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Fw: Adele's 2nd band update & fit question

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I just posted this at the other Plagio group & thought you all might be interested in hearing some good news too! :-)

Adele's 2nd band update & fit question

Well Adele got her second band on Friday, and so far it's been going well.

Before putting it on her for the first time, I put stickers on it of animals that she likes to name, and then let her look at it. When I first put the band on she fussed a bit and tried to pull it off, but we were able to easily distract her and get her back to playing. It's really amazing, she's only tried to pull it off once or twice since then, doesn't fuss when I take it on or off, and has slept in it fine both overnight & for naps.

What a difference from her first band (@ 9 months), when she cried hysterically for the first hour it was on and didn't sleep for more then an hour or two without waking. And none of that sullen stuff like the first few weeks in her first band --she's just as happy and active as usual. In fact, she occasionally looks at her reflection in the mirror and says 'hat' while touching the band. (I'd spent the previous week telling her she was getting a new hat and showing her the old band.)

I guess I should have had an idea that things might go better this time, since the casting was better then before. In the past she's always cried hysterically through the whole casting. This time she stopped crying when we sat her up and said 'quack-quack' and made the sign for duck while I sang Rubber Duckie. :-)

As for fit, this one doesn't sit down over her eyes like the first band (yeh), but there is a gap between the side burn and her cheek on the buckle side. This area was quite tight on her first band, so I thought this was an important holding area. They are sending pictures to the band clinic in Arizona to check on it, but I was wondering if anyone else had this happen to their baby.


Mom to Adele

(DOB 4-18-01, 1st DOC Band 1/10/02 - 5/5/02, 2nd DOC Band 8/16/02 - )

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