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Re: TOTD 121208: what essence is you?

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> What aromatic material do you think characterizes you, or what

> aromatic material would you be if you were an aromatic material? This

> of course might not be a material at all, for ex, the winter wind.


Ocean scent, or the scent of a windy winter day at the seaside. Or also

the essences of Mediterranean Flora (Cistus, Rosemary, Helichrisum and

so on), always mixed with the smell of the sea.

Sea water before all.

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> What aromatic material do you think characterizes you, or what

> aromatic material would you be if you were an aromatic material?


> of course might not be a material at all, for ex, the winter wind.


Hi all,

Although I live on the vast open prairies of North Dakota now, my

heart remains in the coniferous forests of Northern Minnesota.

The essences that characterize me, then, would be the fir, pine and

spruce absolutes, fir cone absolute, oakmoss eo, violet eo, and orange

flower absolute (because it smells so much like the ubiquitous mock

orange bushes that blossom late every spring).


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Adam Gottschalk wrote:

> What aromatic material do you think characterizes you, or what

> aromatic material would you be if you were an aromatic material? This

> of course might not be a material at all, for ex, the winter wind.


Hi Adam, Folks......

Jasmine grandiflorum absolute.......

Grounded with a good sandalwood, if another essence is allowed...

The J. grandi and J. sambac absolute are the only florals, to me, that

are male.....

And of the two, my preference to be would be the J. grandi....


W. Bourbonais

L'Hermite Aromatique

A.J.P. (GIA)

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> > What aromatic material do you think characterizes you, or what

> > aromatic material would you be if you were an aromatic material?


> > of course might not be a material at all, for ex, the winter wind.

Wild roses by Lake Superior. Rae Lynn

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> What aromatic material do you think characterizes you, or what

> aromatic material would you be if you were an aromatic material? This

> of course might not be a material at all, for ex, the winter wind.


Nice thought...I would more characterize my aromatic scent as a

collective scent: The scent of the High Plains at mid-summer to

include the aromatic Sagebrush (Artemsia tridentata), Pinyon and

Juniper conifers, the crisp indescribable scent of the High Sierra

peaks as they blow down on the plains, the sweet honey-like scent of

Mountain Mohogany and Ceonothus and last but hardly least, the rich,

earthy dust of the zephyr. Perfume of the soul to me.


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Ron thats hard to beat right there.....I take see those scents and raise you

sweetgrass, frank and murray and amber......and lavender when its burning......I

dont like lavender eo but I do like to burn it.


heliotrope sounds intriquing to me.....I had a reading once and a song had been

just stuck in my head, Moody Blues, Days of Future Passed, song 'Dawn' and the

orator saids 'Brave Helios wake up your steeds and bring the warmth the country

side needs'......and this lady said 'does something like heliotrope sound

familiar? something sweet? and my daughter had called me in the middle of the

nite a day before and said 'mom, I had a dream about you and we found the back

door to your mind and it was a great storm, thunder and lightening and we were

on a mountain and we went behind a water fall and there it was, the door, as

soon as we opened it suddenly we were in a round room carved into the mountain

and you and a circle of ladies of different clans were doing ceremony and you

painted the face of the lady next to you then she did the same and passed a bowl

of thick red paint and when it came back to you, you painted my cheeks on both

sides and gave me the

bowl, and we were cleansed by eucalyptus and we left this room in your mind and

came out and the storm was gone, the sea was calm and sweet grass was heavily in

the air'......apparently heliotrope has a vanillin property........now THAT gave

me goosebumps!



and no I'm not nuts.

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> Ron thats hard to beat right there.....I take see those scents and

raise you sweetgrass, frank and murray and amber......and lavender

when its burning......I dont like lavender eo but I do like to burn it.



We must be kindred spirits of a type!

What an interesting dream you describe! I do wonder at the symbology

and the like of it. Scents recalled in " dream-time " are indeed special!


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Me, and my kides dream with  all senses and technicolor to boot....Hubby thinks

its the oddest thing but I was raised that way, old irish omens i guess.


I know aromatherapy works just as certain songs you hear when you are

older.....suddenly you are in your friends car grooving and looking cool......


I have an ability to assess my surroundings quickly and I have an accute sense

of smell, hearing, taste and touch...and if I get one of those 'feelings' thats

my cue to leave and that has literally saved my life.


My kids can pin point an age with scent. They grew up with scent, music and art

and were simply better at it because they didn't have the 'fear factor' I

had....I swore if I had girls they'd be strong and they are. But the youngest

phoned home and it had been awhile since she smelled sage and sweetgrass and the

things she was recalling was impressive.


i taught them to pay attention to sound, smell , feel, and to pay attention to

dreams. So they didn't know different.


Eucalyptus to my eldest means healing. Actually to all of them and Sage and

sweetgrass spirit and the drum and singers and of course their personal scents

they chose to enhance themselves which they did very well at creating.


I could tell my kids blindfolded by smell. I still can.


This ability however does not go in my favor at a crowded walmart.....too much

scent and energy....so after midnite and a quick run at that and I can do it.


Somebody at my docs office today had the entire lobby filled up with whatever

the heck they had on. My doc loves that when I come in I have on a personal

blend and its mild.....he asked 'hey, on the way out can you tell her that her

perfume is burning your eyes?' and it was . They began swell and turn red.

Natural perfumes I can do....but the Liz stuff and Lauder........no can

do.....last time i wore a purchased Scent was one drop of Dior's Poison and

before that , high school, SKINNY DIP.....but I made my own with oils and i had

access to places like Colorado Springs and Manitou where you could find real

oils, that was the thing of the late 60's and early 70's . I do miss strawberry

incense and black light posters tho LOL!


My essences will always be earthy. I do like the low tones with a soft edge and

a slow release....patchouli I can go wild with and create scents where most

people will say 'huh uh, there isn't any patch in this' .....heh heh.......yep,

sure is.


I just did some frank and myrrh with artisans (and my mortar and pestle, dang I

love that thing) and it smells nice.  Now what to do with it.


Myrrh is good for mouth infections too......i'm like things that are

multifaceted. I think because I am..the scents I use the most are also

beneficial......(and economical ).


Yep, this Virgo votes earth.

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