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Vanilla Absolute ** Alcohol Extracted

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Hello , Adam .. Anya .. other good folks ..

Lemme start by saying that I do NOT make blends, tinctures and such

for sale .. never have and never will. Its all I can do to keep up

with sales of essential oils. The closest I have ever come to a

blend is mixing 2 or 3 oils for the use of me and mine .. a totally

practical exercise in Aromatherapy.

> Adam Gottschalk wrote:

> > On Aug 16, 2008, at 10:42 PM, mmahboubian1 wrote:

> >

> >> I LOVE vanilla, but I can't seem to get the right

> >> stuff.

> >

> > I am very very happy with my vanilla fro EOU, pourable, smells


> > and only $99 per oz.

> >

> Hi Adam, Folks....


> EOU also has a vanilla absolute that's extracted with their

> proprietary ethanol only extraction process, i.e. it's done without

> the hexane extraction step...

True it is .. sorta. I wrote this post and before I sent it Anya

gave a reply .. so I reckon I am now just saying " Amen " to what she

wrote .. Anya wrote:

> Hi :

> I carry the same type of vanilla absolute, made with organic sugar

> cane alcohol from a family farm in Madagascar. It's part of my

> effort to support the " little guys " in the aromatic world. I do not

> believe anybody has a " proprietary " extraction process, esp. since

> this method has been used for decades in Madagascar.

True it is .. there is nothing proprietary about it .. and the

product is not produced at EOU. If you read the words WELL on the

EOU site you will see that there is actually no clear claim that the

process is theirs. Always read what is written .. not what you want

it to say.

Then continued on:

> This, among other things, for use by the stricter of the AT folks,

> allowed them a vanilla absolute without *any* presence of hexane....

True it is. Though that fact added to a dozen more of the same

value would amount to little. I have written before regarding WHY

the use of Hexane prior to the use of Alcohol in producing Absolutes

is harmless.

For the record .. though it doesn't make me feel bloated with

pride .. my Vanilla Absolute was also produced without Hexane. If

this fact turns a lotta folks on then they have many more sources

now. ;-)

Then wrote again .. in another post:

> Well, I'll tell you....the price of the stuff is such that it would

> seem like it's proprietary....it's about double the std vanilla

> abs...!

The price of Vanilla Absolute from Madagascar will always be much

higher in cost than will be one from France or any other place.

This holds true for dang near any oil extracted from any aromatic

plant .. that's why I've been writing for 14 + years that given the

same species of aromatic .. the three most important factors are

Origin, Origin and Origin. Those of us who do not cater to the soap

making industry carry ONLY what we deem to be the finest products and

we base that on proven quality via Lab Analysis and on Origin. If

I were to offer a higher quality and a lower quality oil from the

same species I would feel uncomfortable explaining to a buyer why I

did so. Like, " Well .. I offer the low cost crap for bargain

shoppers like you .. for folks who are concerned only about price and

either don't know or don't care about quality. " ;-)

Since we know that France does not grow Vanilla planifolia we can but

guess the Origin of the Concrete. I'm sure that many of us know

that Europe performs the final extraction of many products from

Concrete's and Resins shipped from other countries.

And he continued:

> The only vanilla abs I actually ever bought was a " plain vanilla "


> vanilla absolute (LNP)....Depending on ambient temperature it was


> like shoe polish or something like 90 weight gear oil that's cold...

Some Absolutes are always going to be more dense than others .. its

the nature or the beast. Two that come to mind are two of the

finest .. Vanilla and Cocoa.

> But part of that is the ecocert stuff and all of that...It can't be

> the grain alcohol...... Origin is Madagascar, also...

Correct .. on both counts. Though I am also not having any warm

fuzzies about Ecocert or any other Certifying organization .. this is

not salad we are eating .. I well understand the difference as I have

a butt kicking totally Organic veggie garden .. close to 6/10ths acre.

I and Tony Burfield and Watt and some other folks have written

many times about this Certified Organic deal .. one of the many posts

I wrote on this subject is entitled, " The Emperor's New Clothes. "

Got my point? ;-)

> W. Bourbonais

> L'Hermite Aromatique

> A.J.P. (GIA)

By the way .. we got more goodies from our garden than folks

could imagine .. but two things worth mentioning are .. one each 43

lb watermelon and one each 1 lb & 10 oz red mater. The process used

to produce them is .. in fact .. Organic .. and Proprietary. ;-)

Y'all keep smiling. :-)

Butch .. http://www.AV-AT.com

PS 1: Still working on confirming some Cocoa Absolute orders ..

meaning .. I haven't forgotten y'all.

PS 2: More later on my opinions regarding Dark Colored Glass for

Essential Oils.

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