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I thought this was very interesting!

' Mom

rella1234@... ()

From: knowwhat@...

Subject: Know What: What Are You Worried About

Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2002

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Here is today's Know What topic:


What Are You Worried About


When it comes to your children's health and safety, what are you most worried


Is it the West Nile Virus, being abducted by a stranger, thimerosal in vaccines,

anthrax, or smallpox?

Or are you worried about things that are more likely to really affect your

children, such as a car accident, drowning, or being shot with a gun?

With as much media exposure that high profile cases get, such as West Nile Virus

and child abductions, it is easy to think that these are very big problems. You

have to keep things in perspective though.

Each year (for children aged 1 to 19 years):

* 446,306 children are injured while bicycling, and their are about 256 deaths

* 2,654,942 children are injured in unintentional falls each year, and their are

220 deaths

* there were 1,218 drowning deaths in children in 1999

* 790,328 children are injured while riding in a motor vehicle, and their are

3,388 deaths

* 179,457 children are bitten by a dog

* 137,499 are injured because of unintentional poisoning, and 334 children die

* 6,687 children are injured by guns, and 214 are killed

* 167,704 children were injured in fires, and their were 610 deaths

In contrast, more high profile (those which get a lot of attention by the media)

health risks affect fewer children and cause fewer deaths. For example, so far,

in 2002 (as of August), there have been only 371 cases of West Nile Virus

infections in the US, only 16 deaths and none of those deaths and very few of

the cases have been in children. Compare that to influenza (the flu), which

causes about 20,000 deaths each year.

And although there are reports of 750,000 missing children each year, most of

these children are runaways, taken by a non-custodial parent or are found within

several hours. Only about 100 missing children each year are murdered.

100 deaths are still a lot, but much less than the number of kids that are

killed in car accidents, falls, fires, poisonings, while riding their bicycle,

or from drowning or gunshots.

This is not to minimize the importance of deaths from these less common causes,

but perhaps our nation's attention and resources should go towards preventing

the more common causes of injury and death in children.

For more information:


href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-bin/knowwhat.cgi?l=inside_pedia\

trics/what_are_you_worried_about.html " >What Are You Worried About</a>

<a href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-bin/knowwhat.cgi " >more Know

What topics</a>

<a href= " http://www.keepkidshealthy.com " >Visit keepkidshealthy.com</a>


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That is interesting info - Just Sunday night I was panicking

after about 10 mosquitos bit Abby!! " Oh No, West Nile Virus " (see,

now I know it's not a computer virus, hehe).

Thanks for passing that depressing info along! hehe

Debbie :)

> I thought this was very interesting!


> ' Mom


> rella1234@a... ()

> From: knowwhat@k...

> Subject: Know What: What Are You Worried About

> Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2002



> =========================== Advertisement



> Hey Mom - enter ClubMom's BEST School Year Yet Sweepstakes every

day, and for a chance to WIN a 2003 Saturn LW200 Wagon GRAND PRIZE or

one of fifty $25 gift checks to spend on DVDs or videos.


> <a href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-

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FREE to Enter</a>





> Here is today's Know What topic:


> ==========================

> What Are You Worried About

> ==========================


> When it comes to your children's health and safety, what are you

most worried about?


> Is it the West Nile Virus, being abducted by a stranger, thimerosal

in vaccines, anthrax, or smallpox?


> Or are you worried about things that are more likely to really

affect your children, such as a car accident, drowning, or being shot

with a gun?


> With as much media exposure that high profile cases get, such as

West Nile Virus and child abductions, it is easy to think that these

are very big problems. You have to keep things in perspective though.


> Each year (for children aged 1 to 19 years):


> * 446,306 children are injured while bicycling, and their are about

256 deaths


> * 2,654,942 children are injured in unintentional falls each year,

and their are 220 deaths


> * there were 1,218 drowning deaths in children in 1999


> * 790,328 children are injured while riding in a motor vehicle, and

their are 3,388 deaths


> * 179,457 children are bitten by a dog


> * 137,499 are injured because of unintentional poisoning, and 334

children die


> * 6,687 children are injured by guns, and 214 are killed


> * 167,704 children were injured in fires, and their were 610 deaths


> In contrast, more high profile (those which get a lot of attention

by the media) health risks affect fewer children and cause fewer

deaths. For example, so far, in 2002 (as of August), there have been

only 371 cases of West Nile Virus infections in the US, only 16

deaths and none of those deaths and very few of the cases have been

in children. Compare that to influenza (the flu), which causes about

20,000 deaths each year.


> And although there are reports of 750,000 missing children each

year, most of these children are runaways, taken by a non-custodial

parent or are found within several hours. Only about 100 missing

children each year are murdered.


> 100 deaths are still a lot, but much less than the number of kids

that are killed in car accidents, falls, fires, poisonings, while

riding their bicycle, or from drowning or gunshots.


> This is not to minimize the importance of deaths from these less

common causes, but perhaps our nation's attention and resources

should go towards preventing the more common causes of injury and

death in children.




> For more information:

> <a href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-


l=inside_pediatrics/what_are_you_worried_about.html " >What Are You

Worried About</a>



> <a href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-

bin/knowwhat.cgi " >more Know What topics</a>



> <a href= " http://www.keepkidshealthy.com " >Visit







> You have received this email because you are

> subscribed to the daily Know What newsletter from

> KeepKidsHealthy.com. To unsubscribe, click on this link:

> <a href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-

bin/newsletters.cgi?p=unsubscribe & e=rella1234@a... " >Unsubscribe</a>


> To change your email address, click on this link:

> <a href= " http://newsletters.keepkidshealthy.com/cgi-

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