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Hi Beth, I too live in the house I grew up in. This is a three generation

house. We moved in with my grandmother when she had to have cancer surgery

when I was nine years old. My mom and stepdad built a new home and we bought

this one almost 20 years ago. My grandmother died about 4 years ago at the

age of 90. We don't know exactly how old this house is but we think about 75

years old. It was great living with my grandmother, it was like having two

mothers. She watched me and my brother while my mom worked and we were each

other's favorite people in the whole world.......I feel very lucky to live

only a few miles from my mom and Jodi. My Dad and stepmom live right across

the little lake we live on. My stepmom is great also. That is one thing my

Dad finally did right. He and my mom have been divorced since I was

two.......Yes, Beth you should except help when it is offered. Also take it

from someone who knows, your house does not have to be spotless. I thought

that until Jodi got sick, now I know better. Helping her is my main priority

and spending time with my grandson, Colton. Spend time with your kids, don't

live like a pig but loosen up. Those dirty dishes will be there waiting for

you.......I hope things get easier for you, just try to keep a positive

attitude. I know that's easier said than done.......I live in Haines City,

south of Leesburg. Twelve miles from Cypress Gardens if you have heard of

that, its in Winter Haven. Well, better go for now but will talk to you

soon. Take care and God bless, Genny/Jodi's Mom

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  • 5 months later...
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Hopefully, this will be your LAST round of treatment.

Congratulations. Keep us posted!


--- beth Sutter <mbs28@...> wrote:


> Hi,


> I finished my year of combo a couple weeks back and

> went to see my

> hepatologist yeterday. I was happy to hear that I

> have " cleared the virus "

> once again. This was my second round of treatment

> so I am cautiously

> optimistic that the second time was the charm. I

> feel good. Don't appear

> to have any residual effects from the treatment

> other than anemia so still a

> little tired but other than that I feel really good.

> I'll keep my fingers

> crossed until October and am hoping all of you can

> get good news real soon.


> Beth




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  • 1 month later...
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thankfully somewhere along the line I got hit but the reality stick

and realize HEY! I had this to be healthy NOT Barbie and I AM

being successful in that. That is when I quit worrying so much

what I weighed or what size I wore but how I felt! THEN I was

truly successful!


thank you so much for reminding me that I already am

successful! I feel soooo much better after losing 112 pounds

and I am able to do many things that I could not before....one of

which is buying clothes that I like rather than just what will fit.

Another is that I can stand to cook dinner now without my back,

legs and feet throbbing.........I can fly without an extension. I can fit

behind my steering wheel more safely and comfortably. I can do

my own shopping, clean my own tub and shower, get up off the

floor without help. I can jump up from my office chair and

" prance " down to the bathroom whenever I have to go not when I

just can't wait any longer to get up the nerve to put all that weight

on those little bitty sore feet and struggle out of the too tight

clothing in the cramped little stall.

I can walk through a mall without feeling like people are amazed

by my lack of self control and nudging each other to look at the fat

pig who should be to humiliated to go out in public. I can go to

area theme parks without the fear of not fitting in the rides! I can

go to my hairdresser and look in the mirror without revulsion. I

can eat without guilt and make better food choices because I

WANT to not because I am ashamed or worried or putting up a

" see I really should not be this fat cause I eat like a bird " front.

And the biggest change is that I feel life is going to get better and

better and better......not more difficult and full of illness and

humiliation when they have to get a crane to lift me off my

deathbed! lolol

Whewwwww what am I whining about again???? =)

Seriously, I have nerve worrying when you look at all the things

that are better.


Beth proud to be a big fat loser in Florida lololol

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You said it for all of us. There is one more thing I used to worry about that I

have never seen on this list, and that is if I had died while I was so obese,

how would the pallbearers handle my coffin at my funeral!!! I know this is a

morbid thought, but I also thought of lying in a coffin with all my fat spread

out for everyone to see--crammed in a coffin. I think my health problems were

really scaring me making me think of death a lot. This fright was the main

thing that brought me to the MGB, and I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR IT for all

these reasons and more!

Pat Eppler

PS: I have done two weeks at Curves and am very happy with it. It gives me

more intensive muscle building than I was getting at the pool. I was able to

jump right into the routine at full speed which I never could have done before,

or even now without the water aerobics benefits. I am doing them both now,

alternating days. I got a little sore the first day, and sweat, but it is a

good feeling.


Re: Beth

thankfully somewhere along the line I got hit but the reality stick

and realize HEY! I had this to be healthy NOT Barbie and I AM

being successful in that. That is when I quit worrying so much

what I weighed or what size I wore but how I felt! THEN I was

truly successful!


thank you so much for reminding me that I already am

successful! I feel soooo much better after losing 112 pounds

and I am able to do many things that I could not before....one of

which is buying clothes that I like rather than just what will fit.

Another is that I can stand to cook dinner now without my back,

legs and feet throbbing.........I can fly without an extension. I can fit

behind my steering wheel more safely and comfortably. I can do

my own shopping, clean my own tub and shower, get up off the

floor without help. I can jump up from my office chair and

" prance " down to the bathroom whenever I have to go not when I

just can't wait any longer to get up the nerve to put all that weight

on those little bitty sore feet and struggle out of the too tight

clothing in the cramped little stall.

I can walk through a mall without feeling like people are amazed

by my lack of self control and nudging each other to look at the fat

pig who should be to humiliated to go out in public. I can go to

area theme parks without the fear of not fitting in the rides! I can

go to my hairdresser and look in the mirror without revulsion. I

can eat without guilt and make better food choices because I

WANT to not because I am ashamed or worried or putting up a

" see I really should not be this fat cause I eat like a bird " front.

And the biggest change is that I feel life is going to get better and

better and better......not more difficult and full of illness and

humiliation when they have to get a crane to lift me off my

deathbed! lolol

Whewwwww what am I whining about again???? =)

Seriously, I have nerve worrying when you look at all the things

that are better.


Beth proud to be a big fat loser in Florida lololol

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** Original Subject: RE: Re: Beth

> ** Original Sender: " Pat Eppler " <peppler@...>

> ** Original Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:22:51 -0600

> ** Original Message follows...


> You said it for all of us. There is one more thing I used to worry about that

I have never seen on this list, and that is if I had died while I was so obese,

how would the pallbearers handle my coffin at my funeral!!! I know this is a

morbid thought, but I also thought of lying in a coffin with all my fat spread

out for everyone to see--crammed in a coffin. I think my health problems were

really scaring me making me think of death a lot. This fright was the main

thing that brought me to the MGB, and I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR IT for all

these reasons and more!


> Pat Eppler

Hey Pat. I think the final humiliation for me was before surgery when I fell

down the front steps at my house and broke my foot. The rescue squad had to come

because I couldn't walk and it took two men from the ambulance, my husband and

my daughter to get me into the ambulance to go to the hospital. I was mortified

and so embarassed. I knew then that I had to do something!


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I hear ya! Last summer, one of my friends who is larger than I started out,

went swimming with our gang of friends, and she could not get out of the pool.

She could not walk up the steps nor climb the ladder. It took her husband half

an hour to get her out. I just sat there and almost cried for her.

The sad thing is that she is even larger this year and more crippled. I don't

imagine that she will be swimming with us any more.

I went to WalMart and bought a top, a tankini top I suppose, and a pair of wind

shorts to wear to our swimming parties. The shorts cover a lot of ugly leg

stuff!!! Never will I quit swimming and having fun with the gang!!! None of

them are exactly bathing beauties, but we all love each other!!!!!! We have

couples swimming-tennis parties all summer. The " normal " sized women would not

go swimming until I declared that I refused to sit on the sidelines, so now we

all have fun, and it is fun. I missed out on too much fun for 30 years and

refuse to do so any more!!!

Wish I were skinny like you Flo!!!!!!!!!


RE: Re: Beth

> ** Original Sender: " Pat Eppler " <peppler@...>

> ** Original Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:22:51 -0600

> ** Original Message follows...


> You said it for all of us. There is one more thing I used to worry about

that I have never seen on this list, and that is if I had died while I was so

obese, how would the pallbearers handle my coffin at my funeral!!! I know this

is a morbid thought, but I also thought of lying in a coffin with all my fat

spread out for everyone to see--crammed in a coffin. I think my health problems

were really scaring me making me think of death a lot. This fright was the main

thing that brought me to the MGB, and I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR IT for all

these reasons and more!


> Pat Eppler

Hey Pat. I think the final humiliation for me was before surgery when I fell

down the front steps at my house and broke my foot. The rescue squad had to come

because I couldn't walk and it took two men from the ambulance, my husband and

my daughter to get me into the ambulance to go to the hospital. I was mortified

and so embarassed. I knew then that I had to do something!


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You know I was that friend last summer. I went to my sister's pool and I

couldn't get out either.... The damn stairs are just two narrow to put both feet

on at once, and I didn't have the strength in my legs to hold my weight on one

foot... It was utterly embarassing. I hung around in the pool for several hours,

getting really wrinkled! Finally, my husband lifted me from underneath, out of

the pool like a beached whale... I just rolled out onto her deck!

I know I'm not going to have that problem this year.. but first of all I will

climb in and out on the ladder to make sure!!

Thank God there was only family over the last time I tried. But even then, I

couldn't stand the pity in my Mother's eyes!

I hope your friend can find some help for herself. I know EXACTLY what she is

going through.


RE: Re: Beth

> ** Original Sender: " Pat Eppler " <peppler@...>

> ** Original Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:22:51 -0600

> ** Original Message follows...


> You said it for all of us. There is one more thing I used to worry about

that I have never seen on this list, and that is if I had died while I was so

obese, how would the pallbearers handle my coffin at my funeral!!! I know this

is a morbid thought, but I also thought of lying in a coffin with all my fat

spread out for everyone to see--crammed in a coffin. I think my health problems

were really scaring me making me think of death a lot. This fright was the main

thing that brought me to the MGB, and I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR IT for all

these reasons and more!


> Pat Eppler

Hey Pat. I think the final humiliation for me was before surgery when I fell

down the front steps at my house and broke my foot. The rescue squad had to come

because I couldn't walk and it took two men from the ambulance, my husband and

my daughter to get me into the ambulance to go to the hospital. I was mortified

and so embarassed. I knew then that I had to do something!


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I don't say anything to her, but she knows all about my surgery and how well I

have done. Many years ago she lost over 100 lbs. on the protein shakes, but

gained it all back and has just kept on gaining and gaining. She is well-to-do

and could afford the surgery if she wanted it. Instead, they have made their

house wheelchair accessible with the knowledge that she is going to need it very

soon. It is really sad that she will not consider WLS.


RE: Re: Beth

> ** Original Sender: " Pat Eppler " <peppler@...>

> ** Original Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:22:51 -0600

> ** Original Message follows...


> You said it for all of us. There is one more thing I used to worry

about that I have never seen on this list, and that is if I had died while I was

so obese, how would the pallbearers handle my coffin at my funeral!!! I know

this is a morbid thought, but I also thought of lying in a coffin with all my

fat spread out for everyone to see--crammed in a coffin. I think my health

problems were really scaring me making me think of death a lot. This fright was

the main thing that brought me to the MGB, and I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR IT

for all these reasons and more!


> Pat Eppler

Hey Pat. I think the final humiliation for me was before surgery when I

fell down the front steps at my house and broke my foot. The rescue squad had to

come because I couldn't walk and it took two men from the ambulance, my husband

and my daughter to get me into the ambulance to go to the hospital. I was

mortified and so embarassed. I knew then that I had to do something!


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Oh, Trudy... I am so sorry that happened :(

We all have SO many emotional scars from this darned weight. For Cinco De

Mayo I set up a support meeting with swimming and fishing off of a pontoon

and you should have HEARD the stories! Two of our women had horrific pontoon

stories...One of them, honest to goodness, was on one with a family reunion

and most of her family is of a large nature and, you guessed it, the dern

thing SUNK. Another had went off the side with her very slender sister and

just could not get back up and ended up swimming back to land.

All of us have these stories and we are the LUCKY ones. Remember how we felt

before surgery? Hopelessly trapped? I am thankful my stories (and if you

knew me personally you'd know I didnt' even need to become obese to have some

VERY embarrassing stories...here is a short: Went to church swimming party

at 15. Was dizzy in love with the training youth pastor, a college student,

Don Lee. I wore a one piece tank suit that tied just under the arms. I had

never worn suit before. For some dumb reason I was feeling shy that day and

was gonna just sit out the pool but eat and visit. Well, Don and our Youth

Pastor decided to grab me and throw me in the pool~~~ One had my ankles, one

my wrists and they swung me back and forth counting...On one, my top SLID

DOWN, ((I guess they were so into the swinging they didnt' notice??)) on two

I had an atomic WEDGIE and on three I just hoped when they let go they threw

me so high into the sky I NEVER came down. No such luck tho...And did I

mention I was a very busty girl (I wore a 36D at 12...so does my daughter.)


Anyhow, I have a lot of stories just like that, which prove why people have

referred to me as Lucy (as in Lucille Ball) many

times...WHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA....Anyhow, you are SOOO right that we now

don't have to worry about these things (well I still do because if I venture

out at ANY weight, there is no telling what's gonna happen..but I bet no one

picks me up to throw me in a pool ever again! HAHA) and I'm so glad!!

We are fortunate, blessed and still here! Ain't it grand?

Love ya,

in Ark

See that must be why I moved to Ark. from Calif. ... I was already redfaced

so I decided I might as well have a neck to match :)

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HI Beth, My name is Rosemary and it is my son that has AIH. He also takes 150mgs of imuran but takes it all at night just before he goes to bed. We were told that taking it in the am could be hard on the stomach. I hope this helps you.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

I didn't miss anything. I read every word and was very choked up. You are awsome

Kathy...but we knew that before..you just reaffired that with your story!

You have a healthy mind to accompany that newly healthy body and I'm proud to

know you!


> ** Original Subject: RE: Re: Beth

> ** Original Sender: ~k~ <Kathyuncp@...>

> ** Original Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 21:41:11 -0400

> ** Original Message follows...


> Thanks Manda :-)~


> i have a different view bout peeps not reading......THEIR LOSS .......hehe :)








> At 12:52 AM 6/14/2001 +0000, you wrote:

> >kathy,

> > I just wanted you to know that I read every word. I'm lucky that

> >my parents aren't alcoholics, never were, in fact I've never seen

> >them drink. So, I really didn't have any " words of advice " , but I

> >know how it feels to pour your heart out, and not get any replies.

> >Just wanted to say thanks for sharing.

> >

> >Manda

> >

> >

> >

> > > >Kathy, I so enjoyed reading about your life. How very interesting.

> > > >I wanted to comment on a similarity.....My mother well and my

> > > >father....all through my childhood were both practicing alcoholics.

> > > >I also lived and learned about abuse, neglect, courts, custody,

> > > >violence and last but not least.....running to food for comfort.

> > > >As a matter of fact, there are many first born or only child adult

> > > >daughters of alcoholics who find themselves addicted to food.

> > > >Perhaps, it is because we have addictive personalities yet we

> > > >have to take care of our drunk parents and or our neglected

> > > >siblings so we choose an addiction that (at least in the

> > > >beginning) is socially acceptable and lets us stay in control of

> > > >our thoughts and surroundings.

> > > >I read a book once called Self Sabotage: Adult Children of

> > > >Alcoholics. That book quotes the stats of overweight first born or

> > > >only child adult daughters of alcoholics as 90+% being

> > > >overweight. Scary huh?

> > > >Makes me think that we never had a chance without WLS!

> > > >I also wanted to say congrats on your degrees and on your

> > > >mother's sobriety! What an accomplishment! And I fully

> > > >understand your point about not being resentful of your past.....it

> > > >does make us the strong women we are today!

> > > >Thanks again for sharing!

> > > >

> > > >Warmly,

> > > >Beth

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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ty beth i was prayin sumone would take the time to read that long ass email

lol.....THANK GAWDDDD i was sweatin it for awhile lol

and THANks for ur kind words........u know where i could find that book? i

would love to read it.......im not a reader........but i will read self

help books........anything else no wayyyyyyyyy........guess its why i was a

math major lol.....

so much we learn here from others and others experiences......and so many

times we learn we have others that can relate to us that is the one thing i

loved about OA and the other 12 step programs and this list serves as the

same kind of support, Thanks,

Wet Kathy in Nc

wont stop raining here!!!!

At 07:54 PM 6/13/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>Kathy, I so enjoyed reading about your life. How very interesting.

>I wanted to comment on a similarity.....My mother well and my

>father....all through my childhood were both practicing alcoholics.

>I also lived and learned about abuse, neglect, courts, custody,

>violence and last but not least.....running to food for comfort.

>As a matter of fact, there are many first born or only child adult

>daughters of alcoholics who find themselves addicted to food.

>Perhaps, it is because we have addictive personalities yet we

>have to take care of our drunk parents and or our neglected

>siblings so we choose an addiction that (at least in the

>beginning) is socially acceptable and lets us stay in control of

>our thoughts and surroundings.

>I read a book once called Self Sabotage: Adult Children of

>Alcoholics. That book quotes the stats of overweight first born or

>only child adult daughters of alcoholics as 90+% being

>overweight. Scary huh?

>Makes me think that we never had a chance without WLS!

>I also wanted to say congrats on your degrees and on your

>mother's sobriety! What an accomplishment! And I fully

>understand your point about not being resentful of your past.....it

>does make us the strong women we are today!

>Thanks again for sharing!







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I just wanted you to know that I read every word. I'm lucky that

my parents aren't alcoholics, never were, in fact I've never seen

them drink. So, I really didn't have any " words of advice " , but I

know how it feels to pour your heart out, and not get any replies.

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing.


> >Kathy, I so enjoyed reading about your life. How very interesting.

> >I wanted to comment on a similarity.....My mother well and my

> >father....all through my childhood were both practicing alcoholics.

> >I also lived and learned about abuse, neglect, courts, custody,

> >violence and last but not least.....running to food for comfort.

> >As a matter of fact, there are many first born or only child adult

> >daughters of alcoholics who find themselves addicted to food.

> >Perhaps, it is because we have addictive personalities yet we

> >have to take care of our drunk parents and or our neglected

> >siblings so we choose an addiction that (at least in the

> >beginning) is socially acceptable and lets us stay in control of

> >our thoughts and surroundings.

> >I read a book once called Self Sabotage: Adult Children of

> >Alcoholics. That book quotes the stats of overweight first born or

> >only child adult daughters of alcoholics as 90+% being

> >overweight. Scary huh?

> >Makes me think that we never had a chance without WLS!

> >I also wanted to say congrats on your degrees and on your

> >mother's sobriety! What an accomplishment! And I fully

> >understand your point about not being resentful of your past.....it

> >does make us the strong women we are today!

> >Thanks again for sharing!

> >

> >Warmly,

> >Beth

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks Manda :-)~

i have a different view bout peeps not reading......THEIR LOSS .......hehe :)

At 12:52 AM 6/14/2001 +0000, you wrote:


> I just wanted you to know that I read every word. I'm lucky that

>my parents aren't alcoholics, never were, in fact I've never seen

>them drink. So, I really didn't have any " words of advice " , but I

>know how it feels to pour your heart out, and not get any replies.

>Just wanted to say thanks for sharing.






> > >Kathy, I so enjoyed reading about your life. How very interesting.

> > >I wanted to comment on a similarity.....My mother well and my

> > >father....all through my childhood were both practicing alcoholics.

> > >I also lived and learned about abuse, neglect, courts, custody,

> > >violence and last but not least.....running to food for comfort.

> > >As a matter of fact, there are many first born or only child adult

> > >daughters of alcoholics who find themselves addicted to food.

> > >Perhaps, it is because we have addictive personalities yet we

> > >have to take care of our drunk parents and or our neglected

> > >siblings so we choose an addiction that (at least in the

> > >beginning) is socially acceptable and lets us stay in control of

> > >our thoughts and surroundings.

> > >I read a book once called Self Sabotage: Adult Children of

> > >Alcoholics. That book quotes the stats of overweight first born or

> > >only child adult daughters of alcoholics as 90+% being

> > >overweight. Scary huh?

> > >Makes me think that we never had a chance without WLS!

> > >I also wanted to say congrats on your degrees and on your

> > >mother's sobriety! What an accomplishment! And I fully

> > >understand your point about not being resentful of your past.....it

> > >does make us the strong women we are today!

> > >Thanks again for sharing!

> > >

> > >Warmly,

> > >Beth

> > >

> > >

> > >

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ty, I remember ya Rosemary :)

521-0223 for now.........

Im bout tired of my hubby.........so no telling how long me and kids will

be here........my tolerance level is like ZEROOOOOOO

At 07:25 PM 6/14/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>Hey Kathy,

>I just wanted to let you know, I read your entire story. A very good read

>actually! It kept my interest all the way to the bottom. I felt so much

>emotion reading it. I could feel your pain along with your joy! Thanks for

>sharing. I've misplaced your phone number but would love to give you a call

>sometime or get together sometime. I'm the one who live near you! Please

>let me know!

>Rosemary Locklear

> Re: Beth



> >

> > ty beth i was prayin sumone would take the time to read that long ass


> > lol.....THANK GAWDDDD i was sweatin it for awhile lol

> >

> > and THANks for ur kind words........u know where i could find that book? i

> > would love to read it.......im not a reader........but i will read self

> > help books........anything else no wayyyyyyyyy........guess its why i was


> > math major lol.....

> >

> > so much we learn here from others and others experiences......and so many

> > times we learn we have others that can relate to us that is the one thing


> > loved about OA and the other 12 step programs and this list serves as the

> > same kind of support, Thanks,

> >

> > Wet Kathy in Nc

> > wont stop raining here!!!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > At 07:54 PM 6/13/2001 +0000, you wrote:

> > >Kathy, I so enjoyed reading about your life. How very interesting.

> > >I wanted to comment on a similarity.....My mother well and my

> > >father....all through my childhood were both practicing alcoholics.

> > >I also lived and learned about abuse, neglect, courts, custody,

> > >violence and last but not least.....running to food for comfort.

> > >As a matter of fact, there are many first born or only child adult

> > >daughters of alcoholics who find themselves addicted to food.

> > >Perhaps, it is because we have addictive personalities yet we

> > >have to take care of our drunk parents and or our neglected

> > >siblings so we choose an addiction that (at least in the

> > >beginning) is socially acceptable and lets us stay in control of

> > >our thoughts and surroundings.

> > >I read a book once called Self Sabotage: Adult Children of

> > >Alcoholics. That book quotes the stats of overweight first born or

> > >only child adult daughters of alcoholics as 90+% being

> > >overweight. Scary huh?

> > >Makes me think that we never had a chance without WLS!

> > >I also wanted to say congrats on your degrees and on your

> > >mother's sobriety! What an accomplishment! And I fully

> > >understand your point about not being resentful of your past.....it

> > >does make us the strong women we are today!

> > >Thanks again for sharing!

> > >

> > >Warmly,

> > >Beth

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hey Kathy,

I just wanted to let you know, I read your entire story. A very good read

actually! It kept my interest all the way to the bottom. I felt so much

emotion reading it. I could feel your pain along with your joy! Thanks for

sharing. I've misplaced your phone number but would love to give you a call

sometime or get together sometime. I'm the one who live near you! Please

let me know!

Rosemary Locklear

Re: Beth


> ty beth i was prayin sumone would take the time to read that long ass


> lol.....THANK GAWDDDD i was sweatin it for awhile lol


> and THANks for ur kind words........u know where i could find that book? i

> would love to read it.......im not a reader........but i will read self

> help books........anything else no wayyyyyyyyy........guess its why i was


> math major lol.....


> so much we learn here from others and others experiences......and so many

> times we learn we have others that can relate to us that is the one thing


> loved about OA and the other 12 step programs and this list serves as the

> same kind of support, Thanks,


> Wet Kathy in Nc

> wont stop raining here!!!!












> At 07:54 PM 6/13/2001 +0000, you wrote:

> >Kathy, I so enjoyed reading about your life. How very interesting.

> >I wanted to comment on a similarity.....My mother well and my

> >father....all through my childhood were both practicing alcoholics.

> >I also lived and learned about abuse, neglect, courts, custody,

> >violence and last but not least.....running to food for comfort.

> >As a matter of fact, there are many first born or only child adult

> >daughters of alcoholics who find themselves addicted to food.

> >Perhaps, it is because we have addictive personalities yet we

> >have to take care of our drunk parents and or our neglected

> >siblings so we choose an addiction that (at least in the

> >beginning) is socially acceptable and lets us stay in control of

> >our thoughts and surroundings.

> >I read a book once called Self Sabotage: Adult Children of

> >Alcoholics. That book quotes the stats of overweight first born or

> >only child adult daughters of alcoholics as 90+% being

> >overweight. Scary huh?

> >Makes me think that we never had a chance without WLS!

> >I also wanted to say congrats on your degrees and on your

> >mother's sobriety! What an accomplishment! And I fully

> >understand your point about not being resentful of your past.....it

> >does make us the strong women we are today!

> >Thanks again for sharing!

> >

> >Warmly,

> >Beth

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Beth: Glad to hear the good news, that sure is a cute little boy you

have. Wanting to try for a girl now? Thanks for being such a good friend.

Love, Genny

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

huh? who? not me... the OTHER a teehee....


MGB 5/28/00

214/115ish lbs



Hon, don't let someone that doesn't know what they are talking about

upset you. I was there with you at dinner with Dr.Rutledge when he was

discussing this phenomenon. We both know what was discussed as well as

the other 6 or 7 people that were there.

We are living proof that the body will adapt and has a tendency to

compensate for the malabsorbtion. As we all know, experts rarely agree

on various topics as we have witnessed with the MGB.

You are under a lot of stress so take a deep breath and if you really

feel the need to hit something try hitting on a. I'm sure she

won't mind.;-)


Genz~~~just don't hit me.....my ovaries are missing :-(

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Sweetie! Don't be sorry for speaking your mind! And for calling

out for support! Just think of all the people our little conversation

helped! Helped them to look at what they are eating.....how they

are burning calories and how time is very important here!

I think that this list is evolving because of the simple fact that we

no longer have a fresh flow of excited newbies!

Think about it. For a few months now, there are NO new post

ops......no one is losing 20 -30 pounds in one month!!! Most of

us are 4 months or more post op and that means we are

collectively starting to slow down our weight loss.

So with that in mind.....we will hear more and more worried posts

like yours, mine, Dinah, Rosemary, Stormy, Kathi and saucy

V! (sorry I know I left lots of you out =)

And now that I am calmer and can look back and try to

understand what in the world got me so upset....well it is simple.

I have been stuffing sooooo much frustration and sometimes

ANGER!!!! over the way that @#$%^ & * handled this whole

crusade against Dr. R. I feel so frustrated because I know there

is some kernel of truth in what she says but dammit I cant figure

out just what it is because her tactics are soooo manipulative

and disgustingly self serving! It has been 10 LONG months of

blatant propaganda coming across my computer.

And the ONE thing I did NOT want her to be right about was that

we post ops will call ANYONE who speaks negativity .....an LT

supporter to shut them up. Her cry is that we are all Moonies

with our heads in the sand.

I was so grateful that once we came to this new Post op list.....we

as a group seemed to not mention her name. We opened our

minds up to the fact that there may be some problems and there

may just be some of us not losing as we had expected or was

predicted. We also, as I pointed out earlier, were an older post

op group who had gone past the giddy euphoric days and had

moved into a phase where we had to use more self control to get

the results of just a month before.

Hey I am all for positive thinking and I want to read everyone's

wins......but I also want to read about the struggles so that I have

a balanced and more realistic view.

So when my post about absorbing more calories was greeted

with a reference to being an LT supporter unhappy because we

were not all arguing....WOW....that really touched a very very

exposed nerve!

Which obviously I over reacted too! Like I said....I had many

many issues going on in the back ground at the time....My

mother, Amy's Mother, gained weight, serious money issues

since my surgery was self pay.....oh believe me if I had not had to

mortgage my home to get this surgery I might not be so freaked

out about showing my family and friends that I did the right thing

cause look at me losing all this weight! And I would not be so

desperate because I fear having to somehow pay for a revision

or staying fat AND a failure!

I really don't think Caron had a clue as to how painful her

comments were. I trust that she would not have said them had

she known.

Think of it this way......she writes that in the past 3 months she

has lost 56 pounds.....in the past 3 months I have lost 12. We

have a whole different vantage point! And we would both do well

to remember the other's feelings.

So you little Deary did nothing to cause this.....it is just growing

pains I think.

Hope you have a wonderful loser day! Ohh ohh and Yes! we

talked on the phone. You were making breakfast for your son I

think and could not stand to fry the bacon because of your health.

Look at you now!!!! =)




> Beth


> I am so sorry... I feel like I started a range war... you were so

> supportive of me and understood my frustration and fear.. I am

> scared..my arthritis pain has totally come back..


> yes, I am better in that I do not need cruthes and my pain

meds, but

> I can still only walk little bits.. and I probably should be using a

> cane,, I have several.. from pow-wow style( A piece of cherry


> with an eagle head)to fancy dress.


> I feel that you stated the whole thing pretty clearly in laymans

> terms (this is the food or nutrient receptor thing..)


> I thought that Caron meant me, when she said that... about the

LT and

> arguing...


> About the rest, well, both my parents were alcoholics, they

> functioned, but it was VERY dysfunctional I am a recovering


> myself, been sober almost 16 1/2 years now.. quit smoking

too, thats

> when the weight problems began... oh well.. I know some of

your pain

> and I send you my deepest sympathy.


> I also wish I had known a little bit more that it WAS so

important to

> really watch one's food intake. I would have been MUCH more



> now, I am faced with changing insurances, and I just found out


> because of the mgb they do not want to insure me for 5 FIVE


> and by other standards I need to be around 180 lbs... so at 243


> fall pretty short.. I am losing inches, I think, and still am

> working at not being paranoid..


> I have lost 2 lbs this month and have about 10 days to go.. I


> wish I knew if this was a plateau or WHAT!!!!???


> Please do not feel bad and keep up your positive posts.. Did I


> you?? for a reference?? I live in Flagler beach.. up the


> coast here perhaps we could meet someday.


> Suzanne


> 1.10.01

> 298/243

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I am so sorry about your pain. hang in there. I know how hard it is, been

there, done that. I am fortunately in a remission period and feel fairly

well today. I will say healing prayers for you.

Take care of yourself.

in ark

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  • 1 month later...

Will have to try that Beth! Gotta try somethin!

At 01:38 PM 8/24/2001 +0000, you wrote:


> >

>i cant drink the protein shakes....:(....i

> > have spent hundreds of dollars tryin to find one i like..


>Hey K,

>Try the Designer Protein with crushed ice, one scoop of vanilla

>frozen yogurt and soy chocolate milk....Blend it and yum....I love it!


>Or Designer Protein, vanilla frozen yogurt, a package of no sugar

>added Swiss Miss cocoa, shaved ice and skim milk.....tastes like

>a frosty!







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also low fat yogurt has protein too...good source

Jeanne in NY

--- ~k~ <kacherra@...> wrote:





> Will have to try that Beth! Gotta try somethin!







> At 01:38 PM 8/24/2001 +0000, you wrote:

> >

> > >

> >i cant drink the protein shakes....:(....i

> > > have spent hundreds of dollars tryin to find one

> i like..

> >

> >Hey K,

> >Try the Designer Protein with crushed ice, one

> scoop of vanilla

> >frozen yogurt and soy chocolate milk....Blend it

> and yum....I love it!

> >

> >Or Designer Protein, vanilla frozen yogurt, a

> package of no sugar

> >added Swiss Miss cocoa, shaved ice and skim

> milk.....tastes like

> >a frosty!

> >

> >Beth

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Beth,

Your post was beautiful. My husband and I both work for US Airways. This

has been a trying time for those of us that are in the airline business. I

was furloughed yesterday and my husband received his furlough papers today.

I thought that I would be all torn up about this but although I feel somber,

I know that we are blessed that we still have each other. My heart and

prayers goes out to all of those who were killed or lost their loved ones by

the hands of the terrorists.

Thank you so much for your post and your support.. I feel that soon people

will start flying again and we all will be working again. God Bless America.


MGB 02/21/01

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