as the doctor

> said " Hepatits C " . Over this past week or so, I've come to rely


> ya'll for answers, laughs, and support...and know I will continue


> do so. As I've been typing this, the tears have stopped, and it's

> come to me. " Family " also taken on a new meaning to me lately...


> Friends

> And

> Mentors






> F A M I L Y


> I ran into a stranger as he passed by.


> Oh excuse me please " was my reply.


> He said, " Please excuse me too;


> I wasn't watching for you. "


> We were very polite, this stranger and I.


> We went on our way and we said good-bye.


> But at home a different story is told, How

> we treat our loved ones, young and old.


> Later that day, cooking the evening meal.

> My son stood beside me very still.


> When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.

> " Move out of the way, " I said with a frown.


> He walked away, his little heart broken.

> I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.


> While I lay awake in bed,


> God's still small voice came to me and said,

> " While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the

> children you love, you seem to abuse.


> Go and look on the kitchen floor,

> You'll find some flowers there by the door.


> Those are the flowers he brought for you.

> He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.


> He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise,

> you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes. "


> By this time, I felt very small, And now my tears began to fall. I

> quietly went and knelt by his bed. " Wake up, little one, wake up, "

> I said.


> " Are these the flowers you picked for me? "

> He smiled, " I found 'em, out by the tree.


> I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.

> I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue. "


> I said, " Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today,

> I shouldn't have yelled at you that way. "


> He said, " Oh, Mom, that's okay.

> I love you anyway. "


> I said, " Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers,


> the blue. "




> Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are

> working for could easily replace us in a matter of days.


> But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of

> their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into

> work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't

> you think?


> So what is behind the story?

> Do you know what the word " FAMILY " means?



> ( F )ATHER ( A )ND ( M )OTHER ( I ) ( L )OVE ( Y )OU

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I don't think any of us want " attention " from all of this. We just want

acknowledgement that people understand. That's what I am looking for. I don't

like to complain to my friends, except you friends here! When people ask how I

am I say I'm okay, very busy and very tired. That's it. I learned long ago no

one really means it when they say how are you, unless they say it a certain way,

like how are you holding up through all of this, or are you still being strong

trying to get through this. A very wise old woman taught me that when I was a

little girl and I think of her often when this subject comes up. What I don't

want is for people to constantly complain about their problems to me and turn

around and not want to listen to me if I do tell them what's going on. Seems

like I'm rambling here I know but we just want a little courtesy and



[ ] family

Hi everyone, this time in weeks I have felt like posting, but have

had the group in my thought:)

At this present time, I have been thinking of my own family, and

lack of support, and was prompted to send a post. My problem is like

some of you, I don't appear ill, in actual fact I am looking the

best ever in years, because of the weight I have lost.

All the best to everyone - Carole

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funny how different everything can be and how different everyone can

be. When I am busy wearing my nurse hat and ask people how are you,

sometimes even THEN they shrug and say- oh fine. LOL. SOme patients

I have to really draw things out of. I have to remind them that I

REALLY want and need to know, LOL.

> I don't think any of us want " attention " from all of this. We just

want acknowledgement that people understand. That's what I am

looking for. I don't like to complain to my friends, except you

friends here! When people ask how I am I say I'm okay, very busy and

very tired. That's it. I learned long ago no one really means it

when they say how are you, unless they say it a certain way, like how

are you holding up through all of this, or are you still being strong

trying to get through this. A very wise old woman taught me that

when I was a little girl and I think of her often when this subject

comes up. What I don't want is for people to constantly complain

about their problems to me and turn around and not want to listen to

me if I do tell them what's going on. Seems like I'm rambling here I

know but we just want a little courtesy and understanding.


> Becky

> [ ] family




> Hi everyone, this time in weeks I have felt like posting, but


> had the group in my thought:)


> At this present time, I have been thinking of my own family, and

> lack of support, and was prompted to send a post. My problem is


> some of you, I don't appear ill, in actual fact I am looking the

> best ever in years, because of the weight I have lost.


> All the best to everyone - Carole





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  • 1 year later...

Hi . I and my husband both have aspergers! Lol - what a

coincidence that we were attracted to each other. We both have mild

symptoms but I had more severe symptoms as a child. We have a happy family.

I think there are so many different situations - depending on the severity.

I can see how you must be worried depending on your child's situation. Good

wishes to you and your family.

Trzecinski <MTrez@...> wrote:

Hi all, Can person with AS have a family?. Thanks,


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Hi Joann, I think some people with AS don't know what to do. Thanks,

Re: ( ) Family

Why do you think they can not? Lots of AS people live NORMAL lives.


Trzecinski <MTrez@...> wrote:

Hi all, Can person with AS have a family?. Thanks,

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Hi , That's good thing, right?. Thanks,

RE: ( ) Family

Hi . I and my husband both have aspergers! Lol - what a

coincidence that we were attracted to each other. We both have mild

symptoms but I had more severe symptoms as a child. We have a happy family.

I think there are so many different situations - depending on the severity.

I can see how you must be worried depending on your child's situation. Good

wishes to you and your family.

Trzecinski <MTrez@...> wrote:

Hi all, Can person with AS have a family?. Thanks,


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Yes - it's a good thing :-)



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Trzecinski

Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 10:05 PM

Subject: Re: ( ) Family

Importance: High

Hi , That's good thing, right?. Thanks,

RE: ( ) Family

Hi . I and my husband both have aspergers! Lol - what a

coincidence that we were attracted to each other. We both have mild

symptoms but I had more severe symptoms as a child. We have a happy


I think there are so many different situations - depending on the


I can see how you must be worried depending on your child's situation.


wishes to you and your family.

Trzecinski <MTrez@...> wrote:

Hi all, Can person with AS have a family?. Thanks,


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In a message dated 9/25/2005 7:25:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

MTrez@... writes:

Hi all, Can person with AS have a family?. Thanks,

, my dad has Aspergers and he is a very successful Math Professor at

a local community college and has two children, my brother and I. Pam :)

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In a message dated 9/25/2005 11:06:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

MTrez@... writes:

Hi Joann, I think some people with AS don't know what to do. Thanks,

OF course they know what to do, I expect one day to have lots of Grandkids

from my son LOL.

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Hi, , I hope when my 8 year old son grows up he will have lots of kids

too. He is already great with very young kids now. I already know, he will

know just what to do and be a great father.

RNMOM72668@... wrote:

In a message dated 9/25/2005 11:06:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

MTrez@... writes:

Hi Joann, I think some people with AS don't know what to do. Thanks,

OF course they know what to do, I expect one day to have lots of Grandkids

from my son LOL.

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  • 1 year later...

Note: forwarded message attached.Jan

Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Small Business.

Note: forwarded message attached.

All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

Wow, is this ever true!!!

F A M I L Y I ran into a stranger as he passed by, "Oh excuse me please" was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you." We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said goodbye. But at home a different story is told, How we treat our loved ones, young and old. Later that day, cooking the evening meal, My son stood beside me very still. When I turned, I nearly knocked him down. "Move out of the way," I said with a frown. He walked away, his little heart broken. I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken. While I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said, "While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the family you love, you seem to abuse. Go and look on the kitchen floor, You'll find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers he brought for you. He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue. He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes." By this time, I felt very small, And now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt by his bed; "Wake up, little one, wake up," I said. "Are these the flowers you picked for me?" He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree. I picked 'em because they're pretty like you. I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue." I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that way." He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway." I said, "Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue." FAMILY Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think? So what is behind the story? Do you know what the word FAMILY means? FAMILY = (F)ATHER (A)ND (M)OTHER (I) (L)OVE (Y)OU Pass this message to 7 people except you and me. You will receive a miracle tomorrow. Don't ignore and God will bless you

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.Helen Keller

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


>(they think I am crazy). I guess no one really will know the

benefits until they try it for themselves. Any clue as how to

convince people that this really works?

Hi Deb, everyone in my life thinks I'm crazy. I'm starting to

realize that I just cannot change other people's minds; that's up to

them. My fiance (?) and I had a rather heated discussion yesterday

about nutrition and health. He continually INSISTS that the food

we've eaten all our lives has absolutely nothing to do with our

current state of health. WHAT?? I simply cannot understand how

anyone could think such a thing. It just blows my mind. How could

anything think that what goes into the body has nothing to do with

the condition of the body? It's insane. But I have not yet been

able to convince my fiance, my parents, my ex-husband (for our son's

sake), or my vegetarian friend. All I can do is take care of

myself. They won't change until they're ready (if ever).

in Tennessee

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When I started this diet not only did my family not understand, they

mocked me! They would say things like; " It's not worth eating if you

can't eat what you like. " " I couldn't live without that. " " You're

crazy to try. " " Why would you do that to your DH? " " You'll never be

able to do it long term. " Well guess what?! After just three months

of being on the diet their tune is starting to change!

DH has many moles (had many many large ones removed when he was a

baby) that are always being monitored. Well, many of them are

starting to fade, or fall off! We were at his sisters for dinner the

other night and she commented on a mole saying he should have it

checked. I then told them to look at his arms, and did they notice

fewer and less pronounced moles?? Dead silence for about thirty

seconds, then " Tell me again about your diet? " They have also

commented on how clear my face looks (I had acne from the time I was

in third grade up until ~two months ago- age 35). Not to mention the

comments on weight loss, and general healthy appearance. Still, if

people try to say negative things I just turn it around saying, " It

is worth every steak if it helps me to be healthy! " or " I know, such

a sacrifice to eat shrimp bathed in butter and garlic!!! "

It really doesn't matter what other people think, though. DH and I

are feeling better, sleeping better, eating better than ever and have

great energy. That is what we are doing it for- not for " them " ...

I do see your point about family members who you wish would listen to

you, as it may help them. I have been watching my M-I-L go through

cancer treatments this past year. She also has diabetes, high blood

pressure, and is extremely overweight. We have tried to make some

tasty meals to tempt her, but she won't even listen... I can only

control what I do, but it hurts to watch what she is doing to herself.

I agree. Thank goodness for this group, all you wonderful supportive

people, and Bee!

http://kelleygate.blogspot.com 3 months 1 week 2 days

> This week is going to be a very hard week for me ....

It just makes me very angry to see people like that pop all their

pills continue to eat like PIGS and make snide remarks about what I

am doing.

I guess no one really will know the benefits until they try it for

themselves. Any clue as how to convince people that this really


....but I feel like a 20 year old person instead of just turning 57.


> Thank God for Bee and this support group.


> Deb



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> This week is going to be a very hard week for me ....mainly

emotionally. We are having a lot of family over due to my husband's

father's 80 th birthday. His sister is obese, on bp pills, seizure

medication and is a diabetic. It just makes me very angry to see

people like that pop all their pills continue to eat like PIGS and

make snide remarks about what I am doing. My latest response to

people when they say " I just could not do what you are doing " , is

could you do it if you knew everything that is hurting or killing you

would all go away? Then they really start doubting me (they think I

am crazy). I guess no one really will know the benefits until they

try it for themselves. Any clue as how to convince people that this

really works?

==>I sure feel for you Deb. I don't have answers on how to convince

people this really works because I have problems with my family too.

The line I like to use is " you do not get sick from a lack of

drugs! " OR you do not get a headache from a lack of Tylenol or

aspirin, etc. Sometimes that stops them in their tracks and makes

them think, but it isn't necessarily going to make them change. Some

people do not want to take responsibility for their own condition.

They want to rely on doctors and medicines instead, and most of them

want to feel sorry for themselves and/or get your sympathy, and they

don't want to work for it. Obviously they do not want to improve

their condition. I think the reason they make snide remarks about

what you are doing is because they " have to make you wrong " for doing

the right thing, which they know they are not doing equals " guilty as

charged! "

==>My parents don't rely on medicines but they refuse to change the

way they've eaten these many years because as my mother puts it " it's

got us this far. " They are 85 and 87 years old. Yes their diet got

them to their ripe old age, however they are both suffering and

failing miserably. I told mother " why not make yourself more

comfortable " ? Why suffer? But I have to back off because I get too

upset about it. I don't want my parents to go through needless

suffering, and it hurts, but I've done all I can do to help them.

==>My sister-in-law had cancer twice (bowel & uterine). She recently

had a hysterectomy and a few years ago had most of her bowel removed.

Yet when I offered help she said " I already know it all! " She sells

vitamins so they take tons of supplements every day but that won't

help them when they still eat white flour products (cereals &

breads), too much sugar, bad fats, junk foods, and they don't take

cod liver oil, etc., etc.. If she " knows it all " then why is she

getting cancer, yet I'm not? Duh?


> Yes, this is difficult and when I look in the mirror I don't like

what I see (very under weight), but I feel like a 20 year old person

instead of just turning 57. Thank God for Bee and this support group.

==>That's wonderful you feel like a 20 year old Deb! It's onward &

upward my friend. We can only help those who will accept our help

and who are willing to help themselves. When my Mother called that

my sister-in-law had cancer again, I told her how much it pains me

that I can help so many hundreds of people I do not know personally,

yet my own family will not accept my help. But I do have to let that

go and not stress myself about it. I'm so grateful that you and the

others in this group are appreciated and accepting of my help. God

love you all!

Luv & Hugs, Bee

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Dear ,

May I please post your wonderful message in our Success Stories?

Luv, Bee


> When I started this diet not only did my family not understand,


> mocked me! They would say things like; " It's not worth eating if


> can't eat what you like. " " I couldn't live without that. " " You're

> crazy to try. " " Why would you do that to your DH? " " You'll never


> able to do it long term. " Well guess what?! After just three


> of being on the diet their tune is starting to change!

> DH has many moles (had many many large ones removed when he was a

> baby) that are always being monitored. Well, many of them are

> starting to fade, or fall off! We were at his sisters for dinner


> other night and she commented on a mole saying he should have it

> checked. I then told them to look at his arms, and did they notice

> fewer and less pronounced moles?? Dead silence for about thirty

> seconds, then " Tell me again about your diet? " They have also

> commented on how clear my face looks (I had acne from the time I


> in third grade up until ~two months ago- age 35). Not to mention


> comments on weight loss, and general healthy appearance. Still, if

> people try to say negative things I just turn it around saying, " It

> is worth every steak if it helps me to be healthy! " or " I know,


> a sacrifice to eat shrimp bathed in butter and garlic!!! "

> It really doesn't matter what other people think, though. DH and I

> are feeling better, sleeping better, eating better than ever and


> great energy. That is what we are doing it for- not for " them " ...

> I do see your point about family members who you wish would listen


> you, as it may help them. I have been watching my M-I-L go through

> cancer treatments this past year. She also has diabetes, high


> pressure, and is extremely overweight. We have tried to make some

> tasty meals to tempt her, but she won't even listen... I can only

> control what I do, but it hurts to watch what she is doing to


> I agree. Thank goodness for this group, all you wonderful


> people, and Bee!

> http://kelleygate.blogspot.com 3 months 1 week 2 days


> > This week is going to be a very hard week for me ....

> It just makes me very angry to see people like that pop all their

> pills continue to eat like PIGS and make snide remarks about what I

> am doing.

> I guess no one really will know the benefits until they try it for

> themselves. Any clue as how to convince people that this really

> works?

> ...but I feel like a 20 year old person instead of just turning 57.

> >

> > Thank God for Bee and this support group.

> >

> > Deb

> >

> >

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Geri -

If family doesn't come to visit you the way they once did - SHAME ON THEM! You

visit people, not houses. I would stop by and visit right now if we lived


You aren't being thin-skinned - they are just being ignorant. Geez, I don't

have CMT, but with my artificial hip, and arthritis everywhere my house isn't as

spic and span as I used to keep it, but that's life and you shouldn't be judged

by how often people stop by.

Have a bright and sunny and pain free day!

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