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Re: I wrote a letter too

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Your letter was fabulous! You go Mommy!!!

--- ceejhas2babes <gcpopik@...> wrote:

> I too wrote a letter to the CEO




> One of my mom's group brought to my attention, an

> article you

> published titled " Flatheads in Need of Tummy Time "

> by Meredith

> O'Brein.


> I wanted to bring it to your attention that the

> article was

> completely wrong and did not contain any current

> information or

> research on this actual condition. yes this is a

> condition with a

> name even - it is referred to as Positional

> Plagiocephaly - not



> I am a mother of a two year old daughter who was

> told the same thing

> as the doctor in this article says, and by the time

> I did my own

> research and saw a Neuro Surgeon here in my city - I

> was too late to

> correct the Plagiocephaly.


> In this article it is stated that the head will

> gradually start to

> round out - but it fails to mention that the

> flatness produces a

> problem in the face called Facial Asymmetry which if

> severe enough

> and not corrected can lead to problems as an adult

> such as TMJ and

> migraines and other problems that they are now able

> to relate to

> Plagiocephaly.


> This article only talks about preventative measures

> and laughs off

> any treatments after wards. It also talks about how

> Helmet Therapy

> is useless and ineffective, but I invite you to

> visit a mothers group

> that I am a part of where there are over 1300

> mothers and fathers

> from around the world and I would say that the

> majority of us who

> have had their children banded have seen AMAZING

> results. Many of us

> are like myself and were too late to have our

> children banded and

> would do anything to go back and NOT LISTEN TO




> You are providing false information to mothers out

> there and making

> their concern and need for their child to be well

> sound " nutty " as

> this writer classified the thousands of us out

> there.


> You will also find that insurance companies are now

> starting to cover

> this cost as more and more this condition is

> becoming an epidemic of

> sorts. This neuro surgeon who the writer quoted is

> not up to date

> with current information nor current statistics and

> I wouldn't

> recommend any mother with a child who has a flat

> head (plagiocephaly)

> to see him.


> He states we have to be practical - and we are -

> but what happens

> when all the preventative methods he states in the

> article have been

> done, and like so many mothers out there -mother

> nature wont correct

> the problem on its own.


> I would hope that you would take into consideration

> all this

> information and realize that you are MIS-EDUCATING

> parents out there

> that visit your site and trust your articles, and

> take down that

> article or have one written about the new

> discoveries being made

> about Positional Plagiocephaly.


> Some interesting sites that back my complaint are


> www.cappskids.org

> www.parksolutions.com/plagio (my personal site)

> and of course - home to over 1300 plagio parents,

> our support group

> Plagiocephaly


> Yours truly,


> Popik




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