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Re: (OT) dentist?

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My dentist told me you don't have to bring them in until about 2 years since that is when they should have all their teeth. He said in the meantime you don't have to use toothpaste (I bought some gum and tooth cleanser with a finger brush made by Gerber) but make sure you clean the teeth once or twice a day to get your child used to having their teeth brushed and to clean away bacteria. My nephew is now 3 years old and has 4 cavities already due to being put to bed with a juice cup.


's mom

(OT) dentist?

Hi all, Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her first visit to the dentist?She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. Kerri(can you tell I'm a first-timer?) For more plagio info

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Not til they are 3, that's what both Abby's pediatrician told me as

well as my dental hygenist. Abby's 2.5 now and I plan on taking her

for her 1st appt next spring, when she's 3.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad



> Hi all,


> Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the

best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her

first visit to the dentist?


> She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now,

and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast.


> Kerri

> (can you tell I'm a first-timer?)


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I have already had a lot to say about this over the last week or so, but I think it is really up to you. My oldest daughter didn't have ANY juice until after she turned 2, but she was a very early teether (4 teeth at 4 months, and had all her teeth by 15 months) and we don't have a strong family history when it comes to teeth. I decided to take her in early and I found a great pediatric dentist, who happens to be plagio friendly. will be 3 in October and she has already been to the dentist 3 times (and Cigna paid!). She got her first fluoride treatment last week and so far has no cavities. That's more than I can say for myself - I have a mouth full of amalgam. I think it's important to evaluate your own circumstances and decide from there. If you've got dental coverage and are concerned, then go for it.

Gail, Sam and Sara's mom, Doc grads, and big sister w/no cavities.

(OT) dentist?

Hi all, Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her first visit to the dentist?She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. Kerri(can you tell I'm a first-timer?) For more plagio info

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GREAT reply Gail!!! How does do at the dentist? I cannot even

imagine Abby sitting still in a dentist chair for a second, esp with

someone poking at her teeth?! I dread that day. I am already a

humungous whimp when it comes to the dentist. You all have NO idea

how paranoid of dentists I am. I have horrible teeth, always have,

just prone to cavities & trouble. I shouldn't even say this, cuz

eveyrone is gonna think I'm a toothless hillbilly, but I am missing

my bottom right 2 molars :( I had one pulled when I was just 16- it

got horribly infected & there was no way to save it. I had a bridge

put in after that, but just last spring, the tooth in front of the

bridge (that I previously had a root canal done on years ago) was

also infected & they had to pull that, resulting in removing the

bridge. I now need a double bridge that will cost over $5,000 that

we don't have & ins. will only cover a max of $1300/yr! Nobody can

see my teeth are missing back there. Thankfully I still have a

healthy wisdom tooth back there! It's always good to keep " spares " on

hand as I say hehe.

My teeth problems are a main result of my diabetes, I get infections

very easily. It's so depressing! I'm only 27 for pete's sake!

Other than that, the rest of my teeth at least " look good " . They're

nice & straight! hehe.

Wow, I got off on another one of my famous pointless rants here!


Debbie Abby's toothless but rockin mama


> I have already had a lot to say about this over the last week or

so, but I think it is really up to you. My oldest daughter didn't

have ANY juice until after she turned 2, but she was a very early

teether (4 teeth at 4 months, and had all her teeth by 15 months) and

we don't have a strong family history when it comes to teeth. I

decided to take her in early and I found a great pediatric dentist,

who happens to be plagio friendly. will be 3 in October and she

has already been to the dentist 3 times (and Cigna paid!). She got

her first fluoride treatment last week and so far has no cavities.

That's more than I can say for myself - I have a mouth full of

amalgam. I think it's important to evaluate your own circumstances

and decide from there. If you've got dental coverage and are

concerned, then go for it.


> Gail, Sam and Sara's mom, Doc grads, and big sister w/no


> (OT) dentist?



> Hi all,


> Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the

best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her

first visit to the dentist?


> She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large

now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast.


> Kerri

> (can you tell I'm a first-timer?)


> For more plagio info

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Yikes Debbie! It's problems like you have that we are trying to avoid! does great. The dentist's office is a kid paradise. It's got an ocean theme and it feels like you are in an aquarium. They have been gradually working up to a complete dental exam, ie the first visit all they did was look at her teeth. The second visit they looked at her teeth and pretended to clean them with the polisher (no paste). Last week was the whole shebang. They gave her cool sunglasses to wear, took xrays, counted teeth, polished and did a fluoride treatment. All of this took place with me sitting in the chair and her sitting on my lap. Then they give her a bag of goodies with a toothbrush, paste, floss, the works, and a few tokens to get a prize out of a machine. Heck, I'd look forward to going to the dentist with that sort of treatment. I know there are other dentists in the area with offices like this, so it's not unusual. I'd just ask around. I'm sure you're not the first person to be looking for a pediatric dentist in your area. I know what you mean about the money - right now there are 4 sweaty guys in my attic replacing my evaporative cooler for a cool $900. Just what I need after getting my 3rd denial from Cigna. HA.


(OT) dentist?> > > Hi all, > > Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her first visit to the dentist?> > She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. > > Kerri> (can you tell I'm a first-timer?) > > For more plagio info

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Yep Gail....good to take in to prevent her being toothless at 27

like myself ;) hey, at least I can laugh at myself about it! hehe.

Seriously though, my parents didn't make me go to the dentist as a

kid, I didn't want to go, so they said ok. BIG mistake & I'm paying

for it now.

I'll look for a cool office like 's for Abby, or myself. I go at

least every 6 mos now, but I still shake my tushy off. They all make

fun of me & how nervous I get now.


> > I have already had a lot to say about this over the last week


> so, but I think it is really up to you. My oldest daughter


> have ANY juice until after she turned 2, but she was a very early

> teether (4 teeth at 4 months, and had all her teeth by 15 months)


> we don't have a strong family history when it comes to teeth. I

> decided to take her in early and I found a great pediatric


> who happens to be plagio friendly. will be 3 in October and


> has already been to the dentist 3 times (and Cigna paid!). She


> her first fluoride treatment last week and so far has no


> That's more than I can say for myself - I have a mouth full of

> amalgam. I think it's important to evaluate your own


> and decide from there. If you've got dental coverage and are

> concerned, then go for it.

> >

> > Gail, Sam and Sara's mom, Doc grads, and big sister w/no

> cavities.

> > (OT) dentist?

> >

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be


> best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her

> first visit to the dentist?

> >

> > She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly


> now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast.

> >

> > Kerri

> > (can you tell I'm a first-timer?)

> >

> > For more plagio info

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Debbie, don't feel bad about missing teeth!! Almost 2 years ago I had to have two baby teeth removed surgically and the adult ones uncovered and braces put on. They are my canine teeth so very noticeable!!! Be thankful yours are molars and can't be seen unless your mouth is really open wide. We can be toothless hillbillies together!! I just think it's funny that and I are teething at the same time!!! I had to have all of my wisdom teeth yanked senior year. They were impacted and had to be shattered to get them out. Be thankful you didn't have to go through that. I think it's ridiculous the prices dentists charge for work.


's mom

(OT) dentist?> > > Hi all, > > Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her first visit to the dentist?> > She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. > > Kerri> (can you tell I'm a first-timer?) > > For more plagio info

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Alright Taryn :)

We can be toothless together ;). I actually did have my 2 left

wisdom teeth yanked out last year, oh my goodness, I remember posting

on this board about how scared I was! One of the two was in fact

impacted, yikes! I was so scared to be put under, never had been

before that. Now every time I go just for a cleaning to the dentist,

I wish they would anestistize me! At least give me an epidural! Oh

wait, I need to be numbed ABOVE the waist :) hehe

Debbie Abby's mom


> > I have already had a lot to say about this over the last week


> so, but I think it is really up to you. My oldest daughter


> have ANY juice until after she turned 2, but she was a very early

> teether (4 teeth at 4 months, and had all her teeth by 15 months)


> we don't have a strong family history when it comes to teeth. I

> decided to take her in early and I found a great pediatric


> who happens to be plagio friendly. will be 3 in October and


> has already been to the dentist 3 times (and Cigna paid!). She


> her first fluoride treatment last week and so far has no


> That's more than I can say for myself - I have a mouth full of

> amalgam. I think it's important to evaluate your own


> and decide from there. If you've got dental coverage and are

> concerned, then go for it.

> >

> > Gail, Sam and Sara's mom, Doc grads, and big sister w/no

> cavities.

> > (OT) dentist?

> >

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be


> best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her

> first visit to the dentist?

> >

> > She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly


> now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast.

> >

> > Kerri

> > (can you tell I'm a first-timer?)

> >

> > For more plagio info

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I had never been put under either before that and I was totally scared. I get cleanings every six months and it's a real pain with the braces. Fortunately I get the braces off in February granted this tooth makes it here. It is right in my gum now and I can feel it by pressing. If it doesn't come down by Feb. the braces stay on. Everyone keep your fingers crossed...I feel like such a dork at 24 having braces. Everyone in the office is a heck of a lot younger than me when I go in for checkups. I would want an epidural too if it worked!!!! Let's not open up that can of worms!!!


's mom

(OT) dentist?> > > > > > Hi all, > > > > Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the > best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her > first visit to the dentist?> > > > She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large > now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. > > > > Kerri> > (can you tell I'm a first-timer?) > > > > For more plagio info

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That is all my nephew drinks at his house. His mom tells my mom he doesn't like milk or water but he drinks it like it's going out of style at my mom's house. They don't like it so they assume he doesn't either. Wow, is working on hers but no where near even one tooth at 5 months.


's mom

(OT) dentist?

Hi all, Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her first visit to the dentist?She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. Kerri(can you tell I'm a first-timer?) For more plagio info

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Your dentist office sounds wonderful, Gail. I am sure it makes it easier to get to go there.


's mom

(OT) dentist?> > > Hi all, > > Since I am in a group full of parents, I thought you'd be the best people to ask...when is it appropriate to take for her first visit to the dentist?> > She's 9 months. She has 2 bottom teeth that are fairly large now, and 5 others are on their way in and growing fast. > > Kerri> (can you tell I'm a first-timer?) > > For more plagio info

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That sounds like such a cool place for a dentist's office!!! That's great

info- I'll have to check around for a kid friendly place like you described

when its time for !

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In a message dated 8/27/2002 3:19:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, dj2kirby@... writes:

my parents didn't make me go to the dentist as a

kid, I didn't want to go, so they said ok. BIG mistake & I'm paying

for it now.


Haha- and your Dad told YOU to be more firm with Abby!!! And here he lets you not go the dentist cuz you didn't want to- hmmmmm- talk about a pushover! ;o)

' Mom

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In a message dated 8/27/2002 8:23:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, devynskye1@... writes:

I feel like such a dork at 24 having braces.


Hey, Tom Cruise is even wearing braces and he's what, late 30's?

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In a message dated 8/28/2002 10:23:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time, dj2kirby@... writes:

This was after I shut off the car & told

her I was going bye bye w/o her....she quick hopped into her seat


Yeah Abby!!!! I bet you were waiting for her to blow you a kiss and say bye again- clever girl she is! Maybe the phase is over....

' Mom

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In a message dated 8/28/2002 12:09:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time, devynskye1@... writes:

Yeah, so now braces are cool!!!! I have been sporting them now for almost 2 years and no one thought they were cool until Tom Cruise decided to get them!!! (Sticking my tongue out and laughing)

haha! Good for you!

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> Debbie,

> Haha- and your Dad told YOU to be more firm with Abby!!! And here

he lets

> you not go the dentist cuz you didn't want to- hmmmmm- talk about a


> ;o)

YEAH !!! Darn good point you're making here! Both my parents

are admittenly pushovers, were with all 3 of us girls and are with

their grandkids now too. But ya know, it just really irritates me

when people say I'm a pushover, cuz I'm not. Yes, I suppose I am

with certain things, but who isn't???? For the most part though I am

pretty darn firm.

I'm happy to report Abby got into her carseat this morning after only

a minute or so of stalling! This was after I shut off the car & told

her I was going bye bye w/o her....she quick hopped into her seat

today! Such simple pleasures in a mommy's world !!! Bed time also

went smoother last night.....she did cry for about 15 mins, but

put her mattress back into her crib & she seemed happier in there.

told her as long as she's in her crib, the dark is

ok....probably a mistake, but we were desperate. She went in - asked

for her books (about 30 books!) and went to sleep just fine on her

own. Maybe she wasn't ready for her big girl bed after all? Who


Debbie :)

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Yeah, so now braces are cool!!!! I have been sporting them now for almost 2 years and no one thought they were cool until Tom Cruise decided to get them!!! (Sticking my tongue out and laughing)


's mom

Re: (OT) dentist?

In a message dated 8/27/2002 8:23:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, devynskye1@... writes:

I feel like such a dork at 24 having braces. Taryn,Hey, Tom Cruise is even wearing braces and he's what, late 30's? For more plagio info

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