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Re: picture of niece for comments

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It definitely looks to me like tort might be a possibility!!! What are the casts for on her legs? Is she okay? She is a little cutie. I do see a difference with her eyes but I am better with spotting tort than plagio. You are definitely doing the right thing by educating your SIL about it and please let us know what you guys find out.


's mom

picture of niece for comments

Hi all,I just received this picture of my niece (she is 3 months old, but was 5weeks early). Since my personal experience is with brachy, I don't feellike an expert on plagio. I do think I can see one eye bigger, biggercheek, and definite mis-alignment of the ears. What do you experts think?Am I over-reacting?Also, I'm not sure if she has tort. She doesn't hold her head up too wellon her own, so it's hard to tell if she has a tilt. I will have my SIL askthe doctor about that.Thanks,KiaFor more plagio info

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Hmmmm, this could be very confusing! Logan is tilted right, so most tort

kids with right tort would flatten the left back side, from constant use or

only being able to turn in that direction. I have heard though, that some

tort kids do have full rotation both ways, but still have a tilt. If that

was the case, where she can turn both ways, the flat spot might not be as

apparent on the left. It really looks like my son's baby picture. The head

looks to be swaying to a point on the right. Part of my son's plagio was due

to inutero constraint, and his 2 day old pic looks a lot like Logan, with the

left side a little smaller than the right, and the high point shifting the

head to a point on the right. I would have her get torticollis ruled out,

many, many babies with plagio stem from some degree of a tight neck muscle,

so have her get that checked asap. I would also start repositioning

agressively now, and document with pictures. If the child is not in daycare,

repositioning can be very effective with hard work and diligence. But, if

tort is a factor, she'll need pt so that the cause of the plagio is also

being addressed. Good luck!


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I am so sorry to hear about all of your niece's upcoming casts/surgery- she

and your family have surely been through a lot! At least at this young age

she will be too young to remember the entire process. Your a great aunt for

showing your concern and I would think that since they are no stranger to

medical conditions, they would embrace your concern and look into plagio

further. Your niece is counting on you too- keep on top of it as much as

possible, especially since she's so young and can still benefit greatly from

repositioning. If it is tort, probably much like her legs, the earlier you

start treatment, the better for everyone (so much easier to work on a baby

with stretches than an older, more wiggly child- not to mention you are

correcting posture at an age when they haven't yet developed one per se).

Good luck in your efforts of helping your SIL and please keep us posted on

how little Logan is doing, she is a sweetheart! Keep up the great work Aunt


' Mom

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Thanks to everyone for their comments on Logan. I will definitely talk to

my SIL about tort and getting her checked out. Logan was born with vertical

talus (it's a condition where several bones in the ankle/foot are

dislocated. It causes flat footedness and difficulty/pain in walking if not

treated.) The treatment consists of casts to stretch the tendons and

muscles, followed by surgery to correct the deformity. The poor parents

have really been through so much. My SIL had H.E.L.L.P., and they were very

concerned about her and the baby (who was delivered by emergency c-section 5

weeks early due to H.E.L.L.P.). Then my SIL had a difficult recovery from

the c-section, and Logan spent 2 weeks in the NICU, on and off a ventilator,

etc. Now she is facing weekly casts on her legs and surgery at some point

in the future. And on top of everything else, she now has plagio. I am so

worried that because of everything else that is going on, they won't take

this seriously. But I will definitely pass on the information.

Thanks again!


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My heart goes out to Logan and your family. She has been through so much in her short little life. Please keep us posted on her progress and what's happening with her plagio, tort, and other health problems. How is your SIL feeling now?


Re: picture of niece for comments

Thanks to everyone for their comments on Logan. I will definitely talk tomy SIL about tort and getting her checked out. Logan was born with verticaltalus (it's a condition where several bones in the ankle/foot aredislocated. It causes flat footedness and difficulty/pain in walking if nottreated.) The treatment consists of casts to stretch the tendons andmuscles, followed by surgery to correct the deformity. The poor parentshave really been through so much. My SIL had H.E.L.L.P., and they were veryconcerned about her and the baby (who was delivered by emergency c-section 5weeks early due to H.E.L.L.P.). Then my SIL had a difficult recovery fromthe c-section, and Logan spent 2 weeks in the NICU, on and off a ventilator,etc. Now she is facing weekly casts on her legs and surgery at some pointin the future. And on top of everything else, she now has plagio. I am soworried that because of everything else that is going on, they won't takethis seriously. But I will definitely pass on the information.Thanks again!KiaFor more plagio info

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