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Report Outlines HIV Cure Research, Important Gaps

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From: AIDSmeds <news@...>Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 08:34:13 -0400<nelsonvergel@...>Subject: Report Outlines HIV Cure Research, Important GapsTreatment NewsMay 1,2012Facebookto Promote Organ Donation; May Benefit People With Hep C orHIV Social networking giant Facebook hasannounced a plan to encourage its 161 million U.S. membersto advertise their organ donor status in their profiles,according to The New York Times. The move may avertthousands of deaths in the United States among peoplewaiting for transplants, including people with hepatitis Cvirus (HCV) and/or HIV infection.April 30,2012ReclastBoosts Bone Density for at Least Five Years in HIV StudyTwo annual doses of Reclast (zoledronate)improved bone health for up five years in a small studyinvolving HIV-positive people with bone mineral deficiency,according to a study to be published by New Zealandresearchers in the June issue of The Journal of ClinicalEndocrinology Metabolism.April 27,2012FDAto Docs: Best to Avoid Victrelis With Norvir-Boosted HIVProtease Inhibitors Victrelis (boceprevir), Merck’s hepatitis Cvirus (HCV) protease inhibitor, should not be combined withthe following Norvir (ritonavir)-boosted HIV proteaseinhibitors: Reyataz (atazanavir), Prezista (darunavir) orKaletra. This is an official warning that has been added tothe Victrelis package insert by the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration, according to a safety announcement by theagency on April 26.April 26,2012AIDSActivists Hope Supreme Court Upholds Health Care ReformWith the Patient Protection and AffordableCare Act (ACA) under review by the U.S. Supreme Court, AIDSactivists have good reason to hope for a favorable ruling,the Washington Post reports.April 25,2012ReportOutlines HIV Cure Research, Important Gaps Three HIV/AIDS activist groups convened ameeting in March with researchers and representatives of theU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to describe thecurrent state of cure research and identify barriers tomoving such research forward swiftly and smoothly. Theproceedings of this meeting, which took place immediatelybefore the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and OpportunisticInfections (CROI) that began on March 5 in Seattle, are nowavailable in a report online.Quick LinksAIDSmeds Drug ChartAntiretroviral options abound for both those who are HIVtreatment naive and those who are experienced. Our printablereference chart compares available medication options,including dosing and dietary restrictions.Heard in the Blogs Regan HofmannDoohnibor:That's "Robinhood" Backwards, or Taking from the Poor toGive to the RichHere we go again. A nation in financial trouble erupts indebate over whether those who can afford to help stabilizethe economy will pitch in or whether we will instead gutbudgets designed to protect people in need.The revolution's coming. I stood [at last Wednesday's ACT UPOCCUPY march and demonstration in NYC] with a lot ofangry, frightened, disinfranchised people fighting for theirlives. There comes a time, when you've done enough badthings to people you think have no power to fight back thatthey do.Aundaray GuessCuttingOut HIVI want to give a shout out to a barbershop in West Harlemthat is part of an exceptional way to combine anAfrican-American tradition and HIV. Imagine going in to getyour hair cut and at the same time having the ability to geta free HIV test. At Denny Moe's Superstar Barbershop, youcan do both without the stigma attached. At your request,you are subscribed asnelsonvergel@... to the followingnewsletter(s): AIDSmeds NewsletterPlease remember to add news@... toyour e-mail address book, so that these updates aren'tblocked as spam.To change your subscription information and preferences,please visit lists.smartandstrong.com/?p=preferencesTo stop receiving this newsletter, please visit lists.smartandstrong.com/?p=unsubscribeClick thislink to forward this message to a friend. Did you receive this e-mail from a friend? Please visit lists.smartandstrong.com/?p=subscribe&id=9to signup for your own copy.Copyright 2012 Smart + Strong, 462 Seventh Avenue, 19thFloor, New York, NY 10018. All rights reserved. Terms OfUse and YourPrivacy.powered by phplist v2.10.17, © phpList ltd

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