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How the Body Heals Itself

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Interesting articles on how the body has the ability to heal itself. It is very

basic, there is the need for food, clothing and shelter we were taught in

elemtary school, we also need air, and the proper nutrients to go with that.

Written by: Chamchuk

" Health is defined as a sound state of physical, mental, and social well-being.

When the basic necessities of life are met - such as water, air, nutrients,

regular exercise, and shelter - the body is amazing in its ability to constantly

work towards restoring a state of optimum health. One example would be when we

get a paper cut. We wash it off, perhaps put a band-aide on it and then forget

about it. We don't sit and worry about whether or not it will heal. We know it

will heal. "

" Another example is the cold virus. With adequate rest, lots of water, and

perhaps a salt water gargle, the body can recover from the common cold without a

lot of complicated cough drops or prescriptions. And, if your doctor is

competent, that's exactly what he or she will tell you. Yet, we often want our

doctors to write us prescriptions to make us feel like we're helping ourselves

to get better faster. In reality, all the body usually needs is time.

" The immune system is the body's way of protecting itself from harmful

organisms. There are two main parts of the immune system: the non-specific or

" general " immune system and the specific immune system. "


" Another example is the cold virus. With adequate rest, lots of water, and

perhaps a salt water gargle, the body can recover from the common cold without a

lot of complicated cough drops or prescriptions. And, if your doctor is

competent, that's exactly what he or she will tell you. Yet, we often want our

doctors to write us prescriptions to make us feel like we're helping ourselves

to get better faster. In reality, all the body usually needs is time.

What is the immune system and how does it work?

The immune system is the body's way of protecting itself from harmful organisms.

There are two main parts of the immune system: the non-specific or " general "

immune system and the specific immune system.


The skin, mucus, and cilia (little hair-like projections in the lungs, bronchi

and throat) are the main components of the general immune system. The skin acts

as a barrier to invading organisms. Mucus traps invading organisms. Properly

functioning cilia push invading organisms out of the body. Also, the acid that's

found in the stomach and other organs creates a hostile environment that

invading organisms cannot tolerate for long.

There are two types of white blood cells: the phagocytic or " cell-eating " cells

and the " natural killer " cells. The phagocytic cells are capable of engulfing

and destroying most invading organisms. Phagocytes are a specific type of white

blood cell found in the bloodstream and in various organs including the liver,

lungs, and intestinal tract.

The " natural killer " cell is responsible for detecting and destroying cells that

have been invaded by viruses. The virus-infected cells help the " killer cells "

by producing chemicals called inteferons, which activate the killer cells.

How does inflammation play a role in helping the body to heal itself?

Inflammation helps by " super-charging " the immune system and directing its

various elements to the site of injury or infection at an increased speed.




Lottie Duthu

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