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Thanks Gretchen,

I also live in California, when you say private plan are you speaking of a


Thanks again.


----- Original Message -----

From: Gretchen Glick <liliwigg@...>

< >

Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:17 AM

Subject: [] Insurance

> Bill, here's some input for me:


> With Blue Cross (as I am self-employed) they didn't ask any questions

> about neurological stuff. Only asked do you smoke?Drink? Have Heart

> problems? Just basic info to which of course I checked NO.


> I chose to get a private health insurance plan, due to the fact that the

> way I manage my health conditions is to go to whatever Dr. I choose

> whenever I need to. I pick the Drs. I go to. I try to check them out

> before hand. Also No long wait for an appointment. Nothing needs

> 'approval'. Claims paid in reasonable time. I had several Blue +'s to

> choose from. Only thing I kind of worry about is Blue + is having some

> 'problems' here in Calif. with a few hospitals refusing to take that

> insurance!


> There are also State 'pools' for insurance, these are for people that

> have medical conditions that get turned down by regular insurance. Check

> with your Insurance Commissioner's State Office to see what's availble.

> There also might be the Genetically Handicapped Persons' Insurance

> program in your state.


> I do not have prescription coverage - but all of that is tax deductible

> at the end of the year, so are the monthly payments I make to Blue

> Cross. I keep receipts like mad and have this all organized in various

> files so I don't end up with tons of paper stubs. Just had the file to

> my accountant!


> I didn't say anything about CMT. They didn't ask. I have had no CMT

> related health problems, other than a tremors surge this year that

> medication got under control. ALL my Drs. DO know I have CMT, I also

> keep a one page 'medical brief' updated on myself, here at home.

> Whenever I change a medication, or get a new diagnosis (like last year's

> slipped disc) I add it to the 'brief'. In a way it is like my own

> medical resume. I have a copy, my brother has a copy, all Drs. have

> copies, emergency copy with neighbor, also emergency info. in

> fridgerator, etc. I update is about 2 times a year, as I update my other

> things, will, etc. I also note that I have an Advance Directive and

> DPAHC on the medical brief.


> My CMT is mild also, but last year's disc problem was an expensive

> little baby!


> ~Gretchen




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I work for a doctor's office and as far as I know (at least in New York

State) there are no pre-existing condition clauses for HMOs and they could

not deny you coverage because you have CMT. Probably any other insurance

plan does have pre-existing clauses and you would not be covered for a CMT

related problems for a specified number of months but that would depend on

the insurance you choose. Hope this helps

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This sound right. But I was thinking you can't be denied coverage, but the

premiums (if you are put in an insurance pool) would be quite pricey. It's

sad because there really isn't a choice. We all need to have insurance


----- Original Message -----

From: <gdamds@...>

< >

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 2:27 PM

Subject: Re: [] insurance

> I work for a doctor's office and as far as I know (at least in New York

> State) there are no pre-existing condition clauses for HMOs and they could

> not deny you coverage because you have CMT. Probably any other insurance

> plan does have pre-existing clauses and you would not be covered for a CMT

> related problems for a specified number of months but that would depend on

> the insurance you choose. Hope this helps




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the info Ruth, I will call him.



----- Original Message -----

From: <rfc40@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 9:11 PM

Subject: [] Insurance

> Hi Bill ,

> Here is another option you may wish to pursue regarding insurance

> coverage. My company affiliated group insurance is terminating next

> week and those of us covered are being transferred to private plans.

> HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) plans with

> Blue Cross were taken out for those of us with pre-existing

> conditions. I do not believe that they can turn you down if you meet

> the qualifications for this plan. They did not ask on the

> application form what my pre-existing condition was. They may have

> received that information from the group policy holder and my record

> of NOT filing claims CMT related or otherwise! I received

> confirmation today that my policy will become effective next week. I

> don't know what this policy covers yet, as the negotiations were made

> by my employer and our broker. I assume it will be equivalent to the

> group policy we had. According to our insurance broker, these

> plans are offered by all insurance companies, but they are not

> advertised. If you were covered under a group plan with your

> former employer, you should be granted a HIPAA Plan. My

> understanding is that it would be with the same insurance company

> that your previous employer has, provided your previous employer

> currently uses that company. If your previous employer does not use

> the same group insurance company or no longer provides insurance, you

> can apply with any company.

> Our broker will be out of town for the next two weeks, but if you

> wish to contact him directly, he said he would be happy to fill you

> in on the details. We are in Santa Barbara, CA, so are fairly close

> to your location. Please feel free to call Joe Blum at (805) 687-

> 0066 or e-mail him at jblum@.... He gave me permission to

> give you his phone and address. I hope this will be useful for you.

> Ruth C Santa Barbara, CA






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  • 3 years later...
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I have been having problems with insurance coverage so I thought I would ask the list if anyone had any advice. I recently lost my insurance. I was on Cobra for a year and a half. It was from my last job. I held onto cobra until it ran out, so I would have coverage while I was getting my master's degree, and hoping I would have a job before Cobra ran out. Well time wasn't on my side, and Cobra ran out before I was able to find a job. Trying to find a job with benefits in rural IL isn't easy. You can't get a job without experience, you can't get experience if you don't have a job. So in the meantime I've been trying to find some sort of coverage for myself, but no companies will insure anyone with RA. GRRRRRRRRRRR. So I'm currently w/o insurance, which everyone here knows isn't a good thing. Has anyone here gotten insurance here outside of being insured through work? any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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There was a post on this subject on another web site I follow.

http://www.arthritisinsight.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=13 The title was

Insurance Rant. It's a pretty active boars so you may have to scroll down a

ways to find the post. God bless.


> From: <jamie8177@...>

> Date: 2004/05/03 Mon AM 01:44:04 GMT

> Rheumatoid Arthritis

> Subject: insurance


> Hi.

> I have been having problems with insurance coverage so I thought I would ask

the list if anyone had any advice. I recently lost my insurance. I was on Cobra

for a year and a half. It was from my last job. I held onto cobra until it ran

out, so I would have coverage while I was getting my master's degree, and hoping

I would have a job before Cobra ran out. Well time wasn't on my side, and Cobra

ran out before I was able to find a job. Trying to find a job with benefits in

rural IL isn't easy. You can't get a job without experience, you can't get

experience if you don't have a job. So in the meantime I've been trying to find

some sort of coverage for myself, but no companies will insure anyone with RA.

GRRRRRRRRRRR. So I'm currently w/o insurance, which everyone here knows isn't a

good thing. Has anyone here gotten insurance here outside of being insured

through work? any advice would be greatly appreciated.



> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 year later...

Do the lawyers take a certain percentage once and done or is it a set amount each month for X amount of time? I am confused as to how you survive if a portion of your check each month has to go to a lawyer...just wondering how it works. I may be in this boat sooner then I thought. My dh has RA. Thanks-

----- Original Message -----

From: paula delarosa

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 2:22 PM

Subject: Insurance

It took me 2 1/2 years to get approved for medicaid and the lawyer didn't take a penny out until I was approved and he took it out of the first retroactive payment. So, it is good to get started on that. I have medicaid and it is a blessing for me.

Also needymeds.com is a place to look into. I have a whole list I can send you. Drug companies will also help you.

Hang in there....it's not easy.


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