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Re: Mackenzie has graduated!

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way to go kido..and mommy and daddy to..congrats on the graduation....


Mackenzie has graduated!

Hi! It's official! Mackenzie has officially graduated from her band...wewaited to remove it until her dad was home from work because we agreedthat she would wear it until we were both at home to take it off ofher...like a little ceremony or something. She got a cool graduationcertificate aswell as a box of animal crackers from Cranial Technologies...we justhave to go back to get pictures done of her head as we have chosen notto do an exit cast...don't want to put her through that hassle again...Iam so happy and can't believe that it's officially over...she wore itfor 4 months and 6 days and we got great results! Once the ridgesubsides where the band opening was, her head should look even better!WooHoo!Thank you all for your help & expertise during these last 4 months...ithas been invaluable to us! I've also enclosed a few pictures that wetook as I took off the band for the last time. Hope you enjoy them! I'msure that I will still be lurking about the group as I've becomeaddicted to reading it and seeing what's up with everybody else!Thanks again, (mom to a bandless Mackenzie!)Phoenix, AZFor more plagio info

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Wow , time flies!!!! She is an absolute doll and I love the pics of the official ceremony and cake, how awesome. You and Dad get a big round of applause for being such great parents! I hope you can stick around and share your knowledge of the process for other parents now turning the wheels in motion for their own children. Good luck to you and I can't wait to hear the latest and greatest update on Mackenzie!

' Mom

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