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Re: TOTD 120508: custom for whom?

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Funny you should should say that Adam as that is exactly what I've been trying

to do since my daughter died. I am trying to create a scent that captures her

personality and once done, it will be a one time release at first  but it is to

raise funds for the ARDS foundaition. The syndrome that took her life last year

at 24 and her baby five days before.


I've made a list of things she enjoyed and I recall these

scents...........sandalwood, neroli, Amber resin, tuberose, as a starter. I then

have a list of places.......Paris, where she saw high mass at Notre Dame,

Barcelona, she was an artist, a true artisan very comfortable with any material

she had to work with be it fabric, beadword, quill work, wood, metal, wax,

painting, sketching, graphics.....so much to list so at this juncture so  I'm

listing random things, places, personality etc so i can get more of an idea to

find a scent that will also be happy. Kasey had a natural soft sweet scent from

infancy on. I smelled her skin in the hospital and at 24 it was still

there......so I have to find something to emulate her natural scent as well. She

had an infectious laugh so the scent I want to call 'Kasey's Laughter' and do

one version for men and one for women...her energy lingered after she'd left the



If anybody is interested in this random 'free thought' process.......go to

everlastingmemories.com and type in Hadlock, there is a gallery and just take a

first impression and write it down. you might have to go the Oklahoma site.

There is btw a song about my daughter that we were so privileged to see recorded



 With a 50-70 % mortality rate, I have to wonder how many people have died and

it was ARDS and missed by a doctor not familiar with it.


that went off topic but yes, there is and its very important to me.







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> Funny you should should say that Adam as that is exactly what I've

been trying to do since my daughter died. I am trying to create a

scent that captures her personality and once done, it will be a one

time release at first  but it is to raise funds for the ARDS

foundaition. The syndrome that took her life last year at 24 and her

baby five days before.

Evie, that was so moving - thank you for sharing something so close to

your heart with us. It is amazing to think that you are using natural

perfumery to make some sense of your tragedy.

> Kasey had a natural soft sweet scent from infancy on. I smelled her

skin in the hospital and at 24 it was still there......so I have to

find something to emulate her natural scent as well.

I know exactly what you mean. My baby boy, who is fast growing up at

17 months now, still has a gorgeous natural scent, sort of milky and

lightly musky... maybe slightly ketonic/lactonic? near his breath.

Pink grapefruit and tangerine are happy, child-like, 'laughter' scents

for me, and would go well with your neroli idea.


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I would (and will) make something for my mother (who is still with

us). She has always been the strongest woman I know. And the most

elegant. So bright any room she's in is lighter because of her

presence. Kind and generous (to a fault) but also tough as nails.

The brew will need to be somewhat " in your face " so I might try to

see if I can ride somehow on the boldness of patchouli/rose but

without giving either one away. It should be essentially floral and

also attention grabbing. Memorable but untraceable, vital but

inexplicable, ethereal but undeniable.

I can hear you saying, " Good luck with that.... "

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> If you could make a perfume for one special person, a perfume that

> she or he would adore and use regularly, who would it be for and


> would it contain?

The special people in my life all have their signature scents which I

happen to like and associate with them:

Husband: Pour Un Homme de Caron

Mother: Chamade

Father: Habit Rouge

Mother in Law: Ombre Rose

I would like to make a perfume for each of these special people that

would exchange what they use for naturals. Especially for my mother.

Chamade is soft and elegant and evokes the colors that suit her best:

muted greens and khaki. I would love to create something with the 15%

irones orris butter that Eden carries. I'm going to have to ponder

this. Great question!


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>If you could make a perfume for one special person, a perfume that

>she or he would adore and use regularly, who would it be for and what

>would it contain?

Today I went to the funeral of a dear friend, who died of breast cancer

metastasis to the brain and spinal cord. She was 38 year old, and mom to a 9

year old boy and a 7 year old girl. I already made her a perfume nearly two

years ago. Now I was thinking to modify it, and give it to her other close

friends and her children who miss her dearly. In this way they can remember

her, and hopefully find comfort in it.



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That is a perfect idea.  In my house we are very sentimental. Things others

might thing unimportant mean the world to us in memories. When my girls were

little I had to go to a funeral and it outdoors in Feb and brutally cold so I

left them with a friend. I also left them with two nite gowns they would

recognize and had 'mommy's smell ' on it and she said when it came time for bed,

the moment she gave them those night gowns, they snuggled up with them and went

to sleep with them next to their tiny noses.


You have a scent you made for your friend. You could even do a pendant with some

scent inside and sealed, in our home we make small medicine bags. In mine I have

a lock of my daughters hair, some amber and things that are private. All of my

daughters have one and it links them to their sister and they remember so many

good times as we scented the leather and the herbs inside that are reminscent of

their sister and I think this is the most beautiful way for you to honor your

friend and give her family something tangible to hold on to and just to smell

her once in a while because they need to.


That is a marvelous idea and such a loving thing for you to do. In fact you

could also do sachets, some of the terra cotta stones with that scent.....so

that in each area they feel her with them...... I have my dads shirt and when I

need to visit with him I drag out that old flannel shirt he wore for years and

even after washing it has his smell on it and it brings me such comfort.


What a loving thing to do. What a loving person you are. That is just beautiful,

truly, a most beautiful act of love and compassion and for children of that

age...it ensures that mom won't fade.....scent always tends to recall



Bless you.



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If you could make a perfume for one special person, a perfume that

> she or he would adore and use regularly, who would it be for and

> what would it contain?

Definitely in remembrance of my special and loving mom who passed

away two years ago after 20 years of parkinson ever since my dad

passed away, I was still very yound in my teens when she had this

disease which we never understood very well why she got it.

It was because of my mom that I started having interest in EOs,

flowers and everything that I could get hold to make her happy. I

used to create massage oils and perfumes of oils that I thought would

help her to be happy and get better...everyday I would buy roses of

all colors and fill her room and every place in the house with them.

So the perfume that I would blend:

- Roses

- Orris

- tuberose

- labdanum

- (?) * animal scent (still havent tried them!!! but is in my wish

list alreay)


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I just released the one I made for my Mom.

I infused the blossoms (hand picked and dried from my own organically grown

trees) of wild plum/magnolia/peach for months.

I strained and bottled that oil.

Then I infused dried peach skins, apricot skins and dried mango and strained and

bottled that oil.

I combined some of each and added other things too.

I can't remember offhand what else I used, but she loves it and was so happy to

have it.

You see, she has cancer again and it is almost everywhere.

I have been weaning her off of store-bought chemical soup products for the last

few years and after her diagnosis - I INSISTED she switch.


To read more - see my Squidoo page about all natural perfume below.

Organically Yours,


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Hi Evie,

Thanks for your message.

>could even do a pendant with some scent inside and sealed, in our home we

make small medicine bags.

>some of the terra cotta stones with that scent.....so that in each area

they feel her with them

Great ideas! I will probably do that. A perfume-jewel would be great for the

girl, and maybe a sachet for the boy or a stone.



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