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Hi, I just found your group. I'm very concerned about my baby's

head, can someone look at the photos I've posted and tell me what

they think. Obviously, I'm not looking for a medical diagnosis or

opinion, just comparing her head shape to your children's before


I opened a folder called " Kady " her side profile is pretty bad. She

had the most perfectly shaped head at birth, but around 2 mo it

started to get really non-symetrical on her right back side.

Thanks in advance for your opinions/comments.

Sheila & Kady


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Hi Sheila & welcome to our group!

I just checked out Kady's pictures, she is adorable (where's the cute

face picture? LOL, I wanna see that smile!).....I can see flattening

on the right side like you have said.

How old is Kady now? Have you attempted repositioning her while

she's laying to keep her off her flat side? Check out

http://www.plagiocephaly.org/support then click " repositioning tips "

for some good ideas that might help.

If Kady is still young (under 6 mos) which she looks to be, you can

get good improvement with repositioning alone.

Have your mentioned your concerns to your pediatrician yet? If so,

what has he recommended or suggested about her head shape?

Welcome to our group again, we're glad to have you. Please be sure

to keep us updated on Kady's head....I hope repositionign will

help...best of luck!

Debbie Abby's mom dOCGrad


> Hi, I just found your group. I'm very concerned about my baby's

> head, can someone look at the photos I've posted and tell me what

> they think. Obviously, I'm not looking for a medical diagnosis or

> opinion, just comparing her head shape to your children's before

> treatment.


> I opened a folder called " Kady " her side profile is pretty bad.


> had the most perfectly shaped head at birth, but around 2 mo it

> started to get really non-symetrical on her right back side.


> Thanks in advance for your opinions/comments.


> Sheila & Kady

> sheilacolorado@a...

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Hi Sheila,

Kady is adorable. What a precious little doll! I can see the flatness you

mention in your post. I read Debbie's post to you and I would agree that

repositioning would be a great first step. Has your ped said anything to you

about it? Also, does she have torticollis? My daughter had flatness, ear

misalignment and facial assymetry. I can't see any obvious facial assymetry

in the phots and I couldn't tell about the ear alignment. The facial

assymetry and ear misalignment were what really pushed me to seek treatment

for .

Hope this helps and thanks for sharing the photos!

Marci (Mom to )


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Thanks for the welcome! Kady is 15 wks. At her 6 week appt, the ped

commented on her asymetrical head shape. She recommended 1/2 hr

tummytime a day and to rotate her in the crib. She didn't seem to be

bothered by it, though. It has gotten worse since then.

Well, at that time, Kady wouldn't stand a full minute of tummytime!

But we're working towards it. Then our lives got crazy and we moved

across the country, so I wasn't really vigilante about it. Now I'm

so peeved at myself!!

I recently bought the noggin' nest by boppy and have been using it a

lot. Kady also is starting to enjoy the Bjorn and tummytime, so I

hope that helps. I did look at those repositioning resources and

have been trying those things as well. I have a ped appt (first in

new city) a week from tomorrow. I might want to move it up because

if she does have plagio, then I'd like to get a jump on things.

We're in Colorado, there is no DOC clinic here. :(

I'll add a cute picture of her face, at least there isn't an obvious

sign of facial asymetry yet.

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Hi, Marci

We haven't seen the ped since she was 6 weeks, her following apt at

10 wks was just for her shots and then we moved out of state. I have

a first appt with our new ped next monday, but now I'm going to try

to move it up.

Her head went from being very asymetrical to more flat across the

back. I'm going to start taking weekly pictures to see if this

repositioning will work.

I don't think she has tort, but I'll leave that to the drs. I'll

have to take a closer look for the ear. forhead and cheek thing, too.


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Kady's profile is pretty close to my Zack's head right now (he

started off worse, but we rounded him out through repositioning).

He's getting a locally made helmet in a couple of weeks..though we

were able to make pretty good progress just through repositioning. I

think we were able to correct 50% of the flatness through the

repositioning..we just need the helmet to finish the job. We

followed the tips in that repositioning link..and eventually both our

twins would nap during tummy time, they got so comfortable. Now

they're a little older and they can spend time in their jumper and

saucer..so it gets much easier keeping them off their backs.


Zack & Zoey's dad

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it's an excellent idea to take pictures weekly to track progress. It's hard to

tell if improvement is being made if you don't have anything to compare what you

see in front of you. Good luck getting in earlier with the ped! Let us know how

that goes.

Marci (Mom to )


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