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Baby Aspirin, Targeted Therapies & Second Opinions

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September 15, 2010.

" Some studies have suggested that use of aspirin and other non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen may help protect against

colorectal cancer. These studies, however, haven’t determined the lowest

possible effective dose for colorectal cancer prevention or how long aspirin or

other NSAIDs must be used to have a protective effect. The researchers concluded

that this is the first study to find that the lowest dose of aspirin (75 mg per

day) may help protect against colorectal cancer. They add that aspirin must be

taken regularly for one year before the effect is apparent and that protection

increases for up to 10 years. "



" A targeted therapy is one that is designed to treat only the cancer cells and

minimize damage to normal, healthy cells. Cancer treatments that “target” cancer

cells often have fewer side effects and are more effective than traditional

chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatments. This is because chemotherapy and

radiation therapy cannot tell the difference between cancer cells and healthy

cells, so they often harm healthy cells and this can cause side effects.

" Advances in science and technology have led to the development of several

different types of targeted therapies. Each of these new treatments targets

cancer in different ways. Targeted therapies may be used alone or in combination

with standard chemotherapy drugs, often to make the chemotherapy more effective.

a.. " Antiangiogenic drugs (also known as angiogenesis inhibitors) stop cancer

cells from making the new blood cells that they need to survive and grow.

b.. " Gene therapy involves the use of genes to treat cancer. In some cases,

healthy copies of missing or damaged genes are given to patients to change the

genetic makeup of certain cells. Genes are also used to stop cancer cells from

making new blood vessels, which stops the cells from growing.

c.. " Monoclonal antibodies can locate and attach to certain receptors on the

outside of cancer cells. This stops the cells from sending a signal to divide.

Treatments that block receptors are also called receptor antagonists. Click here

to learn more about the different types of monoclonal antibodies, how they are

used, and what monoclonal antibodies are available for treating cancer.

d.. " Proteasome inhibitors stop the action of certain enzymes (proteasomes)

that break down proteins. This can stop cancer cells from growing or kill them.

e.. " Tyrosine kinase inhibitors stop enzyme (protein) tyrosine, which is part

of a complex signaling system that helps some cancers grow out of control.

f.. " Vaccines are used to treat existing cancers (therapeutic vaccines) or

prevent the development of cancer (prophylactic vaccines). Therapeutic vaccines

strengthen the body's natural defenses against cancer. This can prevent the

further growth of an existing cancer, prevent a treated cancer from recurring,

or kill cancer cells that are still left after previous treatments. Prophylactic

vaccines prevent health people from infection with cancer-causing viruses. "



" Getting a second opinion about your diagnosis and treatment options is

important. The more you learn, the better chance you have of receiving the most

appropriate treatment. Cancers are now more treatable than they once were, but

there are also many more treatment options and more complicated procedures.

Receiving a second opinion will help you understand these options and make an

informed decision about which is best for you.

" Don’t worry that your doctor will be unhappy with you if you review your

diagnosis and treatment plan with another physician before proceeding. It’s

normal to get a second opinion in cancer treatment, and a knowledgable doctor

will not be offended. Second opinions will, however, provide reassurance to you

and your family and ultimately allow you to receive the most appropriate

therapy. "

What is a second opinion?

" A second opinion is a review of your physician’s cancer diagnosis and treatment

recommendations by another, independent physician. Either the patient or the

primary physician can start the process of getting a second opinion. Usually,

patients obtain a second opinion after being referred to a second physician or

to a special team of experts in a cancer center--called a multidisciplinary

team. This doctor or team of doctors will review:

a.. The pathology report (how the cancer looks under the microscope)

b.. The extent of the cancer

c.. The physical condition of the patient

d.. The proposed treatment

" The second doctor then offers his or her opinion on treatment to both the

patient and the primary physician. Second opinions are more likely to be

comprehensive and include every possible perspective when performed in a cancer

center by a multidisciplinary team, which usually includes surgeons,

oncologists, radiation therapists, and subspecialist oncologists. "




Lottie Duthu

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