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Hi Larry,

You are right, it is not a nice thing to wish a disease of any kind on

anyone, I think these comments were made in jest, not sincere at all. I

don't think it is ever a good idea to discuss politics, especially on a Lyme

support list. I think the wish was more for government officials whoever

they may be, to be more aware of this disease, and possibly use their clout

to get more research funded. Being chronically ill, and in a lot of pain,

much of the time, it gets really frustrating, to top it off we have so much

trouble finding good doctors to help us. It seems that when a celebrity

gets a disease, suddenly that disease is recognized, talked about, and money

is raised to support the disease. I think that was the wish of the posting,

and it was not meant to be mean-spirited. At least that is the way I look

at it.

Hope you are feeling well today,

Marta NJ

>From: " larryyenko " <larryy@...>


>To all,

> Please don't bring politics into this discussion. Bill Clinton is our

>president and no matter what you think of him, he's America's president.

> I can't believe that anyone associated with this disease would wish it

>on someone else, especially some one as innocent as Chelsea. Shame on you!

>Larry NV


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larry, while i agree that it is wrong to wish this disease on anyone i must

disagree with u on the political issue.....LYME IS THE MOST POLITICAL DISEASE












sorry about caps.....btu got my passions up....lol


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I think the comment about not getting political on the list was referring to

remarks about political parties and individual candidates. The " politics of

Lyme " is a whole different thing, and certainly should be discussed here.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hmmm-who said they wanted you to leave? I myself enjoyed your venting quite

immensely. Gee, I have thought many of the same things myself. I'm not

gay-perhaps you have more in common with some of us heteros than you think!



>From: kalidurga@...

>Hepatitis Conelist

>Subject: POLITICS

>Date: Sat, Mar 25, 2000, 4:21 PM


> From: kalidurga@...

> I am sorry if all the heterosexuals want me to leave, just ask and I

> will. There are plenty of other places I can bump into a hetersexual to

> remind me why I usually don't associate with them.



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as

> 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.

> Apply NOW!

> 1/2122/0/_/619765/_/954019307/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------



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Gail I agree with you. I know Gays and they are quite

good people as far as I am concerned sometimes they

are evem the best friends a hetero can have...Connie

--- Gail Samples <gailsamples@...> wrote:

> Hmmm-who said they wanted you to leave? I myself

> enjoyed your venting quite

> immensely. Gee, I have thought many of the same

> things myself. I'm not

> gay-perhaps you have more in common with some of us

> heteros than you think!


> Gail




> ----------

> >From: kalidurga@...

> >Hepatitis Conelist

> >Subject: POLITICS

> >Date: Sat, Mar 25, 2000, 4:21 PM

> >


> > From: kalidurga@...

> > I am sorry if all the heterosexuals want me to

> leave, just ask and I

> > will. There are plenty of other places I can bump

> into a hetersexual to

> > remind me why I usually don't associate with them.

> >

> >

> >




> > Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Get rates as

> low as

> > 0.0% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.

> > Apply NOW!

> >



> >



> >

> >

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Now that's wise.

Abrahamson, D.C.

> From: R Johansen <drjohansen@...>

> Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 09:05:54 -0700


> Cc: joanjohansen@...

> Subject: Politics


> I just got off the phone having made a political contribution to a

> candidate who is of the opposite party that I belong to. On all the

> issues but one thatI hold dear, he is on the opposite side of my belief

> system. Why did I give him some money? He has a good chance of knocking

> off a guy who has been incredibly bad for our profession. I choose to

> put my money and energy into a race where I can have an influence, and

> not be bothered or worried where the race is outside my influence.

> Example: I will remain silent about the Governors race and Measure 23.

> What difference would one Chiropractors whining make in those races. On

> the other hand, I am putting up signs for my district state rep who knows

> me on a first name basis. I've been doing this for 20 years and now

> have an open door into influential members of the House and Senate. For

> your own peace of mind and checking balance, I suggest you do the same.

> Ron Johansen Portland P.S. If you want to know who this guy is so you

> can support him too , contact me privately. home:503-658-7268,office

> 503-255-7746



> OregonDCs rules:

> 1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to foster

> communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve members will

> be tolerated.

> 2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.

> 3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere. However, it

> is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward, or otherwise

> distribute correspondence written by another member without his or her

> consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.



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God bless you Dr. Ron R. Johansen!! Dear colleagues this is the type of

grass roots work we must have to protect our bottomlines and pass proactive

legislation for our patients and all Oregonians.

If you need help finding out who your local state Representative is and who

your Senator is call me and I'll get their contact information for you ASAP.

BTW I know exactly who you are supporting without even calling.

Vern Saboe, DC

ACA Delegate

CAO Executive Board


(541)926-3162 Office

(541)967-8490 Home (best between 7pm and 9pm)


> I just got off the phone having made a political contribution to a

> candidate who is of the opposite party that I belong to. On all the

> issues but one thatI hold dear, he is on the opposite side of my belief

> system. Why did I give him some money? He has a good chance of knocking

> off a guy who has been incredibly bad for our profession. I choose to

> put my money and energy into a race where I can have an influence, and

> not be bothered or worried where the race is outside my influence.

> Example: I will remain silent about the Governors race and Measure 23.

> What difference would one Chiropractors whining make in those races. On

> the other hand, I am putting up signs for my district state rep who knows

> me on a first name basis. I've been doing this for 20 years and now

> have an open door into influential members of the House and Senate. For

> your own peace of mind and checking balance, I suggest you do the same.

> Ron Johansen Portland P.S. If you want to know who this guy is so you

> can support him too , contact me privately. home:503-658-7268,office

> 503-255-7746



> OregonDCs rules:

> 1. Keep correspondence professional; the purpose of the listserve is to

foster communication and collegiality. No personal attacks on listserve

members will be tolerated.

> 2. Always sign your e-mails with your first and last name.

> 3. The listserve is not secure; your e-mail could end up anywhere.

However, it is against the rules of the listserve to copy, print, forward,

or otherwise distribute correspondence written by another member without his

or her consent, unless all personal identifiers have been removed.



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I agree with the politic thang. We're not all gonna agree anyway. We're all

human (well most of us) and we can't get along with each other (globally) dunno

why people think we could communicate wtih aliens. Altho, I am doing a fine job



Grand Prairie, Tx

not from this planet

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He he...can't fool us...those aliens are all in your head....LOL

Re: politics

I agree with the politic thang. We're not all gonna agree anyway. We're all

human (well most of us) and we can't get along with each other (globally) dunno

why people think we could communicate wtih aliens. Altho, I am doing a fine job



Grand Prairie, Tx

not from this planet

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Thanks for saying that, Willem. HepC is a serious enough topic without

bringing politics into it. I do enjoy your humor!


> Hi gang.Please leave politics out of this forum.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

>I want to know why politics keep surfacing on this

>message board. Why not use the site Heidi set up while back for

>politics? I think some politicians here think they are impressing

>someone. NOT. If this politics stuff keeps surfacing here this

> message board is worthless in my opinion. Dennis

>in KS

Personally I think that if a thread runs for more than 5 messages,

it should go to nt-politics. Then go for it to your heart's content!

Heidi Jean

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Well I have been a part of this Board for more than 5 years, and the religion and politics come up every now and then. It has been the consensus over the years to post in the subject line "medical", "Humor", "Political" etc and then if you don't like the subject, you just hit delete.

To me life is too short to get into a feud over political and religious things that I just avoid those subjects on Board like these, out of respect of other peoples views. I think we all have the right to believe anyway we want, I have a problem when people try to cram their beliefs down my throat. People need to learn to respect each other and know when to back off. Over the last few days I have hit the delete key ALOT. So that these things would would not take on a life of their own. When you reply to political things they take on alife of their own - if there is no response - they die....

So others have said it well, lets agree to disagree and respect each other and know when to let it go....


P.S. I for one LOVE the humor on this Board and have gotten to know so many of you as my good friends, I don't want any of that to go away. I like the up lifting comments and forwards!!! Keep em comin Bobby, Bill & !!

RE: Re: Star Wars?

I agree! We should limit our posts to ICD matters only.

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of TURKSent: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:35 AM Subject: Re: Re: Star Wars?

I will ask Jon Duffy (creator of this site) about it. I am sure he will post it soon. TURKBridget <rumplegroups@...> wrote:

Geesh, I'm not ranting. I'm just pointing out that there is a need to be consistent if we are going to make rules about what can and can't be posted.Bridget> > > Bridget,> here goes, don't think I've ever posted in the 3 or 4 years I've been a member of this list. LET IT GO!! tired of reading your ranting about prayer, political leanings ect. from now on when your listed as sender I'll be sure to hit the delete key.> > GOT TO SEE UTAH> > _______________________________________________> Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com> The most personalized portal on the Web!Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org


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> When you reply to political things they take on alife of their own -

> if there is no response - they die....

Yes and no. Take for example, the original post that started this

thread. It was a big long emotional piece about why we need to put

prayer back in our schools. And on the surface, and if you are a part

of the majority in America, it sounds completely plausible adnd even

desirable. If I were to sit back and say nothing, those who haven't

thought about it, are only going to hear one side of the story. They

won't hear that there are those of us out here who would consider

organized prayer in our schools to be an infringement on our right to

religious freedom.

And as I did some checking on the original post, I find that it has

been edited a bit. Here is a copy of the original:



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If I were to sit back and say nothing, those who haven't thought about it, are only going to hear one side of the story.

But I beleive most people can think for themselves as they read things. I can't imagine people just taking things as written without giving any thought to their own feelings.

They won't hear that there are those of us out here who would consider organized prayer in our schools to be an infringement on our right to religious freedom.

I am sure alot of people feel this way, maybe even most, but they can beleive that for themselves. I personally feel the same way you do, but I didn't respond. However I read the original post for what it was, or what it meant to me, thinking well, that is good, but I am not sure I beleive as this person does. I was able to read it and think about my own feelings without projecting them on the rest of the Board, or demanding they think a certain way.So here I am letting myself get sucked in. Well I think you all know what I mean, and that I mean well.


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I'm not asking that everyone think the same way as I do. I'm asking

to have the same right to voice my opinion as that assumed by the

original poster. Or is it simply because I chose to write my own

words instead of finding an opposing foraward that my posts are




> If I were to sit back and say nothing, those who haven't

> thought about it, are only going to hear one side of the story.


> But I beleive most people can think for themselves as they read

things. I can't imagine people just taking things as written without

giving any thought to their own feelings.



> They

> won't hear that there are those of us out here who would consider

> organized prayer in our schools to be an infringement on our right


> religious freedom.


> I am sure alot of people feel this way, maybe even most, but they

can beleive that for themselves. I personally feel the same way you

do, but I didn't respond. However I read the original post for what

it was, or what it meant to me, thinking well, that is good, but I am

not sure I beleive as this person does. I was able to read it and

think about my own feelings without projecting them on the rest of

the Board, or demanding they think a certain way.


> So here I am letting myself get sucked in. Well I think you all

know what I mean, and that I mean well.

> ~guin

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  • 3 months later...

Aye aye,Mam.

danny Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Bush, love him or hate him, is not solely responsible for the failure of the system in the aftermath of Katrina. Government at every level and individuals at every level all contributed to this atrocity. We are here for friendship and support of each other. Let’s forward Deb’s email to everyone we think needs to get it, but otherwise leave our politics off the group. Let’s do what we do best, love and take care of each other.


for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Yes Ma'am, good idea! I learned long ago that there two things one should never discuss if you want to stay friends - politics & religion, so I vote we leave em both outside the group. Anyone else??

SuZie & SpYke the groundedcaptdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:

Aye aye,Mam.

danny Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Bush, love him or hate him, is not solely responsible for the failure of the system in the aftermath of Katrina. Government at every level and individuals at every level all contributed to this atrocity. We are here for friendship and support of each other. Let’s forward Deb’s email to everyone we think needs to get it, but otherwise leave our politics off the group. Let’s do what we do best, love and take care of each other.


for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Sounds GREAT to me

love and hugs


suzie <suzieandsandy@...> wrote:

Yes Ma'am, good idea! I learned long ago that there two things one should never discuss if you want to stay friends - politics & religion, so I vote we leave em both outside the group. Anyone else??

SuZie & SpYke the groundedcaptdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:

Aye aye,Mam.

danny Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Bush, love him or hate him, is not solely responsible for the failure of the system in the aftermath of Katrina. Government at every level and individuals at every level all contributed to this atrocity. We are here for friendship and support of each other. Let’s forward Deb’s email to everyone we think needs to get it, but otherwise leave our politics off the group. Let’s do what we do best, love and take care of each other.


for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat


for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Sounds reasonable to me.


Yes Ma'am, good idea! I learned long ago that there two things one should never discuss if you want to stay friends - politics & religion, so I vote we leave em both outside the group. Anyone else??

SuZie & SpYke the groundedcaptdanny <captdankw@...> wrote:

Aye aye,Mam.

danny Motley <dmotley@...> wrote:

Bush, love him or hate him, is not solely responsible for the failure of the system in the aftermath of Katrina. Government at every level and individuals at every level all contributed to this atrocity. We are here for friendship and support of each other. Let’s forward Deb’s email to everyone we think needs to get it, but otherwise leave our politics off the group. Let’s do what we do best, love and take care of each other.


for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Those two topics cause too many problems in discussions.

I would like to see the group stick closer to HCV and related



At 01:58 PM 9/12/05, you wrote:

Sounds reasonable to me.


Yes Ma'am, good

idea! I learned long ago that there two things one should never

discuss if you want to stay friends - politics & religion, so I vote

we leave em both outside the group. Anyone else??

SuZie &

SpYke the grounded

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Hey Dick the Darling,

Do you I M ? How about we get together by I M on a weekly or bi-weekly meetings to decide whatever we have to do (if anything) to keep the group from self destructing?I'd hate to have what happened over at Clearing & clear happen to us. I depend on this group for the strenght to fight this dragon, sympathy on my bad days energy on the good ones & a kick in the butt when I need one.

I don't want to lose it.

SuZieDick Southern <southern@...> wrote:

Those two topics cause too many problems in discussions. I would like to see the group stick closer to HCV and related issues.DickAt 01:58 PM 9/12/05, you wrote:

Sounds reasonable to me.Llinda

Yes Ma'am, good idea! I learned long ago that there two things one should never discuss if you want to stay friends - politics & religion, so I vote we leave em both outside the group. Anyone else??SuZie & SpYke the grounded

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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