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> We are currently on day 3 of ParaGone, an herbal cleasing system we

> purchased from the hfs. Not sure what we'll do if that doesn't work.


> also need to get the lead and mercury of his little body and I was

under the belief that we had to get rid of the bugs first. What if we

can't get rid of the bugs?


I know several people who had serious problems, who've

gotten better using Hulda's methods, from MS, Chron's, arthritis, CFS,


They all used both the herbs and the zapper. the zapper is pretty

inexpensive treatment, doesn't seem likely to hurt, and the people I

know think it helped. You might look into it. Search for zapper

, or Dr. gives directions on how to make one yourself.

www..net or .org


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  • 3 weeks later...
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<I have a friend that is obsessed with biting her nails. I had heard

that this is a symptom of parasites.>

It really is more of a means for getting parasites than meaning one

has them.


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Colonics are supposed to clear parasites. Also, they sell colon

cleansers at the health food store. One that a friend of mine had

success with was called " Ultimate Cleanse " .

Here is a post from a different board with an interesting experience.

Bonnie's Story

Hello - I want to share what I've gone through the past 3+ years with

Candida overgrowth, food allergies, chronic fatigue, etc., and tell

you what finally, finally, at long last helped me heal. I hope that

my story may help some of you, or at least give you and/or your

doctor another angle to consider.

I'll try to keep it short, while still giving you as much information

as possible. Here goes...

I've felt bad since 1987 when I went off to college. I'd sleep all

afternoon (particularly after lunch), and just didn't have any

energy. I started drinking lots of coffee at this point for a boost

in order to make it through college and also to alleviate the

constipation problem I began to have. Over the next 4 years I

developed food allergies (wheat, corn, yeast...) and developed a

vaginal yeast infection that wouldn't go away. Somehow, I managed to

keep moving at graduate from a difficult school (Georgia Tech), work,

serve in offices in various organizations at college, etc. I think it

was the sheer will to " not miss out of life just because I feel bad "

that kept me going.

After graduating from college, I had a couple of jobs in which I

traveled Sunday nights - Friday afternoons to other cities. Kept

drinking the coffee (Starbucks became popular then, thank goodness!),

trying to avoid the foods I was allergic to, but slept whenever and

wherever I could. Got really good at falling asleep before the plane

took off the ground.

At age 27, I took a new job that required less travel, less hours at

work, as I was starting to REALLY get tired and felt the pace I lived

and work was too much for my health. After about a year at this new

job, I'd slowed down enough so that I had time to really listen to my

body. I was exhausted, had dark circles under my eyes, was very

irritable and depressed, and felt bad every time I ate. I was

starting to put on weight without changing anything. Felt like I was

about 80, trapped in a 28-year-old body.

My mother found a doctor nearby that seemed to help a friend of hers

with similar complaints to mine. As you can imagine, I'd been to

many, many doctors over the years; they either gave me antibiotics or

told me I was depressed -sound familiar?! Anyway, this doctor was

great; he thought my thyroid function was depressed from the

overgrowth of yeast in my system. After running some blood tests for

candida overgrowth and food allergies, I had a very high level of

candida and was allergic to many, many foods. He put me on T4 thyroid

and Diflucan, as well as a number of vitamin supplements and

acidophilus. I started to feel better, lose weight, and the

depression lifted. I continues on a food rotation diet (mostly

sticking to it) for the next 9 months or so and continuted to feel


About a year after starting the anti-candida protocol, I had lost

about 15 pounds and felt very " jittery " . I weaned off the T4 (felt I

was overdosing on it) and my doctor wanted to also take me off the

150 mg of Diflucan I had been taking daily. It's really hard on the

liver, and I wanted to get off it if I could.

I felt good for another 3 months following the food allergy diet and

taking the supplements, but then all of my old symptoms and weight

gain came back - this time much worse. I tried to doctor myself with

Capryllic Acid, acidophilus, and diet, but I found that I literally

could not stay away from sugar. I woke up every day vowed to " avoid

it today " but never could.

After living like this for about 8 months, I took a leave of absence

from work and went back to the doctor that had helped me a year

before. He started me on everything again -this time on Sporanox

instead of Diflucan - but I was not improving. The T4 was not

helping, the Sporanox was not reducing the levels of Candida in my

blood, and I still couldn't stay away from sugar.

Somehow, over this crazy year or so, I'd begun dating an old, dear

friend of mine and we'd become engaged. We were living in Atlanta at

the time, and both felt it was time to leave the city. He was tired

of the crowds, traffic, etc. and I felt that clean air and a slower

pace of live would help my health. So, we moved to Montana!

Arrived out here this past April, got married, found a log home in

the mountains and settled in. Initially, I did feel better (I

attribute it to the clean air) but my old symptoms returned. I

decided that I wanted to treat my problems naturally, and not get

back on medication.

I found an ND in the next town and she ran an interesting test (can't

remember for the life of me what it's called but I can find out if

anyone is interested) which measured body temperatures at various

pressure points throughout the body. (The Europeans use this test

instead of a mamogram). The results indicated that " something " was

stressing out my entire body. She suggested that I have the mercury

fillings removed from my teeth, as heavy metal poisoning may be the

cause. I thought " why not; can't hurt! " and had all 8-10 of them

removed the following week. IMMEDIATELY, my sinuses cleared up and my

headache I'd had for 10+ years went away. But, still couldn't eat

many foods (or shouldn't), craved the sugar, had trouble losing

weight...you know the story. At a local health food store I picked up

a magazine about health issues and resources in the area. An article

on colon hydrotherapy got my attention. Before leaving Atlanta, I had

had several colonics and would feel better for a few hours

afterwards. So, I decided to give it another try. Again, like the

mercury, thought " can't hurt! "

I made an appointment and met with the colon hydrotherapist before

the first session. I told her about my battle with Candida

overgrowth, and she asked me where I had traveled to, and if I liked

to go camping. Huh? Why was that important? I told her I'd been to

South America a couple of times, the Carribbean several times, spent

a summer in Great Brittain, traveled another time to Europe, spent 2

weeks backpacking in the Grand Canyon 6 years ago...and perhaps some

other places. And, yes, I told her, I always tried the local food and

tried to be careful about drinking bottled water, but it wasn't

always available (especially in Patagonia!). She said " you know, in

my experience, anyone I've ever seen with Candida always has

parasites. " Huh? I'd heard of them but I don't have pets, and just

never considered them.

Well, she started me on a series of colonics, asked me to try and

avoid dairy (produces mucus in the body and she was pulling a lot of

that out of me!), and gave me a couple of tinctures/supplements to

take. One kills candida, one is a colon cleanser (sort of like a

psyllium, etc. blend) and the other 2 kill parasites. I am learning

that parasites eat candida and/or produce it. I am thinking that, for

me, all the Diflucan and Sporanox in the world couldn't get rid of my

candida overgrowth because I had these parasites.

WOW. Let me say it again. WOW. About 2 weeks into the protocol I

started passing what looked like Giardia. Then came the hookworms.

Then came something she's never seen before. They are all sent off to

the parasitic institute in Arizona for accurate identification. I

find this really disgusting, but I literally feel like a new person

with this treatment. My dark circles are disappearing, I have lost

about 6 pounds over the past month, I am running again - for the

first time in a long, long time, I wake up smiling everyday just

because I don't feel bad, and - the best part - I no longer crave

sugar! There's a gallon of Breyer's ice cream in the freezer right

now and cookies on the counter (I can see them...) but I don't even

want them. It's not a struggle anymore.

Anyway, that's my story. I am not saying that we all have yucky

parasites, but it was what finally worked for me. Removing the

mercury probably helped some, but I think the key for me was getting

rid of the parasites. I don't know if you've thought this way, but

over the past few years I keep trying to get to the " root cause " of

all this. I know I've found the answer for me.

Although the past years have been very trying (and I am not quite out

of the woods yet - takes about 3+ months to kill the " uninvited

guests " ), I am glad I can share my story with other people. And the

best thing about feeling better, in my opinion, is knowing how bad

things were when you don't have your health, and imagining what all

is possible with good health. I'm not just trying to survive each day

anymore, I am actually living.

Thanks...good luck to all.

> My son has been having digestive problems lately so I had some tests

> done. They say he has something like

> blastisiosis hominins(I'm not sure about spelling). The doctor

> prescribed flagyl. Does anyone know what this parasite is, and


> is the best way to deal with it???

> Bernie

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I am not sure if this is the best way, but it did seem to work ( I think). My

daughter used Tricycline from Allergy Research Group, one capsule during

breakfast, one capsule at dinner time. Took one culturelle during afternoon

snack. This was prescribed by a nutrition doctor.

I don't know if this will work for the particular parasite you mentioned.


Bernard Windham wrote:

> My son has been having digestive problems lately so I had some tests

> done. They say he has something like

> blastisiosis hominins(I'm not sure about spelling). The doctor

> prescribed flagyl. Does anyone know what this parasite is, and what

> is the best way to deal with it???

> Bernie


> =======================================================


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear ,

No, this will not rule out parasites. My daughter was hospitalized for the

dehydration from giardia. Her regular pediatrician thought it was a long

lasting flu. I took her somewhere else and she was immediately

hospitalized. It took four stool tests after she was released to find the

problem. GSDL claims to have better testing, they're a specialty lab, but

parasites have a life cycle and there are other reasons they can be hard to

spot. If you suspect a parasite, find a local lab and keep rerunning the


It was the same story with my pregnant neighbor at the same time this was

going on with my daughter. She was at the point of hospitalization and they

caught the giardia on the third test, I think. I believe all my children, my

husband and myself, and her other four children and her husband were

significantly exposed. There was a backyard kiddy pool and some not yet

potty trained children and all the germ passing that comes with very young

children in both families. I think everyone else just passed off the

parasite. My neighbor was pregnant and that changes the immune system, etc.,

and my daughter had always fallen to anything intestinal until we caught up

with her food allergies.

Dwyer wrote:

> Can anyone tell me whether or not the GSDL parasitology test absolutely

> rules out parasites if the test results show no parisites?

> Thanks.


> ________________________________________________

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  • 3 months later...

< Diffently whoever has yeast most likely they have some sort of a

parasite or maybe more than one specie! i for one have them but not in

abundence (i don't think) i have only captured 3 but i can still feel them

moving, they were in the calfs of my legs they are now moving downward

towards my ankles and in the last 2 weeks i am having cramping of my feet! i

talk with my internet Dr. this week & will tell him. since having cancer i

can't seem to tolerate a lot of my hervbs i took for yeast & parasites.

I'll let you know what he says. but i do have the zapper & need to do it

more! Mog

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I have heard and heard of the zapper, but I have not

been successful in locating it on the net or

specifically Dr. 's website. It may be right

under my nose, but I keep missing it.

I want to check into getting one -- I need a location

to purchase it and pricing information -- information

about HOW to use it too.

I would appreciate it if you can help! :)

Thanks sis!


--- mogdrmom@... wrote:

> < Diffently whoever has yeast most likely

> they have some sort of a

> parasite or maybe more than one specie! i for one

> have them but not in

> abundence (i don't think) i have only captured 3 but

> i can still feel them

> moving, they were in the calfs of my legs they are

> now moving downward

> towards my ankles and in the last 2 weeks i am

> having cramping of my feet! i

> talk with my internet Dr. this week & will tell him.

> since having cancer i

> can't seem to tolerate a lot of my hervbs i took for

> yeast & parasites.

> I'll let you know what he says. but i do have the

> zapper & need to do it

> more! Mog



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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you guys have me all confused now...... Is it the candida i need to get arid

of or is it the parasites? I'm going to a nutritionist doctor to see what

he says.... It seems like every week I am told to try a different herb or

supplement.... And what about this " ia " stuff .. Is she just

selling this crap to make money or does it really work ? There's too much

of this sh*t out there where these people are claiming to cure your

disease.... I cant even estimate the amount of money I have spent on all

these stupid supplements.... I'm taking like 15 different herbs for candida

now and I feel like total sh*t... Everybody I ask recommends a different

type of supplement.... I dont think anyone has ever been cured from a

chronic yeast problem.... We have this sh*t for life..

> Message: 1

> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 21:39:48 +0200

> From: Philippe Dandelot <pearljam@...>

> Subject: parasites


> Hello,


> Thanks to Carolyn's testimony, I've realized the importance of parasites


> our health. It's astonishing to think that most of us have worms living in

> our bowels and various organs. Especially in our modern, sophisticated

> societies where billions & billions are spent on medicine, food

> controlling, ... bullshit


> I'm now only in my 4th on anti-parasite herbs (ie. black walnut, cloves &

> wormwood, like adviced on http://www.ia.com ) and I have already

> expelled dozens & dozens of small worms in the toilet, thanks to enemas

> too, distinguishing at least 8 different species till now!!! No wonder why

> I am in bad shape. I'm about to order the famous 'zapper' by Hulda

> too, in order to help getting rid of these invaders throughout the body.


> Candida is major health issue nowadays, but I think anyone suffering from

> candidiasis or chronic diseases should also seriously regard the

> possibility of parasites, which seems very overlooked. Taking these

> anti-parasite herbs might be a good test.


> Philippe

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Carolyn, i sent a picture of the zapper to the group. its excatly as it

looks, does not hurt, i strap mine either in a pocket or my waist and

continue my house work. (i haven't let anyone else see me wearing it) it

kinda looks like i'm electrocuting my self! LOL! Mog

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Everyone has his or her own version of what works for them & that is what we

are doing letting people deceide for themselves. What works for one person

maybe will not work for another. as for taking 15 different kind of pills,

thats not bad! it depends on what they are, are you doing the diet strict?

when you have an overgrowth of yeast USUALLY you may have micro-mini

parasites to, so when cleaning up the yeast you clean up the parasites as

well. now some people may have more of an abundance or parasites & different

kinds. Of course i'm telling you what my " Internet Dr " told me, & i feel he

is very knowledgable, his name is michael biamonte you should find his site

under Candida, read ALL his literature, print it out and study it! i'm not

telling you to contact him, do the research and you'll see how smart this

yeast is and what your up against! it won't go away in a few months, I have

had this since i was a child & i am 59 now & only within the last 5 yrs was i

able to find out what it was! Dr's are not the best source of information,

unless of course you have one that will acknowledge he knows what candida is &

what it can do & how to treat it! Properly!

I hope this helps you understand it bettter, just let us know ! Mog

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Well, if u have parasites, this issue must be adressed, alongside with

candida. U can have them for years without " feeling " them or getting any

direct clue

I cannot tell for you, but after seeing all the worms I've expelled in the

last days, I don't wonder anymore how come I've been treating candida

unsuccessfully these last months, even though doing it correctly.

If I mentioned the site ia.com, it's because there were explanations

too there, but these main anti-parasite herbs (black walnut, wormwood &

cloves) can be found on many places and under many brands. For instance,

I've ordered mine on http://beseen.net/BeHealthy/order.htm , I didn't mean

to promote any special source. But maybe promoting these herbs, taken

together, yes, in case of parasite infection

At 13:27 9/10/01 -0400, you wrote:

>you guys have me all confused now...... Is it the candida i need to get arid

>of or is it the parasites? I'm going to a nutritionist doctor to see what

>he says.... It seems like every week I am told to try a different herb or

>supplement.... And what about this " ia " stuff .. Is she just

>selling this crap to make money or does it really work ? There's too much

>of this sh*t out there where these people are claiming to cure your

>disease.... I cant even estimate the amount of money I have spent on all

>these stupid supplements.... I'm taking like 15 different herbs for candida

>now and I feel like total sh*t... Everybody I ask recommends a different

>type of supplement.... I dont think anyone has ever been cured from a

>chronic yeast problem.... We have this sh*t for life..


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Basically, ph is important. Parasites thrive in an acid enviroment, as does

all disease. Most people are overly acid. Now the bodies first choice for

fighting acidity is calcium, and so if your system is acid, calcium is the

first place to go to rectify that. But not all calciums are alkaline forming.

C lactate is acid forming.

And not all calciums are desirable because they are too crude and not well

absorbed and cause problems. My two favorites are coral calcium/mag and trace

minerals, and then calcium orotate. I am sure there are other good ones that

people on this list might use. I just have had a really hard time finding ones

that my body liked. For me coral is the first choice and cal oro the second.

Also, you don't want to take calcium alone. It should be with magnesium or you

can wack your electrical system out. Also, some symptoms of low magnesium are

poor digestion, sleeplessness and weepiness or emotions on edge, anxiety. Mag

is foundational for hormones and many body functions. And, since most people

don't get enough trace minerals, ideally, you want to supplement those also.

So, once again, coral wins out for me because it has all of the above in it in

ionic form, which is the same as what occurs in the blood stream and so it is

highly compatible and well absorbed.

You can do a saliva test and see where your body is ph wise and if it is acid

and you supplement with coral, you will see it go more alkaline in just days,

and within a month you can totaly turn your ph around to a healthy state.

Acid alkline is a very important topic. Otto Warburg won a nobel prize for his

work that showed that cancer is caused by low oxygen due to high acid, which

drives oxygen out of your cells. Cancer thrives in a low oxygen enviroment. It

is anerobic. So you raise ph with calcium and oxygen comes back and cancer


HoPe that isn't too much info. Smile.



Donna you said that calcium level is very important to fight parasites but

can you tell me more about that please ?

Me too I have tried a lot of things to get rid of prostate and gallbladder

problems but over the years I didn't improve.

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Where can we get this stuff?



Donna you said that calcium level is very important to fight parasites but

can you tell me more about that please ?

Me too I have tried a lot of things to get rid of prostate and gallbladder

problems but over the years I didn't improve.

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In a message dated 10/09/2001 12:35:54 PM Central Daylight Time,

newjersey23@... writes:

> you guys have me all confused now...... Is it the candida i need to get arid

> of or is it the parasites? I'm going to a nutritionist doctor to see what

> he says....

It wouldn't hurt to go after both. I did parasite cleanses for several

months, as well as took antifungals for the candida. When I had the Great

Smokies stool test for parasites, candida, bacteria, etc., it showed no signs

of parasites. I feel like I got rid of the problem of parasites. The

herbalist that helps me said that it takes about 12 weeks of antiparasitic

herbs to eradicate the problem.

It seems like every week I am told to try a different herb or

> supplement....


> Not everyone responds the same to antifungals. Its a good thing to rotate

> them as the candida can become resistant. So, make a list of all the

> things you read about, and take turns using them. Don't go out and

> purchase all of them at once. When you feel you are no longer getting die

> off from one antifungal, switch to another. But, unless you are on a

> STRICT anti-candida diet, its unlikely you will have much die off.

> Remember, diet is the MOST important thing you can do, and supplements are

> meant to be just that: supplements to a healthy diet.

And what about this " ia " stuff .. > selling this crap to

> make money or does it really work ? There's too muchof this sh*t out

> there where these people are claiming to cure yourdisease....

Beware of any product that claims to be the only answer. There are tons of

brands out there and the most important thing to consider is quality.

Recommendations of brands, from other people is a great way of deciding which

to try, as not all brands are created equal. There are many articles out

there where certain herbs were tested and didn't always contain as much of

the herb it claimed, or it contained " other " products as well, that weren't

really beneficial, ie dirt, grass, etc.

I cant even estimate the amount of money I have spent on all

> these stupid supplements.... I'm taking like 15 different herbs for candida

> now and I feel like total sh*t...

It will take a lot of supplements to rebuild your immune system and eradicate

the candida problem. Remember that when you have a candida overgrowth

problem, you have a host of deficiencies. Once you can build up your

minerals and make some headway in the war on candida, you will be able to

eliminate some of the supplements. Candida causes you to have malabsorption

problems, so as the candida starts to balance, you will absorb more nutrients

from your foods and need less of them from your supplements.

If you are feeling sick, you may want to try eliminating one supplement at a

time, as its possible you are taking something that is making you feel that

way. I had that problem with the two glandular extracts that my doctor put

me on. As soon as I stopped taking them, I felt like a new woman! lol

Everybody I ask recommends a different

> type of supplement.... I dont think anyone has ever been cured from a

> chronic yeast problem.... We have this sh*t for life


> There are many people cured of this, however its unlikely you are going to

> find them hanging around this list. In fact, the herbalist that helps me,

> also had this over 15 years ago. Now, she is completely well. Of course,

> she continues to eat well and takes supplements, but not nearly as many as

> she did when she was sick.

I have been where you are: confused at all that I have read and trying to

make sense of it all. I recommend you read books, and not just little

tidbits from the people on here, as the books usually go into great details

in explaining things, and of course the more you read, the more things make

sense and the easier it is to make wise choices.

Good luck and don't give up,


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I am on several medicines, including valtrex, and my doctor thinks the only

good herb is that male one. I know I have parasites, testing positive for

Babesia, and candida. I also take several supplements, should I stop my

supplements and do a yeast cleanse ant then the parasite treatment, I know I

need to do something but don't know what. BTW, my doctor is an IM doc who I

went to because he is Lyme Literate but he ran a PCR for Lyme and told me it

was negative. I want to get a second opinion of the Lyme diagnosis, but

don't know if I should get rid of the yeast and parasite too, Babesia is a

Lyme co-infection. I am not sure which way to turn.

Hugs from a Light-House-Keeper finally in Pennsylvania (Anyone can clean the

house, only you can catch up on your rest) Michele E. Townsend,

FMS/90,ME/CFS/94, Lyme/??(DX2001),Candida,IBS...SSDI/95

mailto:michtown@... and homepages:

http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/SupportSt/michtown/default.htm Working on a

dream to become an Inn-House-Keeper! Join us at:

TownsendVillage or by sending a blank email to


-----Original Message-----

From: WusCookin@... Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 8:08 PM

It wouldn't hurt to go after both. I did parasite cleanses for several

months, as well as took antifungals for the candida. When I had the Great

Smokies stool test for parasites, candida, bacteria, etc., it showed no


of parasites. I feel like I got rid of the problem of parasites. The

herbalist that helps me said that it takes about 12 weeks of antiparasitic

herbs to eradicate the problem.

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You are on a JOURNEY to health -- the whole body kind

of health. You didn't likely get sick overnight, but

got worse over time.

Be encouraged. Be DETERMINED -- if you are angry --

turn that to the bad health, not the various choices

of advice.

By the way, parasites can be a contributor to candida

-- parasites eat the GOOD BACTERIA! That is the open

gate to candida overgrowth.

God bless you!


--- WusCookin@... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/09/2001 12:35:54 PM Central

> Daylight Time,

> newjersey23@... writes:



> > you guys have me all confused now...... Is it the

> candida i need to get arid

> > of or is it the parasites? I'm going to a

> nutritionist doctor to see what

> > he says....


> It wouldn't hurt to go after both. I did parasite

> cleanses for several

> months, as well as took antifungals for the candida.

> When I had the Great

> Smokies stool test for parasites, candida, bacteria,

> etc., it showed no signs

> of parasites. I feel like I got rid of the problem

> of parasites. The

> herbalist that helps me said that it takes about 12

> weeks of antiparasitic

> herbs to eradicate the problem.


> It seems like every week I am told to try a

> different herb or


> > supplement....

> >

> > Not everyone responds the same to antifungals.

> Its a good thing to rotate

> > them as the candida can become resistant. So,

> make a list of all the

> > things you read about, and take turns using them.

> Don't go out and

> > purchase all of them at once. When you feel you

> are no longer getting die

> > off from one antifungal, switch to another. But,

> unless you are on a

> > STRICT anti-candida diet, its unlikely you will

> have much die off.

> > Remember, diet is the MOST important thing you can

> do, and supplements are

> > meant to be just that: supplements to a healthy

> diet.



> And what about this " ia " stuff .. > selling

> this crap to

> > make money or does it really work ? There's too

> muchof this sh*t out

> > there where these people are claiming to cure

> yourdisease....


> Beware of any product that claims to be the only

> answer. There are tons of

> brands out there and the most important thing to

> consider is quality.

> Recommendations of brands, from other people is a

> great way of deciding which

> to try, as not all brands are created equal. There

> are many articles out

> there where certain herbs were tested and didn't

> always contain as much of

> the herb it claimed, or it contained " other "

> products as well, that weren't

> really beneficial, ie dirt, grass, etc.


> I cant even estimate the amount of money I have

> spent on all


> > these stupid supplements.... I'm taking like 15

> different herbs for candida

> > now and I feel like total sh*t...


> It will take a lot of supplements to rebuild your

> immune system and eradicate

> the candida problem. Remember that when you have a

> candida overgrowth

> problem, you have a host of deficiencies. Once you

> can build up your

> minerals and make some headway in the war on

> candida, you will be able to

> eliminate some of the supplements. Candida causes

> you to have malabsorption

> problems, so as the candida starts to balance, you

> will absorb more nutrients

> from your foods and need less of them from your

> supplements.


> If you are feeling sick, you may want to try

> eliminating one supplement at a

> time, as its possible you are taking something that

> is making you feel that

> way. I had that problem with the two glandular

> extracts that my doctor put

> me on. As soon as I stopped taking them, I felt like

> a new woman! lol


> Everybody I ask recommends a different


> > type of supplement.... I dont think anyone has

> ever been cured from a

> > chronic yeast problem.... We have this sh*t for

> life

> >

> > There are many people cured of this, however its

> unlikely you are going to

> > find them hanging around this list. In fact, the

> herbalist that helps me,

> > also had this over 15 years ago. Now, she is

> completely well. Of course,

> > she continues to eat well and takes supplements,

> but not nearly as many as

> > she did when she was sick.


> I have been where you are: confused at all that I

> have read and trying to

> make sense of it all. I recommend you read books,

> and not just little

> tidbits from the people on here, as the books

> usually go into great details

> in explaining things, and of course the more you

> read, the more things make

> sense and the easier it is to make wise choices.


> Good luck and don't give up,

> Annette



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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In a message dated 10/11/2001 12:57:41 PM Central Daylight Time,

allists@... writes:

> Any side-effects from the anti-parasite stuff you've been taking? I'm about

> to start - want to know what to expect!



Expect die-off and some bowel changes, such as constipation. You will need

to make sure you rid your body of the toxic matter, so get plenty of fiber.

You might need to add supplements such as bentonite clay and/or psyllium. I

found colonics helped me with this problem. I also got a lot of headaches,

but once I was able to get my bowels moving, the headaches went away.


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When i brought my son to his ND last I asked if had parasites and

they could tell in the live blood analysis he did. Maybe that is a way of

anrrowing things down . To find a Naturopathic Dr. that does live blood



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Ana, Parasites move and i can feel them, but also when i was going thru a die

0ff of yeast each day i could feel it going lower and lower in my body.

sometimes my back would feel swollen when doing so. i talked to my internet

Dr. and he has issued me some double strength liquid wormwood killer i

should get it today. my parasites gave me a rash on my arm that 2 Dr's

couldn't reconize, they blistered and itched & would have sharp pains thru

out the arm. i quit my hormones & asked the Dr' if the yeast would come back

now & he just said maybe or maybe not.we'll have to watch, usually the

hormones need to be well balanced or they thrive! but do to me taking

tamoxifen (from the cancer) you can't take the hormones. Mog

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Hi Mog and others,

I have had very often a strange feeling like something

is in my muscels in my legs working. I thougt it was

candida because when I started the diet it stoped. But

when I eat bred, sugar etc. it starts again. And I

feel it mooves down in my body. Could it be parasits

that I am feeling ?

Thanks for help



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Dear Mog,

could it be that because of parasits I was

going very thin while I was on the anti candida diet

so I couldnt do it anymore. I couldnt gain weight at

all so I stoped the diet and started eating

everything. But still I gained weigh very hard.

Now I am ok with my weight but have to start the diat

again cause I dont feel well.



--- mogdrmom@... wrote:

> Ana, Parasites move and i can feel them, but also

> when i was going thru a die

> 0ff of yeast each day i could feel it going lower

> and lower in my body.

> sometimes my back would feel swollen when doing so.

> i talked to my internet

> Dr. and he has issued me some double strength

> liquid wormwood killer i

> should get it today. my parasites gave me a rash on

> my arm that 2 Dr's

> couldn't reconize, they blistered and itched & would

> have sharp pains thru

> out the arm. i quit my hormones & asked the Dr' if

> the yeast would come back

> now & he just said maybe or maybe not.we'll have to

> watch, usually the

> hormones need to be well balanced or they thrive!

> but do to me taking

> tamoxifen (from the cancer) you can't take the

> hormones. Mog



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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I have the same problem...... But its a little different and usually occurs

right before I fall asleep..... Their like muscle twitches... Like my arms

will just jerk really quickly for no reason while i'm resting or

sleeping..... Does anybody else have this? This doesnt happen to me every

night... Its interesting too because it happened to me after I ate another

bowl of Froot Loops last night again......lol.... Those damn froot loops..

> Message: 1

> Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 02:50:31 -0700 (PDT)

> From: Ana Markt <ana_markt@...>

> Subject: Re: parasites


> Hi Mog and others,


> I have had very often a strange feeling like something

> is in my muscels in my legs working. I thougt it was

> candida because when I started the diet it stoped. But

> when I eat bred, sugar etc. it starts again. And I

> feel it mooves down in my body. Could it be parasits

> that I am feeling ?


> Thanks for help


> Ana

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