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In a message dated 21/12/2006 11:37:01 GMT Standard Time, MandiRodwell writes:

12/20/2006 Dr Prociuk teleconferenceQ: Could early stage use of NCD cause fever blisters on the tongue?A: Eruptions on the skin, other mucous membranes, increase of body discharge can all increase as part of the initial detox. Cold sores, fever blisters – there can be a flare of those. The important thing is to keep going – it will decrease. You can apply liquid zeolites topically on those eruptions.Q: Started 3 times 3 drops, initially good, then crashed. Waited, started again with 1 stop. Stimming with tongue, black rings under eyes. Should we stick with it? This is a sensitive child (autism).A: If you're seeing progress on a minimal dose, keep going. You don't want to push this child beyond limits. When crashed, the child's detox was overwhelmed. The important thing is you waited, started lower, that's exactly what you should have done. Detox reactions are not harmful, they are readily reversible. I have yet to see a reaction in an autistic child in which the regression lasted any length of time (whereas with regular chelators, the child can regress and the regression can last months). Good to be cautious w/sensitive patients.Q: 65 year old woman, rhinitis, has had 5 operations to remove polyps. Used herbs, other therapies. But polyps have returned, she's experiencing difficulty breathing through her nose. Also has excema. Can you speak to rhinitis and nasal polyps?A: Liquid zeolites is not for any one specific medical condition. We don't advocate zeolites for any condition in particular. That said, zeolites is a superb detox agent, detoxes a wide variety of toxins. It has been useful in patients of mine with sinusitis. This case suggests the person is born with a constitution to be prone to polyps. Homeopathy might be helpful for this. Could this be viral in origin? More likely the rhinitis is fungal, and the polyps is an allergic condition. Be careful with aspirin. If you blocked up with topical use, then don't use the zeolites topically here. Stick to systemic use. Use doses in the neighborhood of 40-50 drops a day. You probably have a high toxic burden. It's impossible to say if the NCD would prevent the polyps from growing back if you have surgery. There is a chance they could recur, if you have a propensity, a predisposition. The decision to use surgery or steroids is up to you.Q: Is it best to take zeolites in water? A: You can take it in water, in food, in hot drinks, anything, and the efficacy is not changed.Q: Some practitioners are recommending to take vitamin C with zeolites.A: I can't think of why this would improve how zeolites works. This is not going to improve the ability of liquid zeolites to absorb toxic substances. It works independently.Q: A friend has estrogen-positive breast cancer. Had surgery. Can she use liquid zeolites with estrogen-positive cancer? Is it safe to take zeolites with Tamoxifen?A: Zeolite is not a treatment for cancer. But zeolite does work as a powerful detoxifier. It would be appropriate to use zeolites, doesn't matter if estrogen-positive or estrogen-negative. Rik Deitsch has spoken before on using zeolites with drugs. Zeolites has an affinity for positively charge molecules – most drugs are negatively charged. There should be no affinity to Tamoxifen.Q: Malignant brain tumor for 23 years. It grows and has to be clipped down. There is no diagnosis from the clipping. Can liquid zeolites help?A: Any abnormal growth in the body is very likely caused or maintained by toxic accumulation. Dr Sherry , after extensively researching environmental toxins, has said up to 95% of all conditions including cancer are the result of poor diet and toxic accumulation. The fact that it's malignant, I wouldn't be worried about rapid detox.Q: What about experiencing dizziness from liquid zeolites?A: That's probably from dehydration. Zeolite pulls water, you have to replace it and increase it in fact. Drink more water, see if the dizziness goes away.Q: What about skin rashes when taking liquid zeolites? I'm on maintenance levels of zeolites.A: That is a discharge, toxins being released through the skin. You can adjust the doses to even lower. Detox is occurring. You can also apply the zeolites directly to the eruption.Q: How do you get a child with autism that won't drink water to drink with the liquid zeolites?A: Tough question. Often they get thirstier with zeolites, so maybe they'll drink. But if you can't get them to drink, you might want to stay at low doses of zeolites, so the child doesn't dehydrate.Q: Ear growth, need surgery, risk hearing loss.A: Try topical application, put zeolites in the ear canal. Also, take zeolites orally. I wouldn't rush to surgery, try using the zeolites for a few weeks, a few drops in the ear canal plus take it orally up to 50 drops a day. Revisit the ear growth in a month, see if surgery is still recommended.Q: Having uterine cancer surgery the end of this month. How much zeolites?A: 80-100 drops a day = 15 drops 5x a day, with lots and lots of water. Even after the surgery, continue with the zeolites.Q: Kidney stones?A: I've heard of people having excellent results using zeolites with kidney stones.Q: If a child has a tendency for cold sores (herpes simplex), and you get cold symptoms when using NCD, does that mean we'll definitely get a flare up of cold sores if we start NCD and get cold symptoms?A: This could be a part of the initial detox, but continue to use zeolites. Also you can try applying the zeolites directly on the eruption. A few of my patients initially had a flare, but later on, either much-reduced flare or no more flares. Several people have reported that putting even 1 drop on the eruption completely aborts the attack. In one case, the cold sore disappeared in 45 minutes!Q: Lung cancer survivor. Uncertain things appeared on other lung. I began taking 20 drops 4x, now taking 30 drops 2x. I am drinking lots of water. I feel like I need potassium, so I take with tomato juice.A: I recommend spreading that out. It lasts 4-7 hours in the body. You want to keep it constant in the body. Zeolite does not deplete potassium. Your body may want potassium for other reasons. Growths in the lung or elsewhere are very commonly the result of toxins that accumulate in the body. They cause abnormal growth, that's well documented. Q: Can the drops be used directly in the eyes? Any caveats?A: Yes. Some patients report irritation. I had a compounding pharmacist up the ph to 7, and that reduced the irritation noticeably. I've had patients use for conjunctivitis, and they felt zeolites helped.Q: What kinds of applications are best for topical?A: Eczema, warts, psoriasis, fungal eruptions, any skin eruption can benefit from liquid zeolites. I've had a patient with shingles, and she applied topically and took orally, and felt zeolites speeded up the process. Other uses: ears (like ringing in the ear), eye. I know of one case where a lady prepared a douche with zeolites because of cancer, and that seemed to resolve the intra-vaginal cancer very quickly. A year later, that person is cancer-free. Also enemas, small volume, retain for 20 minutes. Take drops internally at the same time.Q: I'm aware of mold causing adverse problems. Can you speak to results people are getting from zeolites?A: The toxins that mold secretes into the body are very bad. Fatigue, joint aches and pains, mental fogginess, etc. caused by mold's toxins.In autistic children, chronic yeast is a big problem. Many treatments (supplements, chelators) aggravate the yeast in these kids. In using the zeolites, I have yet to see one child have a yeast flare while taking the zeolites to detoxify. That's a huge success story, at least in my practice. With traditional chelators you get into a constant yeast battle.Q: Are people experiencing healing crisis on zeolites?A: Yes, any detoxification can bring upon a healing crisis. The toxic burden, as it comes out of the tissues, can overwhelm the body's ability to excrete it, and cause uncomfortable reactions. They are not harmful, they are transient. Sensitive people will have this reaction with zeolites.Q: Son 3, autism, chelated 50 rounds, but still metal-toxic. Viral protocol 6 months ago. During protocol started having petit mal seizures (momentary lapse in consciousness).These eventually stopped. Two weeks ago, I started using liquid zeolites. My son had a seizure. I stopped all supps, seizures went on for a few days. Son also had large blisters on hand the day of the seizure. The blister didn't look like a burn blister, I believe it's related to the zeolites. Also, toes peeled. I'm eager to deal with the viral problems, but the seizures frighten me.A: This is a child that is virally effected, as well as heavy metal. The anti-viral protocol produced seizure(s). If it's seen again with the NCD, that's a detox reaction. These absence seizures are unsettling, but not dangerous. Along with the eruptions on hands and feet, this strongly suggests he's detoxing. There is no nice way to get these toxins out of these kids. You will see reactions at times that are upsetting. Sometimes this means you should lower the dose. But don't stop. Continue the zeolites. I suspect the seizures will not occur, it's likely to be a transient event, once the toxic burden drops they'll likely stop. Retracing can occur. If there was a prior history of seizures, going back through the layers is a strong indication you're headed in the right direction. Don't be frightened, discouraged. Continue cautiously. These kids have to be detoxified.Q: What about a child that gets aggressive due to copper/zinc imbalances, and vitamin C?A: Metallothionein production is off in these kids with copper/zinc imbalances, usually due to heavy metal toxicity. If this child gets violent with vitamin C, that suggests the child is very fragile, very sensitive. Any intervention, including zeolites, there's likely to be a strong reaction. Use very low doses, very cautiously. Again, I don't think you need to use vitamin C with zeolites, not sure where that advice came from. The vitamin C is not a good idea, if the child gets violent.

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[AutismNCD] notes from 8 oclock call with Dr Prociuk


21/12/2006 02:05:19 GMT Standard Time







Sent from the Internet (Details)

12/20/2006 Dr Prociuk teleconferenceQ: Could early stage use of NCD cause fever blisters on the tongue?A: Eruptions on the skin, other mucous membranes, increase of body discharge can all increase as part of the initial detox. Cold sores, fever blisters – there can be a flare of those. The important thing is to keep going – it will decrease. You can apply liquid zeolites topically on those eruptions.Q: Started 3 times 3 drops, initially good, then crashed. Waited, started again with 1 stop. Stimming with tongue, black rings under eyes. Should we stick with it? This is a sensitive child (autism).A: If you're seeing progress on a minimal dose, keep going. You don't want to push this child beyond limits. When crashed, the child's detox was overwhelmed. The important thing is you waited, started lower, that's exactly what you should have done. Detox reactions are not harmful, they are readily reversible. I have yet to see a reaction in an autistic child in which the regression lasted any length of time (whereas with regular chelators, the child can regress and the regression can last months). Good to be cautious w/sensitive patients.Q: 65 year old woman, rhinitis, has had 5 operations to remove polyps. Used herbs, other therapies. But polyps have returned, she's experiencing difficulty breathing through her nose. Also has excema. Can you speak to rhinitis and nasal polyps?A: Liquid zeolites is not for any one specific medical condition. We don't advocate zeolites for any condition in particular. That said, zeolites is a superb detox agent, detoxes a wide variety of toxins. It has been useful in patients of mine with sinusitis. This case suggests the person is born with a constitution to be prone to polyps. Homeopathy might be helpful for this. Could this be viral in origin? More likely the rhinitis is fungal, and the polyps is an allergic condition. Be careful with aspirin. If you blocked up with topical use, then don't use the zeolites topically here. Stick to systemic use. Use doses in the neighborhood of 40-50 drops a day. You probably have a high toxic burden. It's impossible to say if the NCD would prevent the polyps from growing back if you have surgery. There is a chance they could recur, if you have a propensity, a predisposition. The decision to use surgery or steroids is up to you.Q: Is it best to take zeolites in water? A: You can take it in water, in food, in hot drinks, anything, and the efficacy is not changed.Q: Some practitioners are recommending to take vitamin C with zeolites.A: I can't think of why this would improve how zeolites works. This is not going to improve the ability of liquid zeolites to absorb toxic substances. It works independently.Q: A friend has estrogen-positive breast cancer. Had surgery. Can she use liquid zeolites with estrogen-positive cancer? Is it safe to take zeolites with Tamoxifen?A: Zeolite is not a treatment for cancer. But zeolite does work as a powerful detoxifier. It would be appropriate to use zeolites, doesn't matter if estrogen-positive or estrogen-negative. Rik Deitsch has spoken before on using zeolites with drugs. Zeolites has an affinity for positively charge molecules – most drugs are negatively charged. There should be no affinity to Tamoxifen.Q: Malignant brain tumor for 23 years. It grows and has to be clipped down. There is no diagnosis from the clipping. Can liquid zeolites help?A: Any abnormal growth in the body is very likely caused or maintained by toxic accumulation. Dr Sherry , after extensively researching environmental toxins, has said up to 95% of all conditions including cancer are the result of poor diet and toxic accumulation. The fact that it's malignant, I wouldn't be worried about rapid detox.Q: What about experiencing dizziness from liquid zeolites?A: That's probably from dehydration. Zeolite pulls water, you have to replace it and increase it in fact. Drink more water, see if the dizziness goes away.Q: What about skin rashes when taking liquid zeolites? I'm on maintenance levels of zeolites.A: That is a discharge, toxins being released through the skin. You can adjust the doses to even lower. Detox is occurring. You can also apply the zeolites directly to the eruption.Q: How do you get a child with autism that won't drink water to drink with the liquid zeolites?A: Tough question. Often they get thirstier with zeolites, so maybe they'll drink. But if you can't get them to drink, you might want to stay at low doses of zeolites, so the child doesn't dehydrate.Q: Ear growth, need surgery, risk hearing loss.A: Try topical application, put zeolites in the ear canal. Also, take zeolites orally. I wouldn't rush to surgery, try using the zeolites for a few weeks, a few drops in the ear canal plus take it orally up to 50 drops a day. Revisit the ear growth in a month, see if surgery is still recommended.Q: Having uterine cancer surgery the end of this month. How much zeolites?A: 80-100 drops a day = 15 drops 5x a day, with lots and lots of water. Even after the surgery, continue with the zeolites.Q: Kidney stones?A: I've heard of people having excellent results using zeolites with kidney stones.Q: If a child has a tendency for cold sores (herpes simplex), and you get cold symptoms when using NCD, does that mean we'll definitely get a flare up of cold sores if we start NCD and get cold symptoms?A: This could be a part of the initial detox, but continue to use zeolites. Also you can try applying the zeolites directly on the eruption. A few of my patients initially had a flare, but later on, either much-reduced flare or no more flares. Several people have reported that putting even 1 drop on the eruption completely aborts the attack. In one case, the cold sore disappeared in 45 minutes!Q: Lung cancer survivor. Uncertain things appeared on other lung. I began taking 20 drops 4x, now taking 30 drops 2x. I am drinking lots of water. I feel like I need potassium, so I take with tomato juice.A: I recommend spreading that out. It lasts 4-7 hours in the body. You want to keep it constant in the body. Zeolite does not deplete potassium. Your body may want potassium for other reasons. Growths in the lung or elsewhere are very commonly the result of toxins that accumulate in the body. They cause abnormal growth, that's well documented. Q: Can the drops be used directly in the eyes? Any caveats?A: Yes. Some patients report irritation. I had a compounding pharmacist up the ph to 7, and that reduced the irritation noticeably. I've had patients use for conjunctivitis, and they felt zeolites helped.Q: What kinds of applications are best for topical?A: Eczema, warts, psoriasis, fungal eruptions, any skin eruption can benefit from liquid zeolites. I've had a patient with shingles, and she applied topically and took orally, and felt zeolites speeded up the process. Other uses: ears (like ringing in the ear), eye. I know of one case where a lady prepared a douche with zeolites because of cancer, and that seemed to resolve the intra-vaginal cancer very quickly. A year later, that person is cancer-free. Also enemas, small volume, retain for 20 minutes. Take drops internally at the same time.Q: I'm aware of mold causing adverse problems. Can you speak to results people are getting from zeolites?A: The toxins that mold secretes into the body are very bad. Fatigue, joint aches and pains, mental fogginess, etc. caused by mold's toxins.In autistic children, chronic yeast is a big problem. Many treatments (supplements, chelators) aggravate the yeast in these kids. In using the zeolites, I have yet to see one child have a yeast flare while taking the zeolites to detoxify. That's a huge success story, at least in my practice. With traditional chelators you get into a constant yeast battle.Q: Are people experiencing healing crisis on zeolites?A: Yes, any detoxification can bring upon a healing crisis. The toxic burden, as it comes out of the tissues, can overwhelm the body's ability to excrete it, and cause uncomfortable reactions. They are not harmful, they are transient. Sensitive people will have this reaction with zeolites.Q: Son 3, autism, chelated 50 rounds, but still metal-toxic. Viral protocol 6 months ago. During protocol started having petit mal seizures (momentary lapse in consciousness).These eventually stopped. Two weeks ago, I started using liquid zeolites. My son had a seizure. I stopped all supps, seizures went on for a few days. Son also had large blisters on hand the day of the seizure. The blister didn't look like a burn blister, I believe it's related to the zeolites. Also, toes peeled. I'm eager to deal with the viral problems, but the seizures frighten me.A: This is a child that is virally effected, as well as heavy metal. The anti-viral protocol produced seizure(s). If it's seen again with the NCD, that's a detox reaction. These absence seizures are unsettling, but not dangerous. Along with the eruptions on hands and feet, this strongly suggests he's detoxing. There is no nice way to get these toxins out of these kids. You will see reactions at times that are upsetting. Sometimes this means you should lower the dose. But don't stop. Continue the zeolites. I suspect the seizures will not occur, it's likely to be a transient event, once the toxic burden drops they'll likely stop. Retracing can occur. If there was a prior history of seizures, going back through the layers is a strong indication you're headed in the right direction. Don't be frightened, discouraged. Continue cautiously. These kids have to be detoxified.Q: What about a child that gets aggressive due to copper/zinc imbalances, and vitamin C?A: Metallothionein production is off in these kids with copper/zinc imbalances, usually due to heavy metal toxicity. If this child gets violent with vitamin C, that suggests the child is very fragile, very sensitive. Any intervention, including zeolites, there's likely to be a strong reaction. Use very low doses, very cautiously. Again, I don't think you need to use vitamin C with zeolites, not sure where that advice came from. The vitamin C is not a good idea, if the child gets violent.

12/20/2006 Dr Prociuk teleconferenceQ: Could early stage use of NCD cause fever blisters on the tongue?A: Eruptions on the skin, other mucous membranes, increase of body discharge can all increase as part of the initial detox. Cold sores, fever blisters – there can be a flare of those. The important thing is to keep going – it will decrease. You can apply liquid zeolites topically on those eruptions.Q: Started 3 times 3 drops, initially good, then crashed. Waited, started again with 1 stop. Stimming with tongue, black rings under eyes. Should we stick with it? This is a sensitive child (autism).A: If you're seeing progress on a minimal dose, keep going. You don't want to push this child beyond limits. When crashed, the child's detox was overwhelmed. The important thing is you waited, started lower, that's exactly what you should have done. Detox reactions are not harmful, they are readily reversible. I have yet to see a reaction in an autistic child in which the regression lasted any length of time (whereas with regular chelators, the child can regress and the regression can last months). Good to be cautious w/sensitive patients.Q: 65 year old woman, rhinitis, has had 5 operations to remove polyps. Used herbs, other therapies. But polyps have returned, she's experiencing difficulty breathing through her nose. Also has excema. Can you speak to rhinitis and nasal polyps?A: Liquid zeolites is not for any one specific medical condition. We don't advocate zeolites for any condition in particular. That said, zeolites is a superb detox agent, detoxes a wide variety of toxins. It has been useful in patients of mine with sinusitis. This case suggests the person is born with a constitution to be prone to polyps. Homeopathy might be helpful for this. Could this be viral in origin? More likely the rhinitis is fungal, and the polyps is an allergic condition. Be careful with aspirin. If you blocked up with topical use, then don't use the zeolites topically here. Stick to systemic use. Use doses in the neighborhood of 40-50 drops a day. You probably have a high toxic burden. It's impossible to say if the NCD would prevent the polyps from growing back if you have surgery. There is a chance they could recur, if you have a propensity, a predisposition. The decision to use surgery or steroids is up to you.Q: Is it best to take zeolites in water? A: You can take it in water, in food, in hot drinks, anything, and the efficacy is not changed.Q: Some practitioners are recommending to take vitamin C with zeolites.A: I can't think of why this would improve how zeolites works. This is not going to improve the ability of liquid zeolites to absorb toxic substances. It works independently.Q: A friend has estrogen-positive breast cancer. Had surgery. Can she use liquid zeolites with estrogen-positive cancer? Is it safe to take zeolites with Tamoxifen?A: Zeolite is not a treatment for cancer. But zeolite does work as a powerful detoxifier. It would be appropriate to use zeolites, doesn't matter if estrogen-positive or estrogen-negative. Rik Deitsch has spoken before on using zeolites with drugs. Zeolites has an affinity for positively charge molecules – most drugs are negatively charged. There should be no affinity to Tamoxifen.Q: Malignant brain tumor for 23 years. It grows and has to be clipped down. There is no diagnosis from the clipping. Can liquid zeolites help?A: Any abnormal growth in the body is very likely caused or maintained by toxic accumulation. Dr Sherry , after extensively researching environmental toxins, has said up to 95% of all conditions including cancer are the result of poor diet and toxic accumulation. The fact that it's malignant, I wouldn't be worried about rapid detox.Q: What about experiencing dizziness from liquid zeolites?A: That's probably from dehydration. Zeolite pulls water, you have to replace it and increase it in fact. Drink more water, see if the dizziness goes away.Q: What about skin rashes when taking liquid zeolites? I'm on maintenance levels of zeolites.A: That is a discharge, toxins being released through the skin. You can adjust the doses to even lower. Detox is occurring. You can also apply the zeolites directly to the eruption.Q: How do you get a child with autism that won't drink water to drink with the liquid zeolites?A: Tough question. Often they get thirstier with zeolites, so maybe they'll drink. But if you can't get them to drink, you might want to stay at low doses of zeolites, so the child doesn't dehydrate.Q: Ear growth, need surgery, risk hearing loss.A: Try topical application, put zeolites in the ear canal. Also, take zeolites orally. I wouldn't rush to surgery, try using the zeolites for a few weeks, a few drops in the ear canal plus take it orally up to 50 drops a day. Revisit the ear growth in a month, see if surgery is still recommended.Q: Having uterine cancer surgery the end of this month. How much zeolites?A: 80-100 drops a day = 15 drops 5x a day, with lots and lots of water. Even after the surgery, continue with the zeolites.Q: Kidney stones?A: I've heard of people having excellent results using zeolites with kidney stones.Q: If a child has a tendency for cold sores (herpes simplex), and you get cold symptoms when using NCD, does that mean we'll definitely get a flare up of cold sores if we start NCD and get cold symptoms?A: This could be a part of the initial detox, but continue to use zeolites. Also you can try applying the zeolites directly on the eruption. A few of my patients initially had a flare, but later on, either much-reduced flare or no more flares. Several people have reported that putting even 1 drop on the eruption completely aborts the attack. In one case, the cold sore disappeared in 45 minutes!Q: Lung cancer survivor. Uncertain things appeared on other lung. I began taking 20 drops 4x, now taking 30 drops 2x. I am drinking lots of water. I feel like I need potassium, so I take with tomato juice.A: I recommend spreading that out. It lasts 4-7 hours in the body. You want to keep it constant in the body. Zeolite does not deplete potassium. Your body may want potassium for other reasons. Growths in the lung or elsewhere are very commonly the result of toxins that accumulate in the body. They cause abnormal growth, that's well documented. Q: Can the drops be used directly in the eyes? Any caveats?A: Yes. Some patients report irritation. I had a compounding pharmacist up the ph to 7, and that reduced the irritation noticeably. I've had patients use for conjunctivitis, and they felt zeolites helped.Q: What kinds of applications are best for topical?A: Eczema, warts, psoriasis, fungal eruptions, any skin eruption can benefit from liquid zeolites. I've had a patient with shingles, and she applied topically and took orally, and felt zeolites speeded up the process. Other uses: ears (like ringing in the ear), eye. I know of one case where a lady prepared a douche with zeolites because of cancer, and that seemed to resolve the intra-vaginal cancer very quickly. A year later, that person is cancer-free. Also enemas, small volume, retain for 20 minutes. Take drops internally at the same time.Q: I'm aware of mold causing adverse problems. Can you speak to results people are getting from zeolites?A: The toxins that mold secretes into the body are very bad. Fatigue, joint aches and pains, mental fogginess, etc. caused by mold's toxins.In autistic children, chronic yeast is a big problem. Many treatments (supplements, chelators) aggravate the yeast in these kids. In using the zeolites, I have yet to see one child have a yeast flare while taking the zeolites to detoxify. That's a huge success story, at least in my practice. With traditional chelators you get into a constant yeast battle.Q: Are people experiencing healing crisis on zeolites?A: Yes, any detoxification can bring upon a healing crisis. The toxic burden, as it comes out of the tissues, can overwhelm the body's ability to excrete it, and cause uncomfortable reactions. They are not harmful, they are transient. Sensitive people will have this reaction with zeolites.Q: Son 3, autism, chelated 50 rounds, but still metal-toxic. Viral protocol 6 months ago. During protocol started having petit mal seizures (momentary lapse in consciousness).These eventually stopped. Two weeks ago, I started using liquid zeolites. My son had a seizure. I stopped all supps, seizures went on for a few days. Son also had large blisters on hand the day of the seizure. The blister didn't look like a burn blister, I believe it's related to the zeolites. Also, toes peeled. I'm eager to deal with the viral problems, but the seizures frighten me.A: This is a child that is virally effected, as well as heavy metal. The anti-viral protocol produced seizure(s). If it's seen again with the NCD, that's a detox reaction. These absence seizures are unsettling, but not dangerous. Along with the eruptions on hands and feet, this strongly suggests he's detoxing. There is no nice way to get these toxins out of these kids. You will see reactions at times that are upsetting. Sometimes this means you should lower the dose. But don't stop. Continue the zeolites. I suspect the seizures will not occur, it's likely to be a transient event, once the toxic burden drops they'll likely stop. Retracing can occur. If there was a prior history of seizures, going back through the layers is a strong indication you're headed in the right direction. Don't be frightened, discouraged. Continue cautiously. These kids have to be detoxified.Q: What about a child that gets aggressive due to copper/zinc imbalances, and vitamin C?A: Metallothionein production is off in these kids with copper/zinc imbalances, usually due to heavy metal toxicity. If this child gets violent with vitamin C, that suggests the child is very fragile, very sensitive. Any intervention, including zeolites, there's likely to be a strong reaction. Use very low doses, very cautiously. Again, I don't think you need to use vitamin C with zeolites, not sure where that advice came from. The vitamin C is not a good idea, if the child gets violent.

12/20/2006 Dr Prociuk teleconference

Q: Could early stage use of NCD cause fever blisters on the tongue?

A: Eruptions on the skin, other mucous membranes, increase of body

discharge can all increase as part of the initial detox. Cold sores,

fever blisters – there can be a flare of those. The important thing

is to keep going – it will decrease. You can apply liquid zeolites

topically on those eruptions.

Q: Started 3 times 3 drops, initially good, then crashed. Waited,

started again with 1 stop. Stimming with tongue, black rings under

eyes. Should we stick with it? This is a sensitive child (autism).

A: If you're seeing progress on a minimal dose, keep going. You

don't want to push this child beyond limits. When crashed, the

child's detox was overwhelmed. The important thing is you waited,

started lower, that's exactly what you should have done. Detox

reactions are not harmful, they are readily reversible. I have yet

to see a reaction in an autistic child in which the regression

lasted any length of time (whereas with regular chelators, the child

can regress and the regression can last months). Good to be cautious

w/sensitive patients.

Q: 65 year old woman, rhinitis, has had 5 operations to remove

polyps. Used herbs, other therapies. But polyps have returned, she's

experiencing difficulty breathing through her nose. Also has excema.

Can you speak to rhinitis and nasal polyps?

A: Liquid zeolites is not for any one specific medical condition. We

don't advocate zeolites for any condition in particular. That said,

zeolites is a superb detox agent, detoxes a wide variety of toxins.

It has been useful in patients of mine with sinusitis. This case

suggests the person is born with a constitution to be prone to

polyps. Homeopathy might be helpful for this. Could this be viral in

origin? More likely the rhinitis is fungal, and the polyps is an

allergic condition. Be careful with aspirin. If you blocked up with

topical use, then don't use the zeolites topically here. Stick to

systemic use. Use doses in the neighborhood of 40-50 drops a day.

You probably have a high toxic burden. It's impossible to say if the

NCD would prevent the polyps from growing back if you have surgery.

There is a chance they could recur, if you have a propensity, a

predisposition. The decision to use surgery or steroids is up to you.

Q: Is it best to take zeolites in water?

A: You can take it in water, in food, in hot drinks, anything, and

the efficacy is not changed.

Q: Some practitioners are recommending to take vitamin C with


A: I can't think of why this would improve how zeolites works. This

is not going to improve the ability of liquid zeolites to absorb

toxic substances. It works independently.

Q: A friend has estrogen-positive breast cancer. Had surgery. Can

she use liquid zeolites with estrogen-positive cancer? Is it safe to

take zeolites with Tamoxifen?

A: Zeolite is not a treatment for cancer. But zeolite does work as a

powerful detoxifier. It would be appropriate to use zeolites,

doesn't matter if estrogen-positive or estrogen-negative. Rik

Deitsch has spoken before on using zeolites with drugs. Zeolites has

an affinity for positively charge molecules – most drugs are

negatively charged. There should be no affinity to Tamoxifen.

Q: Malignant brain tumor for 23 years. It grows and has to be

clipped down. There is no diagnosis from the clipping. Can liquid

zeolites help?

A: Any abnormal growth in the body is very likely caused or

maintained by toxic accumulation. Dr Sherry , after

extensively researching environmental toxins, has said up to 95% of

all conditions including cancer are the result of poor diet and

toxic accumulation. The fact that it's malignant, I wouldn't be

worried about rapid detox.

Q: What about experiencing dizziness from liquid zeolites?

A: That's probably from dehydration. Zeolite pulls water, you have

to replace it and increase it in fact. Drink more water, see if the

dizziness goes away.

Q: What about skin rashes when taking liquid zeolites? I'm on

maintenance levels of zeolites.

A: That is a discharge, toxins being released through the skin. You

can adjust the doses to even lower. Detox is occurring. You can also

apply the zeolites directly to the eruption.

Q: How do you get a child with autism that won't drink water to

drink with the liquid zeolites?

A: Tough question. Often they get thirstier with zeolites, so maybe

they'll drink. But if you can't get them to drink, you might want to

stay at low doses of zeolites, so the child doesn't dehydrate.

Q: Ear growth, need surgery, risk hearing loss.

A: Try topical application, put zeolites in the ear canal. Also,

take zeolites orally. I wouldn't rush to surgery, try using the

zeolites for a few weeks, a few drops in the ear canal plus take it

orally up to 50 drops a day. Revisit the ear growth in a month, see

if surgery is still recommended.

Q: Having uterine cancer surgery the end of this month. How much


A: 80-100 drops a day = 15 drops 5x a day, with lots and lots of

water. Even after the surgery, continue with the zeolites.

Q: Kidney stones?

A: I've heard of people having excellent results using zeolites with

kidney stones.

Q: If a child has a tendency for cold sores (herpes simplex), and

you get cold symptoms when using NCD, does that mean we'll

definitely get a flare up of cold sores if we start NCD and get cold


A: This could be a part of the initial detox, but continue to use

zeolites. Also you can try applying the zeolites directly on the

eruption. A few of my patients initially had a flare, but later on,

either much-reduced flare or no more flares. Several people have

reported that putting even 1 drop on the eruption completely aborts

the attack. In one case, the cold sore disappeared in 45 minutes!

Q: Lung cancer survivor. Uncertain things appeared on other lung. I

began taking 20 drops 4x, now taking 30 drops 2x. I am drinking lots

of water. I feel like I need potassium, so I take with tomato juice.

A: I recommend spreading that out. It lasts 4-7 hours in the body.

You want to keep it constant in the body. Zeolite does not deplete

potassium. Your body may want potassium for other reasons. Growths

in the lung or elsewhere are very commonly the result of toxins that

accumulate in the body. They cause abnormal growth, that's well


Q: Can the drops be used directly in the eyes? Any caveats?

A: Yes. Some patients report irritation. I had a compounding

pharmacist up the ph to 7, and that reduced the irritation

noticeably. I've had patients use for conjunctivitis, and they felt

zeolites helped.

Q: What kinds of applications are best for topical?

A: Eczema, warts, psoriasis, fungal eruptions, any skin eruption can

benefit from liquid zeolites. I've had a patient with shingles, and

she applied topically and took orally, and felt zeolites speeded up

the process. Other uses: ears (like ringing in the ear), eye. I know

of one case where a lady prepared a douche with zeolites because of

cancer, and that seemed to resolve the intra-vaginal cancer very

quickly. A year later, that person is cancer-free. Also enemas,

small volume, retain for 20 minutes. Take drops internally at the

same time.

Q: I'm aware of mold causing adverse problems. Can you speak to

results people are getting from zeolites?

A: The toxins that mold secretes into the body are very bad.

Fatigue, joint aches and pains, mental fogginess, etc. caused by

mold's toxins.

In autistic children, chronic yeast is a big problem. Many

treatments (supplements, chelators) aggravate the yeast in these

kids. In using the zeolites, I have yet to see one child have a

yeast flare while taking the zeolites to detoxify. That's a huge

success story, at least in my practice. With traditional chelators

you get into a constant yeast battle.

Q: Are people experiencing healing crisis on zeolites?

A: Yes, any detoxification can bring upon a healing crisis. The

toxic burden, as it comes out of the tissues, can overwhelm the

body's ability to excrete it, and cause uncomfortable reactions.

They are not harmful, they are transient. Sensitive people will have

this reaction with zeolites.

Q: Son 3, autism, chelated 50 rounds, but still metal-toxic. Viral

protocol 6 months ago. During protocol started having petit mal

seizures (momentary lapse in consciousness).

These eventually stopped. Two weeks ago, I started using liquid

zeolites. My son had a seizure. I stopped all supps, seizures went

on for a few days. Son also had large blisters on hand the day of

the seizure. The blister didn't look like a burn blister, I believe

it's related to the zeolites. Also, toes peeled. I'm eager to deal

with the viral problems, but the seizures frighten me.

A: This is a child that is virally effected, as well as heavy metal.

The anti-viral protocol produced seizure(s). If it's seen again with

the NCD, that's a detox reaction. These absence seizures are

unsettling, but not dangerous. Along with the eruptions on hands and

feet, this strongly suggests he's detoxing. There is no nice way to

get these toxins out of these kids. You will see reactions at times

that are upsetting. Sometimes this means you should lower the dose.

But don't stop. Continue the zeolites. I suspect the seizures will

not occur, it's likely to be a transient event, once the toxic

burden drops they'll likely stop. Retracing can occur. If there was

a prior history of seizures, going back through the layers is a

strong indication you're headed in the right direction. Don't be

frightened, discouraged. Continue cautiously. These kids have to be


Q: What about a child that gets aggressive due to copper/zinc

imbalances, and vitamin C?

A: Metallothionein production is off in these kids with copper/zinc

imbalances, usually due to heavy metal toxicity. If this child gets

violent with vitamin C, that suggests the child is very fragile,

very sensitive. Any intervention, including zeolites, there's likely

to be a strong reaction. Use very low doses, very cautiously. Again,

I don't think you need to use vitamin C with zeolites, not sure

where that advice came from. The vitamin C is not a good idea, if

the child gets violent.

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