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Hi Kathy in CA,

This is Kathy in MI. I have been on varying dosages of prednisone for 11 years now, because of AIH. I personally have never had high BP once over the 11 years. Everyone is different, but I would not think it is due to the prednisone. I was not able to take Imuran, due to an allergic reaction, so maybe it has something to do with that combination for you. I am happy that the meds are now working! Thanks for sharing.

Kathy in MIitsukat@... wrote:

Hi everyone,Just got back from seeing my hep and he says things are looking good. About 2 months ago he said he was worried I may be one that may not respond to the meds, and put me back on prednisone with the imuran. Tests came back looking good this time. I am responding to them. Bad news, that I will now be on these stupid things for a long time...but better then" nothing we can do for you" right. He is concerned that suddenly my blood pressure has sky rocketed, and wants me to have it monitored by my primary every 2 days. Never been high before prednisone...is this normal? Thanks for listening, just wanted to share some good news.Kathy in CA

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Why 1-2yrs for living donor that makes no sense at all to me. At Hopkins if you had a match and were a candidate, it be done.

maybe its too late for me and mail but I think I understood correctly.


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He feels it is that far away. That I am not ready at this point to be transplanted. You are correct in the fact that if a donor is a match you can go ahead and schedule. He doesn't think I am quite there yet. That's what I meant by 1-2 years. Only time will tell and we do not want to waste time having the donors tested if things escalate rapidly. The work up will already be done and I will know who is a match and who is not.

Sorry, maybe I wasn't so clear.

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  • 1 month later...

ph 5 1/2 has been taking enzymes for a year now, and when we started he

was a 32 pound, pale, low muscle tone, ..... well I won't bore everyone.

Anyhow, the update is, ph is a beautiful 44 pounds, learning to tie his

shoes, and just learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. I'm so

happy my face hurts from smiling. His riding up and down our street is such

a gift.

Wonderful, . Happy Valentine¹s Day.


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>>>>Anyhow, the update is, ph is a beautiful 44 pounds, learning

to tie his shoes, and just learned how to ride his bike without

training wheels. I'm so happy my face hurts from smiling.

FaNTastiC! Wa-Hoooooo!!! thanks for letting us know!

Glad to hear the tea was positive. That is awesome stuff.


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 4/11/2004 7:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, kmabbadi@... writes:

I have reached the 40 lbs. weight loss mark

You go girl! Give yourself a big pat on the back!


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Thanks, Hanida! Now you be nice to yourself like that (as GiGi suggested) regarding whatever you've accomplished lately. Love,

hspl28@... wrote:

In a message dated 4/11/2004 7:15:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, kmabbadi@... writes:

I have reached the 40 lbs. weight loss mark

You go girl! Give yourself a big pat on the back!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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YEAH Yeah yeah. Yes, the welcoming committee must have been asleep

at the wheel to miss this post!!! What wonderful news for Abby. I

am stunned at the services you were able to secure.

We are visiting a pediatric neurologist in the late summer/early

fall. It has been an 8 month waiting period to get in to his

office! I am hopeful that his diagnosis will also secure more

services for us. At this point, Ian has no real diagnosis. He was

given " mixed developmental delay disorder " at the age of 26 months.

That was just the best choice the doc had on the form (the eval was

to rule in/out autism) given to him by the county program.

Static encepholopathy? What does that exactly mean for Abby?

Thanks so much for the news.


> Hey All,

> I posted here awhile ago, I guess the welcoming commitee was off


> day, LOL Since I didnt get much of a responce from anyone.

> However, I thought I'd try again with some good news.

> I just finished a round of " fighting " err rather advocating for my

> daughter Abby, with the school regarding her IEP. She was recently

> diagnosed with static encepholopathy, apraxia, and hypotonia. The

> neuro-dev. Ped has sent me her full report and her

recommendations. I

> was able to use this in my " fight "


> 1)She will start on her 3rd birthday,June 1st, as opposed to when

> they wanted, in July for the ESY Program (extended school year)


> 2) She will recieve 5days of ST with the SLP, as opposed to 2days

> with the " speech specialist "


> 3) They say* they are going to hire someone who is proficient in


> for the ESY program.

> Abbys sign vocab is a little over 100, and now stringing 2-3 signs

> together.


> Aside from the Preschool program, we are currently waiting for an

> appt. with a private SLP, an appt with the audio for a repeat


> (she failed her last one due to excessive wax) We are also waiting

> for the specialized childrens hospital to contact us regarding

> therapy. Ive heard the waiting list can be 3-6months.


> My big questions are:

> 1) They told me for the ESY Program she is guareented a minium of

> 1day a week therapy, until they find out exactly how many students

> will be in the program.

> My gut says Abby will be jipped here. I kinda feel they are


> away with something. If her Neuro-devel. Pedi says 5 Days a week


> ST through the school, I would think that would mean 5days in the

> regular school year, and the ESY.

> Does anyone know the law on this?


> 2) Abby has recently started to bite me, and her older sister.


> anyone have any experience with this behavior.

> How did you go about solving this issue. What methods seemed to


> best.

> The only thing I have tried is saying and signing NO!!

> A brief history of when she does bite -- when she doesnt get her


> Obviously when she can't get her point accross verbally.

> The first time, her sister went to pick her up, she didn't want to


> picked up. After repeatedly screaming, she resorted to biting her.

> Then the other day, she didn't want to walk when I was asked her,


> wanted for me to carry her around, she bit my leg. Of course I


> up carrying her.



> Any advice is much appreciated.

> Thank you,

> Dawn

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My twin girls were both biters, but (with severe apraxia) was

the worst. She's 7 1/2, and when she's really mad at her sister

she'll still sometimes bite her.

She is much better now, then she was at 2 or 3. She can communicate

better, and that has helped.

This is what I did. It ususally happened around bedtime, and rarely

happened any other time of day. At the end of the day, was

really spent, and both girls were sick of each other. also

never bit anyone outside our family, and she only rarely bit me and

even less her brother and dad.

If bit , went to her room. If they were in their

room when it happened, then stayed in her room and got

to go into my room. The treat for whoever was nicer was to sleep in

the " big " bed in the master bedroom.

I also tried to get and (my son) to stop bugging

. Sometimes they egg her on. If they are egging her on, then

they go to their rooms.

I guess you call it divide and conquer.

When 's biting, there's not reasoning for her. She's usually

too tired, and she doesn't communicate well when she is tired.

Just keep on saying " no " . stopped biting much younger then

(except on rare occasions even today).

I'd also really make an even bigger issue of it if she ever did it

outside the family. I think siblings abuse each other pretty well,

so I don't worry about them. I would not want my children to treat

other children poorly, and I would really become even more pro-

active if that was happening.

Good luck!


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As a speech pathologist familiar with the law in New Jersey, the law requires

that the ESY be implemented so that regression does not occur. However,

services are not based on how many students are in the program. An IEP is still

into effect (Individualized). AS for the biting, it is important to actually

determine the cause for the biting. Taking ABC data is very important. A

(antecedent-what happened immediately prior to biting) B (behavior-What did your


do?) C (consequence-How was it handled). Saying " no " might actually be

reinforcing the behavior if the behavior is attention seeking. After taking this


of data (writing it down) look for a pattern. Contacting a behavior

specialist in your area might be helpful. A functional behavior assessment may


necessary. Good luck,

Jodi Schechtman MA-CCC-SLP

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  • 4 weeks later...
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That¹s great Tawny!


> Hi friends,.....I have some good news to share with everyone. I

> contacted the American Cancer Society, and they gave me a number to a

> program here in OKC, for free mammograms. I have an appointment on

> June 11th for my mammogram, so that is great news to my ears. I have

> been so worried, so I can stop worrying about that.

> I am just going to wait for the OU Clinic to call me, I won't hold my

> breath!

> The ACS was really quite concern why the OU Clinic is taking their

> time on this, since mammogram programs are free for women over 41.

> So, there are ways to get help, just have to find it. Thanks

> everyone for your wonderful caring thoughts and prayers, Tawny





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a, I am sorry about the loss of your pet, its so hard to let go.

My 14 year old lab passed 2 years ago, and it still hurts so very

much. He was my best friend, he was like my child.

I wasn't going to have another pet, but I kept mourning. I picked up

the classified's one day, and there was a lab that needed a home.

Something just kept bugging me to call about this lab,so I did. He

was in the vet, the lady had found him, and he jumped her fence, and

ripped his belly open. When I laid eyes on the dog, I knew he needed

me, and we have not been apart since.

Just know that your angel is in a better place, hugs Tawny

> That¹s great Tawny!


> a


> > Hi friends,.....I have some good news to share with everyone. I

> > contacted the American Cancer Society, and they gave me a number

to a

> > program here in OKC, for free mammograms. I have an appointment


> > June 11th for my mammogram, so that is great news to my ears. I


> > been so worried, so I can stop worrying about that.

> > I am just going to wait for the OU Clinic to call me, I won't

hold my

> > breath!

> > The ACS was really quite concern why the OU Clinic is taking their

> > time on this, since mammogram programs are free for women over 41.

> > So, there are ways to get help, just have to find it. Thanks

> > everyone for your wonderful caring thoughts and prayers, Tawny

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I love to hear stories like that. There are so many furbabies in need of


My furbaby was abandoned at the vet. She had Parvo and my step daughter was

the vet tech that took care of her. She nursed this pup for weeks, with

her hovering close to death. When she recovered, they called the owners but

the owner wouldn't pick her up. They said she was ³damaged goods.² The vet

even was willing to drop the charges if they picked up the dog, but they

wouldn¹t, so my step daughter took it home.

She was a loving companion to me for 9 years. When I get another one, it

will probably be a rescue dog. You knew when it was time, and I guess I

will too. Thanks for sharing your heartwarming story.


> a, I am sorry about the loss of your pet, its so hard to let go.

> My 14 year old lab passed 2 years ago, and it still hurts so very

> much. He was my best friend, he was like my child.

> I wasn't going to have another pet, but I kept mourning. I picked up

> the classified's one day, and there was a lab that needed a home.

> Something just kept bugging me to call about this lab,so I did. He

> was in the vet, the lady had found him, and he jumped her fence, and

> ripped his belly open. When I laid eyes on the dog, I knew he needed

> me, and we have not been apart since.

> Just know that your angel is in a better place, hugs Tawny









>> > That¹s great Tawny!

>> >

>> > a

>> >

>>> > > Hi friends,.....I have some good news to share with everyone. I

>>> > > contacted the American Cancer Society, and they gave me a number

> to a

>>> > > program here in OKC, for free mammograms. I have an appointment

> on

>>> > > June 11th for my mammogram, so that is great news to my ears. I

> have

>>> > > been so worried, so I can stop worrying about that.

>>> > > I am just going to wait for the OU Clinic to call me, I won't

> hold my

>>> > > breath!

>>> > > The ACS was really quite concern why the OU Clinic is taking their

>>> > > time on this, since mammogram programs are free for women over 41.

>>> > > So, there are ways to get help, just have to find it. Thanks

>>> > > everyone for your wonderful caring thoughts and prayers, Tawny

>>> > >

>>> > >

>>> > >

>>> > >

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  • 1 month later...
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Dans un e-mail daté du 05/07/2004 16:45:39 Romance Standard Time,

wolfmark1@... a écrit :

> Make sure you keep us informed of your progress with

> the Naturopath. Iwould be quite interrested.



Will do!


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Dear Francine,

That is very good news indeed. Good for you. It is much better to

have the support of someone. Please be aware than not all

naturopaths will agree with the diet because many are misinformed

about good fats and animal meats.

Also you do know that some candida tests are not reliable eh? Dr.

Crook's Questionnaire is excellent, and maybe a Live Blood Cell


Take good care,


> I finally found a nutritionist in Paris. She is supposed to be very


> candida aware and can supervise a number of tests to assess if I

have candida.

> I am glad because it is hard to fight the candida battle alone.

This support

> group is very helpful but a naturopath on my side would be a

definite plus.


> Francine




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Make sure you keep us informed of your progress with

the Naturopath. Iwould be quite interrested.

--- francilor@... wrote:


I finally found a nutritionist in Paris. She is

supposed to be very good,

candida aware and can supervise a number of tests to

assess if I have candida.

I am glad because it is hard to fight the candida

battle alone. This support

group is very helpful but a naturopath on my side

would be a definite plus.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Congrats, Vani! All the very best to you!


[ ] Good news

Dear All

Some of you may know me as the SLP from India.......

I have been selected into the PhD program at the " All India Institute of

Speech and Hearing " . Which is great news!!!

I became a member of a year back.You may not believe it,

but it has been an eye opener. It feels great to have a parents' point of view

to apraxia, which is more or less a passion for me as an SLP.

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thanks vani. that means a lot


Vani Rupela <vanirupela@...> wrote:

Dear All

Some of you may know me as the SLP from India.......

I have been selected into the PhD program at the " All India Institute of Speech

and Hearing " . Which is great news!!!

I became a member of a year back.You may not believe it, but

it has been an eye opener. It feels great to have a parents' point of view to

apraxia, which is more or less a passion for me as an SLP.

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I love to hear good news about people who struggle with AIH. Thanks for

passing on your story today. It truly brightened my day and gave me hope.


>From: " Achee " <rthornton@...>



>Subject: [ ] Good news

>Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 19:07:25 -0000


>I haven't visited this forum in a VERY long time but I thought I

>would drop in and say hello.


>I was diagnosed with AIH in 2001. What a shock, huh? You all know

>what we go through in those early days...it sure is scary. Well, I

>have been off prednisone for a year now. Still on 75mg Imuran. Labs

>have been PERFECT for two full years and I am feeling better than I

>have in my entire life. I just went to my 20 year high school

>reunion, had a great time and looked and felt fantastic. So, there

>is hope and I am living proof. Hang in there all of you. I know

>there are those that haven't been as lucky as I have and I think of

>you often.


>Anyway, I don't know how long this string of good health will last.

>Nobody knows what they will have to face tomorrow. But I will sure

>enjoy this while it lasts....that's about all we get!


> in Houston



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Hi in Houston!

I'm glad to hear your good report! You seem to have it all together! Your story is a look down a positive road for someone who has steadily gone down hill.

I just wanted to say thank you and hope this continues for you!

Sparky Achee <rthornton@...> wrote:

I haven't visited this forum in a VERY long time but I thought I would drop in and say hello.I was diagnosed with AIH in 2001. What a shock, huh? You all know what we go through in those early days...it sure is scary. Well, I have been off prednisone for a year now. Still on 75mg Imuran. Labs have been PERFECT for two full years and I am feeling better than I have in my entire life. I just went to my 20 year high school reunion, had a great time and looked and felt fantastic. So, there is hope and I am living proof. Hang in there all of you. I know there are those that haven't been as lucky as I have and I think of you often.Anyway, I don't know how long this string of good health will last. Nobody knows what they will have to face tomorrow. But I will sure

enjoy this while it lasts....that's about all we get! in Houston

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Thank you for that very positive email. We all need

to hear good stuff like that. I pray for your

continued good health.


--- Achee <rthornton@...> wrote:


I haven't visited this forum in a VERY long time but I

thought I

would drop in and say hello.

I was diagnosed with AIH in 2001. What a shock, huh?

You all know

what we go through in those early days...it sure is

scary. Well, I

have been off prednisone for a year now. Still on

75mg Imuran. Labs

have been PERFECT for two full years and I am feeling

better than I

have in my entire life. I just went to my 20 year

high school

reunion, had a great time and looked and felt

fantastic. So, there

is hope and I am living proof. Hang in there all of

you. I know

there are those that haven't been as lucky as I have

and I think of

you often.

Anyway, I don't know how long this string of good

health will last.

Nobody knows what they will have to face tomorrow.

But I will sure

enjoy this while it lasts....that's about all we get!

in Houston

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  • 5 months later...

Great news


Weston <karenw@...> wrote:

Just thought I'd share some good news with you guys. I haven't been able to read the posts cause I've had a few pretty stressful days but I did get good news yesterday. Saw my doc and my liver is no longer enlarged! Got my blood work from last Friday. AST was 50 and ALT was 105 - much improved from the 300 range when I was in the hospital after Christmas! I had blood work done yesterday and I'm hoping the ALT will be even closer to normal so maybe they can start lowering my prednisone even more. I'm on 10 mg a day now and would love to have an end date in sight for stopping it totally!

take care,

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