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Hi Tess,

Yes our government seems to have a policy of not disclosing anything

to anyone. I was on V.A. Non service connected disability, I told my

VA counselor that I was returning to work, He said " Thats nice " . I

went back to work thinking I was doing the right thing. Sometime

later the V.A. found out I was working and demanded all their money

back. It was somewhere in the neighborhood of $20,000. About the same

time I lost my job, The lupus flared back up and I was financially

ruined. The good side (if you want to call it that)was the Va found

out I was unemployed and granted me my disability again.... Which

they kept till my debt to them was paid off!! Not able to work and

with 2 children I found myself on welfare. Seems like sometimes there

just is no easy way!!



> Dear Kathy (IL)...I am sorry for your struggles. I know it is hard.

> When I first applied for Soc Sec, I was informed that since I had

been a

> stay-at-home mom to 4 children, I had no credits toward social


> Therefore all I could qualify for was SSI. After my kids were

grown, I

> did work off and on as I could. I found out a few months ago that

had I

> chosen not to try to work, I would now be eligible for my deceased

> husband's SS which is almost double what SSI is. But since I

worked a

> little, I have to wait til I am 60. (I was widowed at 24, divorced


> 39) I was trying to do the " right " thing.


> We've been on the low-income/sec. 8 list since 96, still waiting.


> county has very little fed. funded. housing. I have considered


> to another county, but our medical insurance is very good here


> to other places. And Em knows this area, the buses, etc. It would


> hard to move. But, we may have to at some point.


> Em works part-time at Safeway, and is eligible for SSI when her


> are down, but it is very little - sometimes $35. - 40 a month.. She

> would make more if she didn't work and took the full SSI. But


> need to understand she is WAY more capable than she is disabled,

and at

> 24 she needs to be with people and have a life. Staying home all


> would hurt her terribly.


> This country, as much as I love it, does not make things easy for


> who are truly disabled and needy. We are so tight this month I'm


> for rent by a hundred. But I know God will take care of us. I


> know what I'd do without my faith. Sometimes I do feel bitter, but


> really try to keep a hopeful outlook.


> A friend was complaining about how hard it was to live on $1700. a

> month. We live on about half of that. Sometimes I feel like I'm


> to have to force myself back to work, no matter what. But I might


> able to keep it up a couple months then I pay for it a few years

with so

> many health problems. I also lose part of the SSI. Caught between


> rock & a hard place.


> Whew... didn't know all that needed to come out!


> Hang in there, Kathy...we are all hoping and praying things will get

> better.


> Love & Hugs, Always...


> Tess

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Hi Lena...That must have been so very difficult, Lena. I guess life

isn't necessarily supposed to be easy, but golly, a " little less

difficult " would sure be nice!

I am grateful to be able to share here, Thanks for your kindness.



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Hi Tess,

At the time I thought I faced an impossible task, However we do seem

to be able to adapt and overcome.



> Hi Lena...That must have been so very difficult, Lena. I guess life

> isn't necessarily supposed to be easy, but golly, a " little less

> difficult " would sure be nice!


> I am grateful to be able to share here, Thanks for your kindness.


> Hugs...


> Tess

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi :o) I'm no pro (yet) and I haven't had the drastic results

some have had. My advice would be to go a little slower on the

treadmill so you aren't so uncomfortable you want to quit but still

challenge yourself. I like to watch tv while I do the treadmill. I

usually wake up early and do cardio (5:30) and the only thing I can

find on is MTV and let me tell you, that is motivating, seeing all

the scantly clad hotties dancing around. And knowing I wouldn't mind

looking like that but would never have the guts to flaunt it ;o)

I've lost 21 lbs (169-148) and only 7% body fat (32%-25%)in 6 months,

some do more than that in 12 weeks. But I want to make this doable

for me and not try to kill myself and get burned out.

Good luck to you :o)


> I haven't posted much about what I'm doing lately because I've been

in limbo

> and didn't want to set myself up for disappointment. I did BFL

eating and

> exercising for 10 weeks. It was incredible that I stuck to it for

so long. I

> have never exercised regularly although I've tried in the past. So

this was

> major accomplishment. Progress was very slow, but thanks to this

group I kept

> going realizing that the scale was not a good judge and that

results would come

> in time. I didn't see much change at all despite my dedication,

but I still

> want to try again.

> After 2 weeks out of the program I'm starting again this week. It

has been

> so hard to get back into the routine of waking up at 5:30. I

didn't do it for

> the first few days and missed workouts. I did lower body yesterday

and just

> now I finished my first cardio in two weeks. It was awful. I'm so


> because cardio is so difficult for me. It's hard enough to get out

of bed to

> start running, but then as I start I immediately want to quit. I

have the

> added pressure of feeling that I have to work harder with the

exercise because I

> didn't see much results the last 10 weeks. How in the world did

these people

> do it that are pictured in the book? I don't understand how they

can be so

> fit and muscular in 12 weeks. What do you think? So many people

on this list

> seem so dedicated and their progress is slow too. How can somebody


> following the same program have such dramatic results.

> Anyway back to this exercise stuff. I only made it 16 minutes on


> treadmill. I guess that's better than quitting at 5 minutes which

is what I wanted

> to do every minute after that. How do you keep going when you're

getting out

> of breath and your throat is burning? I'm so afraid that if I

don't keep the

> intensity up I won't see results but then I can't increase the


> because I won't last. It's a catch 22.

> One of the things that made the eating plan easy for me is that I

always knew

> I could eat again in a couple hours and I could eat at night. Also

the free

> days kept me from feeling deprived and I really looked forward to

them. With

> exercise I feel like there is no " light at the end of the tunnel "

to keep me

> going. It would be great to know that if I keep working at it I'll

build the

> stamina to make it through comfortably. But the nature of this

program is that

> you have to keep increasing the intensity so I never will be

comfortable. I

> feel like this will always be torture and I question myself

everyday if it's

> worth it.


> K




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Hi ,

I have found diet is generally the culprit when folks aren't seeing

results, not usually the exercise portion. Why don't you post a

sample menu and we can take a look at it?

I am not sure what is considered dramatic? The folks in the book,

some of them took 2-3 challenges to get where they are at.

This program is great because you are getting in shape while loosing

weight so you may not see the 'dramatic' results that you do with say

Atkins or Weight watchers, but you know that you are not loosing lean

mass and you know you won't look like one of those 'Skinny Fat' folks.

Keep in mind a loss of 1-2 lbs a week is healthy and sustainable,

anything more then that signifies a lean mass loss. I know it took me

3 years to gain my weight and get out of shape so it will take me

more then 12 weeks to get back into shape and drop the fat.

Good luck

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The thing that kept me from succeeding last time was my belief that

I was going to look like those people in the book once I was

finished, and anything short of that was not acceptable. So guess

what, I defined the term 'setting yourself up to fail'!! I am one

week away from my 12 week goal this time, ate clean most of the

time, and did not miss ONE workout. It's all about just doing YOUR

best and not trying to live up to anyone else's results.

You did the right thing by continuing the program, most people would

just give up but you haven't!!! Congratulate yourself!! This is not

about 12 weeks, it is about a lifetime of eating right and doing

good for your body. Everyone goes through tough spots, it's who

bounces back that has truly succeeded. (listen to me, like I'm some


Anyway, IMHO, most of those people have trainers that push them, or

additional help with diet, etc. I applaud them, and I'm sure it took

a lot of work and dedication to get that way. But it's more

important on focusing on what is going to work for you.

Maybe post a few meals and exercises on this board and let some

feedback guide you back into things. Everyone here is always willing

to help out and you know you'll never be judged or criticized! Just

given the boot to the rear that we all need sometimes!!

Keep your chin up, you are doing something great for yourself!!!


> I haven't posted much about what I'm doing lately because I've

been in limbo

> and didn't want to set myself up for disappointment. I did BFL

eating and

> exercising for 10 weeks. It was incredible that I stuck to it for

so long. I

> have never exercised regularly although I've tried in the past.

So this was

> major accomplishment. Progress was very slow, but thanks to this

group I kept

> going realizing that the scale was not a good judge and that

results would come

> in time. I didn't see much change at all despite my dedication,

but I still

> want to try again.

> After 2 weeks out of the program I'm starting again this week. It

has been

> so hard to get back into the routine of waking up at 5:30. I

didn't do it for

> the first few days and missed workouts. I did lower body

yesterday and just

> now I finished my first cardio in two weeks. It was awful. I'm

so discouraged

> because cardio is so difficult for me. It's hard enough to get

out of bed to

> start running, but then as I start I immediately want to quit. I

have the

> added pressure of feeling that I have to work harder with the

exercise because I

> didn't see much results the last 10 weeks. How in the world did

these people

> do it that are pictured in the book? I don't understand how they

can be so

> fit and muscular in 12 weeks. What do you think? So many people

on this list

> seem so dedicated and their progress is slow too. How can

somebody else

> following the same program have such dramatic results.

> Anyway back to this exercise stuff. I only made it 16 minutes on


> treadmill. I guess that's better than quitting at 5 minutes which

is what I wanted

> to do every minute after that. How do you keep going when you're

getting out

> of breath and your throat is burning? I'm so afraid that if I

don't keep the

> intensity up I won't see results but then I can't increase the


> because I won't last. It's a catch 22.

> One of the things that made the eating plan easy for me is that I

always knew

> I could eat again in a couple hours and I could eat at night.

Also the free

> days kept me from feeling deprived and I really looked forward to

them. With

> exercise I feel like there is no " light at the end of the tunnel "

to keep me

> going. It would be great to know that if I keep working at it

I'll build the

> stamina to make it through comfortably. But the nature of this

program is that

> you have to keep increasing the intensity so I never will be

comfortable. I

> feel like this will always be torture and I question myself

everyday if it's

> worth it.


> K




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Hear Hear Jana!

That's the Key to success you just stated there, do your best and

don't give up. No matter what you will look better and feel better

after 12 weeks, that's a gaurantee. So choose goals that are

achievable and you will be a winner. Your number one goal should be

to complete 12 weeks regardless of all other outcomes. That was my

number one goal in challenge 1.

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In a message dated 4/1/2004 2:36:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,


I like to watch tv while I do the treadmill. I

usually wake up early and do cardio (5:30) and the only thing I can

find on is MTV and let me tell you, that is motivating,

Hi Sunshine. I know everybody is different but would you mind telling me how

you increase your intensity level with the treadmill. I'm just curious what

some people judge as a 5, 6, 9 or 10. Again I know that depends on how fit

you are. When I did the challenge the first time I was pretty conservative in

how I increased my intensity because I wanted to make it through. I would

start around level 5 for speed and then I would increase about every .4 - .5 as


went up a level so I would end up doing around level 7 as my 9 intensity.

Today I tried starting at 5.5 and increasing by .5 each time. That was much

harder for me. I've also considered changing incline instead of speed. I think

maybe I could manage a brisk walk at a higher incline rather than the full out

running. Would this work the same?


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  • 11 months later...
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----- Original Message -----

From: ltlmisscrankypants

> I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone. Sure, I'm supposed

to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.

That wouldn't surprise me at all. Every time I get down to a low dose of

prednisone, my throat hurts and the glands swell.


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----- Original Message -----

From: ltlmisscrankypants

> I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone. Sure, I'm supposed

to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.

That wouldn't surprise me at all. Every time I get down to a low dose of

prednisone, my throat hurts and the glands swell.


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My prayer's for a speedy recovery are with you. Take it easy and take your


ltlmisscrankypants <ltlmisscrankypants@...> wrote:

Hi everyone.

I had my tonsillectomy yesterday morning, and although initially I was

told I would be kept in for a few days to be administered my meds via

IV, I was let go yesterday evening, because I seemed to be doing

okay. I was cranked up on pain meds....so of course I was

feeling " fine " .

I had been struggling since last night to get any fluids down at all. My

throat started to swell shut and I couldn't even swallow my own saliva.

As of today, I was on day 2 without Prednisone....and I could sure tell.

I was in excruciating as every joint in my body decided to flare right up.

Went back to the hospital this afternoon, and was just released again a

little while ago. Had some lovely IV fluids and meds to help me out.

Was feeling a lot better initially, but am going downhill again slowly

here. Was switched to a liquid pain reliever, but I struggle to get it

down as well. I was told to go back to the hospital in the morning if I

am still unable to take my meds and swallow properly.

I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone. Sure, I'm supposed

to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.

Needed to vent...thanks.

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My prayer's for a speedy recovery are with you. Take it easy and take your


ltlmisscrankypants <ltlmisscrankypants@...> wrote:

Hi everyone.

I had my tonsillectomy yesterday morning, and although initially I was

told I would be kept in for a few days to be administered my meds via

IV, I was let go yesterday evening, because I seemed to be doing

okay. I was cranked up on pain meds....so of course I was

feeling " fine " .

I had been struggling since last night to get any fluids down at all. My

throat started to swell shut and I couldn't even swallow my own saliva.

As of today, I was on day 2 without Prednisone....and I could sure tell.

I was in excruciating as every joint in my body decided to flare right up.

Went back to the hospital this afternoon, and was just released again a

little while ago. Had some lovely IV fluids and meds to help me out.

Was feeling a lot better initially, but am going downhill again slowly

here. Was switched to a liquid pain reliever, but I struggle to get it

down as well. I was told to go back to the hospital in the morning if I

am still unable to take my meds and swallow properly.

I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone. Sure, I'm supposed

to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.

Needed to vent...thanks.

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Post-op care in adult tonsillectomy


This is an interesting site. It tells of the history of

tonsillectomies and how they believed diseased tonsils caused



What did the hospital say about the swelling? I would think a lot of

swelling is normal so soon after the surgery.

I hope you feel better soon. I know it must be very painful.


On Mar 26, 2005, at 1:55 AM, ltlmisscrankypants wrote:



> Hi everyone.


> I had my tonsillectomy yesterday morning, and although initially I was

> told I would be kept in for a few days to be administered my meds via

> IV, I was let go yesterday evening, because I seemed to be doing

> okay.  I was cranked up on pain meds....so of course I was

> feeling  " fine " . 


> I had been struggling since last night to get any fluids down at

> all.  My

> throat started to swell shut and I couldn't even swallow my own

> saliva. 

> As of today, I was on day 2 without Prednisone....and I could sure

> tell. 

> I was in excruciating as every joint in my body decided to flare

> right up.


> Went back to the hospital this afternoon, and was just released again

> a

> little while ago.  Had some lovely IV fluids and meds to help me out. 

> Was feeling a lot better initially, but am going downhill again slowly

> here.  Was switched to a liquid pain reliever, but I struggle to get

> it

> down as well.  I was told to go back to the hospital in the morning

> if I

> am still unable to take my meds and swallow properly. 


> I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

> way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone.  Sure, I'm supposed

> to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.


> Needed to vent...thanks.












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Post-op care in adult tonsillectomy


This is an interesting site. It tells of the history of

tonsillectomies and how they believed diseased tonsils caused



What did the hospital say about the swelling? I would think a lot of

swelling is normal so soon after the surgery.

I hope you feel better soon. I know it must be very painful.


On Mar 26, 2005, at 1:55 AM, ltlmisscrankypants wrote:



> Hi everyone.


> I had my tonsillectomy yesterday morning, and although initially I was

> told I would be kept in for a few days to be administered my meds via

> IV, I was let go yesterday evening, because I seemed to be doing

> okay.  I was cranked up on pain meds....so of course I was

> feeling  " fine " . 


> I had been struggling since last night to get any fluids down at

> all.  My

> throat started to swell shut and I couldn't even swallow my own

> saliva. 

> As of today, I was on day 2 without Prednisone....and I could sure

> tell. 

> I was in excruciating as every joint in my body decided to flare

> right up.


> Went back to the hospital this afternoon, and was just released again

> a

> little while ago.  Had some lovely IV fluids and meds to help me out. 

> Was feeling a lot better initially, but am going downhill again slowly

> here.  Was switched to a liquid pain reliever, but I struggle to get

> it

> down as well.  I was told to go back to the hospital in the morning

> if I

> am still unable to take my meds and swallow properly. 


> I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

> way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone.  Sure, I'm supposed

> to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.


> Needed to vent...thanks.












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a <a54@...> wrote:


Post-op care in adult tonsillectomy


This is an interesting site. It tells of the history of

tonsillectomies and how they believed diseased tonsils caused



What did the hospital say about the swelling? I would think a lot of

swelling is normal so soon after the surgery.

I hope you feel better soon. I know it must be very painful.


On Mar 26, 2005, at 1:55 AM, ltlmisscrankypants wrote:



> Hi everyone.


> I had my tonsillectomy yesterday morning, and although initially I was

> told I would be kept in for a few days to be administered my meds via

> IV, I was let go yesterday evening, because I seemed to be doing

> okay. I was cranked up on pain meds....so of course I was

> feeling " fine " .


> I had been struggling since last night to get any fluids down at

> all. My

> throat started to swell shut and I couldn't even swallow my own

> saliva.

> As of today, I was on day 2 without Prednisone....and I could sure

> tell.

> I was in excruciating as every joint in my body decided to flare

> right up.


> Went back to the hospital this afternoon, and was just released again

> a

> little while ago. Had some lovely IV fluids and meds to help me out.

> Was feeling a lot better initially, but am going downhill again slowly

> here. Was switched to a liquid pain reliever, but I struggle to get

> it

> down as well. I was told to go back to the hospital in the morning

> if I

> am still unable to take my meds and swallow properly.


> I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

> way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone. Sure, I'm supposed

> to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.


> Needed to vent...thanks.












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a <a54@...> wrote:


Post-op care in adult tonsillectomy


This is an interesting site. It tells of the history of

tonsillectomies and how they believed diseased tonsils caused



What did the hospital say about the swelling? I would think a lot of

swelling is normal so soon after the surgery.

I hope you feel better soon. I know it must be very painful.


On Mar 26, 2005, at 1:55 AM, ltlmisscrankypants wrote:



> Hi everyone.


> I had my tonsillectomy yesterday morning, and although initially I was

> told I would be kept in for a few days to be administered my meds via

> IV, I was let go yesterday evening, because I seemed to be doing

> okay. I was cranked up on pain meds....so of course I was

> feeling " fine " .


> I had been struggling since last night to get any fluids down at

> all. My

> throat started to swell shut and I couldn't even swallow my own

> saliva.

> As of today, I was on day 2 without Prednisone....and I could sure

> tell.

> I was in excruciating as every joint in my body decided to flare

> right up.


> Went back to the hospital this afternoon, and was just released again

> a

> little while ago. Had some lovely IV fluids and meds to help me out.

> Was feeling a lot better initially, but am going downhill again slowly

> here. Was switched to a liquid pain reliever, but I struggle to get

> it

> down as well. I was told to go back to the hospital in the morning

> if I

> am still unable to take my meds and swallow properly.


> I am wondering if the excessing swelling in my throat could in some

> way have to do with missing 2 days of Prednisone. Sure, I'm supposed

> to swell after a tonsillectomy...but this is ridiculous.


> Needed to vent...thanks.












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Thank you so much for the link. I will read it as soon as I am done

posting here. Strangely, my lymph nodes and tonsils started to swell

up last year prior to being diagnosed with RA. I had biopsies done on

two of my lymph nodes as they thought I might have Lymphoma.

Thankfully, the tests came back okay.

I've been certain for a while now that my tonsils/lymph nodes and my

RA were in some way connected. As much as I wanted to run from the

hospital on Thursday and NOT have the surgery, I knew that I had to go

through with it in the off chance that it would somehow make me

healthier. Right now is rough, and I was told I would need about 4

weeks to recover due to the meds I am on. I guess we don't heal as

well with the Methotrexate and the Prednisone.

The extreme swelling was due to the surgery as well as the fact that I

had gone 2 full days without any Prednisone. Someone messed up

and didn't make sure to give it to me via IV. I'm back on it now...and

the swelling is down.

Thank you for your concern...

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Thank you so much for the link. I will read it as soon as I am done

posting here. Strangely, my lymph nodes and tonsils started to swell

up last year prior to being diagnosed with RA. I had biopsies done on

two of my lymph nodes as they thought I might have Lymphoma.

Thankfully, the tests came back okay.

I've been certain for a while now that my tonsils/lymph nodes and my

RA were in some way connected. As much as I wanted to run from the

hospital on Thursday and NOT have the surgery, I knew that I had to go

through with it in the off chance that it would somehow make me

healthier. Right now is rough, and I was told I would need about 4

weeks to recover due to the meds I am on. I guess we don't heal as

well with the Methotrexate and the Prednisone.

The extreme swelling was due to the surgery as well as the fact that I

had gone 2 full days without any Prednisone. Someone messed up

and didn't make sure to give it to me via IV. I'm back on it now...and

the swelling is down.

Thank you for your concern...

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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 6/5/2005 3:20:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

firesprite68@... writes:

Unfortunately I can't afford organic so I know darn well my meat did suffer

as an animal

That's not necessarily true. I grew up in the country and the cattle, pigs,

chickens, etc. always looked pretty happy to me. You have to kill to live.

Why vegans select out animals over plants or fish doesn't make sense to me.

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--- wrote:


> Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 20:21:56 +0100

> From: " :o\) " <firesprite68@...>

> Subject: struggling


> It's not that I can't abstain from avoids but after being vegetarian

> for 14 yrs I am really not enjoying meat.

> I never really liked meat as a child, It was more a texture than a

> taste to me, the only meats I enjoyed were chicken and lamb.

> I am squeamish over bits of fat, grisle, stringy bits, bone etc. etc.

> and it is actually a struggle now to eat beef at all as I just don't

> like it and am not far off gagging if I try and make myself eat it.

> I'm not saying that all my meat has all the above bits in it but

> every so often I will get some good quality beef sausages and

> sometimes you get a tiny hard bit in them and that is enough to turn

> me right off them. Or when I cook chicken, there are stringy bits as

> you take it apart or eat a leg and I just can't eat anymore then.

> I've been trying to shut-up and give myself time to get used to it

> but am finding it hard, coupled with that all the ethical reasons why

> I went veggie in the first place and I still believe them and it is

> hard to marry it all together.

> Any ideas ?

> Unfortunately I can't afford organic so I know darn well my meat did

> suffer as an animal and it was probably not grassfed anyway.


> :o)


> http://www.freewebs.com/inspire/





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In a message dated 6/7/2005 12:02:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mtnmusicmama@... writes:

Don't eat beef if you dont want

to. Stick with lamb or whatever appeals.

IMHO if you're a slender, healthy person, you can pretty much follow the diet

as a loose guideline. But if you want to regain your health or lose weight,

you need to cram your diet with beneficials. Beef is a beneficial red meat

and, like lamb, is really good for you. Most of the protein/fat sources you

mentioned are neutrals for Os. I agree with you that it is more important to

remove the avoid foods but to really bolster your immune system and feel in

optimum health, beneficial protein/fat sources are essential. You need to eat


right foods to rebuild your immune system. The older you get or the sicker

you are the more important it is.

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> It's not that I can't abstain from avoids but after being vegetarian

for 14 yrs I am really not enjoying meat.

I, too, was a long time vegetarian. I'm married to an A and both our

children are A's, so the pesco-vegetarian diet (vegetarian diet plus

fish) has suited them very well. My opposition to meat started out as

outrage at the apparent waste of feeding grain to cattle and the

suffering associated with industrial farming. I thought grass-fed was

a good alternative, but a closer look revealed a host of environmental

concerns. I still don't eat beef.

One very important thing I found as I tried to follow ER4YT as best as

I could was that as I stopped eating wheat & corn and cut my potato &

dairy consumption way back, I began liking foods such as salmon that

previously didn't appeal to me. I still adore tofu but now recognize

the stress my body feels when I eat too much of it. I eat a lot more

eggs and fish than I used to. Fish is difficult because after taking

into account O avoids, A avoids, mercury threats, environmental

concerns and local availability, my family is pretty much down to Wild

Salmon, Tilapia, Pacific Cod, Tongol Tuna, and Wild Trout. I've been

negotiating with my husband about adding turkey. He's starting to warm

up to the idea of Wild Turkey.

I think the important things are to get the wheat out of your life and

try to get connected to your food source. Maybe you could try and find

a specific organic farmer to buy your meat from. Visit the place.

Talk to the farmer their philosphy. Don't eat beef if you dont want

to. Stick with lamb or whatever appeals. That's my opinion, anyway.


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Thanks Robin and all else who have answered,

It's good to hear from another long-term veggie's

perspective. It's marrying up my ethical beliefs and cares with the diet and

that is a mental thing.

I have been reviewing and trying to 'look in from the outside' at my eating

habits also and I think that when I am not sure about do's and don't's I keep

things very restricted and because of time constraints and stresses of the

moment, things are staying that way which means very little variety for me.

Thankyou for being 'so understanding' to an ex-veggie Viking ;o)

I will review and put up a list somewhere of all the beneficials available over

here to jog my memory I think. I am somewhat restricted as we only have one

supermarket anywhere near us and as they have no competition they are a little

slack. Internet is always an option but buying from specialists over the web

pushes up cost a lot and we are at the stage where we have three teenagers

eating us out of house and home and another close on their heels and one who is

not a big eater.

Thanks folks.



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