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Re: Debbie - Potty Training

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Poor :(

How frustrating, I know! Abby sounds as interested in the potty as

Olivia does right now. She'll get it soon though, hang in there.

Abby & I went to the mall this morning & had just a riot together. I

had to use the restroom so of course brought Abby in w/me. She was

such a spaz, the bathroom was huge & had about 30 stalls in it. I

went in to the potty, Abby says " me potty too " , so I'm like GREAT!

So she zips across to the other stall, pulls down her shorts, leaves

the diaper on of course (grr), makes her " ssss " noise like she's

going, flushes, then says " hooray " , then proceeds to do this about 10

more times, zipping in & out of restroom stalls! Oh man, every woman

in there was totally cracking up, so that made Abby do it even more.

It was just the funniest thing, seeing her zip in & out of the

stalls!!!! It was like watching a movie in fast action.

I'll defintiely get that book you're recommending - it most certainly

can't hurt any! I'm heading to the book store tonite hopefully.

Good luck with it. And wish me good luck getting Abby to sleep at

night, she has VERY suddenly developed a fear of the dark, not fun,

not fun at all :(

Debbie Abby's mom


> >How's Olivia doing, any

> > luck w/her potty training? Is she in preschool now?

> >


> Debbie -

> Since you asked.....

> Olivia is as stubborn as ever. My mom used the book " Potty


> in Less Than a Day. " I had my suspicions because Olivia was so

> resistant to the potty. She thrashed and screamed at the mention


> the potty. It actually did work a bit. She was not resistant at

> all because you make it into a game of teaching a baby to use the

> potty. When she finally did go, my stupid dad took her to the park

> for a couple of hours. I don't know what they were thinking. She

> had been drinking all day. She had an accident and was so upset.

> That was the end of that.

> She was to start preschool next week. I took her in yesterday to

> see the veteran kids in her class (It's Montesorri, so different

> ages are together). She wants to go to school so badly that we

> thought if we motivated her, she would start Potty Training on her

> own. The teacher showed her the bathroom and O wanted to wash her

> hands. I was encouraged. We spent yesterday afternoon in the

> bathroom. She kept sitting there, but had trouble relaxing. I

> think just getting the desire to go was success in itself. Of

> course, no luck today. So, we're still in the crapper, so to

> speak :)

> They are holding her spot at preschool until January. I keep

> telling myself at least we will save money by delaying her. It's

> $3500/year! Yikes. That's more than my high school tuition! She

> won't be 3 until 10/25, so she would have been starting early


> I would really suggest using that book. It says the best time is


> 18-24 months. I know it would have worked if my dad didn't faux


> like that. I can't tell you how resistant she was before.


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(and Debbie if you bought that book)

Kaylie is doing really well on the potty. I let her run around

bottomless, and without fail she makes it to the potty in time. Then

promptly puts her hand out asking for her candy, she gets an M & M as a

reward. However, she will not #2 in the potty. I do put a diaper on

her when she's taking a nap and at bedtime (she hasn't stayed dry

while sleeping), and she will #2 in her diaper. At first I thought

it might have been a coincidence, but I think she's intentionally

holding it in until she has that diaper on at naptimes. Does that

book recommend doing anything to get her to do her business in the

potty? When my boys were potty trained, I never had this trouble

with them. But then again, they were a full year older than Kaylie

is when I trained them.

We have attempted the potty with Danny (he wants those M & Ms!) but I

really feel he isn't ready yet. Besides that, when I let him go

bottomless, Kaylie is constantly yanking on him, which they both

think is hysterical!

Who knew that after becomming a mom, I could have very long and in

depth conversations about bodily functions?! ;o)


> >How's Olivia doing, any

> > luck w/her potty training? Is she in preschool now?

> >


> Debbie -

> Since you asked.....

> Olivia is as stubborn as ever. My mom used the book " Potty


> in Less Than a Day. " I had my suspicions because Olivia was so

> resistant to the potty. She thrashed and screamed at the mention


> the potty. It actually did work a bit. She was not resistant at

> all because you make it into a game of teaching a baby to use the

> potty. When she finally did go, my stupid dad took her to the park

> for a couple of hours. I don't know what they were thinking. She

> had been drinking all day. She had an accident and was so upset.

> That was the end of that.

> She was to start preschool next week. I took her in yesterday to

> see the veteran kids in her class (It's Montesorri, so different

> ages are together). She wants to go to school so badly that we

> thought if we motivated her, she would start Potty Training on her

> own. The teacher showed her the bathroom and O wanted to wash her

> hands. I was encouraged. We spent yesterday afternoon in the

> bathroom. She kept sitting there, but had trouble relaxing. I

> think just getting the desire to go was success in itself. Of

> course, no luck today. So, we're still in the crapper, so to

> speak :)

> They are holding her spot at preschool until January. I keep

> telling myself at least we will save money by delaying her. It's

> $3500/year! Yikes. That's more than my high school tuition! She

> won't be 3 until 10/25, so she would have been starting early


> I would really suggest using that book. It says the best time is


> 18-24 months. I know it would have worked if my dad didn't faux


> like that. I can't tell you how resistant she was before.


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